.include(try=true; priority=10) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/override.d/rbl_group.conf"
+# Limits the maximum score when both bl.score.senderscore.com and score.senderscore.com RBLs are enabled.
+group "senderscore" {
+ max_score = 4.0;
+ .include(try=true; priority=1; duplicate=merge) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/senderscore_group.conf"
+ .include(try=true; priority=10) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/override.d/senderscore_group.conf"
group "statistics" {
.include "$CONFDIR/scores.d/statistics_group.conf"
.include(try=true; priority=1; duplicate=merge) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/statistics_group.conf"
senderscore {
+ # Disabled by default to prioritize the use of score.senderscore.com.
+ # Note: The free query limit applies to both bl.score.senderscore.com and score.senderscore.com RBLs
+ # (see https://knowledge.validity.com/hc/en-us/articles/20961730681243).
+ # Enabling this RBL is recommended for low-traffic systems or MyValidity account users who benefit from using both RBLs.
+ enabled = false;
checks = ['from'];
rbl = "bl.score.senderscore.com";
+ senderscore_reputation {
+ checks = ['from'];
+ rbl = "score.senderscore.com";
+ returncodes_matcher = "luapattern";
+ returncodes {
+ RBL_SENDERSCORE_REPUT_0 = "127%.0%.4%.%d";
+ RBL_SENDERSCORE_REPUT_1 = "127%.0%.4%.1%d";
+ RBL_SENDERSCORE_REPUT_2 = "127%.0%.4%.2%d";
+ RBL_SENDERSCORE_REPUT_3 = "127%.0%.4%.3%d";
+ RBL_SENDERSCORE_REPUT_4 = "127%.0%.4%.4%d";
+ RBL_SENDERSCORE_REPUT_5 = "127%.0%.4%.5%d";
+ RBL_SENDERSCORE_REPUT_6 = "127%.0%.4%.6%d";
+ RBL_SENDERSCORE_REPUT_7 = "127%.0%.4%.7%d";
+ RBL_SENDERSCORE_REPUT_8 = "127%.0%.4%.8%d"; # Neutral reputation (80-89).
+ RBL_SENDERSCORE_REPUT_9 = ["127%.0%.4%.9%d", "127%.0%.4%.100"]; # Good reputation (90-100).
+ RBL_SENDERSCORE_REPUT_BLOCKED = "127%.255%.255%.255";
+ }
+ }
sem {
symbol = "RBL_SEM";
rbl = "bl.spameatingmonkey.net";
groups = ["senderscore", "blocked"];
+ weight = 0.0;
+ description = "Unrecognized result from SenderScore Reputation list.";
+ groups = ["senderscore"];
+ }
+ weight = 4.0;
+ description = "SenderScore Reputation: Very Bad (0-9).";
+ groups = ["senderscore"];
+ }
+ weight = 3.5;
+ description = "SenderScore Reputation: Bad (10-19).";
+ groups = ["senderscore"];
+ }
+ weight = 3.0;
+ description = "SenderScore Reputation: Bad (20-29).";
+ groups = ["senderscore"];
+ }
+ weight = 2.5;
+ description = "SenderScore Reputation: Bad (30-39).";
+ groups = ["senderscore"];
+ }
+ weight = 2.0;
+ description = "SenderScore Reputation: Bad (40-49).";
+ groups = ["senderscore"];
+ }
+ weight = 1.5;
+ description = "SenderScore Reputation: Bad (50-59).";
+ groups = ["senderscore"];
+ }
+ weight = 1.0;
+ description = "SenderScore Reputation: Bad (60-69).";
+ groups = ["senderscore"];
+ }
+ weight = 0.5;
+ description = "SenderScore Reputation: Bad (70-79).";
+ groups = ["senderscore"];
+ }
+ weight = 0.0;
+ description = "SenderScore Reputation: Neutral (80-89).";
+ groups = ["senderscore"];
+ }
+ weight = -1.0;
+ description = "SenderScore Reputation: Good (90-100).";
+ groups = ["senderscore"];
+ }
+ weight = 0.0;
+ description = "Excessive number of queries to SenderScore RPBL, more info: https://knowledge.validity.com/hc/en-us/articles/20961730681243";
+ groups = ["senderscore", "blocked"];
+ }
weight = 0.0;
description = "Unrecognised result from Mailspike";