----- Release Notes for Archiva 1.0 ----- Release Notes for Archiva 1.0 The Apache Archiva team would like to announce the release of Archiva 1.0. Archiva 1.0 is {{{/download.html} available for download from the web site}}. Archiva is an application for managing one or more remote repositories, including administration, artifact handling, browsing and searching. If you have any questions, please consult: * the web site: {{http://maven.apache.org/archiva/}} * the archiva-user mailing list: {{http://maven.apache.org/archiva/mail-lists.html}} * Release Notes Archiva 1.0 is the culmination of many months of development and several beta-testing releases. Past issues can be seen in the JIRA instance and the implemented feature set in the {{{tour/index.html} feature tour}}. The following describes the changes since the beta-4 release. The full list of changes can be found {{{http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?version=12113&styleName=Text&projectId=10980} in JIRA}}. ----- ** Bug * [MRM-545] - Documentation for configuring for Tomcat is invalid * [MRM-586] - entire proxy request fails if a queried remote repository throws a proxyexception * [MRM-595] - regression : server-side relocation fails * [MRM-596] - regression : cannot get java-sources anymore from maven1 * [MRM-598] - Validation error on new repository creation ** Task * [MRM-583] - Finalise and publish updated web site * [MRM-587] - further changes to logging needed -----