diff options
authoraclement <aclement>2010-07-06 19:16:34 +0000
committeraclement <aclement>2010-07-06 19:16:34 +0000
commitd75bd040745be26d5557c378be64696e97e680fa (patch)
parent4516c307d3f40f24120a872de1ccd471fd31694c (diff)
318884: incremental: classes
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/org.aspectj.ajdt.core/src/org/aspectj/ajdt/internal/core/builder/ b/org.aspectj.ajdt.core/src/org/aspectj/ajdt/internal/core/builder/
index e2bb43a9e..ec69a49eb 100644
--- a/org.aspectj.ajdt.core/src/org/aspectj/ajdt/internal/core/builder/
+++ b/org.aspectj.ajdt.core/src/org/aspectj/ajdt/internal/core/builder/
@@ -64,8 +64,6 @@ import org.aspectj.weaver.bcel.UnwovenClassFile;
public class AjState implements CompilerConfigurationChangeFlags {
- // --- static state, no need to write out
// SECRETAPI configures whether we use state instead of lastModTime - see pr245566
public static boolean CHECK_STATE_FIRST = true;
@@ -84,8 +82,7 @@ public class AjState implements CompilerConfigurationChangeFlags {
private static final char[][] EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY = new char[0][];
- // --- non static, but transient state - no need to write out, doesn't need reinitializing
+ // now follows non static, but transient state - no need to write out, doesn't need reinitializing
// State recreated for each build:
@@ -108,45 +105,37 @@ public class AjState implements CompilerConfigurationChangeFlags {
// For a particular build run, this set records the changes to classesFromName
public final Set<String> deltaAddedClasses = new HashSet<String>();
- // --- non static, but transient state - no need to write out, DOES need reinitializing when read AjState instance reloaded
+ // now follows non static, but transient state - no need to write out, DOES need reinitializing when read AjState instance
+ // reloaded
private final AjBuildManager buildManager;
private INameEnvironment nameEnvironment;
- // --- normal state that must be written out
+ // now follows normal state that must be written out
private boolean couldBeSubsequentIncrementalBuild = false;
private boolean batchBuildRequiredThisTime = false;
private AjBuildConfig buildConfig;
private long lastSuccessfulFullBuildTime = -1;
private final Hashtable<String, Long> structuralChangesSinceLastFullBuild = new Hashtable<String, Long>();
private long lastSuccessfulBuildTime = -1;
private long currentBuildTime = -1;
private AsmManager structureModel;
- * Keeps a list of (FQN,Filename) pairs (as ClassFile objects) for types that resulted from the compilation of the given File.
- * Note :- the ClassFile objects contain no byte code, they are simply a Filename,typename pair.
- *
- * Populated in noteResult and used in addDependentsOf(File)
+ * For a given source file, records the ClassFiles (which contain a fully qualified name and a file name) that were created when
+ * the source file was compiled. Populated in noteResult and used in addDependentsOf(File)
private final Map<File, List<ClassFile>> fullyQualifiedTypeNamesResultingFromCompilationUnit = new HashMap<File, List<ClassFile>>();
- * Source files defining aspects
- *
- * Populated in noteResult and used in processDeletedFiles
+ * Source files defining aspects Populated in noteResult and used in processDeletedFiles
private final Set<File> sourceFilesDefiningAspects = new HashSet<File>();
* Populated in noteResult to record the set of types that should be recompiled if the given file is modified or deleted.
- *
- * Refered to during addAffectedSourceFiles when calculating incremental compilation set.
+ * Referred to during addAffectedSourceFiles when calculating incremental compilation set.
private final Map<File, ReferenceCollection> references = new HashMap<File, ReferenceCollection>();
@@ -1378,12 +1367,17 @@ public class AjState implements CompilerConfigurationChangeFlags {
UnwovenClassFile[] unwovenClassFiles) {
List<ClassFile> classFiles = this.fullyQualifiedTypeNamesResultingFromCompilationUnit.get(sourceFile);
if (classFiles != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < unwovenClassFiles.length; i++) {
// deleting also deletes types from the weaver... don't do this if they are
// still present this time around...
removeFromClassFilesIfPresent(unwovenClassFiles[i].getClassName(), classFiles);
for (ClassFile cf : classFiles) {
+ recordTypeChanged(cf.fullyQualifiedTypeName);
+ resolvedTypeStructuresFromLastBuild.remove(cf.fullyQualifiedTypeName);
+ // }
+ // for (ClassFile cf : classFiles) {
@@ -2048,6 +2042,12 @@ public class AjState implements CompilerConfigurationChangeFlags {
this.locationOnDisk = location;
+ public String toString() {
+ StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
+ s.append("ClassFile(type=").append(fullyQualifiedTypeName).append(",location=").append(locationOnDisk).append(")");
+ return s.toString();
+ }
public void deleteFromFileSystem(AjBuildConfig buildConfig) {
String namePrefix = locationOnDisk.getName();
namePrefix = namePrefix.substring(0, namePrefix.lastIndexOf('.'));