2021-09-15 13:31:44 +02:00

310 lines
12 KiB

*** Settings ***
Library Collections
Library OperatingSystem
Library Process
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Check Controller Errors
Should Be Equal As Integers ${result}[0] 200
Log ${result}[1]
Check Pidfile
[Arguments] ${pidfile} ${timeout}=1 min
Wait Until Created ${pidfile} timeout=${timeout}
${size} = Get File Size ${pidfile}
Should Not Be Equal As Integers ${size} 0
Check Rspamc
[Arguments] ${result} @{args} &{kwargs}
Run Keyword If ${result.rc} != 0 Log ${result.stderr}
${has_rc} = Evaluate 'rc' in $kwargs
${inverse} = Evaluate 'inverse' in $kwargs
${re} = Evaluate 're' in $kwargs
${rc} = Set Variable If ${has_rc} == True ${kwargs}[rc] 0
FOR ${i} IN @{args}
Run Keyword If ${re} == True Check Rspamc Match Regexp ${result.stdout} ${i} ${inverse}
... ELSE Check Rspamc Match String ${result.stdout} ${i} ${inverse}
Run Keyword If @{args} == @{EMPTY} Check Rspamc Match Default ${result.stdout} ${inverse}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${result.rc} ${rc}
Check Rspamc Match Default
[Arguments] ${subject} ${inverse}
Run Keyword If ${inverse} == False Should Contain ${subject} success = true
... ELSE Should Not Contain ${subject} success = true
Check Rspamc Match Regexp
[Arguments] ${subject} ${re} ${inverse}
Run Keyword If ${inverse} == False Should Match Regexp ${subject} ${re}
... ELSE Should Not Match Regexp ${subject} ${re}
Check Rspamc Match String
[Arguments] ${subject} ${str} ${inverse}
Run Keyword If ${inverse} == False Should Contain ${subject} ${str}
... ELSE Should Not Contain ${subject} ${str}
Do Not Expect Symbol
[Arguments] ${symbol}
Dictionary Should Not Contain Key ${SCAN_RESULT}[symbols] ${symbol}
... msg=Symbol ${symbol} was not expected to be found in result
Do Not Expect Symbols
[Arguments] @{symbols}
FOR ${symbol} IN @{symbols}
Dictionary Should Not Contain Key ${SCAN_RESULT}[symbols] ${symbol}
... msg=Symbol ${symbol} was not expected to be found in result
Expect Action
[Arguments] ${action}
Should Be Equal ${SCAN_RESULT}[action] ${action}
Expect Email
[Arguments] ${email}
List Should Contain Value ${SCAN_RESULT}[emails] ${email}
Expect Required Score
[Arguments] ${required_score}
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${SCAN_RESULT}[required_score] ${required_score}
Expect Required Score To Be Null
Should Be Equal ${SCAN_RESULT}[required_score] ${NONE}
Expect Score
[Arguments] ${score}
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${SCAN_RESULT}[score] ${score}
Expect Symbol
[Arguments] ${symbol}
Dictionary Should Contain Key ${SCAN_RESULT}[symbols] ${symbol}
... msg=Symbol ${symbol} wasn't found in result
Expect URL
[Arguments] ${url}
List Should Contain Value ${SCAN_RESULT}[urls] ${url}
Expect Extended URL
[Arguments] ${url}
${found_url} = Set Variable ${FALSE}
${url_list} = Convert To List ${SCAN_RESULT}[urls]
FOR ${item} IN @{url_list}
${d} = Convert To Dictionary ${item}
${found_url} = Evaluate "${d}[url]" == "${url}"
Exit For Loop If ${found_url} == ${TRUE}
Should Be True ${found_url} msg="Expected URL was not found: ${url}"
Expect Symbol With Exact Options
[Arguments] ${symbol} @{options}
Expect Symbol ${symbol}
${have_options} = Convert To List ${SCAN_RESULT}[symbols][${symbol}][options]
Lists Should Be Equal ${have_options} ${options}
... msg="Symbol ${symbol} has options ${SCAN_RESULT}[symbols][${symbol}][options] but expected ${options}"
Expect Symbol With Option
[Arguments] ${symbol} ${option}
Expect Symbol ${symbol}
${have_options} = Convert To List ${SCAN_RESULT}[symbols][${symbol}][options]
Should Contain ${have_options} ${option}
... msg="Options for symbol ${symbol} ${SCAN_RESULT}[symbols][${symbol}][options] doesn't contain ${option}"
Expect Symbol With Score
[Arguments] ${symbol} ${score}
Dictionary Should Contain Key ${SCAN_RESULT}[symbols] ${symbol}
... msg=Symbol ${symbol} wasn't found in result
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${SCAN_RESULT}[symbols][${symbol}][score] ${score}
... msg="Symbol ${symbol} has score of ${SCAN_RESULT}[symbols][${symbol}][score] but expected ${score}"
Expect Symbols
[Arguments] @{symbols}
FOR ${symbol} IN @{symbols}
Dictionary Should Contain Key ${SCAN_RESULT}[symbols] ${symbol}
... msg=Symbol ${symbol} wasn't found in result
Expect Symbols With Scores
[Arguments] &{symscores}
FOR ${key} ${value} IN &{symscores}
Dictionary Should Contain Key ${SCAN_RESULT}[symbols] ${key}
... msg=Symbol ${key} wasn't found in result
Should Be Equal As Numbers ${SCAN_RESULT}[symbols][${key}][score] ${value}
... msg="Symbol ${key} has score of ${SCAN_RESULT}[symbols][${key}][score] but expected ${value}"
Expect Symbol With Score And Exact Options
[Arguments] ${symbol} ${score} @{options}
Expect Symbol With Exact Options ${symbol} @{options}
Expect Symbol With Score ${symbol} ${score}
Export Rspamd Variables To Environment
&{all_vars} = Get Variables no_decoration=True
FOR ${k} ${v} IN &{all_vars}
Run Keyword If '${k}'.startswith("RSPAMD_") Set Environment Variable ${k} ${v}
Export Scoped Variables
[Arguments] ${scope} &{vars}
FOR ${k} ${v} IN &{vars}
Run Keyword If '${scope}' == 'Test' Set Test Variable ${${k}} ${v}
... ELSE IF '${scope}' == 'Suite' Set Suite Variable ${${k}} ${v}
... ELSE IF '${scope}' == 'Global' Set Global Variable ${${k}} ${v}
... ELSE Fail message="Don't know what to do with scope: ${scope}"
Log does not contain segfault record
${log} = Get File ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/rspamd.log encoding_errors=ignore
Should not contain ${log} (Segmentation fault) msg=Segmentation fault detected
Redis HSET
[Arguments] ${hash} ${key} ${value}
${result} = Run Process redis-cli -h ${RSPAMD_REDIS_ADDR} -p ${RSPAMD_REDIS_PORT}
... HSET ${hash} ${key} ${value}
Run Keyword If ${result.rc} != 0 Log ${result.stderr}
Log ${result.stdout}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${result.rc} 0
Redis SET
[Arguments] ${key} ${value}
${result} = Run Process redis-cli -h ${RSPAMD_REDIS_ADDR} -p ${RSPAMD_REDIS_PORT}
... SET ${key} ${value}
Run Keyword If ${result.rc} != 0 Log ${result.stderr}
Log ${result.stdout}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${result.rc} 0
Redis Teardown
${redis_pid} = Get Variable Value ${REDIS_PID}
Shutdown Process With Children ${redis_pid}
Cleanup Temporary Directory ${REDIS_TMPDIR}
Rspamd Setup
# Create and chown temporary directory
${RSPAMD_TMPDIR} = Make Temporary Directory
# Export ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR} to appropriate scope according to ${RSPAMD_SCOPE}
Run Rspamd
Rspamd Redis Setup
Run Redis
Rspamd Setup
Rspamd Teardown
# Robot Framework 4.0
#Run Keyword If '${CONTROLLER_ERRORS}' == 'True' Run Keyword And Warn On Failure Check Controller Errors
Run Keyword If '${CONTROLLER_ERRORS}' == 'True' Check Controller Errors
Shutdown Process With Children ${RSPAMD_PID}
Save Run Results ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR} configdump.stdout configdump.stderr rspamd.stderr rspamd.stdout rspamd.conf rspamd.log redis.log clickhouse-config.xml
Log does not contain segfault record
Collect Lua Coverage
Cleanup Temporary Directory ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}
Rspamd Redis Teardown
Rspamd Teardown
Redis Teardown
Run Redis
${RSPAMD_TMPDIR} = Make Temporary Directory
${template} = Get File ${RSPAMD_TESTDIR}/configs/redis-server.conf
${config} = Replace Variables ${template}
Create File ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/redis-server.conf ${config}
Log ${config}
${result} = Run Process redis-server ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/redis-server.conf
Run Keyword If ${result.rc} != 0 Log ${result.stderr}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${result.rc} 0
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5x 1 sec Check Pidfile ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/ timeout=0.5s
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5x 1 sec Redis Check ${RSPAMD_REDIS_ADDR} ${RSPAMD_REDIS_PORT}
${REDIS_PID} = Convert To Number ${REDIS_PID}
${redis_log} = Get File ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/redis.log
Log ${redis_log}
Run Rspamd
Export Rspamd Variables To Environment
# Dump templated config or errors to log
${result} = Run Process ${RSPAMADM} ${SET_LOCAL_CONFDIR} configdump -c ${CONFIG}
# We need to send output to files (or discard output) to avoid hanging Robot
... stdout=${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/configdump.stdout stderr=${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/configdump.stderr
${configdump} = Run Keyword If ${result.rc} == 0 Get File ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/configdump.stdout
... ELSE Get File ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/configdump.stderr
Log ${configdump}
# Fix directory ownership (maybe do this somewhere else)
# Run Rspamd
${result} = Run Process ${RSPAMD} ${SET_LOCAL_CONFDIR} -u ${RSPAMD_USER} -g ${RSPAMD_GROUP}
... -c ${CONFIG} env:TMPDIR=${RSPAMD_TMPDIR} env:DBDIR=${RSPAMD_TMPDIR} env:LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${RSPAMD_TESTDIR}/../../contrib/aho-corasick
# We need to send output to files (or discard output) to avoid hanging Robot
... stdout=${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/rspamd.stdout stderr=${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/rspamd.stderr
# Log stdout/stderr
${rspamd_stdout} = Get File ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/rspamd.stdout
${rspamd_stderror} = Get File ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/rspamd.stderr
Log ${rspamd_stdout}
Log ${rspamd_stderror}
# Abort if it failed
Should Be Equal As Integers ${result.rc} 0
# Wait for pid file to be written
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10x 1 sec Check Pidfile ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/ timeout=0.5s
# Confirm worker is reachable
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5x 1 sec Ping Rspamd ${RSPAMD_LOCAL_ADDR} ${RSPAMD_PORT_NORMAL}
# Read PID from PIDfile and export it to appropriate scope as ${RSPAMD_PID}
Export Scoped Variables ${RSPAMD_SCOPE} RSPAMD_PID=${RSPAMD_PID}
Run Nginx
${template} = Get File ${RSPAMD_TESTDIR}/configs/nginx.conf
${config} = Replace Variables ${template}
Create File ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/nginx.conf ${config}
Log ${config}
${result} = Run Process nginx -c ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/nginx.conf
Run Keyword If ${result.rc} != 0 Log ${result.stderr}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${result.rc} 0
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10x 1 sec Check Pidfile ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/ timeout=0.5s
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5x 1 sec TCP Connect ${NGINX_ADDR} ${NGINX_PORT}
Run Keyword If '${NGINX_SCOPE}' == 'Test' Set Test Variable ${NGINX_PID}
... ELSE IF '${NGINX_SCOPE}' == 'Suite' Set Suite Variable ${NGINX_PID}
${nginx_log} = Get File ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/nginx.log
Log ${nginx_log}
Run Rspamc
[Arguments] @{args}
${result} = Run Process ${RSPAMC} -t 60 --header Queue-ID\=${TEST NAME}
... @{args} env:LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${RSPAMD_TESTDIR}/../../contrib/aho-corasick
Log ${result.stdout}
[Return] ${result}
Scan File By Reference
[Arguments] ${filename} &{headers}
Set To Dictionary ${headers} File=${filename}
${result} = Scan File /dev/null &{headers}
[Return] ${result}
Scan Message With Rspamc
[Arguments] ${msg_file} @{vargs}
${result} = Run Rspamc -p -h ${RSPAMD_LOCAL_ADDR}:${RSPAMD_PORT_NORMAL} @{vargs} ${msg_file}
[Return] ${result}
Sync Fuzzy Storage
[Arguments] @{vargs}
${len} = Get Length ${vargs}
${result} = Run Keyword If $len == 0 Run Process ${RSPAMADM} control -s
... ${RSPAMD_TMPDIR}/rspamd.sock fuzzy_sync
... ELSE Run Process ${RSPAMADM} control -s ${vargs}[0]/rspamd.sock
... fuzzy_sync
Log ${result.stdout}
Sleep 0.1s Try give fuzzy storage time to sync