]> source.dussan.org Git - aspectj.git/shortlog
2005-07-04 aclementmake weaveradapter available to tests...
2005-07-04 avasseurfix source location for @AJ + fix the AsmManager behavi...
2005-07-04 aclementgenerics: trivial decp implements.
2005-07-01 acolyersignature parsing for methods and fields now complete...
2005-07-01 acolyerupdates to Signature parsing for generics
2005-06-29 aclementFor build machine - fixed classpath to include built...
2005-06-26 acolyer-- here be dragons --
2005-06-26 acolyeradded getGenericSignature method
2005-06-26 acolyerrenamed "getRealSignatureFromAttribute" to "getGenericS...
2005-06-24 aclementFixed classpath for build machine.
2005-06-24 aclementlicensing fix.
2005-06-24 aclementgenerics: helper methods
2005-06-23 aclementClasspath set for running tests on build machine
2005-06-23 aclementgenerics: some of the new fields/members added
2005-06-23 aclementcopyright added.
2005-06-23 aclementgenerics: Holds a generic type reference (used by the...
2005-06-22 acolyerrename weaver.patterns.TypeVariable to weaver.patterns...
2005-06-22 acolyertest cases for TypeVariable implementation -- AMC
2005-06-22 acolyerearly commit of TypeVariable for Andy...
2005-06-22 acolyerimportant updates for call, get, and set wrt. erasure...
2005-06-21 wisbergeasier to manually debug output jars
2005-06-21 wisbergfix release jars including testing-*
2005-06-21 aclementSome refactoring to try and come up with better type...
2005-06-21 aclementgenerics decp test.
2005-06-20 acolyeryet another version of aspectjrt.jar due to question...
2005-06-20 avasseurLTW weaver/dump@within option + fix a sout in weaver
2005-06-20 acolyercompleted set of basic parser tests for pcds with type...
2005-06-20 acolyerupdate aspectjrt.jar in lib and test cases uses MAP...
2005-06-19 acolyerfirst complete version of the generics chapter.
2005-06-18 wisberginstall before examples, vm-setup fix
2005-06-17 acolyerextensive updates to the generics chapter to describe...
2005-06-17 acolyerupdated reflection interfaces to represent a pointcut...
2005-06-17 wisbergconsolidated build script failure reports in one target
2005-06-17 wisbergremoved redundant properties, failonerror=false with...
2005-06-17 wisbergflattened release build sequence into target "all"...
2005-06-17 wisbergremoved rebuild, aspectjrtpath from lib/test, adopted...
2005-06-17 wisbergnow handling (init, clean, save) multiple results,...
2005-06-17 wisbergspurious aspectjlib dir
2005-06-16 wisbergreflective calls outside the Java language
2005-06-16 wisbergreflective calls, bcel
2005-06-16 avasseurcomment out dump - needs to be impl thru weaver option...
2005-06-16 avasseurfix LTW5/515 stuff as per Wes spot
2005-06-16 aclementTests and fixes for bug 100260: methods inherited from...
2005-06-16 aclementTest for bug 83311 - dreaded clone() method being ITDd
2005-06-16 aclementFix and tests for bug 100227: [generics][itds] inner...
2005-06-16 aclementanother helper method...
2005-06-15 wisbergship dtd's too (see loadtime)
2005-06-15 wisbergout-of-date check working. Applies only to compiles...
2005-06-15 wisbergskipping long-running test builds
2005-06-15 wisbergout-of-date check working.
2005-06-15 wisbergout-of-date check working. Better logging
2005-06-15 wisbergout-of-date check working. Force-libraries changed...
2005-06-14 aclementUpdated with a simple erasure test case - will need...
2005-06-14 aclementFix for Bugzilla Bug 98320: [generics][itds] intertype...
2005-06-14 aclementgenerics bugs testcases.
2005-06-14 aclementSome new TypeX tests to check parameterization processi...
2005-06-14 aclementFix for 99089: [generics][itds] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsEx...
2005-06-14 aclementFix for 99089: [generics][itds] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsEx...
2005-06-14 aclementFix for 99089: [generics][itds] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsEx...
2005-06-14 aclementFix for 99168: [generics][itds] ITD on generic inner...
2005-06-14 aclementAltered classpath calculating logic to hopefully work...
2005-06-14 aclementTests for 98320, 99228, 99089: [generics][itds]
2005-06-14 aclementFix for 99228: [generics][itds] ITD of a field into...
2005-06-13 avasseurrollback cvs notif test
2005-06-13 avasseurcvs notif test
2005-06-13 avasseuralex rollbaclk / cvs commit test
2005-06-13 avasseurtest cvsnotif
2005-06-13 avasseurfixed bug with LTW Xreweavable, fix this reflective...
2005-06-09 wisbergunused imports (only)
2005-06-09 acolyernew logic in AllTests failed unless loadtime5 was on...
2005-06-09 acolyerThis PointcutParser should *not* support if - it is...
2005-06-09 acolyerfirst batch of updates for generics :- largely parsing...
2005-06-09 acolyerupdate to binary format as part of generics work, plus...
2005-06-09 acolyerupdate to binary format as part of generics work
2005-06-09 avasseur@style if test, fixed Ajc that was not having sandbox...
2005-06-09 aclementTests for pr99089 - commented out in Ajc150Tests.java
2005-06-09 avasseur@style if doc
2005-06-09 aclementReadded test, order fixed via precedence
2005-06-09 aclementfixing typo
2005-06-09 avasseurtest for if @style - a todo for Adrian
2005-06-09 acolyertest broken by last commit, fixed by adding lib/out...
2005-06-09 wisbergwhoops - removed test target
2005-06-09 wisbergignore local.properties
2005-06-09 wisbergremoving junitModules - use ant test in each module...
2005-06-09 wisbergupdated tests for revamped module-result builder
2005-06-09 wisbergNow targeting Module results (release, test, release...
2005-06-09 wisbergdraft of cruise-control script - untested
2005-06-09 wisbergrevamped build scripts using Ant 1.6.3 features. Now...
2005-06-09 wisbergRemoving unused build scripts
2005-06-09 wisberg(disabled) convenience flag to defer long tests
2005-06-09 wisbergnew main for my convenience in testing the testing...
2005-06-08 wisbergNow delegating to the two roots: AllTests for unit...
2005-06-08 wisbergRoot of all all (non-compiler) JUnit tests works under...
2005-06-08 wisbergModule alias does not include compiler tests since...
2005-06-08 wisbergadding ajdoc and loadtime to run those JUnit tests...
2005-06-08 wisbergdisabled test that assumes advice between unrelated...
2005-06-08 wisbergThese fail and were not included in JUnit suite gather...
2005-06-08 wisbergTo run compiler tests, just `cd tests; ant test`
2005-06-08 wisbergtestsrc/TestsModulesTests for consistency. Now to...
2005-06-08 wisbergMore aspectjrt.jar finder fixes