From 4c44e5d31618ae009cfee040fb995b1c63701d93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jeroen Baten Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 09:56:43 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] dutch properties file --- .../wicket/ | 443 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 443 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/com/gitblit/wicket/ diff --git a/src/com/gitblit/wicket/ b/src/com/gitblit/wicket/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..16f76411 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/com/gitblit/wicket/ @@ -0,0 +1,443 @@ +gb.repository = repository +gb.owner = owner +gb.description = description +gb.lastChange = last change +gb.refs = refs +gb.tag = tag +gb.tags = tags = author +gb.committer = committer +gb.commit = commit +gb.tree = tree +gb.parent = parent +gb.url = URL +gb.history = history +gb.raw = raw +gb.object = object +gb.ticketId = ticket id +gb.ticketAssigned = assigned +gb.ticketOpenDate = open date +gb.ticketState = state +gb.ticketComments = comments +gb.view = view +gb.local = local +gb.remote = remote +gb.branches = branches +gb.patch = patch +gb.diff = diff +gb.log = log +gb.moreLogs = more commits... +gb.allTags = all tags... +gb.allBranches = all branches... +gb.summary = summary +gb.ticket = ticket +gb.newRepository = new repository +gb.newUser = new user +gb.commitdiff = commitdiff = tickets +gb.pageFirst = first +gb.pagePrevious prev +gb.pageNext = next +gb.head = HEAD +gb.blame = blame +gb.login = login +gb.logout = logout +gb.username = username +gb.password = password +gb.tagger = tagger +gb.moreHistory = more history... +gb.difftocurrent = diff to current = search +gb.searchForAuthor = Search for commits authored by +gb.searchForCommitter = Search for commits committed by +gb.addition = addition +gb.modification = modification +gb.deletion = deletion +gb.rename = rename +gb.metrics = metrics +gb.stats = stats +gb.markdown = markdown +gb.changedFiles = changed files +gb.filesAdded = {0} files added +gb.filesModified = {0} files modified +gb.filesDeleted = {0} files deleted +gb.filesCopied = {0} files copied +gb.filesRenamed = {0} files renamed +gb.missingUsername = Missing Username +gb.edit = edit +gb.searchTypeTooltip = Select Search Type +gb.searchTooltip = Search {0} +gb.delete = delete = docs +gb.accessRestriction = access restriction = name +gb.enableTickets = enable tickets +gb.enableDocs = enable docs = save +gb.showRemoteBranches = show remote branches +gb.editUsers = edit users +gb.confirmPassword = confirm password +gb.restrictedRepositories = restricted repositories +gb.canAdmin = can admin +gb.notRestricted = anonymous view, clone, & push +gb.pushRestricted = authenticated push +gb.cloneRestricted = authenticated clone & push +gb.viewRestricted = authenticated view, clone, & push +gb.useTicketsDescription = readonly, distributed Ticgit issues +gb.useDocsDescription = enumerates Markdown documentation in repository +gb.showRemoteBranchesDescription = show remote branches +gb.canAdminDescription = can administer Gitblit server +gb.permittedUsers = permitted users +gb.isFrozen = is frozen +gb.isFrozenDescription = deny push operations = zip +gb.showReadme = show readme +gb.showReadmeDescription = show a \"readme\" Markdown file on the summary page +gb.nameDescription = use '/' to group repositories. e.g. libraries/mycoollib.git +gb.ownerDescription = the owner may edit repository settings +gb.blob = blob +gb.commitActivityTrend = commit activity trend +gb.commitActivityDOW = commit activity by day of week +gb.commitActivityAuthors = primary authors by commit activity +gb.feed = feed +gb.cancel = cancel +gb.changePassword = change password +gb.isFederated = is federated +gb.federateThis = federate this repository +gb.federateOrigin = federate the origin +gb.excludeFromFederation = exclude from federation +gb.excludeFromFederationDescription = block federated Gitblit instances from pulling this account +gb.tokens = federation tokens +gb.tokenAllDescription = all repositories, users, & settings +gb.tokenUnrDescription = all repositories & users +gb.tokenJurDescription = all repositories +gb.federatedRepositoryDefinitions = repository definitions +gb.federatedUserDefinitions = user definitions +gb.federatedSettingDefinitions = setting definitions +gb.proposals = federation proposals +gb.received = received +gb.type = type +gb.token = token +gb.repositories = repositories +gb.proposal = proposal +gb.frequency = frequency +gb.folder = folder +gb.lastPull = last pull +gb.nextPull = next pull +gb.inclusions = inclusions +gb.exclusions = exclusions +gb.registration = registration +gb.registrations = federation registrations +gb.sendProposal = propose +gb.status = status +gb.origin = origin +gb.headRef = default branch (HEAD) +gb.headRefDescription = change the ref that HEAD links to. e.g. refs/heads/master +gb.federationStrategy = federation strategy +gb.federationRegistration = federation registration +gb.federationResults = federation pull results +gb.federationSets = federation sets +gb.message = message +gb.myUrlDescription = the publicly accessible url for your Gitblit instance +gb.destinationUrl = send to +gb.destinationUrlDescription = the url of the Gitblit instance to send your proposal +gb.users = users +gb.federation = federation +gb.error = error +gb.refresh = refresh +gb.browse = browse +gb.clone = clone +gb.filter = filter +gb.create = create +gb.servers = servers +gb.recent = recent +gb.available = available +gb.selected = selected +gb.size = size +gb.downloading = downloading +gb.loading = loading +gb.starting = starting +gb.general = general +gb.settings = settings +gb.manage = manage +gb.lastLogin = last login +gb.skipSizeCalculation = skip size calculation +gb.skipSizeCalculationDescription = do not calculate the repository size (reduces page load time) +gb.skipSummaryMetrics = skip summary metrics +gb.skipSummaryMetricsDescription = do not calculate metrics on the summary page (reduces page load time) +gb.accessLevel = access level +gb.default = default +gb.setDefault = set default +gb.since = since +gb.status = status +gb.bootDate = boot date +gb.servletContainer = servlet container +gb.heapMaximum = maximum heap +gb.heapAllocated = allocated heap +gb.heapUsed = used heap = free +gb.version = version +gb.releaseDate = release date = date +gb.activity = activity +gb.subscribe = subscribe +gb.branch = branch +gb.maxHits = max hits +gb.recentActivity = recent activity +gb.recentActivityStats = last {0} days / {1} commits by {2} authors +gb.recentActivityNone = last {0} days / none +gb.dailyActivity = daily activity +gb.activeRepositories = active repositories +gb.activeAuthors = active authors +gb.commits = commits +gb.teams = teams +gb.teamName = team name +gb.teamMembers = team members +gb.teamMemberships = team memberships +gb.newTeam = new team +gb.permittedTeams = permitted teams +gb.emptyRepository = empty repository +gb.repositoryUrl = repository url +gb.mailingLists = mailing lists +gb.preReceiveScripts = pre-receive scripts +gb.postReceiveScripts = post-receive scripts +gb.hookScripts = hook scripts +gb.customFields = custom fields +gb.customFieldsDescription = custom fields available to Groovy hooks +gb.accessPermissions = access permissions +gb.filters = filters +gb.generalDescription = common settings +gb.accessPermissionsDescription = restrict access by users and teams +gb.accessPermissionsForUserDescription = set team memberships or grant access to specific restricted repositories +gb.accessPermissionsForTeamDescription = set team members and grant access to specific restricted repositories +gb.federationRepositoryDescription = share this repository with other Gitblit servers +gb.hookScriptsDescription = run Groovy scripts on pushes to this Gitblit server +gb.reset = reset +gb.pages = pages +gb.workingCopy = working copy +gb.workingCopyWarning = this repository has a working copy and can not receive pushes +gb.query = query +gb.queryHelp = Standard query syntax is supported.

Please see Lucene Query Parser Syntax for details. +gb.queryResults = results {0} - {1} ({2} hits) +gb.noHits = no hits +gb.authored = authored +gb.committed = committed +gb.indexedBranches = indexed branches +gb.indexedBranchesDescription = select the branches to include in your Lucene index +gb.noIndexedRepositoriesWarning = none of your repositories are configured for Lucene indexing +gb.undefinedQueryWarning = query is undefined! +gb.noSelectedRepositoriesWarning = please select one or more repositories! +gb.luceneDisabled = Lucene indexing is disabled +gb.failedtoRead = Failed to read +gb.isNotValidFile = is not a valid file +gb.failedToReadMessage = Failed to read default message from {0}! +gb.passwordsDoNotMatch = Passwords do not match! +gb.passwordTooShort = Password is too short. Minimum length is {0} characters. +gb.passwordChanged = Password successfully changed. +gb.passwordChangeAborted = Password change aborted. +gb.pleaseSetRepositoryName = Please set repository name! +gb.illegalLeadingSlash = Leading root folder references (/) are prohibited. +gb.illegalRelativeSlash = Relative folder references (../) are prohibited. +gb.illegalCharacterRepositoryName = Illegal character ''{0}'' in repository name! +gb.selectAccessRestriction = Please select access restriction! +gb.selectFederationStrategy = Please select federation strategy! +gb.pleaseSetTeamName = Please enter a teamname! +gb.teamNameUnavailable = Team name ''{0}'' is unavailable. +gb.teamMustSpecifyRepository = A team must specify at least one repository. +gb.teamCreated = New team ''{0}'' successfully created. +gb.pleaseSetUsername = Please enter a username! +gb.usernameUnavailable = Username ''{0}'' is unavailable. +gb.combinedMd5Rename = Gitblit is configured for combined-md5 password hashing. You must enter a new password on account rename. +gb.userCreated = New user ''{0}'' successfully created. +gb.couldNotFindFederationRegistration = Could not find federation registration! +gb.failedToFindGravatarProfile = Failed to find Gravatar profile for {0} +gb.branchStats = {0} commits and {1} tags in {2} +gb.repositoryNotSpecified = Repository not specified! +gb.repositoryNotSpecifiedFor = Repository not specified for {0}! +gb.canNotLoadRepository = Can not load repository +gb.commitIsNull = Commit is null +gb.unauthorizedAccessForRepository = Unauthorized access for repository +gb.failedToFindCommit = Failed to find commit \"{0}\" in {1} for {2} page! +gb.couldNotFindFederationProposal = Could not find federation proposal! +gb.invalidUsernameOrPassword = Invalid username or password! +gb.OneProposalToReview = There is 1 federation proposal awaiting review. +gb.nFederationProposalsToReview = There are {0} federation proposals awaiting review. +gb.couldNotFindTag = Could not find tag {0} +gb.couldNotCreateFederationProposal = Could not create federation proposal! +gb.pleaseSetGitblitUrl = Please enter your Gitblit url! +gb.pleaseSetDestinationUrl = Please enter a destination url for your proposal! +gb.proposalReceived = Proposal successfully received by {0}. +gb.noGitblitFound = Sorry, {0} could not find a Gitblit instance at {1}. +gb.noProposals = Sorry, {0} is not accepting proposals at this time. +gb.noFederation = Sorry, {0} is not configured to federate with any Gitblit instances. +gb.proposalFailed = Sorry, {0} did not receive any proposal data! +gb.proposalError = Sorry, {0} reports that an unexpected error occurred! +gb.failedToSendProposal = Failed to send proposal! +gb.userServiceDoesNotPermitAddUser = {0} does not permit adding a user account! +gb.userServiceDoesNotPermitPasswordChanges = {0} does not permit password changes! +gb.displayName = display name +gb.emailAddress = email address +gb.errorAdminLoginRequired = Administration requires a login +gb.errorOnlyAdminMayCreateRepository = Only an administrator may create a repository +gb.errorOnlyAdminOrOwnerMayEditRepository = Only an administrator or the owner may edit a repository +gb.errorAdministrationDisabled = Administration is disabled +gb.lastNDays = last {0} days +gb.completeGravatarProfile = Complete profile on +gb.none = none +gb.line = line +gb.content = content +gb.empty = empty +gb.inherited = inherited +gb.deleteRepository = Delete repository \"{0}\"? +gb.repositoryDeleted = Repository ''{0}'' deleted. +gb.repositoryDeleteFailed = Failed to delete repository ''{0}''! +gb.deleteUser = Delete user \"{0}\"? +gb.userDeleted = User ''{0}'' deleted. +gb.userDeleteFailed = Failed to delete user ''{0}''! +gb.time.justNow = just now = today +gb.time.yesterday = yesterday +gb.time.minsAgo = {0} mins ago +gb.time.hoursAgo = {0} hours ago +gb.time.daysAgo = {0} days ago +gb.time.weeksAgo = {0} weeks ago +gb.time.monthsAgo = {0} months ago +gb.time.oneYearAgo = 1 year ago +gb.time.yearsAgo = {0} years ago +gb.duration.oneDay = 1 day +gb.duration.days = {0} days +gb.duration.oneMonth = 1 month +gb.duration.months = {0} months +gb.duration.oneYear = 1 year +gb.duration.years = {0} years +gb.authorizationControl = authorization control +gb.allowAuthenticatedDescription = grant RW+ permission to all authenticated users +gb.allowNamedDescription = grant fine-grained permissions to named users or teams +gb.markdownFailure = Failed to parse Markdown content! +gb.clearCache = clear cache +gb.projects = projects +gb.project = project +gb.allProjects = all projects +gb.copyToClipboard = copy to clipboard +gb.fork = fork +gb.forks = forks +gb.forkRepository = fork {0}? +gb.repositoryForked = {0} has been forked +gb.repositoryForkFailed= fork has failed +gb.personalRepositories = personal repositories +gb.allowForks = allow forks +gb.allowForksDescription = allow authorized users to fork this repository +gb.forkedFrom = forked from +gb.canFork = can fork +gb.canForkDescription = can fork authorized repositories to personal repositories +gb.myFork = view my fork +gb.forksProhibited = forks prohibited +gb.forksProhibitedWarning = this repository forbids forks +gb.noForks = {0} has no forks +gb.forkNotAuthorized = sorry, you are not authorized to fork {0} +gb.forkInProgress = fork in progress +gb.preparingFork = preparing your fork... +gb.isFork = is fork +gb.canCreate = can create +gb.canCreateDescription = can create personal repositories +gb.illegalPersonalRepositoryLocation = your personal repository must be located at \"{0}\" +gb.verifyCommitter = verify committer +gb.verifyCommitterDescription = require committer identity to match pushing Gitblt user account +gb.verifyCommitterNote = all merges require "--no-ff" to enforce committer identity +gb.repositoryPermissions = repository permissions +gb.userPermissions = user permissions +gb.teamPermissions = team permissions +gb.add = add +gb.noPermission = DELETE THIS PERMISSION +gb.excludePermission = {0} (exclude) +gb.viewPermission = {0} (view) +gb.clonePermission = {0} (clone) +gb.pushPermission = {0} (push) +gb.createPermission = {0} (push, ref creation) +gb.deletePermission = {0} (push, ref creation+deletion) +gb.rewindPermission = {0} (push, ref creation+deletion+rewind) +gb.permission = permission +gb.regexPermission = this permission is set from regular expression \"{0}\" +gb.accessDenied = access denied +gb.busyCollectingGarbage = sorry, Gitblit is busy collecting garbage in {0} +gb.gcPeriod = GC period +gb.gcPeriodDescription = duration between garbage collections +gb.gcThreshold = GC threshold +gb.gcThresholdDescription = minimum total size of loose objects to trigger early garbage collection +gb.ownerPermission = repository owner +gb.administrator = admin +gb.administratorPermission = Gitblit administrator = team +gb.teamPermission = permission set by \"{0}\" team membership +gb.missing = missing! +gb.missingPermission = the repository for this permission is missing! +gb.mutable = mutable +gb.specified = specified +gb.effective = effective +gb.organizationalUnit = organizational unit +gb.organization = organization +gb.locality = locality +gb.stateProvince = state or province +gb.countryCode = country code = properties +gb.issued = issued +gb.expires = expires +gb.expired = expired +gb.expiring = expiring +gb.revoked = revoked +gb.serialNumber = serial number +gb.certificates = certificates +gb.newCertificate = new certificate +gb.revokeCertificate = revoke certificate +gb.sendEmail = send email +gb.passwordHint = password hint +gb.ok = ok +gb.invalidExpirationDate = invalid expiration date! +gb.passwordHintRequired = password hint required! +gb.viewCertificate = view certificate +gb.subject = subject +gb.issuer = issuer +gb.validFrom = valid from +gb.validUntil = valid until +gb.publicKey = public key +gb.signatureAlgorithm = signature algorithm +gb.sha1FingerPrint = SHA-1 Fingerprint +gb.md5FingerPrint = MD5 Fingerprint +gb.reason = reason +gb.revokeCertificateReason = Please select a reason for certificate revocation +gb.unspecified = unspecified +gb.keyCompromise = key compromise +gb.caCompromise = CA compromise +gb.affiliationChanged = affiliation changed +gb.superseded = superseded +gb.cessationOfOperation = cessation of operation +gb.privilegeWithdrawn = privilege withdrawn +gb.time.inMinutes = in {0} mins +gb.time.inHours = in {0} hours +gb.time.inDays = in {0} days +gb.hostname = hostname +gb.hostnameRequired = Please enter a hostname +gb.newSSLCertificate = new server SSL certificate +gb.newCertificateDefaults = new certificate defaults +gb.duration = duration +gb.certificateRevoked = Certificate {0,number,0} has been revoked +gb.clientCertificateGenerated = Successfully generated new client certificate for {0} +gb.sslCertificateGenerated = Successfully generated new server SSL certificate for {0} +gb.newClientCertificateMessage = NOTE:\nThe 'password' is not the user's password, it is the password to protect the user's keystore. This password is not saved so you must also enter a 'hint' which will be included in the user's README instructions. +gb.certificate = certificate +gb.emailCertificateBundle = email client certificate bundle +gb.pleaseGenerateClientCertificate = Please generate a client certificate for {0} +gb.clientCertificateBundleSent = Client certificate bundle for {0} sent +gb.enterKeystorePassword = Please enter the Gitblit keystore password +gb.warning = warning +gb.jceWarning = Your Java Runtime Environment does not have the \"JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy\" files.\nThis will limit the length of passwords you may use to encrypt your keystores to 7 characters.\nThese policy files are an optional download from Oracle.\n\nWould you like to continue and generate the certificate infrastructure anyway?\n\nAnswering No will direct your browser to Oracle's download page so that you may download the policy files. +gb.maxActivityCommits = max activity commits +gb.maxActivityCommitsDescription = maximum number of commits to contribute to the Activity page +gb.noMaximum = no maximum +gb.attributes = attributes +gb.serveCertificate = serve https with this certificate +gb.sslCertificateGeneratedRestart = Successfully generated new server SSL certificate for {0}.\nYou must restart Gitblit to use the new certificate.\n\nIf you are launching with the '--alias' parameter you will have to set that to ''--alias {0}''. +gb.validity = validity +gb.siteName = site name +gb.siteNameDescription = short, descriptive name of your server +gb.excludeFromActivity = exclude from activity page \ No newline at end of file -- 2.39.5