archiva-model ArchivaModel 1.0.0 Archiva Model package org.apache.maven.archiva.model ArchivaDatabase 1.0.0+ Repositories 1.0.0+ ArchivaRepositoryModel * ArchivaRepositoryModel 1.0.0+ id true 1.0.0+ String true The unique ID for the repository. name false 1.0.0+ String true The Name of the repository. url false 1.0.0+ String true The URL of the repository. creationSource false 1.0.0+ String true The Source of this repository. (Example: Configuration, POM) layoutName false 1.0.0+ String true The layout of the repository. (Either 'default', or 'legacy') releasePolicy false 1.0.0+ String true The releases policy of the repository. snapshotPolicy false 1.0.0+ String true The snapshot policy of the repository. RepositoryContent 1.0.0+ Repository Content Identifier. groupId true 1.0.0+ String true The Group ID of the repository content. artifactId true 1.0.0+ String true The Artifact ID of the repository content. version true 1.0.0+ String false The version of the repository content. repositoryId true 1.0.0+ true String The repository associated with this content. 1.0.0+ public RepositoryContent( String repositoryId, String groupId, String artifactId, String version ) { this.setRepositoryId( repositoryId ); this.setGroupId( groupId ); this.setArtifactId( artifactId ); this.setVersion( version ); } public RepositoryContent( ArchivaRepositoryModel repository, String groupId, String artifactId, String version ) { this.setRepositoryId( repository.getId() ); this.setGroupId( groupId ); this.setArtifactId( artifactId ); this.setVersion( version ); } ArchivaArtifactModel 1.0.0+ contentKey true 1.0.0+ true RepositoryContent 1 The content key for this artifact. classifier false 1.0.0+ String false The classifier for this artifact. type true 1.0.0+ String true The type of artifact. ArchivaRepositoryMetadata 1.0.0+ contentKey true 1.0.0+ true RepositoryContent 1 The content key for this repository metadata. releasedVersion false 1.0.0+ false String The released version id. availableVersions false 1.0.0+ false String * The list of available version ids. HealthProblem 1.0.0+ type false 1.0.0+ true String The type of health problem. origin false 1.0.0+ true String The origin of the health problem. message false 1.0.0+ true String The origin of the health problem. ArchivaArtifactHealth 1.0.0+ artifact true 1.0.0+ true ArchivaArtifactModel 1 The Artifact to report on. problems false 1.0.0+ false HealthProblem * The list of problems associated with this artifact. ArchivaRepositoryMetadataHealth 1.0.0+ repositoryMetadata true 1.0.0+ true ArchivaRepositoryMetadata 1 The ArchivaRepositoryMetadata to report on. problems false 1.0.0+ false HealthProblem * The list of problems associated with this repository metadata. RepositoryContentStatistics 1.0.0+ repositoryId 1.0.0+ false true String The repository id the statistics belong to. whenGathered 1.0.0+ false true Date The timestamp on when this set of statistics was gathered. duration 1.0.0+ false true long The duration (in milliseconds) for the gathering of the statistics. totalFileCount 1.0.0+ false true long The total number of files in the repository. newFileCount 1.0.0+ false true long The number of new files discovered. 1.0.0+ private transient long startTimestamp; public void triggerStart() { startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void triggerFinished() { long finished = System.currentTimeMillis(); setDuration( finished - startTimestamp ); setWhenGathered( new java.util.Date( finished ) ); } public void increaseFileCount() { this.totalFileCount++; } public void increaseNewFileCount() { this.newFileCount++; }