path: root/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc
diff options
authorAndy Clement <aclement@pivotal.io>2019-02-08 15:02:11 -0800
committerAndy Clement <aclement@pivotal.io>2019-02-08 15:02:11 -0800
commit635f0ed47ffe11e93d96e4d24e4411eedfa1ddc9 (patch)
tree2fa95e5cf13bdefa559ce341761f90de747421e9 /aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc
parent66f6e011d251d84250c562950f491cab31af0ad3 (diff)
tidyup retired modules and add aspectjtools submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 725 deletions
diff --git a/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/AjdocModuleTests.java b/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/AjdocModuleTests.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5105931e1..000000000
--- a/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/AjdocModuleTests.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
- *
- * This file is part of the compiler and core tools for the AspectJ(tm)
- * programming language; see http://aspectj.org
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * either http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ or http://aspectj.org/MPL/.
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is AspectJ.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Xerox Corporation. Portions
- * created by Xerox Corporation are Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Xerox Corporation.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- */
-// default package
-import junit.framework.*;
-public class AjdocModuleTests extends TestCase {
- public static Test suite() {
- TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(AjdocModuleTests.class.getName());
- suite.addTest(org.aspectj.tools.ajdoc.AjdocTests.suite());
- return suite;
- }
- public AjdocModuleTests(String name) { super(name); }
diff --git a/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/AjdocTests.java b/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/AjdocTests.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6da9a0f61..000000000
--- a/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/AjdocTests.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
- *
- * This file is part of the compiler and core tools for the AspectJ(tm)
- * programming language; see http://aspectj.org
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * either http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ or http://aspectj.org/MPL/.
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is AspectJ.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Xerox Corporation. Portions
- * created by Xerox Corporation are Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Xerox Corporation.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- */
-package org.aspectj.tools.ajdoc;
-import junit.framework.*;
-public class AjdocTests extends TestCase {
- public static Test suite() {
- TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(AjdocTests.class.getName());
- //$JUnit-BEGIN$
- suite.addTestSuite(SeeTagImplTest.class);
- //$JUnit-END$
- return suite;
- }
- public AjdocTests(String name) { super(name); }
diff --git a/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/JUnitDriver.java b/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/JUnitDriver.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a25029d5f..000000000
--- a/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/JUnitDriver.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-package org.aspectj.tools.ajdoc;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.Assert;
-import junit.textui.TestRunner;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import java.io.File;
-import org.aspectj.tools.ajdoc.Main;
- * Test driver for ajdoc
- * currently only has disabled test cases to invoke ajdoc
- * but not verify results.
- * @deprecated org.aspectj.testing.harness.AjdocScript
- */
-public class JUnitDriver extends TestCase {
- private static final String[] ME
- = new String[] {"org.aspectj.tools.ajdoc.JUnitDriver"};
- static final String ajbase = "c:/home/wes/aj";
- static final String testbase = ajbase + "/aj-build-modules/tests/ajdoc/JUnitDriver";
- static final String srcbase = ajbase + "/aspectj/modules/ajdoc/testsrc";
- private AjdocTestCase[] CASES;
- protected void setUp() {
- assertTrue(null == CASES);
- System.setProperty("seetag.debug", "on");
- CASES = new AjdocTestCase[]
- { // both disabled as samples not checked in
- // getLinkTestCase()
- //, getJUnitTestCase()
- };
- }
- AjdocTestCase getLinkTestCase() {
- String outDir = testbase + "/link/api";
- new File(outDir).mkdirs();
- return new AjdocTestCase("Link", new String[]
- {
- "-d", outDir
- , "-private"
- , "-sourcepath", srcbase
- , "test" // doc test package only
- });
- }
- AjdocTestCase getJUnitTestCase() {
- String outDir = "c:/home/doc/junit/api";
- new File(outDir).mkdir();
- return new AjdocTestCase("JUnit", new String[]
- {
- "-d", outDir
- , "-private"
- , "-sourcepath"
- , "c:/home/doc/junit/src"
- , "junitjunit.awtui"
- , "junit.extensions"
- , "junit.framework"
- , "junit.runner"
- , "junit.swingui"
- , "junit.swingui.icons"
- , "junit.textui"
- , "junit.ui"
- });
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- TestRunner.main(ME);
- }
- /** todo result logging? */
- public static void log(String s) {
- System.err.println(""+s);
- }
- /** load all KNOWN_TEST_CLASSES */
- public static Test suite() {
- TestSuite result = new TestSuite();
- result.addTestSuite(JUnitDriver.class);
- return result;
- }
- //------------------ instance members
- public JUnitDriver(String name) { super(name); }
- /**
- * Run known test cases in CASES
- */
- public void testAll() {
- assertTrue(null != CASES);
- for (int i = 0; i < CASES.length; i++) {
- CASES[i].run(this);
- }
- }
- /** this just invokes AJDoc but does not verify results */
- static class AjdocTestCase {
- private final String label;
- public final String[] args;
- public AjdocTestCase(String label, String[] args) {
- this.label = (null == label ? "no label" : label);
- this.args = (null == args? new String[] {"help"} : args);
- }
- public void run(Assert assert) {
- int result = Main.execute(args);
- assert.assertTrue("result: " + result,0 == result);
- // now verify...
- }
- }
diff --git a/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/SeeTagImplTest.java b/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/SeeTagImplTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4080a869f..000000000
--- a/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/SeeTagImplTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
-package org.aspectj.tools.ajdoc;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.textui.TestRunner;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import junit.framework.TestSuite;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import com.sun.javadoc.Doc;
- */
-public class SeeTagImplTest extends TestCase {
- /**
- * Run this class as a JUnit test case in the textui
- */
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- TestRunner.main(new String[]{"org.aspectj.tools.ajdoc.SeeTagImplTest"});
- }
- /** set to true to trigger assertion failures
- * on any output to error printer.
- */
- static boolean FAIL_ON_PRINTERR = false;
- public static Test suite() {
- TestSuite result = new TestSuite();
- result.addTestSuite(SeeTagImplTest.class);
- return result;
- }
- // argh - our only dependency on the compiler module is here XXX
- static ErrPrinter ERRPRINTER = new ErrPrinter("SeeTagImplTest") {
- public void printError(String error) {
- super.printError(error);
- assertTrue(error, false);
- }
- };
- public SeeTagImplTest(String name) { super(name); }
- protected void setUp() {
- try {
- System.setProperty("seetag.debug","on");
- } catch (SecurityException e) {} // ignore - ok if property off
- }
- static class SeeTestCase {
- final String input;
- final String type;
- final String member;
- final String parms;
- final String label;
- SeeTagImpl result;
- public SeeTestCase(String input, String type, String member,
- String parms, String label) {
- this.input = input;
- this.type = type;
- this.member = member;
- this.parms = parms;
- this.label = label;
- }
- /**
- * Run test.
- * This implementation creates a SeeTagImpl to test
- * (only) SeeTagImpl.resolve().
- */
- public void run() {
- result = make(input);
- verify("label", label, result.getLabel());
- verify("type", type, renderType(result.getPackageName(), result.getClassName()));
- verify("memberName", renderMember(member, parms), result.getMemberName());
- }
- /** factory for SeeTag based on input normally passed to constructor */
- SeeTagImpl make(String text) {
- Doc doc = null;
- String name = "@link";
- Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
- return new SeeTagImpl(doc, name,text,locale,ERRPRINTER);
- }
- /** render for comment on error */
- String renderSeeTagImpl(SeeTagImpl input) {
- if (null == input) return "(SeeTagImpl) null";
- String label = render(input.getLabel());
- return renderType(input.getPackageName(), input.getClassName())
- + "#" + input.getMemberName()
- + (0 == label.length()? "" : " " + label);
- }
- String renderType(String pack, String cl) {
- cl = render(cl);
- pack = render(pack);
- return (0 == pack.length() ? "": pack + ".") + cl;
- }
- String renderMember(String name, String parms) {
- name = render(name);
- parms = render(parms);
- return (0 == parms.length() ? name : name + parms);
- }
- /** render a null string as "" instead of "null" */
- String render(String str) {
- return (null == str ? "" : str);
- }
- /** treat empty String as null String */
- String normalize(String str) {
- if ((null == str) || (str.length() == 0)) {
- return null;
- } else {
- return str+"";
- }
- }
- /**
- * assert actual with expected,
- * including label and entire input in message asserted.
- */
- void verify(String label, String expected, String actual) {
- expected = normalize(expected);
- actual = normalize(actual);
- String output = renderSeeTagImpl(result);
- String message = "\""+expected+"\".equals(\"" + actual + "\")"
- + " // " + label
- + " (\"" + input + "\" -> \"" + output + "\")";
- if (null == expected) {
- assertTrue(message, null==actual);
- } else {
- assertTrue(message, expected.equals(actual));
- }
- }
- }
- // example of generated
-// static SeeTestCase[] CASES = new SeeTestCase[]
-// { new SeeTestCase("Foo#bar() bash", "Foo", "bar", "()", "bash")
-// };
-// public void test1() { CASES[1].run(); }
- // test cases generated by genSeeTestCases.sh
- static final SeeTestCase[] CASES = new SeeTestCase[] { null // first is null
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName ", "", "memberName", "", "") // 0
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName ", "", "memberName", "", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName label", "", "memberName", "", "label") // 2
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName label ", "", "memberName", "", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName a label", "", "memberName", "", "a label") // 4
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName a label ", "", "memberName", "", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName() ", "", "memberName", "()", "") // 6
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName () ", "", "memberName", "()", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName() label", "", "memberName", "()", "label") // 8
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName () label ", "", "memberName", "()", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName() a label", "", "memberName", "()", "a label") // 10
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName () a label ", "", "memberName", "()", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName(int) ", "", "memberName", "(int)", "") // 12
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName (int) ", "", "memberName", "(int)", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName(int) label", "", "memberName", "(int)", "label") // 14
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName (int) label ", "", "memberName", "(int)", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName(int) a label", "", "memberName", "(int)", "a label") // 16
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName (int) a label ", "", "memberName", "(int)", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName(int,String) ", "", "memberName", "(int,String)", "") // 18
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName (int,String) ", "", "memberName", "(int,String)", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName(int,String) label", "", "memberName", "(int,String)", "label") // 20
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName (int,String) label ", "", "memberName", "(int,String)", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName(int,String) a label", "", "memberName", "(int,String)", "a label") // 22
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName (int,String) a label ", "", "memberName", "(int,String)", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName( int , String[ ][ ] ) ", "", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "") // 24
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName ( int , String[ ][ ] ) ", "", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName( int , String[ ][ ] ) label", "", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "label") // 26
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName ( int , String[ ][ ] ) label ", "", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName( int , String[ ][ ] ) a label", "", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "a label") // 28
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName ( int , String[ ][ ] ) a label ", "", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) ", "", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "") // 30
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName ( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) ", "", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) label", "", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "label") // 32
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName ( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) label ", "", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) a label", "", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "a label") // 34
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName ( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) a label ", "", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName(foo.Bar) ", "", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "") // 36
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName (foo.Bar) ", "", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName(foo.Bar) label", "", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "label") // 38
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName (foo.Bar) label ", "", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("#memberName(foo.Bar) a label", "", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "a label") // 40
- , new SeeTestCase(" #memberName (foo.Bar) a label ", "", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName ", "Type", "memberName", "", "") // 42
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName ", "Type", "memberName", "", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName label", "Type", "memberName", "", "label") // 44
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName label ", "Type", "memberName", "", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName a label", "Type", "memberName", "", "a label") // 46
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName a label ", "Type", "memberName", "", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName() ", "Type", "memberName", "()", "") // 48
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName () ", "Type", "memberName", "()", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName() label", "Type", "memberName", "()", "label") // 50
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName () label ", "Type", "memberName", "()", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName() a label", "Type", "memberName", "()", "a label") // 52
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName () a label ", "Type", "memberName", "()", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName(int) ", "Type", "memberName", "(int)", "") // 54
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName (int) ", "Type", "memberName", "(int)", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName(int) label", "Type", "memberName", "(int)", "label") // 56
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName (int) label ", "Type", "memberName", "(int)", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName(int) a label", "Type", "memberName", "(int)", "a label") // 58
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName (int) a label ", "Type", "memberName", "(int)", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName(int,String) ", "Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "") // 60
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName (int,String) ", "Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName(int,String) label", "Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "label") // 62
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName (int,String) label ", "Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName(int,String) a label", "Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "a label") // 64
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName (int,String) a label ", "Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName( int , String[ ][ ] ) ", "Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "") // 66
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName ( int , String[ ][ ] ) ", "Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName( int , String[ ][ ] ) label", "Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "label") // 68
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName ( int , String[ ][ ] ) label ", "Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName( int , String[ ][ ] ) a label", "Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "a label") // 70
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName ( int , String[ ][ ] ) a label ", "Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) ", "Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "") // 72
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName ( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) ", "Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) label", "Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "label") // 74
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName ( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) label ", "Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) a label", "Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "a label") // 76
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName ( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) a label ", "Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName(foo.Bar) ", "Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "") // 78
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName (foo.Bar) ", "Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName(foo.Bar) label", "Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "label") // 80
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName (foo.Bar) label ", "Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("Type#memberName(foo.Bar) a label", "Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "a label") // 82
- , new SeeTestCase(" Type#memberName (foo.Bar) a label ", "Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "", "") // 84
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName label", "junit.Type", "memberName", "", "label") // 86
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName label ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName a label", "junit.Type", "memberName", "", "a label") // 88
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName a label ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName() ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "()", "") // 90
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName () ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "()", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName() label", "junit.Type", "memberName", "()", "label") // 92
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName () label ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "()", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName() a label", "junit.Type", "memberName", "()", "a label") // 94
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName () a label ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "()", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName(int) ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(int)", "") // 96
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName (int) ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(int)", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName(int) label", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(int)", "label") // 98
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName (int) label ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(int)", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName(int) a label", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(int)", "a label") // 100
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName (int) a label ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(int)", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName(int,String) ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "") // 102
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName (int,String) ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName(int,String) label", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "label") // 104
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName (int,String) label ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName(int,String) a label", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "a label") // 106
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName (int,String) a label ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName( int , String[ ][ ] ) ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "") // 108
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName ( int , String[ ][ ] ) ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName( int , String[ ][ ] ) label", "junit.Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "label") // 110
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName ( int , String[ ][ ] ) label ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName( int , String[ ][ ] ) a label", "junit.Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "a label") // 112
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName ( int , String[ ][ ] ) a label ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "") // 114
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName ( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) label", "junit.Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "label") // 116
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName ( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) label ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) a label", "junit.Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "a label") // 118
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName ( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) a label ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName(foo.Bar) ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "") // 120
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName (foo.Bar) ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName(foo.Bar) label", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "label") // 122
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName (foo.Bar) label ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("junit.Type#memberName(foo.Bar) a label", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "a label") // 124
- , new SeeTestCase(" junit.Type#memberName (foo.Bar) a label ", "junit.Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "", "") // 126
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName label", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "", "label") // 128
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName label ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName a label", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "", "a label") // 130
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName a label ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName() ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "()", "") // 132
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName () ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "()", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName() label", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "()", "label") // 134
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName () label ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "()", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName() a label", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "()", "a label") // 136
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName () a label ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "()", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName(int) ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(int)", "") // 138
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName (int) ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(int)", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName(int) label", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(int)", "label") // 140
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName (int) label ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(int)", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName(int) a label", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(int)", "a label") // 142
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName (int) a label ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(int)", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName(int,String) ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "") // 144
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName (int,String) ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName(int,String) label", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "label") // 146
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName (int,String) label ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName(int,String) a label", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "a label") // 148
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName (int,String) a label ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(int,String)", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName( int , String[ ][ ] ) ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "") // 150
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName ( int , String[ ][ ] ) ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName( int , String[ ][ ] ) label", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "label") // 152
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName ( int , String[ ][ ] ) label ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName( int , String[ ][ ] ) a label", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "a label") // 154
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName ( int , String[ ][ ] ) a label ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "( int , String[ ][ ] )", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "") // 156
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName ( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) label", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "label") // 158
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName ( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) label ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) a label", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "a label") // 160
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName ( foo.Bar , com.sun.X ) a label ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )", "a label")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName(foo.Bar) ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "") // 162
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName (foo.Bar) ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName(foo.Bar) label", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "label") // 164
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName (foo.Bar) label ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "label")
- , new SeeTestCase("org.aspectj.Type#memberName(foo.Bar) a label", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "a label") // 166
- , new SeeTestCase(" org.aspectj.Type#memberName (foo.Bar) a label ", "org.aspectj.Type", "memberName", "(foo.Bar)", "a label")
- };
- public void testLink1() { CASES[1].run(); }
- public void testLink2() { CASES[2].run(); }
- public void testLink3() { CASES[3].run(); }
- public void testLink4() { CASES[4].run(); }
- public void testLink5() { CASES[5].run(); }
- public void testLink6() { CASES[6].run(); }
- public void testLink7() { CASES[7].run(); }
- public void testLink8() { CASES[8].run(); }
- public void testLink9() { CASES[9].run(); }
- public void testLink10() { CASES[10].run(); }
- public void testLink11() { CASES[11].run(); }
- public void testLink12() { CASES[12].run(); }
- public void testLink13() { CASES[13].run(); }
- public void testLink14() { CASES[14].run(); }
- public void testLink15() { CASES[15].run(); }
- public void testLink16() { CASES[16].run(); }
- public void testLink17() { CASES[17].run(); }
- public void testLink18() { CASES[18].run(); }
- public void testLink19() { CASES[19].run(); }
- public void testLink20() { CASES[20].run(); }
- public void testLink21() { CASES[21].run(); }
- public void testLink22() { CASES[22].run(); }
- public void testLink23() { CASES[23].run(); }
- public void testLink24() { CASES[24].run(); }
- public void testLink25() { CASES[25].run(); }
- public void testLink26() { CASES[26].run(); }
- public void testLink27() { CASES[27].run(); }
- public void testLink28() { CASES[28].run(); }
- public void testLink29() { CASES[29].run(); }
- public void testLink30() { CASES[30].run(); }
- public void testLink31() { CASES[31].run(); }
- public void testLink32() { CASES[32].run(); }
- public void testLink33() { CASES[33].run(); }
- public void testLink34() { CASES[34].run(); }
- public void testLink35() { CASES[35].run(); }
- public void testLink36() { CASES[36].run(); }
- public void testLink37() { CASES[37].run(); }
- public void testLink38() { CASES[38].run(); }
- public void testLink39() { CASES[39].run(); }
- public void testLink40() { CASES[40].run(); }
- public void testLink41() { CASES[41].run(); }
- public void testLink42() { CASES[42].run(); }
- public void testLink43() { CASES[43].run(); }
- public void testLink44() { CASES[44].run(); }
- public void testLink45() { CASES[45].run(); }
- public void testLink46() { CASES[46].run(); }
- public void testLink47() { CASES[47].run(); }
- public void testLink48() { CASES[48].run(); }
- public void testLink49() { CASES[49].run(); }
- public void testLink50() { CASES[50].run(); }
- public void testLink51() { CASES[51].run(); }
- public void testLink52() { CASES[52].run(); }
- public void testLink53() { CASES[53].run(); }
- public void testLink54() { CASES[54].run(); }
- public void testLink55() { CASES[55].run(); }
- public void testLink56() { CASES[56].run(); }
- public void testLink57() { CASES[57].run(); }
- public void testLink58() { CASES[58].run(); }
- public void testLink59() { CASES[59].run(); }
- public void testLink60() { CASES[60].run(); }
- public void testLink61() { CASES[61].run(); }
- public void testLink62() { CASES[62].run(); }
- public void testLink63() { CASES[63].run(); }
- public void testLink64() { CASES[64].run(); }
- public void testLink65() { CASES[65].run(); }
- public void testLink66() { CASES[66].run(); }
- public void testLink67() { CASES[67].run(); }
- public void testLink68() { CASES[68].run(); }
- public void testLink69() { CASES[69].run(); }
- public void testLink70() { CASES[70].run(); }
- public void testLink71() { CASES[71].run(); }
- public void testLink72() { CASES[72].run(); }
- public void testLink73() { CASES[73].run(); }
- public void testLink74() { CASES[74].run(); }
- public void testLink75() { CASES[75].run(); }
- public void testLink76() { CASES[76].run(); }
- public void testLink77() { CASES[77].run(); }
- public void testLink78() { CASES[78].run(); }
- public void testLink79() { CASES[79].run(); }
- public void testLink80() { CASES[80].run(); }
- public void testLink81() { CASES[81].run(); }
- public void testLink82() { CASES[82].run(); }
- public void testLink83() { CASES[83].run(); }
- public void testLink84() { CASES[84].run(); }
- public void testLink85() { CASES[85].run(); }
- public void testLink86() { CASES[86].run(); }
- public void testLink87() { CASES[87].run(); }
- public void testLink88() { CASES[88].run(); }
- public void testLink89() { CASES[89].run(); }
- public void testLink90() { CASES[90].run(); }
- public void testLink91() { CASES[91].run(); }
- public void testLink92() { CASES[92].run(); }
- public void testLink93() { CASES[93].run(); }
- public void testLink94() { CASES[94].run(); }
- public void testLink95() { CASES[95].run(); }
- public void testLink96() { CASES[96].run(); }
- public void testLink97() { CASES[97].run(); }
- public void testLink98() { CASES[98].run(); }
- public void testLink99() { CASES[99].run(); }
- public void testLink100() { CASES[100].run(); }
- public void testLink101() { CASES[101].run(); }
- public void testLink102() { CASES[102].run(); }
- public void testLink103() { CASES[103].run(); }
- public void testLink104() { CASES[104].run(); }
- public void testLink105() { CASES[105].run(); }
- public void testLink106() { CASES[106].run(); }
- public void testLink107() { CASES[107].run(); }
- public void testLink108() { CASES[108].run(); }
- public void testLink109() { CASES[109].run(); }
- public void testLink110() { CASES[110].run(); }
- public void testLink111() { CASES[111].run(); }
- public void testLink112() { CASES[112].run(); }
- public void testLink113() { CASES[113].run(); }
- public void testLink114() { CASES[114].run(); }
- public void testLink115() { CASES[115].run(); }
- public void testLink116() { CASES[116].run(); }
- public void testLink117() { CASES[117].run(); }
- public void testLink118() { CASES[118].run(); }
- public void testLink119() { CASES[119].run(); }
- public void testLink120() { CASES[120].run(); }
- public void testLink121() { CASES[121].run(); }
- public void testLink122() { CASES[122].run(); }
- public void testLink123() { CASES[123].run(); }
- public void testLink124() { CASES[124].run(); }
- public void testLink125() { CASES[125].run(); }
- public void testLink126() { CASES[126].run(); }
- public void testLink127() { CASES[127].run(); }
- public void testLink128() { CASES[128].run(); }
- public void testLink129() { CASES[129].run(); }
- public void testLink130() { CASES[130].run(); }
- public void testLink131() { CASES[131].run(); }
- public void testLink132() { CASES[132].run(); }
- public void testLink133() { CASES[133].run(); }
- public void testLink134() { CASES[134].run(); }
- public void testLink135() { CASES[135].run(); }
- public void testLink136() { CASES[136].run(); }
- public void testLink137() { CASES[137].run(); }
- public void testLink138() { CASES[138].run(); }
- public void testLink139() { CASES[139].run(); }
- public void testLink140() { CASES[140].run(); }
- public void testLink141() { CASES[141].run(); }
- public void testLink142() { CASES[142].run(); }
- public void testLink143() { CASES[143].run(); }
- public void testLink144() { CASES[144].run(); }
- public void testLink145() { CASES[145].run(); }
- public void testLink146() { CASES[146].run(); }
- public void testLink147() { CASES[147].run(); }
- public void testLink148() { CASES[148].run(); }
- public void testLink149() { CASES[149].run(); }
- public void testLink150() { CASES[150].run(); }
- public void testLink151() { CASES[151].run(); }
- public void testLink152() { CASES[152].run(); }
- public void testLink153() { CASES[153].run(); }
- public void testLink154() { CASES[154].run(); }
- public void testLink155() { CASES[155].run(); }
- public void testLink156() { CASES[156].run(); }
- public void testLink157() { CASES[157].run(); }
- public void testLink158() { CASES[158].run(); }
- public void testLink159() { CASES[159].run(); }
- public void testLink160() { CASES[160].run(); }
- public void testLink161() { CASES[161].run(); }
- public void testLink162() { CASES[162].run(); }
- public void testLink163() { CASES[163].run(); }
- public void testLink164() { CASES[164].run(); }
- public void testLink165() { CASES[165].run(); }
- public void testLink166() { CASES[166].run(); }
- public void testLink167() { CASES[167].run(); }
- public void testLink168() { CASES[168].run(); }
- // end of test cases generated
diff --git a/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/genSeeTestCases.sh b/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/genSeeTestCases.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index ab8e7587e..000000000
--- a/aspectj-attic/ajdoc-testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/genSeeTestCases.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# generate test cases for {@link} tags
-## permitted variants:
-# - everything but member name can be empty
-# - spaces between everything except around sharp #
-# - 0..n parm types
-# - simple or qualified type names
-# - Type[ ][ ] but not Type [ ] [ ]
-# todo:
-# - URL's acceptable for link??
-pre=" "
-echo " static final SeeTestCase[] CASES = new SeeTestCase[] { null // first is null"
-for type in "" Type junit.Type org.aspectj.Type; do
-for name in memberName; do
-for parms in "" "()" "(int)" "(int,String)" "( int , String[ ][ ] )" "( foo.Bar , com.sun.X )" "(foo.Bar)" ; do
-for label in "" label "a label"; do
- # method, field X no spaces, spaces
- echo "$pre, new SeeTestCase(\"$type#$name$parms $label\", \"$type\", \"$name\", \"$parms\", \"$label\") // $count"
- echo "$pre, new SeeTestCase(\" $type#$name $parms $label \", \"$type\", \"$name\", \"$parms\", \"$label\")"
- count=`expr $count + 2`
-done; done; done; done;
-echo "${pre}};";
-while [ $i -lt $count ] ; do
- i=`expr $i + 1` # first is null
- echo " public void testLink$i() { CASES[$i].run(); }"