From a2af24b064bd1384c24b896fdd9c7d322954546b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: John Resig Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2006 00:43:41 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Quick bug fix, formatted pack better. --- build/js/pack.js | 317 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- src/jquery/jquery.js | 2 +- 2 files changed, 317 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/build/js/pack.js b/build/js/pack.js index ef6a4230a..56bfdd1a2 100644 --- a/build/js/pack.js +++ b/build/js/pack.js @@ -1 +1,316 @@ -/* packer, version 2.0.2 (2005-08-19) Copyright 2004-2005, Dean Edwards License: */ function pack(_script, _encoding, _fastDecode, _specialChars) { // constants var $IGNORE = "$1"; // validate parameters _script += "\n"; _encoding = Math.min(parseInt(_encoding), 95); // apply all parsing routines function _pack($script) { var i, $parse; for (i = 0; ($parse = _parsers[i]); i++) { $script = $parse($script); } return $script; }; // unpacking function - this is the boot strap function // data extracted from this packing routine is passed to // this function when decoded in the target var _unpack = function($packed, $ascii, $count, $keywords, $encode, $decode) { while ($count--) if ($keywords[$count]) $packed = $packed.replace(new RegExp('\\b' + $encode($count) + '\\b', 'g'), $keywords[$count]); return $packed; }; // code-snippet inserted into the unpacker to speed up decoding var _decode = function() { // does the browser support String.replace where the // replacement value is a function? if (!''.replace(/^/, String)) { // decode all the values we need while ($count--) $decode[$encode($count)] = $keywords[$count] || $encode($count); // global replacement function $keywords = [function($encoded){return $decode[$encoded]}]; // generic match $encode = function(){return'\\w+'}; // reset the loop counter - we are now doing a global replace $count = 1; } }; // keep a list of parsing functions, they'll be executed all at once var _parsers = []; function _addParser($parser) { _parsers[_parsers.length] = $parser; }; // zero encoding - just removal of white space and comments function _basicCompression($script) { var $parser = new ParseMaster; // make safe $parser.escapeChar = "\\"; // protect strings $parser.add(/'[^'\n\r]*'/, $IGNORE); $parser.add(/"[^"\n\r]*"/, $IGNORE); // remove comments $parser.add(/\/\/[^\n\r]*[\n\r]/, " "); $parser.add(/\/\*[^*]*\*+([^\/][^*]*\*+)*\//, " "); // protect regular expressions $parser.add(/\s+(\/[^\/\n\r\*][^\/\n\r]*\/g?i?)/, "$2"); // IGNORE $parser.add(/[^\w\x24\/'"*)\?:]\/[^\/\n\r\*][^\/\n\r]*\/g?i?/, $IGNORE); // remove: ;;; doSomething(); if (_specialChars) $parser.add(/;;;[^\n\r]+[\n\r]/); // remove redundant semi-colons $parser.add(/\(;;\)/, $IGNORE); // protect for (;;) loops $parser.add(/;+\s*([};])/, "$2"); // apply the above $script = $parser.exec($script); // remove white-space $parser.add(/(\b|\x24)\s+(\b|\x24)/, "$2 $3"); $parser.add(/([+\-])\s+([+\-])/, "$2 $3"); $parser.add(/\s+/, ""); // done return $parser.exec($script); }; function _encodeSpecialChars($script) { var $parser = new ParseMaster; // replace: $name -> n, $$name -> na $parser.add(/((\x24+)([a-zA-Z$_]+))(\d*)/, function($match, $offset) { var $length = $match[$offset + 2].length; var $start = $length - Math.max($length - $match[$offset + 3].length, 0); return $match[$offset + 1].substr($start, $length) + $match[$offset + 4]; }); // replace: _name -> _0, double-underscore (__name) is ignored var $regexp = /\b_[A-Za-z\d]\w*/; // build the word list var $keywords = _analyze($script, _globalize($regexp), _encodePrivate); // quick ref var $encoded = $keywords.$encoded; $parser.add($regexp, function($match, $offset) { return $encoded[$match[$offset]]; }); return $parser.exec($script); }; function _encodeKeywords($script) { // escape high-ascii values already in the script (i.e. in strings) if (_encoding > 62) $script = _escape95($script); // create the parser var $parser = new ParseMaster; var $encode = _getEncoder(_encoding); // for high-ascii, don't encode single character low-ascii var $regexp = (_encoding > 62) ? /\w\w+/ : /\w+/; // build the word list $keywords = _analyze($script, _globalize($regexp), $encode); var $encoded = $keywords.$encoded; // encode $parser.add($regexp, function($match, $offset) { return $encoded[$match[$offset]]; }); // if encoded, wrap the script in a decoding function return $script && _bootStrap($parser.exec($script), $keywords); }; function _analyze($script, $regexp, $encode) { // analyse // retreive all words in the script var $all = $script.match($regexp); var $$sorted = []; // list of words sorted by frequency var $$encoded = {}; // dictionary of word->encoding var $$protected = {}; // instances of "protected" words if ($all) { var $unsorted = []; // same list, not sorted var $protected = {}; // "protected" words (dictionary of word->"word") var $values = {}; // dictionary of charCode->encoding (eg. 256->ff) var $count = {}; // word->count var i = $all.length, j = 0, $word; // count the occurrences - used for sorting later do { $word = "$" + $all[--i]; if (!$count[$word]) { $count[$word] = 0; $unsorted[j] = $word; // make a dictionary of all of the protected words in this script // these are words that might be mistaken for encoding $protected["$" + ($values[j] = $encode(j))] = j++; } // increment the word counter $count[$word]++; } while (i); // prepare to sort the word list, first we must protect // words that are also used as codes. we assign them a code // equivalent to the word itself. // e.g. if "do" falls within our encoding range // then we store keywords["do"] = "do"; // this avoids problems when decoding i = $unsorted.length; do { $word = $unsorted[--i]; if ($protected[$word] != null) { $$sorted[$protected[$word]] = $word.slice(1); $$protected[$protected[$word]] = true; $count[$word] = 0; } } while (i); // sort the words by frequency $unsorted.sort(function($match1, $match2) { return $count[$match2] - $count[$match1]; }); j = 0; // because there are "protected" words in the list // we must add the sorted words around them do { if ($$sorted[i] == null) $$sorted[i] = $unsorted[j++].slice(1); $$encoded[$$sorted[i]] = $values[i]; } while (++i < $unsorted.length); } return {$sorted: $$sorted, $encoded: $$encoded, $protected: $$protected}; }; // build the boot function used for loading and decoding function _bootStrap($packed, $keywords) { var $ENCODE = _safeRegExp("$encode\\($count\\)", "g"); // $packed: the packed script $packed = "'" + _escape($packed) + "'"; // $ascii: base for encoding var $ascii = Math.min($keywords.$sorted.length, _encoding) || 1; // $count: number of words contained in the script var $count = $keywords.$sorted.length; // $keywords: list of words contained in the script for (var i in $keywords.$protected) $keywords.$sorted[i] = ""; // convert from a string to an array $keywords = "'" + $keywords.$sorted.join("|") + "'.split('|')"; // $encode: encoding function (used for decoding the script) var $encode = _encoding > 62 ? _encode95 : _getEncoder($ascii); $encode = String($encode).replace(/_encoding/g, "$ascii").replace(/arguments\.callee/g, "$encode"); var $inline = "$count" + ($ascii > 10 ? ".toString($ascii)" : ""); // $decode: code snippet to speed up decoding if (_fastDecode) { // create the decoder var $decode = _getFunctionBody(_decode); if (_encoding > 62) $decode = $decode.replace(/\\\\w/g, "[\\xa1-\\xff]"); // perform the encoding inline for lower ascii values else if ($ascii < 36) $decode = $decode.replace($ENCODE, $inline); // special case: when $count==0 there are no keywords. I want to keep // the basic shape of the unpacking funcion so i'll frig the code... if (!$count) $decode = $decode.replace(_safeRegExp("($count)\\s*=\\s*1"), "$1=0"); } // boot function var $unpack = String(_unpack); if (_fastDecode) { // insert the decoder $unpack = $unpack.replace(/\{/, "{" + $decode + ";"); } $unpack = $unpack.replace(/"/g, "'"); if (_encoding > 62) { // high-ascii // get rid of the word-boundaries for regexp matches $unpack = $unpack.replace(/'\\\\b'\s*\+|\+\s*'\\\\b'/g, ""); } if ($ascii > 36 || _encoding > 62 || _fastDecode) { // insert the encode function $unpack = $unpack.replace(/\{/, "{$encode=" + $encode + ";"); } else { // perform the encoding inline $unpack = $unpack.replace($ENCODE, $inline); } // pack the boot function too $unpack = pack($unpack, 0, false, true); // arguments var $params = [$packed, $ascii, $count, $keywords]; if (_fastDecode) { // insert placeholders for the decoder $params = $params.concat(0, "{}"); } // the whole thing return "eval(" + $unpack + "(" + $params + "))\n"; }; // mmm.. ..which one do i need ?? function _getEncoder($ascii) { return $ascii > 10 ? $ascii > 36 ? $ascii > 62 ? _encode95 : _encode62 : _encode36 : _encode10; }; // zero encoding // characters: 0123456789 var _encode10 = function($charCode) { return $charCode; }; // inherent base36 support // characters: 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz var _encode36 = function($charCode) { return $charCode.toString(36); }; // hitch a ride on base36 and add the upper case alpha characters // characters: 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ var _encode62 = function($charCode) { return ($charCode < _encoding ? '' : arguments.callee(parseInt($charCode / _encoding))) + (($charCode = $charCode % _encoding) > 35 ? String.fromCharCode($charCode + 29) : $charCode.toString(36)); }; // use high-ascii values var _encode95 = function($charCode) { return ($charCode < _encoding ? '' : arguments.callee($charCode / _encoding)) + String.fromCharCode($charCode % _encoding + 161); }; // special _chars var _encodePrivate = function($charCode) { return "_" + $charCode; }; // protect characters used by the parser function _escape($script) { return $script.replace(/([\\'])/g, "\\$1"); }; // protect high-ascii characters already in the script function _escape95($script) { return $script.replace(/[\xa1-\xff]/g, function($match) { return "\\x" + $match.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); }); }; function _safeRegExp($string, $flags) { return new RegExp($string.replace(/\$/g, "\\$"), $flags); }; // extract the body of a function function _getFunctionBody($function) { with (String($function)) return slice(indexOf("{") + 1, lastIndexOf("}")); }; // set the global flag on a RegExp (you have to create a new one) function _globalize($regexp) { return new RegExp(String($regexp).slice(1, -1), "g"); }; // build the parsing routine _addParser(_basicCompression); if (_specialChars) _addParser(_encodeSpecialChars); if (_encoding) _addParser(_encodeKeywords); // go! return _pack(_script); }; \ No newline at end of file +/* + packer, version 2.0.2 (2005-08-19) + Copyright 2004-2005, Dean Edwards + License: +*/ + +function pack(_script, _encoding, _fastDecode, _specialChars) { + // constants + var $IGNORE = "$1"; + + // validate parameters + _script += "\n"; + _encoding = Math.min(parseInt(_encoding), 95); + + // apply all parsing routines + function _pack($script) { + var i, $parse; + for (i = 0; ($parse = _parsers[i]); i++) { + $script = $parse($script); + } + return $script; + }; + + // unpacking function - this is the boot strap function + // data extracted from this packing routine is passed to + // this function when decoded in the target + var _unpack = function($packed, $ascii, $count, $keywords, $encode, $decode) { + while ($count--) + if ($keywords[$count]) + $packed = $packed.replace(new RegExp('\\b' + $encode($count) + '\\b', 'g'), $keywords[$count]); + return $packed; + }; + + // code-snippet inserted into the unpacker to speed up decoding + var _decode = function() { + // does the browser support String.replace where the + // replacement value is a function? + if (!''.replace(/^/, String)) { + // decode all the values we need + while ($count--) $decode[$encode($count)] = $keywords[$count] || $encode($count); + // global replacement function + $keywords = [function($encoded){return $decode[$encoded]}]; + // generic match + $encode = function(){return'\\w+'}; + // reset the loop counter - we are now doing a global replace + $count = 1; + } + }; + + // keep a list of parsing functions, they'll be executed all at once + var _parsers = []; + function _addParser($parser) { + _parsers[_parsers.length] = $parser; + }; + + // zero encoding - just removal of white space and comments + function _basicCompression($script) { + var $parser = new ParseMaster; + // make safe + $parser.escapeChar = "\\"; + // protect strings + $parser.add(/'[^'\n\r]*'/, $IGNORE); + $parser.add(/"[^"\n\r]*"/, $IGNORE); + // remove comments + $parser.add(/\/\/[^\n\r]*[\n\r]/, " "); + $parser.add(/\/\*[^*]*\*+([^\/][^*]*\*+)*\//, " "); + // protect regular expressions + $parser.add(/\s+(\/[^\/\n\r\*][^\/\n\r]*\/g?i?)/, "$2"); // IGNORE + $parser.add(/[^\w\x24\/'"*)\?:]\/[^\/\n\r\*][^\/\n\r]*\/g?i?/, $IGNORE); + // remove: ;;; doSomething(); + if (_specialChars) $parser.add(/;;;[^\n\r]+[\n\r]/); + // remove redundant semi-colons + $parser.add(/\(;;\)/, $IGNORE); // protect for (;;) loops + $parser.add(/;+\s*([};])/, "$2"); + // apply the above + $script = $parser.exec($script); + + // remove white-space + $parser.add(/(\b|\x24)\s+(\b|\x24)/, "$2 $3"); + $parser.add(/([+\-])\s+([+\-])/, "$2 $3"); + $parser.add(/\s+/, ""); + // done + return $parser.exec($script); + }; + + function _encodeSpecialChars($script) { + var $parser = new ParseMaster; + // replace: $name -> n, $$name -> na + $parser.add(/((\x24+)([a-zA-Z$_]+))(\d*)/, function($match, $offset) { + var $length = $match[$offset + 2].length; + var $start = $length - Math.max($length - $match[$offset + 3].length, 0); + return $match[$offset + 1].substr($start, $length) + $match[$offset + 4]; + }); + // replace: _name -> _0, double-underscore (__name) is ignored + var $regexp = /\b_[A-Za-z\d]\w*/; + // build the word list + var $keywords = _analyze($script, _globalize($regexp), _encodePrivate); + // quick ref + var $encoded = $keywords.$encoded; + $parser.add($regexp, function($match, $offset) { + return $encoded[$match[$offset]]; + }); + return $parser.exec($script); + }; + + function _encodeKeywords($script) { + // escape high-ascii values already in the script (i.e. in strings) + if (_encoding > 62) $script = _escape95($script); + // create the parser + var $parser = new ParseMaster; + var $encode = _getEncoder(_encoding); + // for high-ascii, don't encode single character low-ascii + var $regexp = (_encoding > 62) ? /\w\w+/ : /\w+/; + // build the word list + $keywords = _analyze($script, _globalize($regexp), $encode); + var $encoded = $keywords.$encoded; + // encode + $parser.add($regexp, function($match, $offset) { + return $encoded[$match[$offset]]; + }); + // if encoded, wrap the script in a decoding function + return $script && _bootStrap($parser.exec($script), $keywords); + }; + + function _analyze($script, $regexp, $encode) { + // analyse + // retreive all words in the script + var $all = $script.match($regexp); + var $$sorted = []; // list of words sorted by frequency + var $$encoded = {}; // dictionary of word->encoding + var $$protected = {}; // instances of "protected" words + if ($all) { + var $unsorted = []; // same list, not sorted + var $protected = {}; // "protected" words (dictionary of word->"word") + var $values = {}; // dictionary of charCode->encoding (eg. 256->ff) + var $count = {}; // word->count + var i = $all.length, j = 0, $word; + // count the occurrences - used for sorting later + do { + $word = "$" + $all[--i]; + if (!$count[$word]) { + $count[$word] = 0; + $unsorted[j] = $word; + // make a dictionary of all of the protected words in this script + // these are words that might be mistaken for encoding + $protected["$" + ($values[j] = $encode(j))] = j++; + } + // increment the word counter + $count[$word]++; + } while (i); + // prepare to sort the word list, first we must protect + // words that are also used as codes. we assign them a code + // equivalent to the word itself. + // e.g. if "do" falls within our encoding range + // then we store keywords["do"] = "do"; + // this avoids problems when decoding + i = $unsorted.length; + do { + $word = $unsorted[--i]; + if ($protected[$word] != null) { + $$sorted[$protected[$word]] = $word.slice(1); + $$protected[$protected[$word]] = true; + $count[$word] = 0; + } + } while (i); + // sort the words by frequency + $unsorted.sort(function($match1, $match2) { + return $count[$match2] - $count[$match1]; + }); + j = 0; + // because there are "protected" words in the list + // we must add the sorted words around them + do { + if ($$sorted[i] == null) $$sorted[i] = $unsorted[j++].slice(1); + $$encoded[$$sorted[i]] = $values[i]; + } while (++i < $unsorted.length); + } + return {$sorted: $$sorted, $encoded: $$encoded, $protected: $$protected}; + }; + + // build the boot function used for loading and decoding + function _bootStrap($packed, $keywords) { + var $ENCODE = _safeRegExp("$encode\\($count\\)", "g"); + + // $packed: the packed script + $packed = "'" + _escape($packed) + "'"; + + // $ascii: base for encoding + var $ascii = Math.min($keywords.$sorted.length, _encoding) || 1; + + // $count: number of words contained in the script + var $count = $keywords.$sorted.length; + + // $keywords: list of words contained in the script + for (var i in $keywords.$protected) $keywords.$sorted[i] = ""; + // convert from a string to an array + $keywords = "'" + $keywords.$sorted.join("|") + "'.split('|')"; + + // $encode: encoding function (used for decoding the script) + var $encode = _encoding > 62 ? _encode95 : _getEncoder($ascii); + $encode = String($encode).replace(/_encoding/g, "$ascii").replace(/arguments\.callee/g, "$encode"); + var $inline = "$count" + ($ascii > 10 ? ".toString($ascii)" : ""); + + // $decode: code snippet to speed up decoding + if (_fastDecode) { + // create the decoder + var $decode = _getFunctionBody(_decode); + if (_encoding > 62) $decode = $decode.replace(/\\\\w/g, "[\\xa1-\\xff]"); + // perform the encoding inline for lower ascii values + else if ($ascii < 36) $decode = $decode.replace($ENCODE, $inline); + // special case: when $count==0 there are no keywords. I want to keep + // the basic shape of the unpacking funcion so i'll frig the code... + if (!$count) $decode = $decode.replace(_safeRegExp("($count)\\s*=\\s*1"), "$1=0"); + } + + // boot function + var $unpack = String(_unpack); + if (_fastDecode) { + // insert the decoder + $unpack = $unpack.replace(/\{/, "{" + $decode + ";"); + } + $unpack = $unpack.replace(/"/g, "'"); + if (_encoding > 62) { // high-ascii + // get rid of the word-boundaries for regexp matches + $unpack = $unpack.replace(/'\\\\b'\s*\+|\+\s*'\\\\b'/g, ""); + } + if ($ascii > 36 || _encoding > 62 || _fastDecode) { + // insert the encode function + $unpack = $unpack.replace(/\{/, "{$encode=" + $encode + ";"); + } else { + // perform the encoding inline + $unpack = $unpack.replace($ENCODE, $inline); + } + // pack the boot function too + $unpack = pack($unpack, 0, false, true); + + // arguments + var $params = [$packed, $ascii, $count, $keywords]; + if (_fastDecode) { + // insert placeholders for the decoder + $params = $params.concat(0, "{}"); + } + + // the whole thing + return "eval(" + $unpack + "(" + $params + "))\n"; + }; + + // mmm.. ..which one do i need ?? + function _getEncoder($ascii) { + return $ascii > 10 ? $ascii > 36 ? $ascii > 62 ? _encode95 : _encode62 : _encode36 : _encode10; + }; + + // zero encoding + // characters: 0123456789 + var _encode10 = function($charCode) { + return $charCode; + }; + + // inherent base36 support + // characters: 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz + var _encode36 = function($charCode) { + return $charCode.toString(36); + }; + + // hitch a ride on base36 and add the upper case alpha characters + // characters: 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ + var _encode62 = function($charCode) { + return ($charCode < _encoding ? '' : arguments.callee(parseInt($charCode / _encoding))) + + (($charCode = $charCode % _encoding) > 35 ? String.fromCharCode($charCode + 29) : $charCode.toString(36)); + }; + + // use high-ascii values + var _encode95 = function($charCode) { + return ($charCode < _encoding ? '' : arguments.callee($charCode / _encoding)) + + String.fromCharCode($charCode % _encoding + 161); + }; + + // special _chars + var _encodePrivate = function($charCode) { + return "_" + $charCode; + }; + + // protect characters used by the parser + function _escape($script) { + return $script.replace(/([\\'])/g, "\\$1"); + }; + + // protect high-ascii characters already in the script + function _escape95($script) { + return $script.replace(/[\xa1-\xff]/g, function($match) { + return "\\x" + $match.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); + }); + }; + + function _safeRegExp($string, $flags) { + return new RegExp($string.replace(/\$/g, "\\$"), $flags); + }; + + // extract the body of a function + function _getFunctionBody($function) { + with (String($function)) return slice(indexOf("{") + 1, lastIndexOf("}")); + }; + + // set the global flag on a RegExp (you have to create a new one) + function _globalize($regexp) { + return new RegExp(String($regexp).slice(1, -1), "g"); + }; + + // build the parsing routine + _addParser(_basicCompression); + if (_specialChars) _addParser(_encodeSpecialChars); + if (_encoding) _addParser(_encodeKeywords); + + // go! + return _pack(_script); +}; diff --git a/src/jquery/jquery.js b/src/jquery/jquery.js index 33d7c05c0..3dd9b5c0c 100644 --- a/src/jquery/jquery.js +++ b/src/jquery/jquery.js @@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ jQuery.extend({ } else if (elem.currentStyle) { var newProp = prop.replace(/\-(\w)/g,function(m,c){return c.toUpperCase()}); - ret = elem.currentStyle[prop] || elem.currentStyle[np]; + ret = elem.currentStyle[prop] || elem.currentStyle[newProp]; } else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { -- 2.39.5