path: root/build
diff options
authorwisberg <wisberg>2005-06-17 04:29:39 +0000
committerwisberg <wisberg>2005-06-17 04:29:39 +0000
commit8a21350b84db7feaca75f5ed825b120ddf180f88 (patch)
tree78b5b7ac705d8c8ed96681b26bbd45dcfcd4980a /build
parent9359ddc4f1d934cf6be1b201a9c761d7c460f868 (diff)
now handling (init, clean, save) multiple results, better failure reporting, properties echo for build info
Diffstat (limited to 'build')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/build/build-properties.xml b/build/build-properties.xml
index 81fa3f3cf..1353aec74 100644
--- a/build/build-properties.xml
+++ b/build/build-properties.xml
@@ -62,23 +62,33 @@
<!-- these names are known to and common to all -->
<property name=""
- <property name="aj.failure.file"
- location="${}/failures.txt"/>
- <property name="aj.temp.dir"
+ <property name="aj.temp.dir"
<property name="aj.jar.dir"
<property name="aj.dist.dir"
- <property name="aj.junit.dir"
- location="${}/junit"/>
<property name="aj.webDeploy.dir"
<property name="aj.install.dir"
- <property name="aj.logs.dir"
- location="${}/logs"/>
+ <property name=""
+ location="${}/allresults"/>
+ <property name=""
+ location="${}/allfailures.txt"/>
+ <property name=""
+ location="${}/results"/>
+ <property name="aj.failure.file"
+ location="${}/failures.txt"/>
+ <property name=""
+ location="${}/build-id.txt"/>
+ <property name="aj.junit.dir"
+ location="${}/junit"/>
+ <property name="aj.logs.dir"
+ location="${}/logs"/>
<!-- aspectj... names are sources, not to be mutated -->
<property name="aspectj.modules.lib.dir"
@@ -116,14 +126,15 @@
<property name="aspectj.other.modules"
<jar-property name="junit.jar"
+ <!-- TODO need version-specific JDK? -->
<guarded-property name=""
<guarded-property name=""
- <guarded-property name="aspectjrt.path"
+ <guarded-property name="lib.test.aspectjrt.jar"
<property name="init-properties.done" value="true"/>
@@ -198,16 +209,13 @@
<property name="init-filters.done" value="done"/>
- <target name="clean-directories"
- depends="init-directories"
- unless="clean-directories.done" >
- <property name="clean-directories.done" value="done"/>
+ <target name="clean-directories" depends="init-properties">
<delete quiet="on">
<fileset dir="${}" includes="*,**/*"/>
<antcall target="init-directories"/>
- </target>
+ </target>
<target name="clean-jars"
unless="clean-jars.done" >
@@ -216,6 +224,65 @@
<property name="clean-jars.done" value="done"/>
+ <target name="clean-keep-results" depends="init-properties">
+ <delete>
+ <fileset dir="${}">
+ <exclude name="results/*"/>
+ <exclude name="results/**"/>
+ <exclude name="allresults/*"/>
+ <exclude name="allresults/**"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </delete>
+ </target>
+ <target name="clean-default-results" depends="init-properties">
+ <delete>
+ <fileset dir="${}" includes="*,**/*"/>
+ </delete>
+ </target>
+ <target name="clean-result" depends="init-properties">
+ <delete quiet="on">
+ <fileset dir="${}" includes="*,**/*"/>
+ </delete>
+ </target>
+ <macrodef name="save-build-id"
+ description="save ${id} to ${}">
+ <attribute name="id"/>
+ <sequential>
+ <echo message="@{id}" file="${}"/>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <macrodef name="load-build-id">
+ <attribute name="property"/>
+ <sequential>
+ <available property=""
+ file="${}"/>
+ <antcall target="ensure-build-id"/>
+ <loadfile srcfile="${}" property="@{property}"/>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <target name="ensure-build-id" unless=""
+ description="create datestamp build id in ${} if n/a">
+ <tstamp>
+ <format property=""
+ timezone="GMT+10"
+ pattern="yyyyMMdd-hhmmss"
+ />
+ </tstamp>
+ <echo file="${}" message="${}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="save-result" depends="init-properties">
+ <load-build-id property=""/>
+ <copy todir="${}/${}">
+ <fileset dir="${}" />
+ </copy>
+ </target>
<target name="echo-properties" depends="init-properties">
@@ -230,22 +297,12 @@ = ${}
ant.home = ${ant.home}
java.home = ${java.home}
+ java11.home = ${java11.home}
+ java13.home = ${java13.home}
+ java14.home = ${java14.home}
+ java15.home = ${java15.home}
- <macrodef name="jar-property">
- <attribute name="name"/>
- <attribute name="location"/>
- <sequential>
- <property name="@{name}"
- location="@{location}"/>
- <available file="${@{name}}"
- property="@{name}.available"
- value="${@{name}}"/>
- <fail unless="@{name}.available"
- message="unable to find @{name}: ${@{name}}"/>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
<macrodef name="guarded-property"
description="set property {name} to {location} if unset and {location} exists">
<attribute name="name"/>
@@ -276,6 +333,59 @@
+ <!--
+ Reporting failures
+ Failure-reports supports running multiple build targets in sequence for a
+ configuration, saving off those results, doing it over, etc., and then
+ checking the result (of the current builds or all builds), i.e.,
+ # first set of builds
+ - build, report-if-failed ...
+ - build, report-if-failed ...
+ ...
+ - {save-build-id} first-set
+ - save-result
+ - clean-keep-results
+ - clean-default-results
+ # second set of builds
+ - build, report-if-failed ...
+ ...
+ - save-result
+ # fail build if anything in either set failed
+ - fail-if-allresults-allfailures
+ Clients call
+ <report-if-failed property="failed" text="JUnit failed"/>
+ to signal failure. This goes into results/failures.txt, to be read later.
+ Many clients can call this, across many (current) build invocations, so
+ results just accumulate. Clients should never call <fail> directly; while
+ the cruise-control script can handle build failures, they won't be recorded
+ in a way that supports easy evaluation.
+ To fail if the current builds fail, do
+ <antcall target="fail-if-results-failures"/>
+ You can do a sequence of builds (e.g., in 1.3), save the results off,
+ and do it again (e.g., in 1.4), save the results, and then compare them.
+ Use save-result to store the current build results in ../allresults.
+ Between such builds, you can do a clean-keep-results (to clear out jars
+ and such), followed by clean-default-results (to clear the current results).
+ (The normal clean also cleans out any results, so avoid that when saving
+ results from multiple builds.)
+ Each build can be named using save-build-id. This name must be a valid
+ directory name. When the results are saved to ../allresults, the directory
+ name will use the most recent build-id. If none has been saved, then this
+ creates a name out of the date (down to the second).
+ To fail if any of the saved builds has failed, do fail-if-allresults-allfailures.
+ This target ignores the current builds (if they are unsaved).
+ -->
<macrodef name="report-if-failed">
<attribute name="property"/>
<attribute name="text"/>
@@ -293,41 +403,54 @@
<target name="do-report-fail"
- <echo level="debug" message="do-report-fail - failed=${failed}"/>
- <echo level="debug" message="do-report-fail - text=${text}"/>
<echo append="true" file="${aj.failure.file}">${text}
- <target name="fail-if-failures"
- description="fail if ${aj.failure.file} exists and is not empty">
+ <target name="fail-if-results-failures" depends="init-properties">
+ <fail-if-failures failureFile="${aj.failure.file}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="fail-if-allresults-allfailures" depends="init-properties">
+ <concat destfile="${}">
+ <fileset dir="${}"
+ includes="*/failures.txt"/>
+ </concat>
+ <fail-if-failures failureFile="${}"/>
+ </target>
+ <macrodef name="fail-if-failures"
+ description="fail if ${failureFile} exists and is not empty">
+ <attribute name="failureFile"/>
+ <sequential>
- srcfile="${aj.failure.file}"/>
+ srcfile="@{failureFile}"/>
- <length file="${aj.failure.file}"
+ <length file="@{failureFile}"
when="greater" length="0"/>
+# @{failureFile} failures:
- <!--
- <loadfile
- failonerror="false"
- property="failures"
- srcfile="${aj.failure.file}"/>
- <condition property="failure">
- <equals arg1="${failures}" arg2="${failure}"/>
- </condition>
- <condition property="passed">
- <equals arg1="${failures}" arg2=""/>
- </condition>
- <fail unless="passed">${failures}
- -->
- </target>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <macrodef name="jar-property">
+ <attribute name="name"/>
+ <attribute name="location"/>
+ <sequential>
+ <property name="@{name}"
+ location="@{location}"/>
+ <available file="${@{name}}"
+ property="@{name}.available"
+ value="${@{name}}"/>
+ <fail unless="@{name}.available"
+ message="unable to find @{name}: ${@{name}}"/>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
<macrodef name="set-available"
description="set property and property.available if path exists">
<attribute name="property"/>