]> source.dussan.org Git - archiva.git/history
2010-07-04 Jevica Arianne B... [MRM-1394] - Replace the use of clickLinkWithText(...
2010-07-04 Jevica Arianne B... updated webapp-test version
2010-07-02 Marecor M. Baclay[MRM-1230] Type of artifact is always "pom"
2010-06-11 Jevica Arianne B... [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2010-06-11 Jevica Arianne B... [maven-release-plugin] prepare release archiva-1.3.1
2010-06-11 Jevica Arianne B... * updated parent version
2010-06-11 Dennis LundbergThe Windows batch file is called archiva.bat.
2010-06-10 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1373] Archiva fails when default charset in databa...
2010-06-09 Jevica Arianne B... fixed failing test
2010-06-09 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1066] Shutdown of Tomcat causes Exception when...
2010-06-09 Maria Odea B. Chingfixed failing test
2010-06-08 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1361] Add support for NPanday artifact types
2010-05-20 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1066] Shutdown of Tomcat causes Exception when...
2010-05-18 Maria Odea B. Chingfixed formatting
2010-05-10 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-621] Use UTF-8 for better i18n support for page...
2010-05-10 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1386] fixed start date and end date pop up
2010-05-01 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1353] Build number is always 1 for SNAPSHOT artifa...
2010-04-03 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1353] Build number is always 1 for SNAPSHOT artifa...
2010-04-02 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1321] Snapshot is linking to oldest version in...
2010-04-02 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1206] HTTP ERROR: 500 when adding/deleting artifac...
2010-03-05 Brett Porter[MRM-1356] handle chunked / unknown length requests...
2010-03-05 Brett Porter[MRM-1314] Logo links to incorrect location in document...
2010-03-04 Brett Porter[MRM-1355] fix username for audit log
2010-03-04 Brett Porteradjust Plexus components generation to correct phases...
2010-03-04 Brett Porterreverse portion of previous change, behaviour is expect...
2010-03-04 Brett Portermerge fixes to Selenium tests from trunk
2010-03-01 Brett Porterimprove logging of failed uploads
2010-03-01 Brett Porter[MRM-1302] add some prevention for concurrent modificat...
2010-02-25 Maria Odea B. Chingremove unused imports
2010-02-25 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1312] mda5 and sha are not generated for snapshot...
2010-02-12 Brett Porter[MRM-1304] Query using Group ID field in audit log...
2010-02-03 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1316] audit log report does not restrict events...
2010-02-03 Maria Odea B. Chingmerged from trunk -r905969 (fixed failing selenium...
2010-01-28 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1310] Include Audit Log report in feature tour
2010-01-28 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1320] Incorrect Archiva version specified for...
2010-01-18 Brett Porterset version correctly on branch
2010-01-18 Brett Porter[maven-release-plugin] copy for branch archiva-1.3.x
2010-01-14 Brett Porterensure test is not skipped and clarify meaning (can...
2010-01-14 Brett Porterlog skips
2010-01-14 Brett Porterfix repository scanning tests
2010-01-14 Brett Porterfix the search test
2010-01-14 Brett Porterfix virtual repository test
2010-01-14 Brett Porterif capturing a screenshot fails, save the HTML
2010-01-14 Brett Porterfix the repository test
2010-01-14 Brett Porterremove dependencies on artifact upload functionality...
2010-01-14 Brett Porteradditional note
2010-01-14 Brett Porteradd some notes about tests that won't work in other...
2010-01-14 Brett Porterremove unwarranted dependency
2010-01-14 Brett Portermerge prep step into test
2010-01-14 Brett Porterfix property name
2010-01-13 Brett Porterfix parent reference
2010-01-13 Brett Porterfix release profiles
2010-01-13 Brett Porterfix the release profiles
2010-01-13 Brett Porter[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2010-01-13 Brett Porter[maven-scm] copy for tag archiva-1.3
2010-01-13 Brett Porter[maven-release-plugin] prepare release archiva-1.3
2010-01-13 Brett Porterupdate site and release notes for release
2010-01-13 Brett Porterchange the ID so the server settings can be distinct
2010-01-13 Brett Porterfix typo
2010-01-13 Brett Porterupdate the release plugin and it's arguments to make...
2010-01-13 Brett Porteradd the distribution management we are using now
2010-01-13 Brett Porterupgrade to staged release
2010-01-12 Maria Odea B. Chingupgrade redback version to 1.2.3
2010-01-12 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1268] X-Forwarded-Host handling when having more...
2010-01-12 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1305] Documentation for setting up archiva with...
2010-01-11 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1296] Audit logging report
2010-01-11 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1277] Create Selenium test for advanced search...
2010-01-11 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1185] Archiva Reporting Modification Request
2010-01-11 Jevica Arianne B... [MRM-1289] need to document changes to wrapper.conf...
2010-01-08 Maria Odea B. Chingfix failing tests
2009-12-29 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1270] improve error message when the user does...
2009-12-21 Brett Porter[MRM-1306] upgrade jQuery and jQuery UI versions
2009-12-10 Brett Porterput back artifact reports, missed a use
2009-12-10 Brett Portermove the unused reports into the sandbox
2009-12-10 Brett Portermove reporting dependency to the correct location
2009-12-08 Brett Porter[MRM-1293] add tests for GenerateReportAction to better...
2009-12-04 Marecor M. Baclay[MRM-1241] Selenium Tests for Repository Scanning and...
2009-12-04 Brett Porterexclude .svn directories in the test
2009-12-04 Brett Porterignore overlays directory
2009-12-04 Brett Porter[MRM-1294] start the search period from the *start...
2009-12-04 Brett Porter[MRM-1294] avoid starting the search period at twice...
2009-12-04 Brett Porterimprove test case to check stats
2009-12-04 Brett Portertest case refactoring for clarity
2009-12-03 Brett Porter[MRM-1272] correct empty error message when there is...
2009-11-30 Brett Porterthrow an exception from unimplemented methods instead...
2009-11-30 Brett Porter[MRM-1290] correct hardcoding in getDependees
2009-11-27 Brett Porterfix organization tag
2009-11-27 Brett Porter[MRM-1123] nexus and its dependencies are now all on...
2009-11-27 Brett Porteradd test cases for the browse action
2009-11-26 Brett Porterupgrade to Shade 1.2.2 so that build works with Maven 3.x
2009-11-22 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1228] Ping service in not working
2009-11-22 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1228] Ping service in not working
2009-11-22 Maria Odea B. Chingfixed field name
2009-11-22 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-747] Archiva should prevent re-deployment of relea...
2009-11-22 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-747] Archiva should prevent re-deployment of relea...
2009-11-22 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-747] Archiva should prevent re-deployment of relea...
2009-11-22 Maria Odea B. Chingupdated comment
2009-11-22 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-747] Archiva should prevent re-deployment of relea...
2009-11-22 Maria Odea B. Ching[MRM-1274] SearchService.quickSearch returns artifacts...
2009-11-20 Brett Porter[MRM-1283] additional tests for ShowArtifactAction