Carl Suster [Tue, 6 May 2014 07:38:57 +0000 (17:38 +1000)]
Remove redundant Umbraco exceptions to VS rules
From the discussion on #1013:
Since the rule in VS is packages/*, the fact that it contains a slash means
that it is anchored to the top level. That is, is will only apply to
a directory called packages at the top level, and not to any at deeper
directories like App_Data. So these rules at the bottom of your changes
actually aren't necessary after all. I just confirmed this with a quick test.
Jacob Rigby [Wed, 23 Apr 2014 20:50:28 +0000 (15:50 -0500)]
Fix eol issues
Some files don't contain a line separator ('\n') at the end. Add the
missing eol.
In POSIX, all lines of text should end with a newline character by
definition. See
section 3.397 for more.
See for a gist of the issue.
When working with multifile LaTeX-documents in AUCTeX in emacs, it creates the auto-folder to keep track of styles, macros etc. in the whole document. Unnecessary of versioning purposes.
Elvis Nuñez [Tue, 15 Apr 2014 16:59:29 +0000 (18:59 +0200)]
Ignore xcuserstate
xcuserstate files are generated from within Xcode and saved in your project bundle to remember your last opened file, the open state of any group folders, open tabs, and any other user setting your project might need to remember, this is something that shouldn't be tracked in version control
Elvis Nuñez [Tue, 15 Apr 2014 16:56:25 +0000 (18:56 +0200)]
Ignore xcuserstate
xcuserstate files are generated from within Xcode and saved in your project bundle to remember your last opened file, the open state of any group folders, open tabs, and any other user setting your project might need to remember
Carl Suster [Mon, 14 Apr 2014 03:41:01 +0000 (13:41 +1000)]
Merge pull request #1008 from maieul/master
Add rules for TeX packages (e)ledmac and (e)ledpar. References from manuals:
eledmac p. 46:
> Each section will read and write an associated "line-list file", containing information used to do the numbering; the file will be called `<jobname>.nn`, where `nn` is the section number. However, you may direct that an extra string be added before the `nn` in that filename, in order to distinguish these temporary files from others: that string is called `\extensionchars`. Initially it's empty, since different operating systems have greatly varying ideas about what characters are permitted in file names. So `\renewcommand{\extensionchars}{-}` gives temporary files called `<jobname>.-1`, `<jobname>.-2`, etc.
eledmac p. 112:
> Endnotes of all varieties are saved up in a file, typically named `<jobname>.end`.
eledpar p.8:
> The `\beginnumbering` macro resets the line number to zero, reads an auxiliary file called `<jobname>.nn` (where `<jobname>` is the name of the main input file for this job, and `nn` is 1 for the first numbered section, 2 for the second section, and so on), and then creates a new version of this auxiliary file to collect information during this run. Separate auxiliary files are maintained for right hand texts and these are named `<jobname>.nnR`, using the ‘R’ to distinguish them from the left hand and serial (non-parallel) texts.
Revert "Packages folder is ignored correctly".
Without the asterisk at the end of the directory's path, an exception for
a file within this directory does not work.
(ex. !packages/repositories.config)
Carl Suster [Sun, 6 Apr 2014 00:38:40 +0000 (10:38 +1000)]
Merge branch 'fix-1022'
Restore the Xcode rules to the Objective-C template as per the discussion
thread on 5bd4330. Although the rules correspond to an IDE and so are
global, most users of the Obj-C template expect to find the Xcode rules
in the template generated by, since the IDE is so ubiquitous.
This could possibly be resolved by adding a template transclusion
mechanism in the future, but for now duplication is the way to go.
ONion [Mon, 31 Mar 2014 03:07:06 +0000 (11:07 +0800)]
add delphi .dcu
.DCU (Delphi Compiled Unit) files are binary files that are used between compiling source (text) and linking the executable. They're created by the compiler, joined together in memory, combined with the startup code and put into an actual executable (.EXE/.DLL/.BPL) by the linker
Namik Nuhanovic [Mon, 31 Mar 2014 00:52:46 +0000 (02:52 +0200)]
Add 'pom.xml.versionsBackup'
'mvn versions:use-latest-versions' generates 'pom.xml.versionsBackup' file, because '-DgenerateBackupPoms=true' is default; see
notbear [Mon, 24 Mar 2014 16:14:52 +0000 (17:14 +0100)]
Fixes uncomplete CTools
Ignoring cache/ makes also necessary files ignored:
Torben Werner [Fri, 21 Mar 2014 01:46:27 +0000 (12:46 +1100)]
Increase the specificity of PlayFramework rules
The original ignore was far too general and results in eliminating packages
named "db" or "project", for example. These are not that uncommon for package
names. Fixes #921.
John Munkhoff [Tue, 18 Mar 2014 23:21:03 +0000 (16:21 -0700)]
Add Global/SlickEdit.gitignore file
This commit adds a global ignore file for SlickEdit, a commercial editor.
SlickEdit will create the following files when the user sets up a workspace:
*.vpw Workspace file. Contains a list of project files associated with
the workspace.
*.vpj Project file. Contains the project’s settings, including the list
of source files.
*.vpwhist Workspace history file for Windows. Contains user session
information (list of open files, debugger breakpoints, etc.)
*.vpwhistu Workspace history file for UNIX/Linux/MacOSX. (Same as above.)
*.vtg Workspace tag file. Contains a database of source code symbols.
It is assumed that GitHub users will generally not want to store their
workspace and project files in a repository, so those files are ignored
globally. However, those files do not contain user-specific data so they
could be stored in a repository and shared among developers if desired for
a particular project. This can be done by adding rules like ’!*.vpw’ and
‘!*.vpj’ to the project’s .gitignore file.
The workspace history and tag files contain user-specific data, so they
should not be stored in a repository.
For more information, download the PDF user guide from:
Note: The user guide is 1400 pages long and over 13MB in size.
Searching for ‘vpwhist’ will lead to the section that discusses storing
these files in a repository.