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authoraclement <aclement>2009-03-23 16:27:19 +0000
committeraclement <aclement>2009-03-23 16:27:19 +0000
commitc8c1f2b0993a35879835fa410d690f5d9d6621c8 (patch)
parenteba0bb196cc37181c39598216df43c2032b2f746 (diff)
265693: model for binary elements
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/model/AsmRelationshipProvider.java b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/model/AsmRelationshipProvider.java
index 994ed683d..1370b4d13 100644
--- a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/model/AsmRelationshipProvider.java
+++ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/model/AsmRelationshipProvider.java
@@ -108,8 +108,7 @@ public class AsmRelationshipProvider {
- * Add a relationship for a type transformation (declare parents, intertype
- * method declaration, declare annotation on type).
+ * Add a relationship for a type transformation (declare parents, intertype method declaration, declare annotation on type).
public static void addRelationship(AsmManager model, ResolvedType onType, ResolvedTypeMunger typeTransformer,
ResolvedType originatingAspect) {
@@ -174,10 +173,9 @@ public class AsmRelationshipProvider {
- * Returns the binarySourceLocation for the given sourcelocation. This isn't
- * cached because it's used when faulting in the binary nodes and is called
- * with ISourceLocations for all advice, pointcuts and deows contained
- * within the resolvedDeclaringAspect.
+ * Returns the binarySourceLocation for the given sourcelocation. This isn't cached because it's used when faulting in the
+ * binary nodes and is called with ISourceLocations for all advice, pointcuts and deows contained within the
+ * resolvedDeclaringAspect.
private static ISourceLocation getBinarySourceLocation(ResolvedType aspect, ISourceLocation sl) {
if (sl == null) {
@@ -219,12 +217,9 @@ public class AsmRelationshipProvider {
- * Returns the File with pathname to the class file, for example either
- * C:\temp
- * \ajcSandbox\workspace\ajcTest16957.tmp\simple.jar!pkg\BinaryAspect.class
- * if the class file is in a jar file, or
- * C:\temp\ajcSandbox\workspace\ajcTest16957.tmp!pkg\BinaryAspect.class if
- * the class file is in a directory
+ * Returns the File with pathname to the class file, for example either C:\temp
+ * \ajcSandbox\workspace\ajcTest16957.tmp\simple.jar!pkg\BinaryAspect.class if the class file is in a jar file, or
+ * C:\temp\ajcSandbox\workspace\ajcTest16957.tmp!pkg\BinaryAspect.class if the class file is in a directory
private static File getBinaryFile(ResolvedType aspect) {
String s = aspect.getBinaryPath();
@@ -241,8 +236,7 @@ public class AsmRelationshipProvider {
- * Create a basic hierarchy to represent an aspect only available in binary
- * (from the aspectpath).
+ * Create a basic hierarchy to represent an aspect only available in binary (from the aspectpath).
private static void createHierarchy(AsmManager model, ResolvedTypeMunger typeTransformer, ResolvedType aspect) {
// assert aspect != null;
@@ -319,8 +313,9 @@ public class AsmRelationshipProvider {
// }
// add and create empty import declaration ipe
- classFileNode.addChild(new ProgramElement(model, "import declarations", IProgramElement.Kind.IMPORT_REFERENCE, null, 0,
- null, null));
+ // no import container for binary type - 265693
+ // classFileNode.addChild(new ProgramElement(model, "import declarations", IProgramElement.Kind.IMPORT_REFERENCE, null, 0,
+ // null, null));
// add and create aspect ipe
IProgramElement aspectNode = new ProgramElement(model, aspect.getSimpleName(), IProgramElement.Kind.ASPECT,
@@ -335,9 +330,8 @@ public class AsmRelationshipProvider {
- * Adds a declare annotation relationship, sometimes entities don't have
- * source locs (methods/fields) so use other variants of this method if that
- * is the case as they will look the entities up in the structure model.
+ * Adds a declare annotation relationship, sometimes entities don't have source locs (methods/fields) so use other variants of
+ * this method if that is the case as they will look the entities up in the structure model.
public static void addDeclareAnnotationRelationship(AsmManager model, ISourceLocation declareAnnotationLocation,
ISourceLocation annotatedLocation) {
@@ -444,8 +438,9 @@ public class AsmRelationshipProvider {
// }
// add and create empty import declaration ipe
- classFileNode.addChild(new ProgramElement(asm, "import declarations", IProgramElement.Kind.IMPORT_REFERENCE, null, 0, null,
- null));
+ // classFileNode.addChild(new ProgramElement(asm, "import declarations", IProgramElement.Kind.IMPORT_REFERENCE, null, 0,
+ // null,
+ // null));
// add and create aspect ipe
IProgramElement aspectNode = new ProgramElement(asm, aspect.getSimpleName(), IProgramElement.Kind.ASPECT, munger
@@ -560,11 +555,9 @@ public class AsmRelationshipProvider {
- * Half baked implementation - will need completing if we go down this route
- * rather than replacing it all for binary aspects. Doesn't attempt to get
- * parameter names correct - they may have been lost during
- * (de)serialization of the munger, but the member could still be located so
- * they might be retrievable.
+ * Half baked implementation - will need completing if we go down this route rather than replacing it all for binary aspects.
+ * Doesn't attempt to get parameter names correct - they may have been lost during (de)serialization of the munger, but the
+ * member could still be located so they might be retrievable.
private static IProgramElement createIntertypeDeclaredChild(AsmManager model, ResolvedType aspect, BcelTypeMunger itd) {
ResolvedTypeMunger rtMunger = itd.getMunger();
@@ -772,19 +765,14 @@ public class AsmRelationshipProvider {
* Finds or creates a code IProgramElement for the given shadow.
- * The byteCodeName of the created node is set to 'shadowSig.getName() + "!"
- * + counter', eg "println!3". The counter is the occurence count of
- * children within the enclosingNode which have the same name. So, for
- * example, if a method contains two System.out.println statements, the
- * first one will have byteCodeName 'println!1' and the second will have
- * byteCodeName 'println!2'. This is to ensure the two nodes have unique
- * handles when the handles do not depend on sourcelocations.
+ * The byteCodeName of the created node is set to 'shadowSig.getName() + "!" + counter', eg "println!3". The counter is the
+ * occurence count of children within the enclosingNode which have the same name. So, for example, if a method contains two
+ * System.out.println statements, the first one will have byteCodeName 'println!1' and the second will have byteCodeName
+ * 'println!2'. This is to ensure the two nodes have unique handles when the handles do not depend on sourcelocations.
- * Currently the shadows are examined in the sequence they appear in the
- * source file. This means that the counters are consistent over incremental
- * builds. All aspects are compiled up front and any new aspect created will
- * force a full build. Moreover, if the body of the enclosingShadow is
- * changed, then the model for this is rebuilt from scratch.
+ * Currently the shadows are examined in the sequence they appear in the source file. This means that the counters are
+ * consistent over incremental builds. All aspects are compiled up front and any new aspect created will force a full build.
+ * Moreover, if the body of the enclosingShadow is changed, then the model for this is rebuilt from scratch.
private static IProgramElement findOrCreateCodeNode(AsmManager asm, IProgramElement enclosingNode, Member shadowSig,
Shadow shadow) {
@@ -840,10 +828,8 @@ public class AsmRelationshipProvider {
- * Add a relationship for a matching declare annotation method or declare
- * annotation constructor. Locating the method is a messy (for messy read
- * 'fragile') bit of code that could break at any moment but it's working
- * for my simple testcase.
+ * Add a relationship for a matching declare annotation method or declare annotation constructor. Locating the method is a messy
+ * (for messy read 'fragile') bit of code that could break at any moment but it's working for my simple testcase.
public static void addDeclareAnnotationMethodRelationship(ISourceLocation sourceLocation, String affectedTypeName,
ResolvedMember affectedMethod, AsmManager model) {
@@ -916,10 +902,8 @@ public class AsmRelationshipProvider {
- * Add a relationship for a matching declare ATfield. Locating the field is
- * trickier than it might seem since we have no line number info for it, we
- * have to dig through the structure model under the fields' type in order
- * to locate it.
+ * Add a relationship for a matching declare ATfield. Locating the field is trickier than it might seem since we have no line
+ * number info for it, we have to dig through the structure model under the fields' type in order to locate it.
public static void addDeclareAnnotationFieldRelationship(AsmManager model, ISourceLocation declareLocation,
String affectedTypeName, ResolvedMember affectedFieldName) {