path: root/asm/src/org
diff options
authoraclement <aclement>2006-05-11 07:29:59 +0000
committeraclement <aclement>2006-05-11 07:29:59 +0000
commitac4db735b6f4d5b7d17f0b8d093b63b910c704bd (patch)
treef1e4e90cc55710c448de163f2d1c2c9e18fffee4 /asm/src/org
parentc010978b54cf6f95d913ae6dc7b1107ea8f24647 (diff)
134471 - incremental structure model repair code overhaul - different strategy for tidying up relationships.
Diffstat (limited to 'asm/src/org')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/asm/src/org/aspectj/asm/ b/asm/src/org/aspectj/asm/
index bc63e881b..cd4051915 100644
--- a/asm/src/org/aspectj/asm/
+++ b/asm/src/org/aspectj/asm/
@@ -466,6 +466,28 @@ public class AsmManager {
+ private void dumprelsStderr(String key) {
+ System.err.println("Relationships dump follows: "+key);
+ IRelationshipMap irm = AsmManager.getDefault().getRelationshipMap();
+ int ctr = 1;
+ Set entries = irm.getEntries();
+ for (Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ String hid = (String);
+ List rels = irm.get(hid);
+ for (Iterator iterator = rels.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ IRelationship ir = (IRelationship);
+ List targets = ir.getTargets();
+ for (Iterator iterator2 = targets.iterator();
+ iterator2.hasNext();
+ ) {
+ String thid = (String);
+ System.err.println("Hid:"+(ctr++)+":(targets="+targets.size()+") "+hid+" ("+ir.getName()+") "+thid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ System.err.println("End of relationships dump for: "+key);
+ }
//===================== DELTA PROCESSING CODE ============== start ==========//
// XXX shouldn't be aware of the delimiter
@@ -473,6 +495,42 @@ public class AsmManager {
return hid.substring(0,hid.indexOf("|"));
+ /**
+ * Removes the hierarchy structure for the specified files from the structure model.
+ * Returns true if it deleted anything
+ */
+ public boolean removeStructureModelForFiles(Writer fw,Collection files) throws IOException {
+ IHierarchy model = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy();
+ boolean modelModified = false;
+ Set deletedNodes = new HashSet();
+ for (Iterator iter = files.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ File fileForCompilation = (File);
+ String correctedPath = AsmManager.getDefault().getCanonicalFilePath(fileForCompilation);
+ IProgramElement progElem = (IProgramElement)model.findInFileMap(correctedPath);
+ if (progElem!=null) {
+ // Found it, let's remove it
+ if (dumpDeltaProcessing) {
+ fw.write("Deleting "+progElem+" node for file "+fileForCompilation+"\n");
+ }
+ removeNode(progElem);
+ deletedNodes.add(getFilename(progElem.getHandleIdentifier()));
+ if (!model.removeFromFileMap(correctedPath.toString()))
+ throw new RuntimeException("Whilst repairing model, couldn't remove entry for file: "+correctedPath.toString()+" from the filemap");
+ modelModified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (modelModified) model.updateHandleMap(deletedNodes);
+ return modelModified;
+ }
+ private void flushModelCache() {
+ IHierarchy model = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy();
+ model.flushTypeMap();
+ }
// This code is *SLOW* but it isnt worth fixing until we address the
// bugs in binary weaving.
public void fixupStructureModel(Writer fw,List filesToBeCompiled,Set files_added,Set files_deleted) throws IOException {
@@ -512,7 +570,8 @@ public class AsmManager {
- public void processDelta(List filesToBeCompiled,Set files_added,Set files_deleted) {
+ public void processDelta(List files_tobecompiled,Set files_added,Set files_deleted) {
try {
Writer fw = null;
@@ -522,148 +581,346 @@ public class AsmManager {
FileWriter filew = new FileWriter(dumpFilename,true);
fw = new BufferedWriter(filew);
fw.write("=== Processing delta changes for the model ===\n");
- fw.write("Files for compilation:#"+filesToBeCompiled.size()+":"+filesToBeCompiled+"\n");
+ fw.write("Files for compilation:#"+files_tobecompiled.size()+":"+files_tobecompiled+"\n");
fw.write("Files added :#"+files_added.size()+":"+files_added+"\n");
fw.write("Files deleted :#"+files_deleted.size()+":"+files_deleted+"\n");
long stime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- fixupStructureModel(fw,filesToBeCompiled,files_added,files_deleted);
+ boolean modificationOccurred = false;
+ //fixupStructureModel(fw,filesToBeCompiled,files_added,files_deleted);
+ // Let's remove all the files that are deleted on this compile
+ modificationOccurred =
+ removeStructureModelForFiles(fw,files_deleted) |
+ modificationOccurred;
long etime1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // etime1-stime = time to fix up the model
- IHierarchy model = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy();
+ repairRelationships(fw);
+ long etime2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // etime2-stime = time to repair the relationship map
+ modificationOccurred =
+ removeStructureModelForFiles(fw,files_tobecompiled) |
+ modificationOccurred;
+ if (dumpDeltaProcessing) {
+ fw.write("===== Delta Processing timing ==========\n");
+ fw.write("Hierarchy="+(etime1-stime)+"ms Relationshipmap="+(etime2-etime1)+"ms\n");
+ fw.write("===== Traversal ========================\n");
+// fw.write("Source handles processed="+srchandlecounter+"\n");
+// fw.write("Target handles processed="+tgthandlecounter+"\n");
+ fw.write("========================================\n");
+ fw.flush();fw.close();
- // Some of this code relies on the fact that relationships are always in pairs, so you know
- // if you are the target of a relationship because you are also the source of a relationship
- // This seems a valid assumption for now...
+ }
+ reportModelInfo("After delta processing");
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * two kinds of relationships
+ *
+ * A affects B
+ * B affectedBy A
+ *
+ * Both of these relationships are added when 'B' is modified. Concrete examples are
+ * 'advises/advisedby' or 'annotates/annotatedby'.
+ *
+ * What we need to do is when 'B' is going to be woven, remove all relationships that may
+ * reoccur when it is woven.
+ * So - remove 'affects' relationships where the target is 'B', remove all 'affectedBy'
+ * relationships where the source is 'B'.
+ *
+ */
+ public void removeRelationshipsTargettingThisType(String typename) {
+ boolean debug=false;
+ if (debug) System.err.println(">>removeRelationshipsTargettingThisType "+typename);
+ String pkg = null;
+ String type= typename;
+ int lastSep = typename.lastIndexOf('.');
+ if (lastSep != -1) {
+ pkg = typename.substring(0,lastSep);
+ type= typename.substring(lastSep+1);
+ }
+ boolean didsomething=false;
+ IProgramElement typeNode = hierarchy.findElementForType(pkg,type);
- //TODO Speed this code up by making this assumption:
- // the only piece of the handle that is interesting is the file name. We are working at file granularity, if the
- // file does not exist (i.e. its not in the filemap) then any handle inside that file cannot exist.
- if (dumpDeltaProcessing) fw.write("Repairing relationships map:\n");
+ // Reasons for that being null:
+ // 1. the file has fundamental errors and so doesn't exist in the model (-proceedOnError probably forced us to weave)
+ if (typeNode == null) return;
+ Set sourcesToRemove = new HashSet();
+ // Iterate over the source handles in the relationships map, the aim here is to remove any 'affected by'
+ // relationships where the source of the relationship is the specified type (since it will be readded
+ // when the type is woven)
+ Set sourcehandlesSet = mapper.getEntries();
+ List relationshipsToRemove = new ArrayList();
+ for (Iterator keyiter = sourcehandlesSet.iterator(); keyiter.hasNext();) {
+ String hid = (String);
+ IProgramElement sourceElement = hierarchy.getElement(hid);
+ if (sourceElement == null || sameType(hid,sourceElement,typeNode)) {
+ // worth continuing as there may be a relationship to remove
+ relationshipsToRemove.clear();
+ List relationships = mapper.get(hid);
+ for (Iterator reliter = relationships.iterator();reliter.hasNext();) {
+ IRelationship rel = (IRelationship);
+ if (rel.getKind()==IRelationship.Kind.USES_POINTCUT) continue; // these relationships are added at compile time, argh
+ if (rel.isAffects()) continue; // we want 'affected by' relationships - (e.g. advised by)
+ relationshipsToRemove.add(rel); // all the relationships can be removed, regardless of the target(s)
+ }
+ // Now, were any relationships emptied during that processing and so need removing for this source handle
+ if (relationshipsToRemove.size()>0) {
+ didsomething=true;
+ if (relationshipsToRemove.size() == relationships.size()) sourcesToRemove.add(hid);
+ else {
+ for (int i = 0 ;i<relationshipsToRemove.size();i++)
+ relationships.remove(relationshipsToRemove.get(i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Remove sources that have no valid relationships any more
+ for (Iterator srciter = sourcesToRemove.iterator(); srciter.hasNext();) {
+ String hid = (String);
+// System.err.println(" source handle: all relationships have gone for "+hid);
+ mapper.removeAll(hid);
+ IProgramElement ipe = hierarchy.getElement(hid);
+ if (ipe!=null) {
+ // If the relationship was hanging off a 'code' node, delete it.
+ if (ipe.getKind().equals(IProgramElement.Kind.CODE)) {
+ if (debug) System.err.println(" source handle: it was code node, removing that as well... code="+ipe+" parent="+ipe.getParent());
+ removeSingleNode(ipe);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // Now sort out the relationships map
- IRelationshipMap irm = AsmManager.getDefault().getRelationshipMap();
- Set sourcesToRemove = new HashSet();
- Set nonExistingHandles = new HashSet(); // Cache of handles that we *know* are invalid
- int srchandlecounter = 0;
- int tgthandlecounter = 0;
+ if (debug) dumprelsStderr("after processing 'affectedby'");
+ if (didsomething) { // did we do anything?
+ sourcesToRemove.clear();
+ // removing 'affects' relationships
+ if (debug) dumprelsStderr("before processing 'affects'");
// Iterate over the source handles in the relationships map
- Set keyset = irm.getEntries(); // These are source handles
- for (Iterator keyiter = keyset.iterator(); keyiter.hasNext();) {
- String hid = (String);
- srchandlecounter++;
- // Do we already know this handle points to nowhere?
- if (nonExistingHandles.contains(hid)) {
- sourcesToRemove.add(hid);
- } else {
- // We better check if it actually exists
- IProgramElement existingElement = model.getElement(hid);
- if (dumpDeltaProcessing) fw.write("Looking for handle ["+hid+"] in model, found: "+existingElement+"\n");
- // Did we find it?
- if (existingElement == null) {
- // No, so delete this relationship
- sourcesToRemove.add(hid);
- nonExistingHandles.add(hid); // Speed up a bit you swine
- } else {
- // Ok, so the source is valid, what about the targets?
- List relationships = irm.get(hid);
- List relationshipsToRemove = new ArrayList();
- // Iterate through the relationships against this source handle
- for (Iterator reliter = relationships.iterator();reliter.hasNext();) {
- IRelationship rel = (IRelationship);
- List targets = rel.getTargets();
- List targetsToRemove = new ArrayList();
+ sourcehandlesSet = mapper.getEntries();
+ for (Iterator keyiter = sourcehandlesSet.iterator(); keyiter.hasNext();) {
+ String hid = (String);
+ IProgramElement sourceElement = hierarchy.getElement(hid);
+ relationshipsToRemove.clear();
+ List relationships = mapper.get(hid);
+ for (Iterator reliter = relationships.iterator();reliter.hasNext();) {
+ IRelationship rel = (IRelationship);
+ if (rel.getKind()==IRelationship.Kind.USES_POINTCUT) continue; // these relationships are added at compile time, argh
+ if (!rel.isAffects()) continue;
+ List targets = rel.getTargets();
+ List targetsToRemove = new ArrayList();
- // Iterate through the targets for this relationship
- for (Iterator targetIter = targets.iterator();targetIter.hasNext();) {
- String targethid = (String);
- tgthandlecounter++;
- // Do we already know it doesn't exist?
- if (nonExistingHandles.contains(targethid)) {
- if (dumpDeltaProcessing) fw.write("Target handle ["+targethid+"] for srchid["+hid+"]rel["+rel.getName()+"] does not exist\n");
- targetsToRemove.add(targethid);
- } else {
- // We better check
- IProgramElement existingTarget = model.getElement(targethid);
- if (existingTarget == null) {
- if (dumpDeltaProcessing) fw.write("Target handle ["+targethid+"] for srchid["+hid+"]rel["+rel.getName()+"] does not exist\n");
- targetsToRemove.add(targethid);
- nonExistingHandles.add(targethid);
- }
- }
- }
- // Do we have some targets that need removing?
- if (targetsToRemove.size()!=0) {
- // Are we removing *all* of the targets for this relationship (i.e. removing the relationship)
- if (targetsToRemove.size()==targets.size()) {
- if (dumpDeltaProcessing) fw.write("No targets remain for srchid["+hid+"] rel["+rel.getName()+"]: removing it\n");
- relationshipsToRemove.add(rel);
- } else {
- // Remove all the targets that are no longer valid
- for (Iterator targsIter = targetsToRemove.iterator();targsIter.hasNext();) {
- String togo = (String);
- targets.remove(togo);
- }
- // Should have already been caught above, but lets double check ...
- if (targets.size()==0) {
- if (dumpDeltaProcessing) fw.write("No targets remain for srchid["+hid+"] rel["+rel.getName()+"]: removing it\n");
- relationshipsToRemove.add(rel); // TODO Should only remove this relationship for the srchid?
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Now, were any relationships emptied during that processing and so need removing for this source handle
- if (relationshipsToRemove.size()>0) {
- // Are we removing *all* of the relationships for this source handle?
- if (relationshipsToRemove.size() == relationships.size()) {
- // We know they are all going to go, so just delete the source handle.
- sourcesToRemove.add(hid);
- } else {
- for (int i = 0 ;i<relationshipsToRemove.size();i++) {
- IRelationship irel = (IRelationship)relationshipsToRemove.get(i);
- verifyAssumption(irm.remove(hid,irel),"Failed to remove relationship "+irel.getName()+" for shid "+hid);
- }
- List rels = irm.get(hid);
- if (rels==null || rels.size()==0) sourcesToRemove.add(hid);
- }
+ // find targets that target the type we are interested in, they need removing
+ for (Iterator targetsIter = targets.iterator(); targetsIter.hasNext();) {
+ String targethid = (String);
+ // Does this point to the same type?
+ IProgramElement existingTarget = hierarchy.getElement(targethid);
+ if (existingTarget == null || sameType(targethid,existingTarget,typeNode)) targetsToRemove.add(targethid);
+ }
+ if (targetsToRemove.size()!=0) {
+ if (targetsToRemove.size()==targets.size()) relationshipsToRemove.add(rel);
+ else {
+ // Remove all the targets that are no longer valid
+ for (Iterator targsIter = targetsToRemove.iterator();targsIter.hasNext();) {
+ String togo = (String);
+ targets.remove(togo);
+ }
+ // Now, were any relationships emptied during that processing and so need removing for this source handle
+ if (relationshipsToRemove.size()>0) {
+ // Are we removing *all* of the relationships for this source handle?
+ if (relationshipsToRemove.size() == relationships.size()) sourcesToRemove.add(hid);
+ else {
+ for (int i = 0 ;i<relationshipsToRemove.size();i++)
+ relationships.remove(relationshipsToRemove.get(i));
+ }
+ }
// Remove sources that have no valid relationships any more
for (Iterator srciter = sourcesToRemove.iterator(); srciter.hasNext();) {
String hid = (String);
- irm.removeAll(hid);
- IProgramElement ipe = model.getElement(hid);
+ // System.err.println(" source handle: all relationships have gone for "+hid);
+ mapper.removeAll(hid);
+ IProgramElement ipe = hierarchy.getElement(hid);
if (ipe!=null) {
// If the relationship was hanging off a 'code' node, delete it.
if (ipe.getKind().equals(IProgramElement.Kind.CODE)) {
+ if (debug) System.err.println(" source handle: it was code node, removing that as well... code="+ipe+" parent="+ipe.getParent());
- long etime2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // etime2-stime = time to repair the relationship map
- if (dumpDeltaProcessing) {
- fw.write("===== Delta Processing timing ==========\n");
- fw.write("Hierarchy="+(etime1-stime)+"ms Relationshipmap="+(etime2-etime1)+"ms\n");
- fw.write("===== Traversal ========================\n");
- fw.write("Source handles processed="+srchandlecounter+"\n");
- fw.write("Target handles processed="+tgthandlecounter+"\n");
- fw.write("========================================\n");
- fw.flush();fw.close();
- }
- reportModelInfo("After delta processing");
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
+ if (debug) dumprelsStderr("after processing 'affects'");
+ }
+ if (debug) System.err.println("<<removeRelationshipsTargettingThisFile");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return true if the target element is in the type specified.
+ */
+ private boolean sameType(String hid,IProgramElement target, IProgramElement type) {
+ IProgramElement containingType = target;
+ if (target==null)
+ throw new RuntimeException("target can't be null!");
+ if (type==null)
+ throw new RuntimeException("type can't be null!");
+ if (target.getKind().isSourceFile()) {
+ // @AJ aspect with broken relationship endpoint - we couldn't find the real
+ // endpoint (the declare parents or ITD or similar) so defaulted to the
+ // first line of the source file...
+ // Let's assume the worst, and that it is the same type if the source files
+ // are the same. This will break for multiple top level types in a file...
+ if (target.getSourceLocation()==null) return false; // these four possibilities should really be FIXED so we don't have this situation
+ if (type.getSourceLocation()==null) return false;
+ if (target.getSourceLocation().getSourceFile()==null) return false;
+ if (type.getSourceLocation().getSourceFile()==null) return false;
+ return (target.getSourceLocation().getSourceFile().equals(type.getSourceLocation().getSourceFile()));
+ while (!containingType.getKind().isType()) {
+// System.err.println("Checked: "+containingType.getKind()+" "+containingType);
+ containingType = containingType.getParent();
+ }
+ return (type.equals(containingType));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Go through all the relationships in the model, if any endpoints no longer exist (the node it
+ * points to has been deleted from the model) then delete the relationship.
+ */
+ private void repairRelationships(Writer fw) {
+ try {
+ IHierarchy model = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy();
+ //TODO Speed this code up by making this assumption:
+ // the only piece of the handle that is interesting is the file name. We are working at file granularity, if the
+ // file does not exist (i.e. its not in the filemap) then any handle inside that file cannot exist.
+ if (dumpDeltaProcessing) fw.write("Repairing relationships map:\n");
+ // Now sort out the relationships map
+ IRelationshipMap irm = AsmManager.getDefault().getRelationshipMap();
+ Set sourcesToRemove = new HashSet();
+ Set nonExistingHandles = new HashSet(); // Cache of handles that we *know* are invalid
+ int srchandlecounter = 0;
+ int tgthandlecounter = 0;
+ // Iterate over the source handles in the relationships map
+ Set keyset = irm.getEntries(); // These are source handles
+ for (Iterator keyiter = keyset.iterator(); keyiter.hasNext();) {
+ String hid = (String);
+ srchandlecounter++;
+ // Do we already know this handle points to nowhere?
+ if (nonExistingHandles.contains(hid)) {
+ sourcesToRemove.add(hid);
+ } else {
+ // We better check if it actually exists
+ IProgramElement existingElement = model.getElement(hid);
+ if (dumpDeltaProcessing) fw.write("Looking for handle ["+hid+"] in model, found: "+existingElement+"\n");
+ // Did we find it?
+ if (existingElement == null) {
+ // No, so delete this relationship
+ sourcesToRemove.add(hid);
+ nonExistingHandles.add(hid); // Speed up a bit you swine
+ } else {
+ // Ok, so the source is valid, what about the targets?
+ List relationships = irm.get(hid);
+ List relationshipsToRemove = new ArrayList();
+ // Iterate through the relationships against this source handle
+ for (Iterator reliter = relationships.iterator();reliter.hasNext();) {
+ IRelationship rel = (IRelationship);
+ List targets = rel.getTargets();
+ List targetsToRemove = new ArrayList();
+ // Iterate through the targets for this relationship
+ for (Iterator targetIter = targets.iterator();targetIter.hasNext();) {
+ String targethid = (String);
+ tgthandlecounter++;
+ // Do we already know it doesn't exist?
+ if (nonExistingHandles.contains(targethid)) {
+ if (dumpDeltaProcessing) fw.write("Target handle ["+targethid+"] for srchid["+hid+"]rel["+rel.getName()+"] does not exist\n");
+ targetsToRemove.add(targethid);
+ } else {
+ // We better check
+ IProgramElement existingTarget = model.getElement(targethid);
+ if (existingTarget == null) {
+ if (dumpDeltaProcessing) fw.write("Target handle ["+targethid+"] for srchid["+hid+"]rel["+rel.getName()+"] does not exist\n");
+ targetsToRemove.add(targethid);
+ nonExistingHandles.add(targethid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Do we have some targets that need removing?
+ if (targetsToRemove.size()!=0) {
+ // Are we removing *all* of the targets for this relationship (i.e. removing the relationship)
+ if (targetsToRemove.size()==targets.size()) {
+ if (dumpDeltaProcessing) fw.write("No targets remain for srchid["+hid+"] rel["+rel.getName()+"]: removing it\n");
+ relationshipsToRemove.add(rel);
+ } else {
+ // Remove all the targets that are no longer valid
+ for (Iterator targsIter = targetsToRemove.iterator();targsIter.hasNext();) {
+ String togo = (String);
+ targets.remove(togo);
+ }
+ // Should have already been caught above, but lets double check ...
+ if (targets.size()==0) {
+ if (dumpDeltaProcessing) fw.write("No targets remain for srchid["+hid+"] rel["+rel.getName()+"]: removing it\n");
+ relationshipsToRemove.add(rel); // TODO Should only remove this relationship for the srchid?
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now, were any relationships emptied during that processing and so need removing for this source handle
+ if (relationshipsToRemove.size()>0) {
+ // Are we removing *all* of the relationships for this source handle?
+ if (relationshipsToRemove.size() == relationships.size()) {
+ // We know they are all going to go, so just delete the source handle.
+ sourcesToRemove.add(hid);
+ } else {
+ // MEMORY LEAK - we don't remove the relationships !!
+ for (int i = 0 ;i<relationshipsToRemove.size();i++) {
+ IRelationship irel = (IRelationship)relationshipsToRemove.get(i);
+ verifyAssumption(irm.remove(hid,irel),"Failed to remove relationship "+irel.getName()+" for shid "+hid);
+ }
+ List rels = irm.get(hid);
+ if (rels==null || rels.size()==0) sourcesToRemove.add(hid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove sources that have no valid relationships any more
+ for (Iterator srciter = sourcesToRemove.iterator(); srciter.hasNext();) {
+ String hid = (String);
+ irm.removeAll(hid);
+ IProgramElement ipe = model.getElement(hid);
+ if (ipe!=null) {
+ // If the relationship was hanging off a 'code' node, delete it.
+ if (ipe.getKind().equals(IProgramElement.Kind.CODE)) {
+ //System.err.println("Deleting code node");
+ removeSingleNode(ipe);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (IOException ioe) {
+ System.err.println("Failed to repair relationships:");
+ ioe.printStackTrace();
+ }