path: root/build/scripts
diff options
authorwisberg <wisberg>2002-12-16 17:09:36 +0000
committerwisberg <wisberg>2002-12-16 17:09:36 +0000
commitc3300283ecc397d26ad9dfe31d1710ec45db2af0 (patch)
treee9acb7f3d33c1499975cec9ef3cc7ea151078344 /build/scripts
parent3cde920c3f7eb8241bf569007e25225d80b43c0f (diff)
initial version
Diffstat (limited to 'build/scripts')
4 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/scripts/lcp.bat b/build/scripts/lcp.bat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24eee9b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/scripts/lcp.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+set LCP=%LCP%;%1
diff --git a/build/scripts/localSetup.bat.txt b/build/scripts/localSetup.bat.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2b738334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/scripts/localSetup.bat.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+rem sample local setup, e.g., for quicklook.bat
+rem set values and change filename to localSetup.bat
+rem -- picked up by ant scripts
+set JAVA_HOME=c:\apps\jdk1.3.1
+rem -- quicklook.bat adds the following to command line
+rem setup from/to for result email
+rem setup ant cvs task, which execs cvs
+set HOME=c:\home\wes
+set CVS_RSH=c:\apps\ssh\ssh
+set PATH=c:\home\apps\cygwin\bin;c:\WIN2000\system32;c:\WIN2000
diff --git a/build/scripts/quicklook.bat b/build/scripts/quicklook.bat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ac007257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/scripts/quicklook.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+rem be verbose, no @echo off
+rem requires existing ajhome install for ant scripts, libs
+rem beware - withou DOS linefeeds, DOS won't interpret...
+rem ------ read variables from local setup
+set scriptPath=%~dp0
+set scriptDir=%scriptPath:\quicklook.bat=%
+if not exist %scriptDir%\localSetup.bat goto ERR_SETUP
+call %scriptDir%\localSetup.bat
+if "x" == "x%userEmail%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
+if "x" == "x%mailHost%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
+if "x" == "x%HOME%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
+if "x" == "x%CVS_RSH%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
+if "x" == "x%CVSROOT%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
+set buildDir=%scriptDir:\scripts=%
+set antScript=%buildDir:\build=%\lib\ant\bin\ant.bat
+if not exist %antScript% goto ERR_ANT
+if not exist %buildDir% goto ERR_BUILDDIR
+if not exist %JDKDIR% goto ERR_JDKDIR
+rem XXX redo these when web building
+rem if exist %SQEDIRPATH% goto RUN
+rem net use %SQEDRIVE% \\samba\aop /persistent:no
+rem if not exist %SQEDIRPATH% goto ERR_MOUNT
+rem set mountedDrive=yes
+goto RUN
+rem build update.tree, quicklook
+if not "x" == "x%DEBUG%" set verbose=-verbose
+chdir %buildDir% || goto ERR_CD
+rem fyi, normal ant.bat script loses any internal "=", so we rely on a patched script
+set MAIL_OPTIONS=-logger -DMailLogger.mailhost=%mailHost% -DMailLogger.from=%userEmail%
+rem cannot use "|| goto ERR_ANT_UPDATE" b/c ant script returns non-zero for valid builds
+call %antScript% -f build.xml update.tree %verbose% %options%
+set options=%MAIL_OPTIONS% -Daop.dir=%SQEDRIVE%
+set options=%options% -Drun.ajcTests=runAjcTests -Drun.junit.tests=runJUnitTests
+call %antScript% -f build.xml quicklook %verbose% %options%
+if "ok%mountedDrive%" == "okyes" net use %SQEDRIVE% /delete
+goto QUIT
+rem ---------- errors
+echo "unable to cd to build directory: %buildDir%"
+goto QUIT
+echo "expected local setup in %scriptDir%\localSetup.bat"
+goto QUIT
+echo "expected build dir: %buildDir%"
+goto QUIT
+echo "local setup is incorrect - missing variables"
+goto QUIT
+echo "expected ant script: %antScript%"
+goto QUIT
+echo "no JDKDIR=%JDKDIR%"
+goto QUIT
+echo "unable to mount or use SQEDIRPATH=%SQEDIRPATH%"
+goto QUIT
+echo "unable to find quicklook source after running setup build"
+goto QUIT
+echo "FAIL ant create.source failed"
+goto QUIT
+echo "FAIL ant update.source failed"
+goto QUIT
+echo "FAIL ant quicklook failed"
+goto QUIT
+echo "FAIL ant destroy.source failed"
+goto QUIT
diff --git a/build/scripts/runQuicklook.bat b/build/scripts/runQuicklook.bat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..841bb57ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/scripts/runQuicklook.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+rem @echo off
+rem %~dp0 is name of current script
+set scriptPath=%~dp0
+set scriptDir=%scriptPath:\runQuicklook.bat=%
+call %scriptDir%quicklook.bat > %scriptDir%quicklook.out 2>&1