path: root/build/release
diff options
authorwisberg <wisberg>2003-05-28 08:23:42 +0000
committerwisberg <wisberg>2003-05-28 08:23:42 +0000
commita0d2d2d0de4ab0e67a714d3fec46d96b268ca1e4 (patch)
tree6b38d40626bd61f4dcf82390438eb1e45862c15a /build/release
parent5b02912cdc2f785de337ceedcac1c4ee4e921eda (diff)
Script is usable!
- lots of rearranging and cleanup, docs - now doing 1.3 and 1.4 testing - more harness tests (some unverified) - workaround OOM in examples - cleanup after building-aspectj-with-aspectj need more integration with manual process
Diffstat (limited to 'build/release')
2 files changed, 377 insertions, 223 deletions
diff --git a/build/release/build.xml b/build/release/build.xml
index 73fcb23dc..e3bea48bb 100644
--- a/build/release/build.xml
+++ b/build/release/build.xml
@@ -10,86 +10,101 @@
<!-- Wes Isberg initial implementation -->
<!-- ========================================================================= -->
-<project name="build" default="test" basedir=".">
+<project name="build" default="all" basedir=".">
<!-- ========================================================================= -->
- <target name="info">
+ <target name="info" depends="init-variables">
- This downloads and builds the AspectJ source tree:
+ Build and test the AspectJ source tree. Targets:
- - checkout entire tree
- - build distribution
- - install distribution
- - test
- - ajcTests.xml ajc/harness tests in the build
- - junitModules.xml junit tests in the build
- - build installed examples
- ... and more
- Targets of note:
+ all (default)
+ install # install distribution
+ build
+ build-release # build distribution
+ build-tests # build test classes
+ test
+ test-sources # - requires only sources
+ test-harness-tests # run tests/{suite}.xml's
+ test-junit-modules # tests/junitModules.xml
+ test-install # - requires distribution
+ test-build-examples # install/docs/examples
+ test-ajc-aspectj # ajc compiles aspectj
+ Normally this builds with Java 1.3 and tests with both
+ Java 1.3 and 1.4, so define both as properties. You
+ can select any target (not prefixed "do-" or "init-").
+ The leaf targets will run with Java version set in
+ ${java.home.file}
+ When running non-leaf targets, if you want to test
+ only in 1.3 or 1.4, set property "run.1[3|4].only".
+ Properties to consider setting on the command-line:
+ -- required
+ java13.home JAVA_HOME for latest J2SE 1.3
+ java14.home JAVA_HOME for latest J2SE 1.4
+ -- flags to control
+ run.13.only only use Java 1.3
+ run.14.only only use Java 1.4
+ skip.cvs no CVS checkout (true)
+ no build (done already)
+ skip.test no tests
+ no build of release
+ no build of tests
+ version set if not DEVELOPMENT(?)
+ -- locations to re-use existing tree or install
+ aspectj.workspace location for new cvs tree
+ aspectj.modules.dir ... for existing cvs tree
+ ... for installed dist
- install checkout, build, and install AspectJ
- test (default) test AspectJ sources and installation
+ Example command lines for using this script:
- Properties of note (flags and default values):
- -- flags to control
- skip.cvs no CVS checkout (done already)
- no build (done already)
- no build of release
- no build of tests
- version set if not DEVELOPMENT
- -- locations to re-use existing tree or install
- aspectj.workspace location for new cvs tree
- aspectj.modules.dir location for existing cvs tree
- location for installed distribution
- Trails
- - clean first
- cd build
- ant clean
- - test only sources in local tree (junit and harness tests):
+ - define variable for standard properties
- cd build/release
- ant test-sources \
- -Dskip.cvs=true \
- -Daspectj.modules.dir=../..
+ sp="-Djava13.home=d:/j13 -Djava14.home=d:/j14"
+ sp="$${sp} -Daspectj.modules.dir=../.."
- - build local tree and install distribution:
- cd build/release
- ant install \
- -Dskip.cvs=true \
- -Daspectj.modules.dir=../..
+ - clean first
+ cd build
+ ant clean
+ - test only sources in local tree
- - test installation and sources in local tree:
+ cd build/release
+ ant test-sources $${sp}
+ - build and install distribution:
+ cd build/release
+ ant install $${sp}
- cd build/release
- ant test \
- -Dskip.cvs=true \
- -Daspectj.modules.dir=../.. \
+ - test installation and sources in local tree:
- - do everything but checkout from cvs:
+ cd build/release
+ ant test $${sp}
- cd build
- ant clean
- cd release
- ant all \
- -Dskip.cvs=true \
- -Daspectj.modules.dir=../..
+ - do everything but checkout from cvs:
- </echo>
+ cd build
+ ant clean
+ cd release
+ ant all $${sp}
- <target name="init-variables">
+ <target name="init-variables" >
+ <!-- re-enable when tested -->
+ <property name="skip.cvs" value="true"/>
<property name="version" value="DEVELOPMENT"/>
<property name="ant.verbose" value=""/>
+ <property name="failonerror" value="true"/>
<property name="aspectj.workspace"
@@ -97,6 +112,8 @@
<property name=""
+ <property name=""
+ location="${}/release"/>
<property name="aspectj.tests.dir"
<property name="aspectj.lib.dir"
@@ -118,14 +135,21 @@
<property name=""
+ <!-- todo: clean-up file created as side-effect -->
+ <property name="java.home.file"
+ location="${}/javahome.props.tmp"/>
<property name="aspectj.jar"
<property name="harness.jar"
- <property name="java.command"
- location="${java.home}/bin/java"/>
+ <property name="java13.command"
+ location="${java13.home}/bin/java"/>
+ <property name="java14.command"
+ location="${java14.home}/bin/java"/>
<mkdir dir="${}"/>
@@ -165,14 +189,14 @@
- <target name="sources-available" depends="init-variables"
+ <target name="init-sources-available" depends="init-variables"
<available property="sources.available"
<fail unless="sources.available" message="checkout first"/>
- <target name="aspectj-available" depends="init-variables"
+ <target name="init-aspectj-available" depends="init-variables"
<available property="aspectj.available"
file="${}" type="dir"/>
@@ -180,7 +204,7 @@
message="install first in ${}"/>
- <target name="harness-available" depends="init-variables"
+ <target name="init-harness-available" depends="init-variables"
<available property="harness.available"
@@ -189,7 +213,7 @@
message="harness not found - first build-tests"/>
- <target name="tests-available" depends="init-variables"
+ <target name="init-junitTests-available" depends="init-variables"
<available property="tests.available"
@@ -199,13 +223,30 @@
<fail unless="tests.available"
- message="test classe not found - first build-tests"/>
+ message="test classes not found - first build-tests"/>
<!-- ========================================================================= -->
+ <target name="all">
+ <antcall target="install"/>
+ <antcall target="test"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="build" unless=""
+ description="build an AspectJ release and tests">
+ <antcall target="build-release"/>
+ <antcall target="build-tests"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="test" unless="skip.test"
+ description="test AspectJ source and distribution">
+ <antcall target="test-sources"/>
+ <antcall target="test-install"/>
+ </target>
<target name="install" depends="build,init-variables"
- description="create an AspectJ source tree">
+ description="install AspectJ distribution using current java">
<fail unless="aspectj.jar" message="define aspectj.jar"/>
<fail unless="" message="define"/>
<mkdir dir="${}"/>
@@ -215,61 +256,6 @@
<arg line="-to ${}"/>
- <target name="build" depends="init-variables"
- description="build an AspectJ release and tests"
- unless="">
- <antcall target="build-release"/>
- <antcall target="build-tests"/>
- </target>
- <target name="build-release" depends="init-variables,create-tree"
- description="build an AspectJ release"
- unless="">
- <antcall target="run-ant">
- <param name="ant.dir" location="${}"/>
- <param name="run.ant.file" value="build.xml"/>
- <param name="" value="clean"/>
- <param name="ant.output"
- location="${}/build-clean.txt"/>
- </antcall>
- <!-- product built without testing classes -->
- <antcall target="run-ant">
- <param name="ant.dir" location="${}"/>
- <param name="run.ant.file" value="build.xml"/>
- <param name="" value="aspectj"/>
- <param name="ant.output"
- location="${}/build-aspectj.txt"/>
- </antcall>
- </target>
- <target name="build-tests" depends="init-variables,create-tree"
- description="build AspectJ tests"
- unless="">
- <!-- now build with testing classes in jars -->
- <antcall target="run-ant">
- <param name="ant.dir" location="${}"/>
- <param name="run.ant.file" value="build.xml"/>
- <param name="" value="clean-jars"/>
- <param name="ant.output"
- location="${}/build-clean-jars.txt"/>
- </antcall>
- <antcall target="run-ant">
- <param name="ant.dir" location="${}"/>
- <param name="run.ant.file" value="build.xml"/>
- <param name="" value="build-testing-jars"/>
- <param name="ant.output"
- location="${}/build-testing-jars.txt"/>
- <param name=""
- value="-Dtrim.testing.default=false"/>
- </antcall>
- </target>
<target name="create-tree" depends="init-variables"
@@ -285,140 +271,167 @@
command="checkout -P" />
-<!-- ========================================================================= -->
- <target name="all">
- <antcall target="install"/>
- <antcall target="test"/>
+ <target name="build-release" depends="init-variables,create-tree"
+ description="build an AspectJ release under Java 1.3"
+ unless="">
+ <!-- release build destroys test build, but not vice-versa -->
+ <antcall target="do-aspectj-build">
+ <param name="" value="clean"/>
+ <param name="do.ant.props" value=""/>
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="do-aspectj-build">
+ <param name="" value="aspectj"/>
+ <param name="do.ant.props" value=""/>
+ </antcall>
- <target name="test" depends="test-sources,test-install"/>
- <target name="test-sources"
- depends="init-variables,tests-available">
- <!-- these require only sources and built tree -->
- <antcall target="junit-module-tests"/>
- <antcall target="run-harness-tests"/>
+ <target name="build-tests" depends="init-variables,create-tree"
+ description="build AspectJ tests under Java 13"
+ unless="">
+ <antcall target="do-aspectj-build">
+ <param name="" value="clean-jars"/>
+ <param name="do.ant.props" value=""/>
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="do-aspectj-build">
+ <param name="" value="build-testing-jars"/>
+ <param name="do.ant.props" value="-Dtrim.testing.default=false"/>
+ </antcall>
- <target name="test-install"
- depends="init-variables,aspectj-available">
- <antcall target="compile-aspectj-using-aspectj"/>
- <antcall target="build-examples"/>
+ <!-- ==== install tests ==== -->
+ <target name="test-install">
+ <antcall target="do-13-target">
+ <param name="" value="do-test-install-sequence"/>
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="do-14-target">
+ <param name="" value="do-test-install-sequence"/>
+ </antcall>
- <target name="junit-module-tests"
- depends="init-variables,aspectj-available">
- <echo message="need to build all with -Dtrim.testing.default=false"/>
- <antcall target="run-ant">
- <param name="run.ant.file" value="junitModules.xml"/>
- <param name="" value=""/>
- <param name="ant.dir"
- location="${aspectj.modules.dir}/tests"/>
- <param name="ant.output"
- location="${}/build-junitModules.txt"/>
- </antcall>
- <mkdir dir="${}/junitXmlOutput"/>
- <delete quiet="on">
- <fileset dir="${}/junitXmlOutput"
- includes="*"/>
- </delete>
- <property name="xmlSrcDir"
- location="${aspectj.tests.dir}/bin/junitXmlOutput"/>
- <copy todir="${}/junitXmlOutput"
- filtering="off">
- <fileset dir="${xmlSrcDir}" includes="**/*"/>
- </copy>
+ <target name="do-test-install-sequence"
+ depends="init-variables,init-aspectj-available">
+ <antcall target="test-build-examples"/>
+ <antcall target="test-ajc-aspectj"/>
- <target name="build-examples"
- depends="init-variables,aspectj-available">
- <antcall target="build-one-example">
+ <target name="test-build-examples"
+ depends="init-variables,init-aspectj-available">
+ <antcall target="do-build-installed-example">
<param name="" value="nonGui"/>
- <antcall target="build-one-example">
+ <antcall target="do-build-installed-example">
<param name="" value="tracing-bc"/>
<echo message="Also setup and run compiler adapter example"/>
- <target name="build-one-example" depends="init-variables">
- <ant dir="${}/doc/examples"
- inheritAll="false"
- target="${}"
- output="${}/example-${}.txt"
- />
- </target>
- <target name="compile-aspectj-using-aspectj"
- depends="init-variables,sources-available">
- <echo message="WARNING: output dir created in tests/product/build-aspectj"/>
- <antcall target="run-ant">
+ <target name="test-ajc-aspectj"
+ depends="init-variables,init-aspectj-available,init-sources-available">
+ <antcall target="do-run-ant">
<param name="ant.dir"
<param name="run.ant.file" value="build.xml"/>
<param name="" value=""/>
<param name="ant.output"
- location="${}/build-aspectj-using-aspectj.txt"/>
+ location="${}/test-ajc-aspectj"/>
+ <delete quiet="on" dir="${aspectj.modules.dir}/tests/product/build-aspectj/output"/>
- <target name="run-harness-tests" depends="aspectj-available">
+ <!-- ==== source tests ==== -->
+ <target name="test-sources">
+ <antcall target="do-13-target">
+ <param name="" value="do-test-sources-sequence"/>
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="do-14-target">
+ <param name="" value="do-test-sources-sequence"/>
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <target name="do-test-sources-sequence">
+ <antcall target="test-harness-tests"/>
+ <antcall target="test-junit-modules"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="test-junit-modules"
+ depends="init-variables,init-junitTests-available">
+ <antcall target="do-run-ant">
+ <param name="run.ant.file" value="junitModules.xml"/>
+ <param name="" value=""/>
+ <param name="ant.dir"
+ location="${aspectj.modules.dir}/tests"/>
+ <param name="ant.output"
+ location="${}/test-junitModules"/>
+ </antcall>
+ <property file="${java.home.file}"/>
+ <property name="tjm.copy.todir"
+ location="${}/junitXmlOutput-${}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${tjm.copy.todir}"/>
+ <delete quiet="on">
+ <fileset dir="${tjm.copy.todir}" includes="**/*"/>
+ </delete>
+ <property name="xmlSrcDir"
+ location="${aspectj.tests.dir}/bin/junitXmlOutput"/>
+ <move todir="${tjm.copy.todir}" >
+ <fileset dir="${xmlSrcDir}" includes="**/*"/>
+ </move>
+ </target>
+ <target name="test-harness-tests" depends="init-harness-available">
<!-- we could use harness variants, e.g., "-emacssym-",
but separating runs puts each variant in a different
output file, which makes them easier to analyze.
- <antcall target="run-harness-once">
+ <antcall target="do-run-harness">
<param name="suite.filename" value="ajcHarnessTests"/>
- <param name="harness.args" value=""/>
- <param name="harness.suffix" value=""/>
+ <param name="harness.args" value="-ajctestSkipKeywords=expect-fail"/>
+ <param name="harness.suffix" value="-pass"/>
- <antcall target="run-harness-once">
+ <antcall target="do-run-harness">
<param name="suite.filename" value="ajcTestsFailing"/>
<param name="harness.args" value=""/>
<param name="harness.suffix" value=""/>
- <antcall target="run-harness-once">
+ <antcall target="do-run-harness">
<param name="suite.filename" value="ajcTestsFailing"/>
<param name="harness.args" value="-emacssym"/>
<param name="harness.suffix" value="-emacssym"/>
- <antcall target="run-harness-once">
+ <antcall target="do-run-harness">
<param name="suite.filename" value="ajcTests"/>
<param name="harness.args" value=""/>
<param name="harness.suffix" value=""/>
- <antcall target="run-harness-once">
+ <antcall target="do-run-harness">
<param name="suite.filename" value="ajcTests"/>
<param name="harness.args" value="-emacssym"/>
<param name="harness.suffix" value="-emacssym"/>
- <antcall target="run-harness-once">
+ <antcall target="do-run-harness">
<param name="suite.filename" value="ajcTests"/>
<param name="harness.args" value="-ajctaskCompiler -ajctestSkipKeywords=knownLimitations-ajctaskCompiler"/>
<param name="harness.suffix" value="-ajctaskCompiler"/>
- </target>
- <!-- move when tested -->
- <target name="run-harness-ajctaskCompiler"
- depends="init-variables">
- <antcall target="run-harness-once">
+ <antcall target="do-run-harness">
<param name="suite.filename" value="ajcTests"/>
- <param name="harness.args" value="-ajctaskCompiler -ajctestSkipKeywords=knownLimitation-ajctaskCompiler"/>
- <param name="harness.suffix" value="-ajctaskCompiler"/>
+ <param name="harness.args" value="-ajdeCompiler -ajctestSkipKeywords=knownLimitations-ajdeCompiler"/>
+ <param name="harness.suffix" value="-ajdeCompiler"/>
- <target name="run-harness-once"
- depends="init-variables,harness-available">
+ <!-- ======= do-{...} tasks are called only by other tasks ======== -->
+ <target name="do-run-harness"
+ depends="init-variables,init-harness-available">
<fail unless="suite.filename"
message="define suite.filename"/>
<fail unless="harness.args"
@@ -426,61 +439,108 @@
<fail unless="harness.suffix"
message="define harness.suffix"/>
- <property name="rho.default.options"
+ <property name="drho.default.options"
value="-release -logFail -killTemp"/>
+ <property file="${java.home.file}"/>
+ <fail unless=""
+ message="failed to read ${} from ${java.home.file}"/>
+ <fail unless=""
+ message="failed to read ${} from ${java.home.file}"/>
<property name="harness.output.file"
- location="${}/${suite.filename}${harness.suffix}.txt"/>
+ location="${}/test-${suite.filename}${harness.suffix}-${}.txt"/>
- run-harness-once ${suite.filename}.xml
- with options ${rho.default.options} ${harness.args}
+ do-run-harness ${suite.filename}.xml
+ with options ${drho.default.options} ${harness.args}
to ${harness.output.file}
- maxmemory="250m"
+ jvm="${}"
+ maxmemory="250m"
<arg value="${suite.filename}.xml"/>
- <arg line="${rho.default.options} ${harness.args}"/>
+ <arg line="${drho.default.options} ${harness.args}"/>
+ <target name="do-build-installed-example" depends="init-variables">
+ <antcall target="do-run-ant">
+ <param name="ant.dir"
+ location="${}/doc/examples"/>
+ <param name="run.ant.file" value="build.xml"/>
+ <param name="" value="${}"/>
+ <param name="ant.output"
+ location="${}/test-example-${}"/>
+ <param name="" value=""/>
+ <!-- XXX getting OOMemory - permit and investigate -->
+ <param name="failonerror" value="false"/>
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <target name="do-aspectj-build" depends="init-variables"
+ description="build targets in ../build.xml using Java 1.3">
+ <fail unless="" message="caller sets"/>
+ <fail unless="do.ant.props" message="caller sets do.ant.props"/>
+ <antcall target="do-java13-setup"/>
+ <antcall target="do-run-ant">
+ <param name="ant.dir" location="${}"/>
+ <param name="run.ant.file" value="build.xml"/>
+ <param name="" value="${}"/>
+ <param name="ant.output"
+ location="${}/build-${}"/>
+ <param name="" value="${do.ant.props}"/>
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
- <target name="run-ant" depends="init-variables"
+ <target name="do-run-ant" depends="init-variables"
description="the ant we use to build">
- <!-- we could use normal ant, but we enforce using ours
- <ant dir="${}"
- target="clean"
- inheritAll="false"/>
+ <!-- we could use normal ant, but we enforce using
+ our ant libraries and the specified java runtime
<fail unless="" message="define"/>
<fail unless="run.ant.file" message="define run.ant.file"/>
- <!-- fail unless="" message="define"/-->
- <!-- set if not defined -->
+ <!-- don't fail - set if not defined -->
<property name="" value=""/>
- <echo message="ant output for ${run.ant.file} ${} goes to ${ant.output}"/>
+ <property file="${java.home.file}"/>
+ <fail unless=""
+ message="failed to read ${} from ${java.home.file}"/>
+ <fail unless=""
+ message="failed to read ${} from ${java.home.file}"/>
+ <property name="ant.output.file"
+ location="${ant.output}-${}.txt"/>
+ <echo>
+ do-run-ant dir ${ant.dir}
+ file/target -f ${run.ant.file} ${}
+ options ${ant.verbose} ${}
+ output ${ant.output.file}
- jvm="${java.command}"
+ jvm="${}"
- failonerror="true"
+ failonerror="${failonerror}"
- output="${ant.output}">
+ output="${ant.output.file}">
<fileset dir="${aspectj.ant.lib.dir}">
<include name="*.jar"/>
- <pathelement path="${aspectj.lib.dir}/junit/junit.jar"/>
- <pathelement path="${java.home}/lib/tools.jar"/>
- <pathelement path="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar"/>
+ <pathelement location="${aspectj.lib.dir}/junit/junit.jar"/>
+ <pathelement location="${}/lib/tools.jar"/>
<!-- urk - all properties for any client -->
<!-- for any build -->
- <sysproperty key="JAVA_HOME" path="${java.home}"/>
+ <sysproperty key="JAVA_HOME" path="${}"/>
<sysproperty key="ANT_HOME"
@@ -495,9 +555,45 @@
<sysproperty key="ASPECTJ_HOME"
<arg line="-f ${run.ant.file} ${} ${ant.verbose} ${}"/>
+ <target name="do-13-target" unless="run.14.only">
+ <antcall target="do-java13-setup"/>
+ <antcall target="${}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="do-14-target" unless="run.13.only">
+ <antcall target="do-java14-setup"/>
+ <antcall target="${}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="do-java14-setup">
+ <antcall target="do-write-javahome-file">
+ <param name="" value="14"/>
+ <param name="" value="${java14.home}"/>
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <target name="do-java13-setup">
+ <antcall target="do-write-javahome-file">
+ <param name="" value="13"/>
+ <param name="" value="${java13.home}"/>
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <target name="do-write-javahome-file" depends="init-variables"
+ description="save global[version,command,home]">
+ <fail unless=""/>
+ <fail unless=""/>
+ <property name="wjf.bjh" location="${}"/>
+ <property name="wjf.cmd" location="${wjf.bjh}/bin/java"/>
+ <propertyfile file="${java.home.file}">
+ <entry key="" value="${}"/>
+ <entry key="" value="${wjf.bjh}"/>
+ <entry key="" value="${wjf.cmd}"/>
+ </propertyfile>
+ </target>
</project> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/release/readme.txt b/build/release/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b23769e31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/release/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+This script builds and tests an AspectJ release.
+Use the info target to emit details.
+At the bottom is a bash script to run it.
+---- Evaluating the results of a build cycle
+There is a ../release-checklist.txt which has steps for a release, some of
+which are automated in this script. Try the others ;).
+Known issues with these tests
+- ajc compile of tjp example as part of nonGui target
+ runs out of memory. Reproducible on the command-line:
+ [ajc] Running in-process using -verbose -d R:\home\wes\ec\aj-
+build\install\doc\examples\classes -classpath R:\home\wes\ec\aj-buil
+d\install\lib\aspectjrt.jar -argfile R:\home\wes\ec\aj-build\install
+Exception reading component R:\home\wes\ec\aj-build\install\lib\aspe
+ <<no stack trace available>>
+Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
+ <<no stack trace available>>
+ This target is run without failonerror="true" to complete
+ the testing.
+Known imperfect results in the AspectJ 1.1 release:
+- ajdeCompiler tests will have five known fails, listed
+ in releases/aspectj1.1/ajcTests-ajdeCompiler-FAIL.txt
+- under 1.4, the junit module test output for the weaver
+ module is corrupted - the last two characters are
+ duplicated, which cause the junit reporting task to
+ not pick up the weaver tests. Verify that the
+ weaver XML file lists no JUnit failures or errors.
+------ untested bash/sh script
+sp="-Dskip.cvs=true -Daspectj.modules.dir=../.."
+sp="$${sp} -Djava13.home=d:/jdk13 -Djava14.home=d:/jdk14"
+alias myant="../../lib/ant/bin/ant"
+# clean
+cd `dirname "$0"`
+cd ..
+myant clean
+# build local tree and install distribution:
+cd release
+myant install ${sp}
+# test installation and sources in local tree:
+myant test ${sp}