diff options
authorMaria Odea B. Ching <oching@apache.org>2009-05-24 12:55:04 +0000
committerMaria Odea B. Ching <oching@apache.org>2009-05-24 12:55:04 +0000
commitc19c005f77161f9c6188c010f273036cd5657101 (patch)
parent4fffedb766c919ab12168109c2dbe3eeafe9245a (diff)
o updated docs for changes made in MRM-1161, MRM-1179, MRM-1143, MRM-1160 and MRM-1188
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/archiva/trunk@778134 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
2 files changed, 21 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/archiva-docs/src/site/apt/adminguide/consumers.apt b/archiva-docs/src/site/apt/adminguide/consumers.apt
index e7f6ee7ef..55ed9aba9 100644
--- a/archiva-docs/src/site/apt/adminguide/consumers.apt
+++ b/archiva-docs/src/site/apt/adminguide/consumers.apt
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ Understanding Consumers in Apache Archiva
* <update-db-project> - Gets the details of the artifact from the pom and saves it into the database (as a project model)
- * <index-public-methods> - Indexes the java public methods for full text search.
+ * <index-public-methods> - Indexes the java public methods for full text search. This has been removed since 1.2. Public
+ methods are indexed by the <<<index-content>>> consumer.
* <update-db-bytecode-stats> - Updates database with java bytecode stats.
diff --git a/archiva-docs/src/site/apt/userguide/searching.apt b/archiva-docs/src/site/apt/userguide/searching.apt
index 7e4ff20ea..98b56b148 100644
--- a/archiva-docs/src/site/apt/userguide/searching.apt
+++ b/archiva-docs/src/site/apt/userguide/searching.apt
@@ -31,6 +31,25 @@ Searching
The Search functionality of Archiva allows a user to search for specific artifact references in the repository.
+* Indexing
+ Before artifacts can be searched in Archiva, they need to be indexed first. Aritfacts are indexed during
+ these instances:
+ * when a repository is scanned
+ * when an artifact is deployed or uploaded in the repository
+ * when an artifact is proxied or downloaded from a remote repository
+ []
+ During repository scanning, the <<<index-content>>> consumer (see {{{../adminguide/consumers.html}Consumers}}) creates an
+ indexing task and queues it in an indexing task queue. This indexing task is in turn executed by a task executor and
+ that's where the actual indexing happens. A similar indexing task is also created and queued as artifacts are deployed
+ in the Archiva repository or proxied from a remote repository. The reason behind this is to avoid multiple or simultaneous
+ update of the index (a repository scan might be executing while artifacts are being deployed in the repository).
* What Can Be Searched?
The repository files that are indexed during repository scan can be configured in the Repository Scanning page, in the