path: root/build
diff options
authorwisberg <wisberg>2005-06-09 00:03:20 +0000
committerwisberg <wisberg>2005-06-09 00:03:20 +0000
commit696e60f8a031d3c687965bf58222f6c8ad7a91ab (patch)
treed5f4a5cbd497db2a14d66d32ef106d3623995161 /build
parenta7233c33dead03280d54d3e4963edb8b37df3db0 (diff)
Removing unused build scripts
Diffstat (limited to 'build')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/build/build-common.xml b/build/build-common.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c4090c1f..000000000
--- a/build/build-common.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="common" basedir=".">
- <condition property="jdk15" value="yes">
- <contains string="${java.version}" substring="1.5"/>
- </condition>
- <condition property="jdk14" value="yes">
- <contains string="${java.version}" substring="1.4"/>
- </condition>
- <condition property="jdk13" value="yes">
- <contains string="${java.version}" substring="1.3"/>
- </condition>
- <target name="init">
- <property name="src.dir" value="src"/>
- <property name="test.src.dir" value="testsrc"/>
- <property name="build.dir" value="bin"/>
- <property name="" value="bintest"/>
- <property name="build.ajdir" value="../aj-build"/>
- <mkdir dir="${build.ajdir}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${build.ajdir}/jars"/>
- <!-- props for manifest files -->
- <property name="build.version" value="DEVELOPMENT"/>
- <property name="build.version.base" value="1.2"/>
- <property name="build.version.long" value="DEVELOPMENT"/>
- <property name="build.version.short" value="DEVELOPMENT"/>
- <property name="build.version.eclipse.plugins" value="9.9.9"/>
- <!-- formats comply with SimpleDateFormat -->
- <property name="build.time.format" value="EEEE MMM d, yyyy 'at' HH:mm:ss z"/>
- <property name="" value="EEEE MMM d, yyyy"/>
- <tstamp>
- <format property=""
- pattern="${}"
- timezone="GMT"/>
- <format property="build.time"
- pattern="${build.time.format}"
- timezone="GMT"/>
- </tstamp>
- <filter token="build.version" value="${build.version}"/>
- <filter token="build.version.base" value="${build.version.base}"/>
- <filter token="build.version.long" value="${build.version.long}"/>
- <filter token="build.version.short" value="${build.version.short}"/>
- <filter token="build.time.format" value="${build.time.format}"/>
- <filter token="" value="${}"/>
- <filter token="" value="${}"/>
- <filter token="build.time" value="${build.time}"/>
- <filter token="" value="${}"/><!-- FIXME av undefined -->
- <filter token="copyright.allRights.from1998"
- value="${copyright.allRights.from1998}" /><!-- FIXME av where used ? -->
- </target>
- <target name="clean" depends="init, cleanall">
- <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${}"/>
- </target>
- <target name="cleanall" depends="init">
- <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
- <delete dir="${}"/>
- <!-- rather common to have ajcore files produced after a test run -->
- <delete>
- <fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="ajcore.*.txt"/>
- </delete>
- </target>
- <macrodef name="srccompile">
- <attribute name="project"/>
- <attribute name="path"/>
- <sequential>
- <echo message="compile ... @{project}"/>
- <mkdir dir="../@{project}/${build.dir}"/>
- <javac debug="on" destdir="../@{project}/${build.dir}" source="1.3" target="1.3">
- <src path="../@{project}/${src.dir}"/>
- <classpath refid="@{path}"/>
- </javac>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- <macrodef name="testcompile">
- <attribute name="project"/>
- <attribute name="path"/>
- <sequential>
- <echo message="test:compile ... @{project}"/>
- <mkdir dir="../@{project}/${}"/>
- <javac debug="on" destdir="../@{project}/${}" source="1.3" target="1.3">
- <src path="../@{project}/${test.src.dir}"/>
- <classpath refid="@{path}"/>
- <classpath path="../@{project}/${build.dir}"/>
- </javac>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- <macrodef name="testrun">
- <attribute name="project"/>
- <attribute name="path"/>
- <attribute name="suite"/>
- <sequential>
- <!-- showoutput="on" -->
- <junit showoutput="on" fork="on" haltonfailure="on" haltonerror="on" printsummary="on" dir="../@{project}">
- <classpath>
- <pathelement path="../@{project}/${build.dir}"/>
- <pathelement path="../@{project}/${}"/>
- <path refid="@{path}"/>
- </classpath>
- <test name="@{suite}"/>
- </junit>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- <macrodef name="testrun2">
- <attribute name="project"/>
- <attribute name="path"/>
- <attribute name="suite"/>
- <sequential>
- <java classname="@{suite}" fork="on" dir="../@{project}">
- <jvmarg line=""/>
- <classpath>
- <pathelement path="../@{project}/${build.dir}"/>
- <pathelement path="../@{project}/${}"/>
- <path refid="@{path}"/>
- </classpath>
- </java>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- <target name="all" depends="init, compile, test:compile"/>
diff --git a/build/build-master.xml b/build/build-master.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ef55dff5..000000000
--- a/build/build-master.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="build" basedir=".">
- <macrodef name="targets">
- <attribute name="name"/>
- <sequential>
- <subant target="@{name}">
- <!-- TODO ant 1.7 stuff here would be better.. -->
- <!-- TODO: we do not call RunBeforeCommit since all test will be run thru each module separately -->
- <filelist dir=".."
- files="runtime/build.xml,
- util/build.xml,
- bridge/build.xml,
- aspectj5rt/build.xml,
- bcel-builder/build.xml,
- testing-util/build.xml,
- asm/build.xml,
- weaver/build.xml,
- org.aspectj.ajdt.core/build.xml,
- ajde/build.xml,
- testing-client/build.xml,
- taskdefs/build.xml,
- testing/build.xml,
- testing-drivers/build.xml,
- ajdoc/build.xml,
- ajbrowser/build.xml,
- tests/build.xml,
- loadtime/build.xml,
- loadtime5/build.xml"/>
- </subant>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- <target name="all">
- <targets name="all"/>
- </target>
- <target name="clean">
- <targets name="clean"/>
- <mkdir dir="../aj-build/dist"/>
- <mkdir dir="../aj-build/jars"/>
- </target>
- <target name="cleanall">
- <targets name="cleanall"/>
- <delete dir="../aj-build"/>
- </target>
- <target name="test">
- <targets name="test"/>
- </target>
- <target name="jar">
- <subant target="jar">
- <!-- TODO ant 1.7 stuff here would be better.. -->
- <filelist dir=".."
- files="runtime/build.xml,
- util/build.xml,
- bridge/build.xml,
- aspectj5rt/build.xml,
- bcel-builder/build.xml,
- asm/build.xml,
- weaver/build.xml,
- org.aspectj.ajdt.core/build.xml,
- ajde/build.xml,
- taskdefs/build.xml,
- ajdoc/build.xml,
- ajbrowser/build.xml,
- loadtime/build.xml,
- loadtime5/build.xml"/>
- <!-- TODO av org.aspectj.lib -->
- </subant>
- <!-- FIXME av bcel-builder -->
- </target>
- <target name="docs">
- <subant target="dist">
- <filelist dir=".." files="docs/build.xml"/>
- </subant>
- </target>