2021-06-01 15:59:19 +02:00

29 lines
1.2 KiB

*** Settings ***
Suite Setup Rspamd Setup
Suite Teardown Rspamd Teardown
Library ${RSPAMD_TESTDIR}/lib/
Resource ${RSPAMD_TESTDIR}/lib/rspamd.robot
Variables ${RSPAMD_TESTDIR}/lib/
*** Variables ***
${CONFIG} ${RSPAMD_TESTDIR}/configs/lua_test.conf
${MESSAGE} ${RSPAMD_TESTDIR}/messages/spam_message.eml
${RSPAMD_URL_TLD} ${RSPAMD_TESTDIR}/../lua/unit/test_tld.dat
*** Test Cases ***
Sync API TCP get request when server is down
[Documentation] We don't create HTTP server here, that's why
... all requests fail with "connection refused"
Check url /request get HTTP_ASYNC_RESPONSE Socket error detected: Connection refused
Check url /content-length get HTTP_SYNC_WRITE_ERROR Socket error detected: Connection refused
*** Keywords ***
Check url
[Arguments] ${url} ${method} ${expect_symbol} @{expect_options}
Scan File ${MESSAGE} URL=${url} Method=${method}
... Settings={symbols_enabled = [SIMPLE_TCP_ASYNC_TEST, SIMPLE_TCP_TEST]}
Expect Symbol With Exact Options ${expect_symbol} @{expect_options}