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authoracolyer <acolyer>2006-05-18 13:51:20 +0000
committeracolyer <acolyer>2006-05-18 13:51:20 +0000
commitd8830cd18a5f7cfaa8e3b322442d76162e6cb610 (patch)
parent03616d76d75ffcf5a877041fb56bb375f16f3fbe (diff)
first cut at what a basic incremental suite should cover...
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/tests/incremental/coverage.txt b/tests/incremental/coverage.txt
index 5f6e6671d..896adc5ef 100644
--- a/tests/incremental/coverage.txt
+++ b/tests/incremental/coverage.txt
@@ -22,42 +22,10 @@ Please add additional test descriptions if you uncover basic scenarios that are
"ClassDelegate" is a type called from within Class, SuperClass, SubClass
- Test categories:
- ================
- * Simple changes to a class advised by an aspect
- * Changes in parent type affecting weaving of sub-types (advice)
- * Simple changes to a class that is the target of one or more ITDs
- * Changes in parent type affecting ITD matching
- * Simple changes in an aspect
- - "Harmless" aspect changes (whitespace, add method / field etc.)
- - Change advice body (before / after)
- - Change advice body (around)
- * Simple changes in AbstractAspect
- * Simple changes in ConcreteAspect
- * Cflow and cflow below
- * Aspect instantiation - change to types such that they fall inside/outside of perclause matching
- * Changes in AspectDelegate that should cause recompilation of Aspect
- * Changes in ClassDelegate that should cause recompilation of Class
- * Changes in ClassDelegate that should cause recompilation of SuperClass
- * "Combos" - harder tests that exercise several features in combination
Simple Changes to Class
- Class is advised by Aspect.
+ Class is advised by Aspect (both advice + ITD member(s)).
INC-01 Change method signature in Class so that method that was previously unadvised now is. Structure model should
update *all* markers for the Class with the new line numbers, and add new marker (both advised and advised-by)
@@ -74,6 +42,10 @@ Please add additional test descriptions if you uncover basic scenarios that are
INC-06 As above but remove interface
INC-07 Whitespace change in class with declare warning markers
+ INC-08 Add interface X to Class, so that a declare parents now matches, adding additional interface Y.
+ Another aspect in the system advises all calls to "foo" on instances of Y. Class has a foo method -
+ all types that call should be rewoven.
Simple Changes to Aspect
@@ -90,5 +62,50 @@ Please add additional test descriptions if you uncover basic scenarios that are
INC-15 Change body of around advice
+ INC-16 Add new advice to aspect
+ INC-17 Add new declare parents statement to aspect
+ INC-18 Change declare parents statement
+ Hierarchical Class Changes
+ ==========================
+ INC-20 Add interface to SuperClass such that operations in SubClass now become eligible for advising
+ INC-21 Add method to SuperClass such that (now overridding) method in SubClass becomes eligible for advising
+ INC-22 Add method to SuperClass with same signature as one ITD'd on an interface implemented by SubClass
+ Hierarchical Aspect Changes
+ ===========================
+ INC-30 Change advice body in abstract aspect
+ INC-31 Change comment in abstract aspect
+ Delegate tests
+ ===============
+ INC-40 Change signature of operation in ClassDelegate, Class should be recompiled and re-woven
+ INC-41 Change signature of operation in AspectDelegate, aspect should be recompiled and world re-woven
+ Cflow tests
+ ============
+ INC-50 A simple cflow is started by a join point in class Start and used in join point matching in Class.
+ Compile Class, Start, and Aspect. Change Start to remove the join point that starts the cflow.
+ INC-51 As above, but make a white-space change in Aspect
+ INC-52 As INC-50, but change Class
+ INC-53 As 50, but cflow binds a context variable
+ INC-54 As above, but make a white-space change in Aspect
+ INC-55 As INC-53, but change Class
- \ No newline at end of file