- Git git = Git.open(db.getDirectory(), executableFs);
String path = "a.txt";
String path2 = "a.sh";
writeTrashFile(path, "content");
writeTrashFile(path2, "binary: content");
- git.add().addFilepattern(path).addFilepattern(path2).call();
- RevCommit commit1 = git.commit().setMessage("commit").call();
- try (TreeWalk walk = new TreeWalk(db)) {
- walk.addTree(commit1.getTree());
- walk.next();
- assertEquals(path2, walk.getPathString());
- assertEquals(FileMode.EXECUTABLE_FILE, walk.getFileMode(0));
- walk.next();
- assertEquals(path, walk.getPathString());
- assertEquals(FileMode.REGULAR_FILE, walk.getFileMode(0));
+ try (Git git = Git.open(db.getDirectory(), executableFs)) {
+ git.add().addFilepattern(path).addFilepattern(path2).call();
+ RevCommit commit1 = git.commit().setMessage("commit").call();
+ try (TreeWalk walk = new TreeWalk(db)) {
+ walk.addTree(commit1.getTree());
+ walk.next();
+ assertEquals(path2, walk.getPathString());
+ assertEquals(FileMode.EXECUTABLE_FILE, walk.getFileMode(0));
+ walk.next();
+ assertEquals(path, walk.getPathString());
+ assertEquals(FileMode.REGULAR_FILE, walk.getFileMode(0));
+ }
config = db.getConfig();
config.setBoolean(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_CORE_SECTION, null,
ConfigConstants.CONFIG_KEY_FILEMODE, false);
- Git git2 = Git.open(db.getDirectory(), executableFs);
writeTrashFile(path2, "content2");
writeTrashFile(path, "binary: content2");
- git2.add().addFilepattern(path).addFilepattern(path2).call();
- RevCommit commit2 = git2.commit().setMessage("commit2").call();
- try (TreeWalk walk = new TreeWalk(db)) {
- walk.addTree(commit2.getTree());
- walk.next();
- assertEquals(path2, walk.getPathString());
- assertEquals(FileMode.EXECUTABLE_FILE, walk.getFileMode(0));
- walk.next();
- assertEquals(path, walk.getPathString());
- assertEquals(FileMode.REGULAR_FILE, walk.getFileMode(0));
+ try (Git git2 = Git.open(db.getDirectory(), executableFs)) {
+ git2.add().addFilepattern(path).addFilepattern(path2).call();
+ RevCommit commit2 = git2.commit().setMessage("commit2").call();
+ try (TreeWalk walk = new TreeWalk(db)) {
+ walk.addTree(commit2.getTree());
+ walk.next();
+ assertEquals(path2, walk.getPathString());
+ assertEquals(FileMode.EXECUTABLE_FILE, walk.getFileMode(0));
+ walk.next();
+ assertEquals(path, walk.getPathString());
+ assertEquals(FileMode.REGULAR_FILE, walk.getFileMode(0));
+ }
FileRepositoryBuilder nestedBuilder = new FileRepositoryBuilder();
- Repository nestedRepo = nestedBuilder.build();
- nestedRepo.create();
+ try (Repository nestedRepo = nestedBuilder.build()) {
+ nestedRepo.create();
- writeTrashFile(path, "README1.md", "content");
- writeTrashFile(path, "README2.md", "content");
+ writeTrashFile(path, "README1.md", "content");
+ writeTrashFile(path, "README2.md", "content");
- // Commit these changes in the subrepo
- try (Git git = new Git(nestedRepo)) {
- git.add().addFilepattern(".").call();
- git.commit().setMessage("subrepo commit").call();
- } catch (GitAPIException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ // Commit these changes in the subrepo
+ try (Git git = new Git(nestedRepo)) {
+ git.add().addFilepattern(".").call();
+ git.commit().setMessage("subrepo commit").call();
+ } catch (GitAPIException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
public void testDeltaStatistics() throws Exception {
+ // TestRepository will close repo
FileRepository repo = createBareRepository();
ArrayList<RevObject> blobs = new ArrayList<>();
try (TestRepository<FileRepository> testRepo = new TestRepository<>(
repo)) {
- }
- try (PackWriter pw = new PackWriter(repo)) {
- NullProgressMonitor m = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE;
- pw.preparePack(blobs.iterator());
- pw.writePack(m, m, os);
- PackStatistics stats = pw.getStatistics();
- assertEquals(1, stats.getTotalDeltas());
- assertTrue("Delta bytes not set.",
- stats.byObjectType(OBJ_BLOB).getDeltaBytes() > 0);
+ try (PackWriter pw = new PackWriter(repo)) {
+ NullProgressMonitor m = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE;
+ pw.preparePack(blobs.iterator());
+ pw.writePack(m, m, os);
+ PackStatistics stats = pw.getStatistics();
+ assertEquals(1, stats.getTotalDeltas());
+ assertTrue("Delta bytes not set.",
+ stats.byObjectType(OBJ_BLOB).getDeltaBytes() > 0);
+ }
public void testExclude() throws Exception {
+ // TestRepository closes repo
FileRepository repo = createBareRepository();
try (TestRepository<FileRepository> testRepo = new TestRepository<>(
public void testShallowIsMinimalDepth1() throws Exception {
- FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch();
- PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c2), NONE, NONE);
- assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c2.getId(), c2.getTree().getId(),
- contentA.getId(), contentB.getId()));
- // Client already has blobs A and B, verify those are not packed.
- idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c5), haves(c2), shallows(c2));
- assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c5.getId(), c5.getTree().getId(),
- contentC.getId(), contentD.getId(), contentE.getId()));
+ try (FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch()) {
+ PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c2), NONE, NONE);
+ assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c2.getId(), c2.getTree().getId(),
+ contentA.getId(), contentB.getId()));
+ // Client already has blobs A and B, verify those are not packed.
+ idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c5), haves(c2), shallows(c2));
+ assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c5.getId(), c5.getTree().getId(),
+ contentC.getId(), contentD.getId(), contentE.getId()));
+ }
public void testShallowIsMinimalDepth2() throws Exception {
- FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch();
- PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 2, wants(c2), NONE, NONE);
- assertContent(idx,
- Arrays.asList(c1.getId(), c2.getId(), c1.getTree().getId(),
- c2.getTree().getId(), contentA.getId(),
- contentB.getId()));
- // Client already has blobs A and B, verify those are not packed.
- idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 2, wants(c5), haves(c1, c2), shallows(c1));
- assertContent(idx,
- Arrays.asList(c4.getId(), c5.getId(), c4.getTree().getId(),
- c5.getTree().getId(), contentC.getId(),
- contentD.getId(), contentE.getId()));
+ try (FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch()) {
+ PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 2, wants(c2), NONE, NONE);
+ assertContent(idx,
+ Arrays.asList(c1.getId(), c2.getId(), c1.getTree().getId(),
+ c2.getTree().getId(), contentA.getId(),
+ contentB.getId()));
+ // Client already has blobs A and B, verify those are not packed.
+ idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 2, wants(c5), haves(c1, c2),
+ shallows(c1));
+ assertContent(idx,
+ Arrays.asList(c4.getId(), c5.getId(), c4.getTree().getId(),
+ c5.getTree().getId(), contentC.getId(),
+ contentD.getId(), contentE.getId()));
+ }
public void testShallowFetchShallowParentDepth1() throws Exception {
- FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch();
- PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c5), NONE, NONE);
- assertContent(idx,
- Arrays.asList(c5.getId(), c5.getTree().getId(),
- contentA.getId(), contentB.getId(), contentC.getId(),
- contentD.getId(), contentE.getId()));
- idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c4), haves(c5), shallows(c5));
- assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c4.getId(), c4.getTree().getId()));
+ try (FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch()) {
+ PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c5), NONE, NONE);
+ assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c5.getId(), c5.getTree().getId(),
+ contentA.getId(), contentB.getId(), contentC.getId(),
+ contentD.getId(), contentE.getId()));
+ idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c4), haves(c5), shallows(c5));
+ assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c4.getId(), c4.getTree().getId()));
+ }
public void testShallowFetchShallowParentDepth2() throws Exception {
- FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch();
- PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 2, wants(c5), NONE, NONE);
- assertContent(idx,
- Arrays.asList(c4.getId(), c5.getId(), c4.getTree().getId(),
- c5.getTree().getId(), contentA.getId(),
- contentB.getId(), contentC.getId(), contentD.getId(),
- contentE.getId()));
- idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 2, wants(c3), haves(c4, c5), shallows(c4));
- assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c2.getId(), c3.getId(),
- c2.getTree().getId(), c3.getTree().getId()));
+ try (FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch()) {
+ PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 2, wants(c5), NONE, NONE);
+ assertContent(idx,
+ Arrays.asList(c4.getId(), c5.getId(), c4.getTree().getId(),
+ c5.getTree().getId(), contentA.getId(),
+ contentB.getId(), contentC.getId(),
+ contentD.getId(), contentE.getId()));
+ idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 2, wants(c3), haves(c4, c5),
+ shallows(c4));
+ assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c2.getId(), c3.getId(),
+ c2.getTree().getId(), c3.getTree().getId()));
+ }
public void testShallowFetchShallowAncestorDepth1() throws Exception {
- FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch();
- PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c5), NONE, NONE);
- assertContent(idx,
- Arrays.asList(c5.getId(), c5.getTree().getId(),
- contentA.getId(), contentB.getId(), contentC.getId(),
- contentD.getId(), contentE.getId()));
- idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c3), haves(c5), shallows(c5));
- assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c3.getId(), c3.getTree().getId()));
+ try (FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch()) {
+ PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c5), NONE, NONE);
+ assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c5.getId(), c5.getTree().getId(),
+ contentA.getId(), contentB.getId(), contentC.getId(),
+ contentD.getId(), contentE.getId()));
+ idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 1, wants(c3), haves(c5), shallows(c5));
+ assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c3.getId(), c3.getTree().getId()));
+ }
public void testShallowFetchShallowAncestorDepth2() throws Exception {
- FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch();
- PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 2, wants(c5), NONE, NONE);
- assertContent(idx,
- Arrays.asList(c4.getId(), c5.getId(), c4.getTree().getId(),
- c5.getTree().getId(), contentA.getId(),
- contentB.getId(), contentC.getId(), contentD.getId(),
- contentE.getId()));
- idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 2, wants(c2), haves(c4, c5), shallows(c4));
- assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c1.getId(), c2.getId(),
- c1.getTree().getId(), c2.getTree().getId()));
+ try (FileRepository repo = setupRepoForShallowFetch()) {
+ PackIndex idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 2, wants(c5), NONE, NONE);
+ assertContent(idx,
+ Arrays.asList(c4.getId(), c5.getId(), c4.getTree().getId(),
+ c5.getTree().getId(), contentA.getId(),
+ contentB.getId(), contentC.getId(),
+ contentD.getId(), contentE.getId()));
+ idx = writeShallowPack(repo, 2, wants(c2), haves(c4, c5),
+ shallows(c4));
+ assertContent(idx, Arrays.asList(c1.getId(), c2.getId(),
+ c1.getTree().getId(), c2.getTree().getId()));
+ }
private FileRepository setupRepoForShallowFetch() throws Exception {
FileRepository repo = createBareRepository();
+ // TestRepository will close the repo, but we need to return an open
+ // one!
+ repo.incrementOpen();
try (TestRepository<Repository> r = new TestRepository<>(repo)) {
BranchBuilder bb = r.branch("refs/heads/master");
contentA = r.blob("A");
File theDir = new File(repo1Parent, Constants.DOT_GIT);
- FileRepository r = (FileRepository) new FileRepositoryBuilder()
- .setGitDir(theDir).build();
- assertEqualsPath(theDir, r.getDirectory());
- assertEqualsPath(repo1Parent, r.getWorkTree());
- assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, "index"), r.getIndexFile());
- assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, Constants.OBJECTS), r.getObjectDatabase()
- .getDirectory());
+ try (FileRepository r = (FileRepository) new FileRepositoryBuilder()
+ .setGitDir(theDir).build()) {
+ assertEqualsPath(theDir, r.getDirectory());
+ assertEqualsPath(repo1Parent, r.getWorkTree());
+ assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, "index"), r.getIndexFile());
+ assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, Constants.OBJECTS),
+ r.getObjectDatabase().getDirectory());
+ }
File theDir = new File(repo1Parent, Constants.DOT_GIT);
- FileRepository r = (FileRepository) new FileRepositoryBuilder()
+ try (FileRepository r = (FileRepository) new FileRepositoryBuilder()
- .build();
- assertEqualsPath(theDir, r.getDirectory());
- assertEqualsPath(repo1Parent.getParentFile(), r.getWorkTree());
- assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, "index"), r.getIndexFile());
- assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, Constants.OBJECTS), r.getObjectDatabase()
- .getDirectory());
+ .build()) {
+ assertEqualsPath(theDir, r.getDirectory());
+ assertEqualsPath(repo1Parent.getParentFile(), r.getWorkTree());
+ assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, "index"), r.getIndexFile());
+ assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, Constants.OBJECTS),
+ r.getObjectDatabase().getDirectory());
+ }
File theDir = new File(repo1Parent, Constants.DOT_GIT);
- FileRepository r = (FileRepository) new FileRepositoryBuilder()
- .setWorkTree(repo1Parent).build();
- assertEqualsPath(theDir, r.getDirectory());
- assertEqualsPath(repo1Parent, r.getWorkTree());
- assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, "index"), r.getIndexFile());
- assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, Constants.OBJECTS), r.getObjectDatabase()
- .getDirectory());
+ try (FileRepository r = (FileRepository) new FileRepositoryBuilder()
+ .setWorkTree(repo1Parent).build()) {
+ assertEqualsPath(theDir, r.getDirectory());
+ assertEqualsPath(repo1Parent, r.getWorkTree());
+ assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, "index"), r.getIndexFile());
+ assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, Constants.OBJECTS),
+ r.getObjectDatabase().getDirectory());
+ }
File theDir = new File(repo1Parent, Constants.DOT_GIT);
- FileRepository r = (FileRepository) new FileRepositoryBuilder()
- .setGitDir(theDir).build();
- assertEqualsPath(theDir, r.getDirectory());
- assertEqualsPath(workdir, r.getWorkTree());
- assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, "index"), r.getIndexFile());
- assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, Constants.OBJECTS), r.getObjectDatabase()
- .getDirectory());
+ try (FileRepository r = (FileRepository) new FileRepositoryBuilder()
+ .setGitDir(theDir).build()) {
+ assertEqualsPath(theDir, r.getDirectory());
+ assertEqualsPath(workdir, r.getWorkTree());
+ assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, "index"), r.getIndexFile());
+ assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, Constants.OBJECTS),
+ r.getObjectDatabase().getDirectory());
+ }
File theDir = new File(repo1Parent, Constants.DOT_GIT);
- FileRepository r = (FileRepository) new FileRepositoryBuilder()
- .setGitDir(theDir).build();
- assertEqualsPath(theDir, r.getDirectory());
- assertEqualsPath(workdir, r.getWorkTree());
- assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, "index"), r.getIndexFile());
- assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, Constants.OBJECTS), r.getObjectDatabase()
- .getDirectory());
+ try (FileRepository r = (FileRepository) new FileRepositoryBuilder()
+ .setGitDir(theDir).build()) {
+ assertEqualsPath(theDir, r.getDirectory());
+ assertEqualsPath(workdir, r.getWorkTree());
+ assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, "index"), r.getIndexFile());
+ assertEqualsPath(new File(theDir, Constants.OBJECTS),
+ r.getObjectDatabase().getDirectory());
+ }
// open when we create it we won't write the object file out as a loose
// object (as it already exists in the pack).
- final Repository newdb = createBareRepository();
- try (ObjectInserter oi = newdb.newObjectInserter()) {
- final ObjectId treeId = oi.insert(new TreeFormatter());
- assertEquals("4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904",
- treeId.name());
+ try (Repository newdb = createBareRepository()) {
+ try (ObjectInserter oi = newdb.newObjectInserter()) {
+ final ObjectId treeId = oi.insert(new TreeFormatter());
+ assertEquals("4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904",
+ treeId.name());
+ }
+ final File o = new File(
+ new File(new File(newdb.getDirectory(), Constants.OBJECTS),
+ "4b"),
+ "825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904");
+ assertTrue("Exists " + o, o.isFile());
+ assertTrue("Read-only " + o, !o.canWrite());
- final File o = new File(new File(new File(newdb.getDirectory(),
- Constants.OBJECTS), "4b"), "825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904");
- assertTrue("Exists " + o, o.isFile());
- assertTrue("Read-only " + o, !o.canWrite());