]> source.dussan.org Git - redmine.git/shortlog
2019-09-30 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/LeadingCommentSpace...
2019-09-30 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/LeadingCommentSpace...
2019-09-30 Toshi MARUYAMAadd test "removing issue shows confirm dialog"
2019-09-30 Toshi MARUYAMAremove extra space from app/views/issues/_edit.html.erb
2019-09-30 Go MAEDAText enclosed in pre tag in Wiki formatting reference...
2019-09-29 Go MAEDAUnify fields of subtasks and related issues on issue...
2019-09-28 Go MAEDAMake the disabled fields more obvious (#31147).
2019-09-28 Go MAEDARounded corners on table.list elements (#32014).
2019-09-27 Go MAEDAMove the links (All time entries, Import) from Spent...
2019-09-27 Go MAEDAAdd "Highlighted code" section in Wiki Syntax Quick...
2019-09-26 Go MAEDAIncoming emails may cause "invalid byte sequence" error...
2019-09-26 Go MAEDADon't set border-radius for the items in the dropdown...
2019-09-26 Go MAEDABulgarian translation update (#32147).
2019-09-26 Go MAEDAJapanese translation update (#32144).
2019-09-26 Go MAEDATraditional Chinese translation update (#32143).
2019-09-26 Toshi MARUYAMAsvn propdel svn:executable app/models/mail_handler.rb
2019-09-25 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/ClosingHeredocIndenta...
2019-09-25 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/EmptyLinesAroundMetho...
2019-09-25 Toshi MARUYAMAdetect Chrome downloaded file more strictly
2019-09-25 Go MAEDAUpdate locales (#31879).
2019-09-25 Go MAEDA"starts with" and "ends with" filter operators for...
2019-09-25 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/WhileUntilModifier...
2019-09-25 Toshi MARUYAMAdetect strictly Chrome downloaded file
2019-09-25 Toshi MARUYAMAdo not delete Chrome downloaded files on Linux
2019-09-25 Toshi MARUYAMAworkaround Chrome default_directory ignored on Linux
2019-09-25 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/TrailingCommaInArgumen...
2019-09-25 Toshi MARUYAMArubocop: remove config/initializers/30-redmine.rb from...
2019-09-25 Go MAEDAinput[type="number"] should be highlighted as well...
2019-09-25 Toshi MARUYAMArubocop: disable Naming/AccessorMethodName
2019-09-25 Toshi MARUYAMArubocop: disable Lint/IneffectiveAccessModifier
2019-09-25 Go MAEDAHighlight the input field that has focus by setting...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/ZeroLengthPredicate...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/EmptyLineBetweenDefs...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Rails/Presence in config...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Rails/Presence in config...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Rails/Presence in db/migrate...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Rails/Presence in lib/redmin...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/BlockEndNewline in...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/SpaceInsideStringInte...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/EmptyLineBetweenDefs...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/WhileUntilModifier...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/ParenthesesAroundCondi...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/ParenthesesAroundCondi...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/NegatedIf in lib/redmi...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/ColonMethodCall in...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAadd missing fixtures to MailHandlerTest (#31946)
2019-09-24 Go MAEDADon't show unsettable permissions in the tracker permis...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/SpaceInsideRangeLiter...
2019-09-24 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/EmptyLiteral in lib...
2019-09-23 Go MAEDARounded corners of "my page" blocks (#32015).
2019-09-21 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Performance/Casecmp in lib...
2019-09-21 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Performance/Casecmp in lib...
2019-09-21 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/RedundantConditional...
2019-09-21 Toshi MARUYAMArubocop: disable Naming/BinaryOperatorParameterName
2019-09-21 Toshi MARUYAMArubocop: disable Rails/HelperInstanceVariable
2019-09-21 Toshi MARUYAMArubocop: remove app/helpers/issues_helper.rb from Style...
2019-09-21 Go MAEDAAuto-complete issues #id in the search form (#32052).
2019-09-21 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Rails/Blank in app/helpers...
2019-09-21 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/MultilineTernaryOperat...
2019-09-21 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/MultilineArrayBraceLa...
2019-09-20 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Lint/ScriptPermission of...
2019-09-20 Toshi MARUYAMAsvn propset svn:executable on Rakefile
2019-09-20 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/CommentedKeyword in...
2019-09-20 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/CommentAnnotation...
2019-09-20 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/ClassCheck in lib...
2019-09-20 Toshi MARUYAMArubocop: remove app/models/issue.rb from Lint/Duplicate...
2019-09-20 Toshi MARUYAMAremove "attr_reader :current_journal" from Issue class
2019-09-20 Toshi MARUYAMAuse "attr_writer" instead of "attr_accessor" for Issue...
2019-09-20 Toshi MARUYAMAcode clean up app/models/repository.rb
2019-09-20 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/LeadingCommentSpace...
2019-09-20 Go MAEDAFixes not to call set_tmp_attachments_directory twice...
2019-09-20 Go MAEDARounded corners of the main menu (#32013).
2019-09-19 Go MAEDAUpdate Rouge to 3.11.0 (#31556).
2019-09-19 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/StringLiteralsInInterp...
2019-09-19 Go MAEDALog info messages when MailHandler ignored a reply...
2019-09-19 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/IndentAssignment...
2019-09-19 Toshi MARUYAMAbackout r13743
2019-09-18 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Lint/UselessSetterCall in...
2019-09-18 Go MAEDAChange textfield to textarea for "Exclude attachments...
2019-09-17 Go MAEDAAdd wiki toolbar to "Email header" and "Email footer...
2019-09-16 Go MAEDAFix FrozenError during tests (#32071, #26561).
2019-09-15 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/LeadingCommentSpace...
2019-09-15 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/IndentAssignment...
2019-09-15 Go MAEDAConstrain sidebar width on different resolutions (...
2019-09-14 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/IndentationConsistenc...
2019-09-14 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/EmptyLinesAroundMetho...
2019-09-14 Go MAEDAAdd clear query icon next to selected query in sidebar...
2019-09-13 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Layout/IndentationConsistenc...
2019-09-13 Go MAEDAmail_body method in test/test_helper.rb raises an excep...
2019-09-13 Toshi MARUYAMAcode clean up test/functional/repositories_mercurial_co...
2019-09-13 Toshi MARUYAMAcode clean up test/functional/repositories_git_controll...
2019-09-13 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Style/MethodCallWithoutArgsP...
2019-09-13 Toshi MARUYAMArubocop: disable Naming/PredicateName
2019-09-12 Go MAEDAFix that date grouping for MySQL is not working (#32046...
2019-09-12 Go MAEDAAdd additional mail headers for issue tracker (#31910).
2019-09-12 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Lint/HandleExceptions in...
2019-09-12 Toshi MARUYAMArubocop: use Lint/HandleExceptions AllowComments true
2019-09-12 Toshi MARUYAMAcode cleanup: rubocop: fix Lint/AmbiguousOperator in...
2019-09-12 Go MAEDAAdd missing fixture (#13468).
2019-09-12 Go MAEDAUpdate default database config for MySQL to support...