]> source.dussan.org Git - archiva.git/shortlog
2013-04-08 Olivier Lamyrecord new time zone
2013-04-08 Olivier Lamyoh we are now 1.6
2013-04-08 Olivier Lamyuse compiler plugin released version
2013-03-31 Olivier Lamyuse last surefire plugin 2.14
2013-02-13 Olivier Lamyignore *.iml
2013-01-18 Olivier Lamyeasier google analytics
2013-01-11 Olivier Lamywar plugin 2.3 recompressZippedFiles to true to avoid...
2013-01-11 Olivier Lamyassembly plugin 2.4 recompressZippedFiles to true to...
2013-01-08 Olivier Lamyback to non SNAPSHOT version
2013-01-04 Olivier Lamytest mpir 2.7-SNAPSHOT
2013-01-04 Olivier Lamyjavadoc plugin 2.9
2013-01-03 Olivier Lamyuse last jackson version 1.9.11
2012-12-27 Olivier Lamysurefire released version
2012-12-21 Olivier Lamyuse enunciate last 1.26.2
2012-12-11 Olivier Lamytest surefire 2.13-SNAPSHOT
2012-11-22 Olivier Lamytest all projects with compiler plugin 3.1-SNAPSHOT
2012-11-19 Olivier Lamycompiler plugin 3.0 released version
2012-11-08 Olivier Lamysite plugin 3.2
2012-11-08 Olivier Lamyuse last version of maven-scm-publish-plugin 1.0-beta-2
2012-10-28 Olivier Lamyuse last mpir version
2012-10-19 Olivier Lamycompiler plugin version has been bumped to 3.0-SNAPSHOT
2012-10-19 Olivier Lamytesting a bit last maven compiler plugin on a ci server
2012-10-11 Olivier Lamyuse last surefire version 2.12.4
2012-10-05 Olivier Lamy change phase for enunciate for be able to use with...
2012-10-05 Olivier Lamyuse last war plugin version
2012-10-05 Olivier Lamyadd enunciate generation in parent pom as it will be...
2012-09-25 Olivier Lamynot needed rsync to central still work.
2012-09-25 Olivier Lamyadd our releases repo
2012-09-21 Olivier Lamy[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2012-09-21 Olivier Lamy[maven-release-plugin] prepare release archiva-parent-9 tags/archiva-parent-9@1388413
2012-09-21 Olivier Lamyback to 9-SNAPSHOT
2012-09-21 Olivier Lamy[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development...
2012-09-21 Olivier Lamy[maven-release-plugin] prepare release archiva-parent-9 tags/archiva-parent-9@1388407
2012-09-20 Olivier Lamypossible to override default scm svn implementation...
2012-09-20 Olivier Lamydo not configure that in the parent sub projects will...
2012-09-20 Olivier Lamyremove as it can break some sub projects
2012-09-19 alecharpFix alecharp organisation
2012-09-17 Olivier Lamyadd a note on p-u 3.0.7 hack
2012-09-17 Olivier Lamyfaster resources plugin for non filtering resources...
2012-09-17 alecharpShow alecharp as project commiter
2012-09-16 Olivier Lamyuse p-u 3.0.7 released version
2012-09-16 Olivier Lamyfix the build until p-u release
2012-09-15 Olivier Lamyadd snapshot repo for last --p-u
2012-09-15 Olivier Lamyp-u 3.0.7-SNAPSHOT needed for fixing copy files
2012-09-15 Olivier Lamyuse a property for this version
2012-09-15 Olivier Lamyplexus-utils 3.0.6 is faster to copy files.
2012-09-14 Olivier Lamympir last version
2012-09-14 Olivier Lamyuse released version
2012-09-09 Olivier Lamysnapshot repo not anymore needed
2012-09-09 Olivier Lamyuse released version
2012-09-04 Olivier Lamysnapshot repo needed for javasvn
2012-09-04 Olivier Lamysnapshot needed currently
2012-08-31 Olivier Lamyrelease of fluido skin
2012-08-30 Olivier Lamyrename property to avoid issue with the one used in...
2012-08-30 Olivier Lamyuse javadoc version from properties
2012-08-29 Olivier Lamysimplify svnpub sub configuration: just use mvn site...
2012-08-29 Olivier Lamymove reporting plugins versions to parent pom
2012-08-29 Olivier Lamymove reporting plugin version to a property
2012-08-28 Olivier Lamywagon ssh not anymore needed
2012-08-28 Olivier Lamymove scmsvnpub plugin configuration to parent pom
2012-08-28 Olivier Lamymove surefire to a property use last 2.12.3
2012-08-21 Olivier Lamylast fluido skin snapshot is 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
2012-08-18 Olivier Lamymaven-resources-plugin 2.6
2012-08-11 Olivier Lamylast surefire plugin version
2012-08-07 Olivier Lamywagon ssh for deploying site
2012-08-07 Olivier Lamyadd en enforcer rule to check build run with 1.6+
2012-08-07 Olivier Lamyset enforcer plugin version
2012-08-05 Olivier Lamywagon ssh not needed with last site plugin version
2012-08-04 Olivier Lamyeric is now committer
2012-08-04 skygoadd skygo (Eric Barboni) as commiter
2012-08-02 Olivier Lamyuse last surefire plugin
2012-07-31 Olivier Lamyadd redback contributors.
2012-07-30 Olivier Lamygpg use agent can be override tru a property
2012-07-30 Olivier Lamyuse last release plugin version
2012-07-10 Olivier Lamyfluido skin upgrade
2012-07-07 Olivier Lamyfix release profile
2012-07-07 Olivier Lamymove comments from archiva pom
2012-07-07 Olivier Lamymove release assembly plugin configuration in pluginMng...
2012-07-07 Olivier Lamyadd assembly plugin version in pluginMngt section
2012-07-07 Olivier Lamyconfigure generation of source release assembly
2012-07-05 Olivier Lamyemeritus at the end
2012-07-05 Olivier Lamyremove nicolas organization
2012-07-05 Olivier Lamyadd notifications mailing list
2012-07-02 Olivier Lamyadd rat plugin version in pluginManagement parent
2012-06-04 Olivier Lamycompiler plugin 2.5.1
2012-05-28 Olivier Lamycleanup some values for deployment unify naming
2012-05-28 Olivier Lamyrelease compiler plugin 2.5
2012-05-26 Olivier Lamyclean plugin 2.5
2012-05-12 Olivier Lamyadd more plugin version in parent pom
2012-05-12 Olivier Lamylast gpg plugin version
2012-05-12 Olivier Lamydefine war plugin version
2012-05-12 Olivier Lamylast release plugin version
2012-05-11 Olivier Lamyuse last maven-remote-resources-plugin 1.3
2012-05-04 Olivier Lamyadd new contributor
2012-05-03 Olivier Lamysite plugin 3.1
2012-05-01 Olivier Lamycompiler plugin 2.4
2012-04-27 Olivier Lamyspeed compiler
2012-04-14 Olivier Lamyadd more plugins in pluginMngt section.
2012-04-14 Olivier Lamyadd more plugin in pluginMngt
2012-04-14 Olivier Lamyadd maven-compiler-plugin configuration.