configuration Configuration Configuration for the Maven Repository Manager. package org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration Configuration 1.0.0+ version 1.0.0+ String true This is the version of the configuration format. repositories 1.0.0+ RepositoryConfiguration * The list of repositories that this archiva instance uses. proxyConnectors 1.0.0+ ProxyConnectorConfiguration * The list of proxy connectors for this archiva instance. networkProxies 1.0.0+ NetworkProxyConfiguration * The list of network proxies to use for outgoing requests. repositoryScanning 1.0.0+ RepositoryScanningConfiguration 1 The repository scanning configuration. databaseScanning 1.0.0+ DatabaseScanningConfiguration 1 The database scanning configuration. 1.0.0+ RepositoryConfiguration 1.0.0+ id 1.0.0+ String true The repository identifier. name 1.0.0+ String true The descriptive name of the repository. url 1.0.0+ String true The URL for this repository. layout 1.0.0+ String true The layout of the repository. Valid values are "default" and "legacy". default releases 1.0.0+ boolean True if this repository contains release versioned artifacts. true snapshots 1.0.0+ boolean True if this repository contains snapshot versioned artifacts. false indexed 1.0.0+ boolean True if this repository should be indexed. true indexDir 1.0.0+ String The directory for the indexes of this repository. refreshCronExpression 1.0.0+ String When to run the refresh task. Default is every 30 minutes (translated as every 0 and 30 minute reading of every hour) 0 0,30 * * * ? 1.0.0+ AbstractRepositoryConnectorConfiguration true 1.0.0+ sourceRepoId 1.0.0+ String true The Repository Source for this connector. targetRepoId 1.0.0+ String true The Repository Target for this connector. proxyId 1.0.0+ String The network proxy ID to use for this connector. blackListPatterns 1.0.0+ String * The list of blacklisted patterns for this connector. whiteListPatterns 1.0.0+ String * The list of whitelisted patterns for this connector. policies 1.0.0+ Map Policy configuration for the connector. String * properties 1.0.0+ Map Configuration for the connector. String * 1.0.0+ AbstractRepositoryConnectorConfiguration ProxyConnectorConfiguration 1.0.0+ 1.0.0+ AbstractRepositoryConnectorConfiguration SyncConnectorConfiguration true 1.0.0+ cronExpression 1.0.0+ String When to run the sync mechanism. Default is every hour on the hour. 0 0 * * * ? method 1.0.0+ String The type of synchronization to use. rsync NetworkProxyConfiguration 1.0.0+ id 1.0.0+ String The ID for this proxy. protocol 1.0.0+ The network protocol to use with this proxy: "http", "socks-4" String true http host 1.0.0+ The proxy host. String true port 1.0.0+ The proxy port. int 8080 username 1.0.0+ The proxy user. String password 1.0.0+ The proxy password. String RepositoryScanningConfiguration 1.0.0+ fileTypes 1.0.0+ true FileType * The FileTypes for the repository scanning configuration. goodConsumers 1.0.0+ true String * The list of consumers for good content. badConsumers 1.0.0+ true String * The list of consumer IDs for this file processor. 1.0.0+ FileType 1.0.0+ The FileType object id 1.0.0+ true String patterns 1.0.0+ true String * DatabaseScanningConfiguration 1.0.0+ The scanning configuration for unprocessed ArchivaArtifact database objects. cronExpression 1.0.0+ String When to run the database scanning mechanism. Default is every hour on the hour. 0 0 * * * ? unprocessedConsumers 1.0.0+ true String * The list of consumers for the unprocessed ArchivaArtifact database objects. processedConsumers 1.0.0+ true String * The list of consumers for previously processed ArchivaArtifact database objects.