]> source.dussan.org Git - archiva.git/history
2008-04-16 Brett Porterfix broken test
2008-04-15 Joakim ErdfeltReplacing plexus-digest with archiva-checksum
2008-04-15 Joakim ErdfeltFixing svn:ignores
2008-04-15 Maria Odea B. Ching-added additional test case for RssFeedGenerator
2008-04-15 Maria Odea B. Ching-reverted exclusions of plexus-container in plexus...
2008-04-14 Maria Odea B. Ching-exclude plexus container in plexus-spring dependency
2008-04-14 Brett Porterremove all traces of the Plexus container
2008-04-14 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-677]
2008-04-14 Maria Odea B. Ching-update to PlexusInSpringTestCase
2008-04-14 Joakim ErdfeltMoving archiva-checksum into place in trunk. (will...
2008-04-14 Brett Porterremove plexus test case
2008-04-10 Brett Portermake it clearer where the conf. file resides
2008-04-10 Brett Porterremove use of plexus container
2008-04-10 Brett Porterremove plexus container dependencies
2008-04-09 Brett Porterclean up dependencies
2008-04-09 Brett Porteruse the correct maven2 type for a maven2 plugin request...
2008-04-09 Brett Porterremove unnecessary component definitions
2008-04-08 Nicolas De LoofMRM-768 : use a distinct "type" for maven1 and maven2...
2008-04-08 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-123]
2008-04-08 Brett Porteradditional tests and add classifier
2008-04-08 Brett Porterguard against incorrect generation
2008-04-08 Brett Portera couple of workarounds to force "offline" behaviour
2008-04-07 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-123]
2008-04-07 Brett Porterfix overzealous dependency trim
2008-04-07 Brett Porterrefreshed the CLI
2008-04-07 Brett Portersome POM cleanup
2008-04-07 Brett Porterremove unneeded dependencies
2008-04-07 Brett Porteradd LICENSE
2008-04-07 Brett Porteradd a consumer (not enabled by default) that can genera...
2008-04-07 Brett Porterupgrade plugin version
2008-04-07 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-123]
2008-04-04 Brett Porterfix missing import
2008-04-03 Brett Porterstarting release notes for 1.1
2008-04-03 Brett Porter[MRM-746] also need to make sure the metadata is not...
2008-04-03 Brett Porter[MRM-762] fix incorrect HTML
2008-04-03 Brett Porter[MRM-763] correct incorrect cron expressions
2008-04-03 Brett Porterignore target
2008-04-03 Brett Porter[MRM-159] should not respond with a 404 if proxying...
2008-04-03 Brett Porter[MRM-764] default policies are not selected in the...
2008-04-03 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-123]
2008-04-03 Wendy Smoak[MRM-532] Display the value of the index directory...
2008-04-02 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-123]
2008-03-31 Brett Porter[MRM-758] cron expressions with a comma are not being...
2008-03-31 Brett Porter[MRM-688] s/APP_BASE/ARCHIVA_BASE/
2008-03-31 Brett Porterfix the version handling since the group ID change...
2008-03-31 Brett Porter[MRM-688] need to be able to read configuration from...
2008-03-31 Brett Porteruse the date for logging, and remove the obsolete conso...
2008-03-31 Brett Porter[MRM-688] remove webdefault.xml - it's the same as...
2008-03-30 Brett Porter[MRM-725] make path handling compliant with the specifi...
2008-03-30 Brett Porter[MRM-755] set the right MIME type for POMs
2008-03-30 Brett Porterdeploy the site on release
2008-03-29 Brett Porterfix assembly
2008-03-29 Brett PorterCLI requires these in the root
2008-03-29 Brett Porterarrange plugin declarations to minimise need to release...
2008-03-29 Brett Porterrestructure according to discussion on the dev list
2008-03-29 Brett Portermove build resources to the sandbox until ready for...
2008-03-29 Brett Porterchange the group ID
2008-03-29 Brett Porterupdate SVN URLs
2008-03-28 Brett Porter[INFRA-1563] move Archiva to a TLP
2008-03-28 Brett Porter[MRM-656] documentation adjustments trunk@642424
2008-03-28 Brett Porter[MRM-688] update the guide for Windows
2008-03-28 Brett Porter[MRM-688] remove the plexus configuration
2008-03-28 Brett Porter[MRM-688] correct scripts for Windows
2008-03-28 Brett Porter[MRM-610] correct unit test in Windows
2008-03-28 Brett Porterremove bogus environment variables in favour of descrip...
2008-03-28 Brett Porter[MRM-610] fix webdav tests on windows
2008-03-28 Brett Porter[MRM-688] allow separating the base from the installati...
2008-03-28 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-688]
2008-03-27 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-688]
2008-03-27 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-688]
2008-03-27 Brett Porter[MRM-688] turn off debug logging and remove unnecessary...
2008-03-27 Brett Porterconsolidate the configuration
2008-03-27 Brett Porterfix the name in the scripts
2008-03-27 Brett Porter[MRM-688] clean up dependencies included
2008-03-27 Brett Porter[MRM-688] put all the libraries in the lib dir instead
2008-03-27 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-688]
2008-03-27 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-688]
2008-03-27 Brett Porter[MRM-688] write the wrapper log to the correct location
2008-03-27 Brett Porter[MRM-688] fix bad syntax
2008-03-27 Brett Porter[MRM-688] put derby.log in logs subdirectory
2008-03-26 Brett Porter[MRM-750] Adding a network proxy doesn't require an...
2008-03-26 Brett Porterupdate surefire plugin version to avoid a bug that...
2008-03-26 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-591]
2008-03-25 Brett Porter[MRM-689] Incorrect war name in example for tomcat
2008-03-25 Brett Porter[MRM-664] Cannot download a strut-module artifact in...
2008-03-25 Brett Porter[MRM-746] unable to include *.xml in artifacts list...
2008-03-25 Brett Porterrequired due to spring updates
2008-03-25 Brett Porter[MRM-659] archiva cannot serve ejb artifacts from a...
2008-03-25 Brett Porter[MRM-626] ClassCastException when saving proxy connecto...
2008-03-24 Joakim Erdfeltbreaking mystery build loop
2008-03-24 Joakim ErdfeltDisabling checkstyle:check until archiva-dev mailing...
2008-03-24 Joakim ErdfeltAdding placeholder for archiva-build-resources usage.
2008-03-24 Joakim ErdfeltFixing license headers
2008-03-20 Brett Porter[MRM-598] avoid javascript validation errors by removin...
2008-03-20 Brett Porter[MNG-734] fix plugin-level metadata handling
2008-03-20 Brett Porter[MRM-738] increase logging on path errors so we can...
2008-03-20 Brett Porter[MRM-618] use appserver.base for more consistent defaul...
2008-03-20 Brett Porter[MRM-701] correct some missing information in the docum...
2008-03-20 Brett Porter[MRM-690] instructions apply to both versions of Tomcat
2008-03-20 Brett Porterfix typo