Getting Started with Archiva
Henri Yandell
1 October 2006
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To checkout the latest code
Using Subversion, either checkout from {{http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/archiva/trunk/}} or to get all of Maven 2, checkout from {{http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/trunks/}}.
To build
Run 'mvn install'. If this is the first time, and if you've not pulled this down for some other reason then it will save time to do the following first:
* Download the 1.0 connector zip from: {{http://java.sun.com/j2ee/connector/download.html}}
* Unpack the zip to get the jar
* Run: mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=javax.resource -DartifactId=connector -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=connector.jar
* Download the 1.0.2 activation zip from: {{http://java.sun.com/products/archive/javabeans/jaf102.html}}
* Unpack the zip to get the jar
* Run: mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=javax.activation -DartifactId=activation -Dversion=1.0.2 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=activation.jar
* Download the 1.3.2 javamail zip from: {{http://java.sun.com/products/javamail/downloads/index.html}}
* Unpack the zip to get the jar
* Run: mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=javax.mail -DartifactId=mail -Dversion=1.3.2 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=javamail-1.3.2/mail.jar
To test-deploy Archiva on the embedded Jetty
* cd archiva-webapp
* mvn jetty:run
To deploy Archiva to Tomcat 5.5
* Create a directory in tomcat called archiva, at the same level as bin, conf, logs and the others.
* Copy the war file from archiva/archiva-webapp/target into the new directory
* Create a conf/Catalina/localhost/archiva.xml file with the following data:
* Copy archiva/archiva-webapp/target/archiva-webapp-1.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/lib/derby- into the tomcat common/lib
* To deal with a current bug, you'll also need to add the following to your ${catalina.home}/conf/web.xml in the relevant section (search for jspx):
When you first start Archiva, you will see an Exception that schema SA does not exist - however it doesn't appear to cause a problem. If you use a username other than 'sa', such as 'archiva', then you seem to get the same error but Tomcat fails to start the context and you have to shutdown and restart again.
To deploy Archiva on Plexus
Plexus is a container developed as a part of Maven. It provides a very simple way to get started with Archiva:
* Unpack the archiva-plexus-runtime/target/archiva-bin.tar.gz archive into a directory of your choice.
* Start with: ./bin/plexus.sh start or a platform specific version.
* A Derby exception "Schema 'SA' does not exist" occurs, but is not of concern.
Setting up your Archiva instance
* Goto {{http://localhost:9091/}} if on the embedded Jetty, {{http://localhost:8080/archiva/}} if on Tomcat or {{http://localhost:8080/}} if on Plexus.
* On the first page - setup your administration user. The password requires a numerical character and must not be longer than 8 chars. You'll then need to log in. User 'admin' as the username and the password you've entered.
* On the second page - setup your first repository. It can be both an m1 and an m2 repository.
* On the third page - setup your indexing. Mostly this means choosing a directory to put the index in. It'll re-index every hour.
A useful repository to setup when exploring is your local Maven repository.
Identifier: LOCAL
Name: Maven2 Local Repository
Location: $HOME/.m2/repository
Updating Archiva within a Tomcat
While exploring Archiva, or perhaps while developing with it, you will want to delete the
current state. Presuming you followed the instructions above, you will need to remove the
following files from the ${catalina.home} directory. Ensure your Tomcat has first been
# Remove the database
rm -r bin/database/ bin/derby.log
# Remove the archiva configuration
rm $HOME/.m2/archiva.xml
# Remove the temporary Tomcat files
rm webapps/archiva/ work/Catalina/localhost/archiva/ logs/*
# Remove the war file (if you're deploying a new one)
rm archiva/*.war