expect(path.width() / path.height()).toBeCloseTo(box.width / box.height)
+ it('doesn\'t scale width/height when their value is 0', function() {
+ path = draw.path('M0 0L0 100')
+ path.size(500, 500)
+ expect(path.attr('d')).toBe('M0 0L0 500 ')
+ path = draw.path('M0 0L100 0')
+ path.size(500, 500)
+ expect(path.attr('d')).toBe('M0 0L500 0 ')
+ })
describe('scale()', function() {
// transformations on the respective axis
box.width = box.width === 0 ? 1 : box.width
box.height = box.height === 0 ? 1 : box.height
// recalculate position of all points according to new size
for (i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
l = this[i][0]