dateWidth = Math.max(dateWidth, date(line).length());
pathWidth = Math.max(pathWidth, path(line).length());
- while (line + 1 < end && blame.getSourceCommit(line + 1) == c) {
+ while (line + 1 < end
+ && sameCommit(blame.getSourceCommit(line + 1), c)) {
maxSourceLine = Math.max(maxSourceLine, blame.getSourceLine(line));
blame.getResultContents().writeLine(outs, line);
- } while (++line < end && blame.getSourceCommit(line) == c);
+ } while (++line < end
+ && sameCommit(blame.getSourceCommit(line), c));
} catch (NoWorkTreeException | IOException e) {
throw die(e.getMessage(), e);
+ @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality")
+ private static boolean sameCommit(RevCommit a, RevCommit b) {
+ // Reference comparison is intentional; BlameGenerator uses a single
+ // RevWalk which caches the RevCommit objects, and if a given commit
+ // is cached the RevWalk returns the same instance.
+ return a == b;
+ }
private int uniqueAbbrevLen(ObjectReader reader, RevCommit commit)
throws IOException {
return reader.abbreviate(commit, abbrev).length();