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authorAlexander Kriegisch <Alexander@Kriegisch.name>2022-12-29 15:24:27 +0100
committerAlexander Kriegisch <Alexander@Kriegisch.name>2023-01-04 15:22:03 +0100
commit0ea66aedba0ab3c275255a64f1f5d76c2f39ce1f (patch)
parent5d0533b8903d5604883fbbfc95ccfda7ca4c1467 (diff)
Improve BcelTypeMunger.mungeMethodDelegate to avoid race condition
Fixes #198, i.e. test DeclareMixinTests.testCaseEConcurrent from the previous commit now passes. Signed-off-by: Alexander Kriegisch <Alexander@Kriegisch.name>
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/weaver/src/main/java/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelTypeMunger.java b/weaver/src/main/java/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelTypeMunger.java
index 9e56d9e88..0ecad3606 100644
--- a/weaver/src/main/java/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelTypeMunger.java
+++ b/weaver/src/main/java/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelTypeMunger.java
@@ -1436,8 +1436,13 @@ public class BcelTypeMunger extends ConcreteTypeMunger {
InstructionList body = new InstructionList();
InstructionFactory fact = gen.getFactory();
- // getfield
+ // Wrap delegate field initialisation in 'synchronized(this)' block - MONITORENTER (beginning of 'try')
+ body.append(InstructionConstants.MONITORENTER);
+ // The JVM spec requires us add an exception handler ensuring MONITOREXIT in case of an exception inside the
+ // synchronized block, see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se17/html/jvms-3.html#jvms-3.14.
+ InstructionHandle tryStart = body.append(InstructionConstants.ALOAD_0);
body.append(Utility.createGet(fact, munger.getDelegate(weaver.getLazyClassGen().getType())));
InstructionBranch ifNonNull = InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.IFNONNULL, null);
@@ -1487,9 +1492,33 @@ public class BcelTypeMunger extends ConcreteTypeMunger {
body.append(Utility.createSet(fact, munger.getDelegate(weaver.getLazyClassGen().getType())));
- // if not null use the instance we've got
+ // Wrap delegate field initialisation in 'synchronized(this)' block - MONITOREXIT (end of 'try')
InstructionHandle ifNonNullElse = body.append(InstructionConstants.ALOAD_0);
+ body.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT);
+ // There was no error in the 'synchronized(this)' block -> jump to first instruction after exception handler
+ InstructionBranch gotoAfterTryCatch = new InstructionBranch(Constants.GOTO, null);
+ InstructionHandle tryEnd = body.append(gotoAfterTryCatch);
+ // Exception handler (logical 'catch') for the 'synchronized(this)' block ensures that MONITOREXIT is also called
+ // in case of an error
+ InstructionHandle catchStart = body.append(InstructionConstants.ALOAD_0);
+ body.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT);
+ InstructionHandle catchEnd = body.append(InstructionConstants.ATHROW);
+ // Add exception handler for 'synchronized(this)' block
+ mg.addExceptionHandler(tryStart, tryEnd.getPrev(), catchStart, null, false);
+ // CAVEAT: Add an extra, self-referential exception handler entry. I.e., the handler handles its own exceptions.
+ // According to https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se17/html/jvms-3.html#jvms-3.14, this is required, and
+ // Javac also creates code like this, which is why we are mimicking it.
+ mg.addExceptionHandler(catchStart, catchEnd.getPrev(), catchStart, null, false);
+ // if not null use the instance we've got
+ InstructionHandle afterTryCatch = body.append(InstructionConstants.ALOAD_0);
+ // Tell 'gotoAfterTryCatch' where to find the first statement after the exception handler
+ gotoAfterTryCatch.setTarget(afterTryCatch);
body.append(Utility.createGet(fact, munger.getDelegate(weaver.getLazyClassGen().getType())));
// args