In whitelist & greylist module, the domain files (like, etc) were read as regexp map.
This caused the following false whitelists:
this while only '' was in the list!
Reading the maps as 'map'/'hash' instead of 'regexp' fixes the issue.
whitelisted_ip = rspamd_map_add('greylist', 'whitelisted_ip', 'radix',
'Greylist whitelist ip map')
whitelist_domains_map = rspamd_map_add('greylist', 'whitelist_domains_url',
- 'regexp', 'Greylist whitelist domains map')
+ 'map', 'Greylist whitelist domains map')
redis_params = rspamd_parse_redis_server('greylist')
if not redis_params then
rule['map'] = rspamd_config:add_map{
url = rule['domains'],
description = "Whitelist map for " .. symbol,
- type = 'regexp'
+ type = 'map'
elseif type(rule['domains']) == 'table' then
-- Transform ['domain1', 'domain2' ...] to indexes:
rule['map'] = rspamd_config:add_map{
url = rule['domains'],
description = "Whitelist map for " .. symbol,
- type = 'regexp'
+ type = 'map'