]> source.dussan.org Git - archiva.git/shortlog
2008-04-03 Brett Porterchange markmail addresses
2008-04-02 Wendy SmoakLock down to a released version of the site skin
2008-03-29 Brett Porterarrange plugin declarations to minimise need to release...
2008-03-29 Brett Porterignore target
2008-03-29 Brett Porterchange group ID
2008-03-29 Brett Portermerge with the Maven POM - this can probably be further...
2008-03-29 Brett Porterupdate SVN URLs
2008-03-28 Brett Porter[INFRA-1563] move Archiva to a TLP
2008-02-18 Vincent Sivetono updated ML and added ML archives tags/archiva-parent-10@642424 tags/archiva-parent-11@642424 tags/archiva-parent-12@642424 tags/archiva-parent-3@642424 tags/archiva-parent-4@642424 tags/archiva-parent-5@642424 tags/archiva-parent-6@642424 tags/archiva-parent-7@642424 tags/archiva-parent-8@642424 tags/archiva-parent-9@642424
2008-01-29 Maria Odea... [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2008-01-29 Maria Odea... [maven-release-plugin] prepare release archiva-parent-2
2008-01-21 Maria Odea... -reverted version to 2-SNAPSHOT tags/archiva-parent-2@616198
2008-01-17 Maria Odea... [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2008-01-17 Maria Odea... [maven-release-plugin] prepare release archiva-parent-2
2007-12-30 Wendy SmoakUse the latest site plugin
2007-12-30 Brett Porterfix the tag location for the parent POM
2007-12-30 Wendy SmoakAdd the issues list.
2007-11-23 Maria Odea... [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2007-11-23 Maria Odea... [maven-release-plugin] prepare release archiva-parent-1
2007-11-19 Brett Porterupdated parent
2007-11-11 Brett Porteradd URL
2007-11-11 Brett Portergot ahead of myself
2007-11-11 Brett Porteradd parent POM for the Archiva product