diff options
authoraclement <aclement>2005-04-19 12:32:13 +0000
committeraclement <aclement>2005-04-19 12:32:13 +0000
commitdedde015a917dfc516178437edfbc5e17ccc3465 (patch)
parent262c370ae11d10fe89c1fefb0ffb3d358a6bb6f6 (diff)
from branch: processes @AJ annotations
2 files changed, 899 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/ataspectj/ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/ataspectj/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9c921f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/ataspectj/
@@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 Contributors
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * initial implementation Jonas Bonér, Alexandre Vasseur
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.aspectj.weaver.ataspectj;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Attribute;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Field;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.JavaClass;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.LocalVariable;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.LocalVariableTable;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Method;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.annotation.Annotation;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.annotation.ElementNameValuePair;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.annotation.RuntimeAnnotations;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.Type;
+import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessageHandler;
+import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
+import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.Advice;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.AdviceKind;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.AjAttribute;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.AjcMemberMaker;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.ISourceContext;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedPointcutDefinition;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedTypeX;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.TypeX;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.DeclarePrecedence;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.FormalBinding;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.IScope;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.PatternParser;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.PerCflow;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.PerClause;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.PerObject;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.PerSingleton;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.PerTypeWithin;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.Pointcut;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.SimpleScope;
+ * Annotation defined aspect reader.
+ * <p/>
+ * It reads the Java 5 annotations and turns them into AjAttributes
+ *
+ * @author <a href="mailto:alex AT gnilux DOT com">Alexandre Vasseur</a>
+ */
+public class Aj5Attributes {
+ private final static List EMPTY_LIST = new ArrayList();
+ private final static String[] EMPTY_STRINGS = new String[0];
+ public final static TypeX TYPEX_JOINPOINT = TypeX.forName(JoinPoint.class.getName().replace('/','.'));
+ public final static TypeX TYPEX_PROCEEDINGJOINPOINT = TypeX.forName(ProceedingJoinPoint.class.getName().replace('/','.'));
+ public final static TypeX TYPEX_STATICJOINPOINT = TypeX.forName(JoinPoint.StaticPart.class.getName().replace('/','.'));
+ public final static TypeX TYPEX_ENCLOSINGSTATICJOINPOINT = TypeX.forName(JoinPoint.EnclosingStaticPart.class.getName().replace('/','.'));
+ /**
+ * A struct that allows to add extra arguments without always breaking the API
+ *
+ * @author <a href="mailto:alex AT gnilux DOT com">Alexandre Vasseur</a>
+ */
+ private static class AjAttributeStruct {
+ /**
+ * The list of AjAttribute.XXX that we are populating from the @AJ read
+ */
+ List ajAttributes = new ArrayList();
+ /**
+ * The resolved type (class) for which we are reading @AJ for (be it class, method, field annotations)
+ */
+ ResolvedTypeX enclosingType;
+ ISourceContext context;
+ IMessageHandler handler;
+ public AjAttributeStruct(ResolvedTypeX type, ISourceContext sourceContext) {
+ enclosingType = type;
+ context = sourceContext;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * A struct when we read @AJ on method
+ *
+ * @author <a href="mailto:alex AT gnilux DOT com">Alexandre Vasseur</a>
+ */
+ private static class AjAttributeMethodStruct extends AjAttributeStruct {
+ /**
+ * Argument names as they appear in the SOURCE code, ordered, and lazyly populated
+ * Used to do formal binding
+ */
+ private String[] m_argumentNamesLazy = null;
+ Method method;
+ public AjAttributeMethodStruct(Method method, ResolvedTypeX type, ISourceContext sourceContext) {
+ super(type, sourceContext);
+ this.method = method;
+ }
+ public String[] getArgumentNames() {
+ if (m_argumentNamesLazy == null) {
+ m_argumentNamesLazy = getMethodArgumentNamesAsInSource(method);
+ }
+ return m_argumentNamesLazy;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Annotations are RV or RIV for now we don't care
+ *
+ * @param attribute
+ * @return
+ */
+ public static boolean acceptAttribute(Attribute attribute) {
+ return (attribute instanceof RuntimeAnnotations);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extract class level annotations and turn them into AjAttributes.
+ *
+ * @param javaClass
+ * @param type
+ * @param context
+ * @param msgHandler
+ * @return list of AjAttributes
+ */
+ public static List readAj5ClassAttributes(JavaClass javaClass, ResolvedTypeX type, ISourceContext context,IMessageHandler msgHandler) {
+ AjAttributeStruct struct = new AjAttributeStruct(type, context);
+ Attribute[] attributes = javaClass.getAttributes();
+ for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
+ Attribute attribute = attributes[i];
+ if (acceptAttribute(attribute)) {
+ RuntimeAnnotations rvs = (RuntimeAnnotations) attribute;
+ handleAspectAnnotation(rvs, struct);
+ handlePrecedenceAnnotation(rvs, struct);
+ }
+ }
+ // code style pointcuts are class attributes
+ // we need to gather the @AJ pointcut right now and not at method level annotation extraction time
+ // in order to be able to resolve the pointcut references later on
+ //FIXME alex loop over class super class
+ //FIXME alex can that be too slow ?
+ for (int m = 0; m < javaClass.getMethods().length; m++) {
+ Method method = javaClass.getMethods()[m];
+ //FIXME alex optimize, this method struct will gets recreated for advice extraction
+ AjAttributeMethodStruct mstruct = new AjAttributeMethodStruct(method, type, context);
+ Attribute[] mattributes = method.getAttributes();
+ for (int i = 0; i < mattributes.length; i++) {
+ Attribute mattribute = mattributes[i];
+ if (acceptAttribute(mattribute)) {
+ RuntimeAnnotations mrvs = (RuntimeAnnotations) mattribute;
+ handlePointcutAnnotation(mrvs, mstruct);
+ }
+ }
+ struct.ajAttributes.addAll(mstruct.ajAttributes);
+ }
+ return struct.ajAttributes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extract method level annotations and turn them into AjAttributes.
+ *
+ * @param method
+ * @param type
+ * @param context
+ * @param msgHandler
+ * @return list of AjAttributes
+ */
+ public static List readAj5MethodAttributes(Method method, ResolvedTypeX type, ISourceContext context,IMessageHandler msgHandler) {
+ AjAttributeMethodStruct struct = new AjAttributeMethodStruct(method, type, context);
+ Attribute[] attributes = method.getAttributes();
+ for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
+ Attribute attribute = attributes[i];
+ if (acceptAttribute(attribute)) {
+ RuntimeAnnotations rvs = (RuntimeAnnotations) attribute;
+ handleBeforeAnnotation(rvs, struct);
+ handleAfterAnnotation(rvs, struct);
+ handleAfterReturningAnnotation(rvs, struct);
+ handleAfterThrowingAnnotation(rvs, struct);
+ handleAroundAnnotation(rvs, struct);
+ }
+ }
+ return struct.ajAttributes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extract field level annotations and turn them into AjAttributes.
+ *
+ * @param field
+ * @param type
+ * @param context
+ * @param msgHandler
+ * @return list of AjAttributes, always empty for now
+ */
+ public static List readAj5FieldAttributes(Field field, ResolvedTypeX type, ISourceContext context,IMessageHandler msgHandler) {
+ return EMPTY_LIST;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read @Aspect
+ *
+ * @param runtimeAnnotations
+ * @param struct
+ */
+ private static void handleAspectAnnotation(RuntimeAnnotations runtimeAnnotations, AjAttributeStruct struct) {
+ Annotation aspect = getAnnotation(runtimeAnnotations, "org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect");
+ if (aspect != null) {
+ ElementNameValuePair aspectPerClause = getAnnotationElement(aspect, "value");
+ if (aspectPerClause == null) {
+ // defaults to singleton
+ PerClause clause = new PerSingleton();
+ clause.setLocation(struct.context, -1, -1);
+ struct.ajAttributes.add(new AjAttribute.Aspect(clause));
+ } else {
+ String perX = aspectPerClause.getValue().stringifyValue();
+ final PerClause clause;
+ if (perX == null || perX.length()<=0) {
+ clause = new PerSingleton();
+ } else {
+ clause = readPerClausePointcut(perX);
+ }
+ clause.setLocation(struct.context, -1, -1);
+ struct.ajAttributes.add(new AjAttribute.Aspect(clause));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read a perClause
+ *
+ * @param perClause like "pertarget(.....)"
+ * @return a PerClause instance
+ */
+ private static PerClause readPerClausePointcut(String perClause) {
+ String pointcut;
+ if (perClause.startsWith(PerClause.KindAnnotationPrefix.PERCFLOW.getName())) {
+ pointcut = PerClause.KindAnnotationPrefix.PERCFLOW.extractPointcut(perClause);
+ return new PerCflow(Pointcut.fromString(pointcut), false);
+ } else if (perClause.startsWith(PerClause.KindAnnotationPrefix.PERCFLOWBELOW.getName())) {
+ pointcut = PerClause.KindAnnotationPrefix.PERCFLOWBELOW.extractPointcut(perClause);
+ return new PerCflow(Pointcut.fromString(pointcut), true);
+ } else if (perClause.startsWith(PerClause.KindAnnotationPrefix.PERTARGET.getName())) {
+ pointcut = PerClause.KindAnnotationPrefix.PERTARGET.extractPointcut(perClause);
+ return new PerObject(Pointcut.fromString(pointcut), false);
+ } else if (perClause.startsWith(PerClause.KindAnnotationPrefix.PERTHIS.getName())) {
+ pointcut = PerClause.KindAnnotationPrefix.PERTHIS.extractPointcut(perClause);
+ return new PerObject(Pointcut.fromString(pointcut), true);
+ } else if (perClause.startsWith(PerClause.KindAnnotationPrefix.PERTYPEWITHIN.getName())) {
+ pointcut = PerClause.KindAnnotationPrefix.PERTYPEWITHIN.extractPointcut(perClause);
+ return new PerTypeWithin(new PatternParser(pointcut).parseTypePattern());
+ }
+ throw new RuntimeException("cannot read perclause " + perClause);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read @DeclarePrecedence
+ *
+ * @param runtimeAnnotations
+ * @param struct
+ */
+ private static void handlePrecedenceAnnotation(RuntimeAnnotations runtimeAnnotations, AjAttributeStruct struct) {
+ Annotation aspect = getAnnotation(runtimeAnnotations, "org.aspectj.lang.annotation.DeclarePrecedence");
+ if (aspect != null) {
+ ElementNameValuePair precedence = getAnnotationElement(aspect, "value");
+ if (precedence != null) {
+ String precedencePattern = precedence.getValue().stringifyValue();
+ PatternParser parser = new PatternParser(precedencePattern);
+ DeclarePrecedence ajPrecedence = parser.parseDominates();
+ struct.ajAttributes.add(new AjAttribute.DeclareAttribute(ajPrecedence));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read @Before
+ *
+ * @param runtimeAnnotations
+ * @param struct
+ */
+ private static void handleBeforeAnnotation(RuntimeAnnotations runtimeAnnotations, AjAttributeMethodStruct struct) {
+ Annotation before = getAnnotation(runtimeAnnotations, "org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before");
+ if (before != null) {
+ ElementNameValuePair beforeAdvice = getAnnotationElement(before, "value");
+ if (beforeAdvice != null) {
+ // this/target/args binding
+ FormalBinding[] bindings = extractBindings(struct);
+ IScope binding = new BindingScope(
+ struct.enclosingType,
+ bindings
+ );
+ // joinpoint, staticJoinpoint binding
+ int extraArgument = extractExtraArgument(struct.method);
+ Pointcut pc = Pointcut.fromString(beforeAdvice.getValue().stringifyValue()).resolve(binding);
+ setIgnoreUnboundBindingNames(pc, bindings);
+ struct.ajAttributes.add(new AjAttribute.AdviceAttribute(
+ AdviceKind.Before,
+ pc,
+ extraArgument,
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ struct.context
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read @After
+ *
+ * @param runtimeAnnotations
+ * @param struct
+ */
+ private static void handleAfterAnnotation(RuntimeAnnotations runtimeAnnotations, AjAttributeMethodStruct struct) {
+ Annotation after = getAnnotation(runtimeAnnotations, "org.aspectj.lang.annotation.After");
+ if (after != null) {
+ ElementNameValuePair afterAdvice = getAnnotationElement(after, "value");
+ if (afterAdvice != null) {
+ // this/target/args binding
+ FormalBinding[] bindings = extractBindings(struct);
+ IScope binding = new BindingScope(
+ struct.enclosingType,
+ bindings
+ );
+ // joinpoint, staticJoinpoint binding
+ int extraArgument = extractExtraArgument(struct.method);
+ Pointcut pc = Pointcut.fromString(afterAdvice.getValue().stringifyValue()).resolve(binding);
+ setIgnoreUnboundBindingNames(pc, bindings);
+ struct.ajAttributes.add(new AjAttribute.AdviceAttribute(
+ AdviceKind.After,
+ pc,
+ extraArgument,
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ struct.context
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read @AfterReturning
+ *
+ * @param runtimeAnnotations
+ * @param struct
+ */
+ private static void handleAfterReturningAnnotation(RuntimeAnnotations runtimeAnnotations, AjAttributeMethodStruct struct) {
+ Annotation after = getAnnotation(runtimeAnnotations, "org.aspectj.lang.annotation.AfterReturning");
+ if (after != null) {
+ ElementNameValuePair annValue = getAnnotationElement(after, "value");
+ ElementNameValuePair annPointcut = getAnnotationElement(after, "pointcut");
+ ElementNameValuePair annReturned = getAnnotationElement(after, "returning");
+ // extract the pointcut and returned type/binding - do some checks
+ String pointcut = null;
+ String returned = null;
+ if ((annValue!=null && annPointcut!=null) || (annValue==null && annPointcut==null)) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("AfterReturning at most value or pointcut must be filled");
+ }
+ if (annValue != null) {
+ pointcut = annValue.getValue().stringifyValue();
+ } else {
+ pointcut = annPointcut.getValue().stringifyValue();
+ }
+ if (isNullOrEmpty(pointcut)) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("AfterReturning pointcut unspecified");
+ }
+ if (annReturned!=null) {
+ returned = annReturned.getValue().stringifyValue();
+ if (isNullOrEmpty(returned))
+ returned = null;
+ }
+ // this/target/args binding
+ // exclude the return binding from the pointcut binding since it is an extraArg binding
+ FormalBinding[] bindings = (returned==null?extractBindings(struct):extractBindings(struct, returned));
+ IScope binding = new BindingScope(
+ struct.enclosingType,
+ bindings
+ );
+ // joinpoint, staticJoinpoint binding
+ int extraArgument = extractExtraArgument(struct.method);
+ // return binding
+ if (returned != null) {
+ extraArgument |= Advice.ExtraArgument;
+ }
+ Pointcut pc = Pointcut.fromString(pointcut).resolve(binding);
+ setIgnoreUnboundBindingNames(pc, bindings);
+ struct.ajAttributes.add(new AjAttribute.AdviceAttribute(
+ AdviceKind.AfterReturning,
+ pc,
+ extraArgument,
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ struct.context
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read @AfterThrowing
+ *
+ * @param runtimeAnnotations
+ * @param struct
+ */
+ private static void handleAfterThrowingAnnotation(RuntimeAnnotations runtimeAnnotations, AjAttributeMethodStruct struct) {
+ Annotation after = getAnnotation(runtimeAnnotations, "org.aspectj.lang.annotation.AfterThrowing");
+ if (after != null) {
+ ElementNameValuePair annValue = getAnnotationElement(after, "value");
+ ElementNameValuePair annPointcut = getAnnotationElement(after, "pointcut");
+ ElementNameValuePair annThrowned = getAnnotationElement(after, "throwing");
+ // extract the pointcut and throwned type/binding - do some checks
+ String pointcut = null;
+ String throwned = null;
+ if ((annValue!=null && annPointcut!=null) || (annValue==null && annPointcut==null)) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("AfterReturning at most value or pointcut must be filled");
+ }
+ if (annValue != null) {
+ pointcut = annValue.getValue().stringifyValue();
+ } else {
+ pointcut = annPointcut.getValue().stringifyValue();
+ }
+ if (isNullOrEmpty(pointcut)) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("AfterReturning pointcut unspecified");
+ }
+ if (annThrowned!=null) {
+ throwned = annThrowned.getValue().stringifyValue();
+ if (isNullOrEmpty(throwned))
+ throwned = null;
+ }
+ // this/target/args binding
+ // exclude the throwned binding from the pointcut binding since it is an extraArg binding
+ FormalBinding[] bindings = (throwned==null?extractBindings(struct):extractBindings(struct, throwned));
+ IScope binding = new BindingScope(
+ struct.enclosingType,
+ bindings
+ );
+ // joinpoint, staticJoinpoint binding
+ int extraArgument = extractExtraArgument(struct.method);
+ // return binding
+ if (throwned != null) {
+ extraArgument |= Advice.ExtraArgument;
+ }
+ Pointcut pc = Pointcut.fromString(pointcut).resolve(binding);
+ setIgnoreUnboundBindingNames(pc, bindings);
+ struct.ajAttributes.add(new AjAttribute.AdviceAttribute(
+ AdviceKind.AfterThrowing,
+ pc,
+ extraArgument,
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ struct.context
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read @Around
+ *
+ * @param runtimeAnnotations
+ * @param struct
+ */
+ private static void handleAroundAnnotation(RuntimeAnnotations runtimeAnnotations, AjAttributeMethodStruct struct) {
+ Annotation around = getAnnotation(runtimeAnnotations, "org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around");
+ if (around != null) {
+ ElementNameValuePair aroundAdvice = getAnnotationElement(around, "value");
+ if (aroundAdvice != null) {
+ // this/target/args binding
+ FormalBinding[] bindings = extractBindings(struct);
+ IScope binding = new BindingScope(
+ struct.enclosingType,
+ bindings
+ );
+ // joinpoint, staticJoinpoint binding
+ int extraArgument = extractExtraArgument(struct.method);
+ Pointcut pc = Pointcut.fromString(aroundAdvice.getValue().stringifyValue()).resolve(binding);
+ setIgnoreUnboundBindingNames(pc, bindings);
+ struct.ajAttributes.add(new AjAttribute.AdviceAttribute(
+ AdviceKind.Around,
+ pc,
+ extraArgument,
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ struct.context
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read @Pointcut and handle the resolving in a lazy way to deal with pointcut references
+ *
+ * @param runtimeAnnotations
+ * @param struct
+ */
+ private static void handlePointcutAnnotation(RuntimeAnnotations runtimeAnnotations, AjAttributeMethodStruct struct) {
+ Annotation pointcut = getAnnotation(runtimeAnnotations, "org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut");
+ if (pointcut != null) {
+ ElementNameValuePair pointcutExpr = getAnnotationElement(pointcut, "value");
+ if (pointcutExpr != null) {
+ // this/target/args binding
+ IScope binding = new BindingScope(
+ struct.enclosingType,
+ extractBindings(struct)
+ );
+ TypeX[] argumentTypes = new TypeX[struct.method.getArgumentTypes().length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < argumentTypes.length; i++) {
+ argumentTypes[i] = TypeX.forSignature(struct.method.getArgumentTypes()[i].getSignature());
+ }
+ // use a LazyResolvedPointcutDefinition so that the pointcut is resolved lazily
+ // since for it to be resolved, we will need other pointcuts to be registered as well
+ struct.ajAttributes.add(new AjAttribute.PointcutDeclarationAttribute(
+ new LazyResolvedPointcutDefinition(
+ struct.enclosingType,
+ struct.method.getModifiers(),
+ struct.method.getName(),
+ argumentTypes,
+ Pointcut.fromString(pointcutExpr.getValue().stringifyValue()),
+ binding
+ )
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build the bindings for a given method (pointcut / advice)
+ *
+ * @param struct
+ * @return
+ */
+ private static FormalBinding[] extractBindings(AjAttributeMethodStruct struct) {
+ Method method = struct.method;
+ String[] argumentNames = struct.getArgumentNames();
+ // assert debug info was here
+ if (argumentNames.length != method.getArgumentTypes().length) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("cannot access debug info " + method);
+ }
+ List bindings = new ArrayList();
+ for (int i = 0; i < argumentNames.length; i++) {
+ String argumentName = argumentNames[i];
+ TypeX argumentType = TypeX.forSignature(method.getArgumentTypes()[i].getSignature());
+ // do not bind JoinPoint / StaticJoinPoint / EnclosingStaticJoinPoint
+ // TODO solve me : this means that the JP/SJP/ESJP cannot appear as binding
+ // f.e. when applying advice on advice etc
+ if ((TYPEX_JOINPOINT.equals(argumentType)
+ || TYPEX_PROCEEDINGJOINPOINT.equals(argumentType)
+ || TYPEX_STATICJOINPOINT.equals(argumentType)
+ || AjcMemberMaker.AROUND_CLOSURE_TYPE.equals(argumentType))) {
+ //continue;// skip
+ bindings.add(new FormalBinding.ImplicitFormalBinding(argumentType, argumentName, i));
+ } else {
+ bindings.add(new FormalBinding(argumentType, argumentName, i));
+ }
+ }
+ return (FormalBinding[]) bindings.toArray(new FormalBinding[]{});
+ }
+ //FIXME alex deal with exclude index
+ private static FormalBinding[] extractBindings(AjAttributeMethodStruct struct, String excludeFormal) {
+ FormalBinding[] bindings = extractBindings(struct);
+ int excludeIndex = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < bindings.length; i++) {
+ FormalBinding binding = bindings[i];
+ if (binding.getName().equals(excludeFormal)) {
+ excludeIndex = i;
+ bindings[i] = new FormalBinding.ImplicitFormalBinding(binding.getType(), binding.getName(), binding.getIndex());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return bindings;
+// if (excludeIndex >= 0) {
+// FormalBinding[] bindingsFiltered = new FormalBinding[bindings.length-1];
+// int k = 0;
+// for (int i = 0; i < bindings.length; i++) {
+// if (i == excludeIndex) {
+// ;
+// } else {
+// bindingsFiltered[k] = new FormalBinding(bindings[i].getType(), bindings[i].getName(), k);
+// k++;
+// }
+// }
+// return bindingsFiltered;
+// } else {
+// return bindings;
+// }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute the flag for the xxxJoinPoint extra argument
+ *
+ * @param method
+ * @return
+ */
+ private static int extractExtraArgument(Method method) {
+ int extraArgument = 0;
+ Type[] methodArgs = method.getArgumentTypes();
+ for (int i = 0; i < methodArgs.length; i++) {
+ String methodArg = methodArgs[i].getSignature();
+ if (TYPEX_JOINPOINT.getSignature().equals(methodArg)) {
+ extraArgument |= Advice.ThisJoinPoint;
+ } else if (TYPEX_PROCEEDINGJOINPOINT.getSignature().equals(methodArg)) {
+ extraArgument |= Advice.ThisJoinPoint;
+ } else if (TYPEX_STATICJOINPOINT.getSignature().equals(methodArg)) {
+ extraArgument |= Advice.ThisJoinPointStaticPart;
+ } else if (TYPEX_ENCLOSINGSTATICJOINPOINT.getSignature().equals(methodArg)) {
+ extraArgument |= Advice.ThisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart;
+ }
+ }
+ return extraArgument;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the runtime (RV/RIV) annotation of type annotationType or null if no such annotation
+ *
+ * @param rvs
+ * @param annotationType
+ * @return
+ */
+ private static Annotation getAnnotation(RuntimeAnnotations rvs, String annotationType) {
+ for (Iterator iterator = rvs.getAnnotations().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ Annotation rv = (Annotation);
+ if (annotationType.equals(rv.getTypeName())) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the value of a given element of an annotation or null if not found
+ * Does not handles default value
+ *
+ * @param annotation
+ * @param elementName
+ * @return
+ */
+ private static ElementNameValuePair getAnnotationElement(Annotation annotation, String elementName) {
+ //FIXME alex does not handles default values which are annotation of elements in the annotation class
+ for (Iterator iterator1 = annotation.getValues().iterator(); iterator1.hasNext();) {
+ ElementNameValuePair element = (ElementNameValuePair);
+ if (elementName.equals(element.getNameString())) {
+ return element;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Extract the method argument names as in source from debug info
+ * returns an empty array upon inconsistency
+ *
+ * @param method
+ * @return
+ */
+ private static String[] getMethodArgumentNamesAsInSource(Method method) {
+ if (method.getArgumentTypes().length == 0) {
+ }
+ final int startAtStackIndex = method.isStatic()?0:1;
+ final List arguments = new ArrayList();
+ LocalVariableTable lt = (LocalVariableTable) method.getLocalVariableTable();
+ if (lt != null) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < lt.getLocalVariableTable().length; j++) {
+ LocalVariable localVariable = lt.getLocalVariableTable()[j];
+ if (localVariable.getStartPC() == 0) {
+ if (localVariable.getIndex() >= startAtStackIndex) {
+ arguments.add(new MethodArgument(localVariable.getName(), localVariable.getIndex()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (arguments.size() != method.getArgumentTypes().length) {
+ //throw new RuntimeException("cannot access debug info on " + method);
+ }
+ // sort by index
+ Collections.sort(arguments, new Comparator() {
+ public int compare(Object o, Object o1) {
+ MethodArgument mo = (MethodArgument)o;
+ MethodArgument mo1 = (MethodArgument) o1;
+ if (mo.indexOnStack == mo1.indexOnStack) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if (mo.indexOnStack > mo1.indexOnStack) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ String[] argumentNames = new String[arguments.size()];
+ int i = 0;
+ for (Iterator iterator = arguments.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); i++) {
+ MethodArgument methodArgument = (MethodArgument);
+ argumentNames[i] =;
+ }
+ return argumentNames;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A method argument, used for sorting by indexOnStack (ie order in signature)
+ *
+ * @author <a href="mailto:alex AT gnilux DOT com">Alexandre Vasseur</a>
+ */
+ private static class MethodArgument {
+ String name;
+ int indexOnStack;
+ public MethodArgument(String name, int indexOnStack) {
+ = name;
+ this.indexOnStack = indexOnStack;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * BindingScope that knows the enclosingType, which is needed for pointcut reference resolution
+ *
+ * @author <a href="mailto:alex AT gnilux DOT com">Alexandre Vasseur</a>
+ */
+ public static class BindingScope extends SimpleScope {
+ private ResolvedTypeX m_enclosingType;
+ public BindingScope(ResolvedTypeX type, FormalBinding[] bindings) {
+ super(type.getWorld(), bindings);
+ m_enclosingType = type;
+ }
+ public ResolvedTypeX getEnclosingType() {
+ return m_enclosingType;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * LazyResolvedPointcutDefinition lazyly resolve the pointcut so that we have time to register all
+ * pointcut referenced before pointcut resolution happens
+ *
+ * @author <a href="mailto:alex AT gnilux DOT com">Alexandre Vasseur</a>
+ */
+ public static class LazyResolvedPointcutDefinition extends ResolvedPointcutDefinition {
+ private Pointcut m_pointcutUnresolved;
+ private IScope m_binding;
+ private Pointcut m_lazyPointcut = null;
+ public LazyResolvedPointcutDefinition(TypeX declaringType, int modifiers, String name, TypeX[] parameterTypes,
+ Pointcut pointcut, IScope binding) {
+ super(declaringType, modifiers, name, parameterTypes, null);
+ m_pointcutUnresolved = pointcut;
+ m_binding = binding;
+ }
+ public Pointcut getPointcut() {
+ if (m_lazyPointcut == null) {
+ m_lazyPointcut = m_pointcutUnresolved.resolve(m_binding);
+ }
+ return m_lazyPointcut;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper to test empty strings
+ * @param s
+ * @return
+ */
+ private static boolean isNullOrEmpty(String s) {
+ return (s==null || s.length()<=0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the pointcut bindings for which to ignore unbound issues, so that we can implicitly bind
+ * xxxJoinPoint for @AJ advices
+ *
+ * @param pointcut
+ * @param bindings
+ */
+ private static void setIgnoreUnboundBindingNames(Pointcut pointcut, FormalBinding[] bindings) {
+ // register ImplicitBindings as to be ignored since unbound
+ // TODO is it likely to fail in a bad way if f.e. this(jp) etc ?
+ List ignores = new ArrayList();
+ for (int i = 0; i < bindings.length; i++) {
+ FormalBinding formalBinding = bindings[i];
+ if (formalBinding instanceof FormalBinding.ImplicitFormalBinding) {
+ ignores.add(formalBinding.getName());
+ }
+ }
+ pointcut.m_ignoreUnboundBindingForNames = (String[])ignores.toArray(new String[ignores.size()]);
+ }
diff --git a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/ataspectj/ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/ataspectj/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0909adf6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/ataspectj/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 Contributors
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * initial implementation Jonas Bonér, Alexandre Vasseur
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.aspectj.weaver.ataspectj;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedMember;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.TypeX;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.Member;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedTypeX;
+import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
+ * Addition to AjcMemberMaker for @Aj aspect
+ * Should end up there
+ *
+ * @author <a href="mailto:alex AT gnilux DOT com">Alexandre Vasseur</a>
+ */
+public class Ajc5MemberMaker {
+ public final static TypeX ASPECT = TypeX.forName("org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect");
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the given aspect is an @AJ aspect
+ *
+ * @param aspectType
+ * @return
+ */
+ public static boolean isAnnotationStyleAspect(ResolvedTypeX aspectType) {
+ if (aspectType != null) {
+ if (aspectType.isAspect()) {
+ return aspectType.isAnnotationStyleAspect();
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //temp proto code for aspectOf without pre-processing
+ public static ResolvedMember perSingletonAspectOfMethod(TypeX declaringType) {
+ return new ResolvedMember(
+ Member.METHOD,
+ TypeX.forName("alex.lang.Aspects"),
+ Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC,
+ "aspectOf$singleton",
+ "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Object;"
+ );
+ }