]> source.dussan.org Git - aspectj.git/shortlog
2002-12-23 wisbergfixed bug with unnamed tasks producing messages like
2002-12-23 wisbergfixing version-handling.
2002-12-23 jhugunina couple more known limitations and increased coverage...
2002-12-23 wisbergcommented out code to replace licenses
2002-12-23 jhuguninupdated for new sematics of issingleton aspects advisin...
2002-12-23 jhuguninbetter errors for issingleton aspects advising own...
2002-12-23 wisbergfixed uptodate checking for local-dist
2002-12-23 jhuguninmatching new semantics of persingleton aspect advising...
2002-12-23 jhuguninmaking lack of after returning advice consitent with...
2002-12-20 jhuguninfixed rules for overriding/inheriting pointcuts
2002-12-20 jhuguninexpanded coverage
2002-12-20 jhuguninupdated error messages
2002-12-20 wisbergadded test cases for old jitterbugs
2002-12-19 jhuguninexcluding new preinitialization join points
2002-12-19 jhuguninupdated jars
2002-12-19 jhuguninremoved old transition warnings
2002-12-19 jhuguninupdated jars for changes to bytecode forms
2002-12-19 jhuguninmaking more jars for tests
2002-12-19 jhuguninexplicitly excluding new preinitialization join points
2002-12-19 jhuguninusing external deprecated method to get warning
2002-12-19 jhuguninbetter type and visibility checking for pointcut references
2002-12-19 jhuguninremoved old 1.0 warnings
2002-12-19 jhuguninfixed illegal foward assignment not caught by 1.0.6
2002-12-19 jhuguninupdated for changed to inter-type constructors
2002-12-19 jhuguninfixed error handling for illegal overriding with inter...
2002-12-19 jhuguninfixed NPE when no manifest in aspectjrt.jar
2002-12-19 jhuguninusing DEVELOPMENT as active cvs version
2002-12-18 wisberg1.1b2 V_1_1_b2
2002-12-18 wisbergsuppressing info messages unless verbose
2002-12-18 wisberghandling messages like the new taskdef, printing as...
2002-12-18 wisberghoisted user exception rendering for taskdef clients
2002-12-18 ehilsdalremoving non-local links into tree
2002-12-18 wisbergdebug comment
2002-12-18 wisbergdoc iajc/ajc alternatives
2002-12-18 wisbergdoc props
2002-12-18 wisbergrollout new fixes
2002-12-18 wisbergXXX always exclude Ant and runtime classes from assembl...
2002-12-18 wisbergdo build.xml builds only for modules, not products...
2002-12-18 wisberglist antecedants in verbose mode
2002-12-18 wisbergavoid NPE when in strange state
2002-12-18 jhuguninsmall cleanups
2002-12-18 ehilsdalNow devguide doesn't include AJDE stuff apart from...
2002-12-18 wisbergchanging exception message
2002-12-18 mkerstenAdded condition for model building.
2002-12-18 jhuguninfixed order of thisJoinPoint and thisJoinPointStaticPart
2002-12-18 wisbergrolling out installer class changes
2002-12-18 ehilsdalchanging ant verbiage
2002-12-18 jhugunincleaned up imports
2002-12-18 wisbergactual URLs
2002-12-18 wisbergadding instructions for running Ant from Eclipse.
2002-12-18 wisbergsetting JAVA_HOME for new ant
2002-12-18 wisbergrenamed readmes, corrected links -- tools being used...
2002-12-18 wisberginstaller window title
2002-12-18 wisberginitial version
2002-12-18 wisbergpublic constructor, better message reporting on failure
2002-12-18 wisbergremoved license checks for extruded modules
2002-12-18 wisbergadding http://eclipse.org/aspectj as home page.
2002-12-18 wisberginitial version .lst files
2002-12-18 jhuguninhandle matching with this/target/args(InaccessibleTypeT...
2002-12-18 jhuguninadded coverage for this(InaccessibleTypeToOthers)
2002-12-18 ehilsdalVarious fixes and completions. Should be 1.1beta2...
2002-12-18 jhuguninbetter errors for bad arguments
2002-12-18 jhuguninignoring Xlint errors from some cases with deliberately...
2002-12-18 jhuguninprivileged from inners
2002-12-18 jhuguninremoved use of getSourceLocation.getColumn()
2002-12-18 jhuguninfixed accidental capture of StringBuffer.append(int)
2002-12-18 jhuguninmore bug fixes for if and privileged
2002-12-18 jhuguninfixed accessiblity bug
2002-12-18 jhuguninmore fixes for privileged
2002-12-18 jhuguninfield sets are void
2002-12-18 jhugunindominates -> declare dominates
2002-12-18 jhuguninchanged for void return type of field sets
2002-12-18 wisbergtrying to avoid incompatible class change error
2002-12-18 ehilsdalskeleton for 1.1beta2
2002-12-18 jhugunincan't use type patterns in target
2002-12-18 jhuguninwildcarded type patterns now remember there scope infor...
2002-12-18 jhuguninmore privileged fixes
2002-12-18 jhugunincan't use type patterns in target
2002-12-18 jhugunincan't use type patterns in inter-type declarations
2002-12-18 jhugunindebugging off
2002-12-18 jhuguninhandling privileged access to types correctly
2002-12-18 jhuguninupdated for correct privileged rules that import is...
2002-12-17 jhuguninsignature of static method for if pcd shouldn't include...
2002-12-17 jhuguninadding accessor methods for calls to protected methods...
2002-12-17 ehilsdalRemvoing stylesheet refs
2002-12-17 ehilsdalRemvoing stylesheet refs and link to oldversions.
2002-12-17 jhuguninbetter error handling for cases where type name is...
2002-12-17 jhugunincan't use wildcards in target in 1.1
2002-12-17 jhuguninreflects the 1.1 change that field-set join points...
2002-12-17 jhuguninremoved inaccurate old comment
2002-12-17 jhuguninadded comments and removed old warning
2002-12-17 jhuguninmore bug fixes
2002-12-17 jhuguninextended coverage
2002-12-17 wisberginitial version - neglected .lst files in testdata
2002-12-17 wisberginitial version - neglected .lst files in testdata
2002-12-17 wisberginitial version - neglected .lst files in testsrc
2002-12-17 wisbergagain aligning task with xlint reality
2002-12-17 wisbergdoc/script cleanup
2002-12-17 wisbergemacssym
2002-12-17 wisbergbeta 2, usage for -emacssym