// flow-typed signature: cf8f63f0ab212c4370ead7e10333c4e5 // flow-typed version: <>/redux-thunk_v1.0.2/flow_v0.52.0 /** * This is an autogenerated libdef stub for: * * 'redux-thunk' * * Fill this stub out by replacing all the `any` types. * * Once filled out, we encourage you to share your work with the * community by sending a pull request to: * https://github.com/flowtype/flow-typed */ declare module 'redux-thunk' { declare module.exports: any; } /** * We include stubs for each file inside this npm package in case you need to * require those files directly. Feel free to delete any files that aren't * needed. */ declare module 'redux-thunk/lib/index' { declare module.exports: any; } declare module 'redux-thunk/src/index' { declare module.exports: any; } // Filename aliases declare module 'redux-thunk/lib/index.js' { declare module.exports: $Exports<'redux-thunk/lib/index'>; } declare module 'redux-thunk/src/index.js' { declare module.exports: $Exports<'redux-thunk/src/index'>; }