
174 lines
4.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Time::Piece;
my @symbols_search;
my $start = "";
my $end = "";
my $reject_score = 30.0;
my $junk_score = 7.5;
my $log_file = "/var/log/rspamd/rspamd.log";
my $dateformat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
"reject-score=f" => \$reject_score,
"junk-score=f" => \$junk_score,
"start=s" => \$start,
"end=s" => \$end,
"symbol=s@" => \@symbols_search,
"log=s" => \$log_file,
"dateformat=s" => \$dateformat);
# Global vars
my $total = 0;
my $total_spam = 0;
my $total_junk = 0;
my $junk_symbols = 0;
my $spam_symbols = 0;
my $ham_symbols = 0;
my $ham_spam_change = 0;
my $ham_junk_change = 0;
my $diff_alpha = 0.1;
my %sym_res;
my $st = 0;
my $ed = 0;
if ($start ne "") {
$st = Time::Piece->strptime($start, $dateformat);
if ($end ne "") {
$ed = Time::Piece->strptime($end, $dateformat);
my $rspamd_log;
if ($log_file eq '-') {
$rspamd_log = \*STDIN;
else {
open($rspamd_log, '<', $log_file) or die "cannot open $log_file";
foreach my $s (@symbols_search) {
$sym_res{$s} = {
hits => 0,
spam_hits => 0,
junk_hits => 0,
spam_change => 0,
junk_change => 0,
weight => 0,
while(<$rspamd_log>) {
if (/^.*rspamd_task_write_log.*$/) {
my @elts = split /\s+/;
my $ts = $elts[0] . ' ' . $elts[1];
if ($st or $ed) {
my $dt = Time::Piece->strptime($ts, $dateformat) or die "cannot parse $ts";
if ($dt) {
if ($st != 0 && $dt < $st) {
if ($ed != 0 && $dt > $ed) {
if ($_ !~ /\[(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\/(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\]\s+\[([^\]]+)\]/) {
#print "BAD\n";
$total ++;
my $score = $1 * 1.0;
if ($score >= $reject_score) {
$total_spam ++;
elsif ($score >= $junk_score) {
$total_junk ++;
# Symbols
my @symbols = split /,/, $3;
foreach my $s (@symbols_search) {
my @selected = grep /$s/, @symbols;
if (scalar(@selected) > 0) {
$selected[0] =~ /^[^\(]+\(([^\)]+)\).*$/;
my $sym_score = $1;
if ($sym_score < $diff_alpha) {
my $r = $sym_res{$s};
$r->{hits} ++;
$r->{weight} += $sym_score;
my $is_spam = 0;
my $is_junk = 0;
if ($score >= $reject_score) {
$is_spam = 1;
$r->{spam_hits} ++;
elsif ($score >= $junk_score) {
$is_junk = 1;
$r->{junk_hits} ++;
my $score_without = $score - $sym_score;
if ($is_spam && $score_without < $reject_score) {
$r->{spam_change} ++;
if ($is_junk && $score_without < $junk_score) {
$r->{junk_change} ++;
my $total_ham = $total - ($total_spam + $total_junk);
if ($total > 0) {
while (my ($s, $r) = each(%sym_res)) {
if ($r->{hits} > 0) {
my $th = $r->{hits};
my $sh = $r->{spam_hits};
my $jh = $r->{junk_hits};
my $hh = $r->{hits} - $sh - $jh;
my $htp = $hh * 100.0 / $total_ham if $total_ham != 0;
my $stp = $sh * 100.0 / $total_spam if $total_spam != 0;
my $jtp = $jh * 100.0 / $total_junk if $total_junk != 0;
printf "Symbol: %s (weight %.3f) (%d hits, %.3f%%)\nHam hits: %d (%.3f%%), total ham: %d (ham with $s: %.3f%%)\nSpam hits: %d (%.3f%%), total spam: %d (spam with $s: %.3f%%)\nJunk hits: %d (%.3f%%), total junk: %d (junk with $s: %.3f%%)\n",
$s, $r->{weight} / $r->{hits}, $th, ($th / $total * 100.0),
$hh, ($hh / $th * 100.0), $total_ham, ($htp or 0),
$sh, ($sh / $th * 100.0), $total_spam, ($stp or 0),
$jh, ($jh / $th * 100.0), $total_junk, ($jtp or 0);
my $schp = $r->{spam_change} / $total_spam * 100.0 if $total_spam;
my $jchp = $r->{junk_change} / $total_junk * 100.0 if $total_junk;
printf "Spam changes (ham/junk -> spam): %d (%.3f%%), total percentage (changes / spam hits): %.3f%%\nJunk changes (ham -> junk): %d (%.3f%%), total percentage (changes / junk hits): %.3f%%\n",
$r->{spam_change}, ($r->{spam_change} / $th * 100.0), ($schp or 0),
$r->{junk_change}, ($r->{junk_change} / $th * 100.0), ($jchp or 0);
else {
print "Symbol $s has not been met\n";
print '*' x 20 . "\n";