setName('tag:edit') ->setDescription('edit tag attributes') ->addArgument( 'id', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The ID of the tag that should be deleted', ) ->addOption( 'name', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'sets the \'name\' parameter', ) ->addOption( 'access', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'sets the access control level (public, restricted, invisible)', ); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $tagArray = $this->systemTagManager->getTagsByIds($input->getArgument('id')); // returns an array, but we always expect 0 or 1 results if (!$tagArray) { $output->writeln('Tag not found'); return 3; } $tag = array_values($tagArray)[0]; $name = $tag->getName(); if (!empty($input->getOption('name'))) { $name = $input->getOption('name'); } $userVisible = $tag->isUserVisible(); $userAssignable = $tag->isUserAssignable(); if ($input->getOption('access')) { switch ($input->getOption('access')) { case 'public': $userVisible = true; $userAssignable = true; break; case 'restricted': $userVisible = true; $userAssignable = false; break; case 'invisible': $userVisible = false; $userAssignable = false; break; default: $output->writeln('`access` property is invalid'); return 1; } } try { $this->systemTagManager->updateTag($input->getArgument('id'), $name, $userVisible, $userAssignable); $output->writeln('Tag updated ("' . $name . '", '. $userVisible . ', ' . $userAssignable . ')'); return 0; } catch (TagNotFoundException $e) { $output->writeln('Tag not found'); return 1; } catch (TagAlreadyExistsException $e) { $output->writeln(''.$e->getMessage().''); return 2; } } }