exports.autolearn = function(task, conf)
+ local function log_can_autolearn(verdict, score, threshold)
+ local from = task:get_from('smtp')
+ local mime_rcpts = 'undef'
+ local mr = task:get_recipients('mime')
+ if mr then
+ for _,r in ipairs(mr) do
+ if mime_rcpts == 'undef' then
+ mime_rcpts = r.addr
+ else
+ mime_rcpts = mime_rcpts .. ',' .. r.addr
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'id: %s, from: <%s>: can autolearn %s: score %s %s %s, mime_rcpts: <%s>',
+ task:get_header('Message-Id') or '<undef>',
+ from and from[1].addr or 'undef',
+ verdict,
+ string.format("%.2f", score),
+ verdict == 'ham' and '<=' or verdict == 'spam' and '>=' or '/',
+ threshold,
+ mime_rcpts)
+ end
-- We have autolearn config so let's figure out what is requested
local verdict,score = lua_util.get_task_verdict(task)
local learn_spam,learn_ham = false, false
if conf.spam_threshold and conf.ham_threshold then
if verdict == 'spam' then
if conf.spam_threshold and score >= conf.spam_threshold then
- lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'can autolearn spam: score %s >= %s',
- score, conf.spam_threshold)
+ log_can_autolearn(verdict, score, conf.spam_threshold)
learn_spam = true
elseif verdict == 'ham' then
if conf.ham_threshold and score <= conf.ham_threshold then
- lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'can autolearn ham: score %s <= %s',
- score, conf.ham_threshold)
+ log_can_autolearn(verdict, score, conf.ham_threshold)
learn_ham = true