my @symbols_bidirectional;
my @symbols_groups;
my @symbols_ignored;
+my %symbols_mult;
my %groups;
my $reject_score = 15.0;
my $junk_score = 6.0;
"ignore=s@" => \@symbols_ignored,
"group|g=s@" => \@symbols_groups,
"log|l=s" => \$log_file,
+ "mult=s" => \%symbols_mult,
"alpha-score|alpha|a=f" => \$diff_alpha,
"correlations|c" => \$correlations,
"nrelated=i" => \$nrelated,
next if IsIgnored($sym_name);
if ($2) {
- $sym_score = $3 * 1.0;
+ $sym_score = $3 * ($symbols_mult{$sym_name} or 1.0);
if ( abs($sym_score) < $diff_alpha ) {
my $orig_name = $sym_name;
if ($2) {
- $sym_score = $3 * 1.0;
+ $sym_score = $3 * ($symbols_mult{$sym_name} or 1.0);
if ( abs($sym_score) < $diff_alpha ) {
--exclude-logs=integer number of latest logs to exclude (0 by default)
--json print json output instead of human readable
--help brief help message
+ --mult=sym=number multiply symbol score
--man full documentation
=head1 OPTIONS
with B<--start> select entries between B<--start> and B<--end>. The omitted date defaults to the current date if you
supply the time.
+=item B<--mult=symbol=number>
+Multiplies score for the named symbol by the provided multiplier.
=item B<--help>
Print a brief help message and exits.