if not cfg.actions['no action'] and not cfg.actions['no_action'] and
not cfg.actions['accept'] then
for _,d in ipairs(actions_defs) do
- if cfg.actions[d] and type(cfg.actions[d]) == 'number' then
- if cfg.actions[d] < 0 then
+ if cfg.actions[d] then
+ if type(cfg.actions[d]) ~= 'number' then
+ cfg.actions[d] = nil
+ elseif cfg.actions[d] < 0 then
cfg.actions['no_action'] = cfg.actions[d] - 0.001
logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'set no_action score to: %s, as action %s has negative score',
cfg.actions['no_action'], d)