path: root/docs/build.xml
diff options
authorwisberg <wisberg>2005-03-10 08:41:06 +0000
committerwisberg <wisberg>2005-03-10 08:41:06 +0000
commite9a38394c24cd1f3ebee4ebbb48503efaa4fe51c (patch)
tree36efab0a1c0d11c26216d0eae35750cfe98bc53d /docs/build.xml
parent55e9ee4e8f3b61167244af23f686bfa977a3178f (diff)
adding fop docbook to pdf processing, but currently not in distribution since the results are so poor. Most changes are due to reformatting (patch reformatted and made changes)
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/build.xml')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 258 deletions
diff --git a/docs/build.xml b/docs/build.xml
index 43e60e6e0..814a7f6d0 100644
--- a/docs/build.xml
+++ b/docs/build.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-<!-- -*- Mode: SGML; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- -->
+<!-- -*- Mode: SGML; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- -->
<!-- ========================================================================= -->
-<!-- Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC). -->
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC), -->
+<!-- 2004-2005 Contributors. -->
<!-- All rights reserved. -->
<!-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available -->
<!-- under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 -->
@@ -16,11 +17,12 @@
<project name="build-docs" default="dist" basedir=".">
- <property name="" value="build-docs"/>
+ <property name="" value="build-docs" />
- <target name="product" depends="local-dist"/>
- <target name="clean"
- depends="clean-directories,clean-doc-directories"/>
+ <target name="product" depends="local-dist" />
+ <target name="clean"
+ depends="clean-directories,clean-doc-directories"
+ />
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Init -->
@@ -29,54 +31,82 @@
<target name="init" depends="init-properties,init-directories">
- <property name="docs.src.pattern"
- value="**/*.xml,**/*.html,**/*.doc,**/*.gif,**/*.java,**/*.lst,**/*.pdf"/>
- <property name="docs.src.dir"
- location="${}"/>
- <property name="docs.dist.dir" location="${aj.dist.dir}/docs"/>
- <property name="docs.temp.dir" location="${aj.temp.dir}/doc"/>
- <property name="web.doc.dir" location="${aj.webDeploy.dir}/documentation/dist"/>
- <property name=""
- value="aspectj-docs-${build.version}"/>
- <property name=""
- location="${aj.dist.dir}/${}.zip"/>
- <!-- must specify (not *.gif) to not delete other gifs during build-in-place -->
- <!-- to find refs: gp ax imagedata | sed -n 's|.*\=\"\(..*\)\".*|\1|p' -->
- <property name="devguide.icons.dir"
- location="${aspectj.modules.dir}/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/resources/actions"/>
- <property name="include.devguide.icons"
- value="build.gif,openConfig.gif,browseroptions.gif" />
- <!-- callers of xml-html use these by default -->
- <property name="chunk.xsl.source"
- location="${aspectj.modules.lib.dir}/docbook/docbook-xsl/html/chunk.xsl"/>
- <property name="nochunk.xsl.source"
- location="${aspectj.modules.lib.dir}/docbook/docbook-xsl/html/docbook.xsl"/>
- <!-- default xml-html nochunking file (0-length dummy created when chunking) -->
- <property name="xml-target-file"
- location="${docs.temp.dir}/xml-target-file.dummy"/>
- <!-- default value for xml-html copying (copy all graphics) -->
- <property name="xml-html-copy" value="*.gif,*.png" />
- <property name="binary.pattern"
- value="**/*.gif,**/*.png,**/*.doc,**/*.pdf,**/*.jpg,**/*.JPG"/>
- <uptodate property="local.dist.uptodate"
- targetfile="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/faq.html"> <!-- use faq as tag file -->
- <srcfiles dir="${docs.src.dir}" includes="${docs.src.pattern}"/>
- </uptodate>
- <uptodate property="dist.uptodate"
- targetfile="${}"> <!-- use zip as tag file -->
- <srcfiles dir="${docs.src.dir}" includes="${docs.src.pattern}"/>
- <srcfiles dir="${docs.dist.dir}" includes="${docs.src.pattern}"/>
- </uptodate>
+ <property name="docs.src.pattern"
+ value="**/*.xml,**/*.html,**/*.doc,**/*.gif,**/*.java,**/*.lst,**/*.pdf"
+ />
+ <property name="docs.src.dir"
+ location="${}"
+ />
+ <property name="docs.dist.dir"
+ location="${aj.dist.dir}/docs"
+ />
+ <property name="docs.temp.dir"
+ location="${aj.temp.dir}/doc"
+ />
+ <property name="web.doc.dir"
+ location="${aj.webDeploy.dir}/documentation/dist"
+ />
+ <property name=""
+ value="aspectj-docs-${build.version}"
+ />
+ <property name=""
+ location="${aj.dist.dir}/${}.zip"
+ />
+ <!-- must specify (not *.gif) to not delete other gifs during build-in-place -->
+ <!-- to find refs: gp ax imagedata | sed -n 's|.*\=\"\(..*\)\".*|\1|p' -->
+ <property name="devguide.icons.dir"
+ location="${aspectj.modules.dir}/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/resources/actions"
+ />
+ <property name="include.devguide.icons"
+ value="build.gif,openConfig.gif,browseroptions.gif"
+ />
+ <!-- callers of xml-html use these by default -->
+ <property name="chunk.xsl.source"
+ location="${aspectj.modules.lib.dir}/docbook/docbook-xsl/html/chunk.xsl"
+ />
+ <property name="nochunk.xsl.source"
+ location="${aspectj.modules.lib.dir}/docbook/docbook-xsl/html/docbook.xsl"
+ />
+ <!-- default xml-html nochunking file (0-length dummy created when chunking) -->
+ <property name="xml-target-file"
+ location="${docs.temp.dir}/xml-target-file.dummy"
+ />
+ <!-- default value for xml-html copying (copy all graphics) -->
+ <property name="xml-html-copy" value="*.gif,*.png" />
+ <property name="binary.pattern"
+ value="**/*.gif,**/*.png,**/*.doc,**/*.pdf,**/*.jpg,**/*.JPG"
+ />
+ <uptodate property="local.dist.uptodate"
+ targetfile="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/faq.html"
+ >
+ <!-- use faq as tag file -->
+ <srcfiles dir="${docs.src.dir}"
+ includes="${docs.src.pattern}"
+ />
+ </uptodate>
+ <uptodate property="dist.uptodate"
+ targetfile="${}"
+ >
+ <!-- use zip as tag file -->
+ <srcfiles dir="${docs.src.dir}"
+ includes="${docs.src.pattern}"
+ />
+ <srcfiles dir="${docs.dist.dir}"
+ includes="${docs.src.pattern}"
+ />
+ </uptodate>
- <target name="clean-doc-directories" depends="init"
- description="clean build dirs (including local deploy dir)">
+ <target name="clean-doc-directories"
+ depends="init"
+ description="clean build dirs (including local deploy dir)"
+ >
<delete quiet="on">
<fileset dir="${docs.dist.dir}" />
<fileset dir="${docs.jar.dir}" />
@@ -84,285 +114,371 @@
- <target name="dist" depends="init,local-dist"
- description="create unused doc zip - see ../build/build.xml for installer"
- unless="dist.uptodate">
- <delete file="${}"/>
+ <target name="dist"
+ depends="init,local-dist"
+ description="create unused doc zip - see ../build/build.xml for installer"
+ unless="dist.uptodate"
+ >
+ <delete file="${}" />
<zip zipfile="${}"
- basedir="${docs.dist.dir}"/>
+ basedir="${docs.dist.dir}"
+ />
- <echo message="find doc zip in ${}"/>
+ <echo message="find doc zip in ${}" />
- <target name="web.deploy.faqonly" depends="init,faq"
- description="deploy docs.dist.dir faq to web.doc.dir">
- <copy todir="${web.doc.dir}" filtering="on">
- <fileset dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc" includes="faq.html"/>
- </copy>
- <stripnonbodyhtml srcdir="${web.doc.dir}"
- includes="faq.html" />
- <echo message="do link check on index and faq before release"/>
+ <target name="web.deploy.faqonly"
+ depends="init,faq"
+ description="deploy docs.dist.dir faq to web.doc.dir"
+ >
+ <copy todir="${web.doc.dir}" filtering="on">
+ <fileset dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc" includes="faq.html" />
+ </copy>
+ <stripnonbodyhtml srcdir="${web.doc.dir}"
+ includes="faq.html"
+ />
+ <echo message="do link check on index and faq before release"
+ />
- <target name="web.deploy.faqindex" depends="init,dist"
- description="deploy built faq and index to web.doc.dir">
- <copy todir="${web.doc.dir}" filtering="on">
- <fileset dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc"
- includes="faq.html,index.html"/>
- </copy>
- <stripnonbodyhtml srcdir="${web.doc.dir}"
- includes="faq.html,index.html" />
- <echo message="do link check on index and faq before release"/>
+ <target name="web.deploy.faqindex"
+ depends="init,dist"
+ description="deploy built faq and index to web.doc.dir"
+ >
+ <copy todir="${web.doc.dir}" filtering="on">
+ <fileset dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc"
+ includes="faq.html,index.html"
+ />
+ </copy>
+ <stripnonbodyhtml srcdir="${web.doc.dir}"
+ includes="faq.html,index.html"
+ />
+ <echo message="do link check on index and faq before release"
+ />
<target name="web.deploy" depends="web.deploy.README-11" />
- <target name="web.deploy.README-11" depends="init"
- description="deploy README-11.html to the web site">
- <property name="readme11.dir"
- location="${web.doc.dir}/documentation/readme11"/>
- <mkdir dir="${readme11.dir}"/>
- <delete file="${readme11.dir}/index.html"/>
- <mkdir dir="${readme11.dir}"/>
- <copy tofile="${readme11.dir}/index.html"
- file="${aspectj.products.dir}/tools/dist/README-11.html"
- filtering="on"/>
- <stripnonbodyhtml srcdir="${readme11.dir}"
- includes="index.html" />
+ <target name="web.deploy.README-11"
+ depends="init"
+ description="deploy README-11.html to the web site"
+ >
+ <property name="readme11.dir"
+ location="${web.doc.dir}/documentation/readme11"
+ />
+ <mkdir dir="${readme11.dir}" />
+ <delete file="${readme11.dir}/index.html" />
+ <mkdir dir="${readme11.dir}" />
+ <copy tofile="${readme11.dir}/index.html"
+ file="${aspectj.products.dir}/tools/dist/README-11.html"
+ filtering="on"
+ />
+ <stripnonbodyhtml srcdir="${readme11.dir}"
+ includes="index.html"
+ />
- <target name="web.deploy.old" depends="init"
- description="deploy built docs to the web site">
- <mkdir dir="${web.doc.dir}"/>
- <delete dir="${web.doc.dir}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${web.doc.dir}"/>
- <copy todir="${web.doc.dir}">
- <fileset dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc"/>
- </copy>
- <stripnonbodyhtml srcdir="${web.doc.dir}"
- includes="**/*.html" />
+ <target name="web.deploy.old"
+ depends="init"
+ description="deploy built docs to the web site"
+ >
+ <mkdir dir="${web.doc.dir}" />
+ <delete dir="${web.doc.dir}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${web.doc.dir}" />
+ <copy todir="${web.doc.dir}">
+ <fileset dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc" />
+ </copy>
+ <stripnonbodyhtml srcdir="${web.doc.dir}"
+ includes="**/*.html"
+ />
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- build all doc products -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
- <target name="local-dist" depends="init"
- unless="local.dist.uptodate"
- description="avoid local-dist antecedants if uptodate">
- <antcall target="do-local-dist"/>
+ <target name="local-dist"
+ depends="init"
+ unless="local.dist.uptodate"
+ description="avoid local-dist antecedants if uptodate"
+ >
+ <antcall target="do-local-dist" />
- <target name="do-local-dist"
- depends="init,init-filters,api,faq,devguide,progguide, adk15guide"
- description="finish products by copying dist files and library sources">
+ <target name="do-local-dist"
+ depends="init,init-filters,api,faq,devguide,progguide, adk15guide"
+ description="finish products by copying dist files and library sources"
+ >
<copy todir="${docs.dist.dir}" filtering="on">
- <fileset dir="${docs.src.dir}/dist"
- excludes="${binary.pattern}"/>
+ <fileset dir="${docs.src.dir}/dist"
+ excludes="${binary.pattern}"
+ />
<copy todir="${docs.dist.dir}" filtering="off">
- <fileset dir="${docs.src.dir}/dist"
- includes="${binary.pattern}"/>
+ <fileset dir="${docs.src.dir}/dist"
+ includes="${binary.pattern}"
+ />
- <available
- file="${docs.src.dir}/../org.aspectj.lib/build-aspectjlib.xml"
- property="org.aspectj.lib.available"/>
+ <available file="${docs.src.dir}/../org.aspectj.lib/build-aspectjlib.xml"
+ property="org.aspectj.lib.available"
+ />
<fail unless="org.aspectj.lib.available"
- message="unable to find org.aspectj.lib"/>
- <mkdir dir="${docs.dist.dir}/aspectjlib"/>
+ message="unable to find org.aspectj.lib"
+ />
+ <mkdir dir="${docs.dist.dir}/aspectjlib" />
<copy todir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/aspectjlib" filtering="off">
- <fileset dir="${docs.src.dir}/../org.aspectj.lib"
- includes="build-aspectjlib.xml,src"/>
+ <fileset dir="${docs.src.dir}/../org.aspectj.lib"
+ includes="build-aspectjlib.xml,src"
+ />
- <target name="api" depends="init"
- description="javadoc for AspectJ lang, lang.reflect and">
- <delete dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/api"/>
- <mkdir dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/api"/>
+ <target name="api"
+ depends="init"
+ description="javadoc for AspectJ lang, lang.reflect and"
+ >
+ <delete dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/api" />
+ <mkdir dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/api" />
<javadoc sourcepath="${aspectj.modules.dir}/runtime/src;${aspectj.modules.dir}/weaver/src"
- destdir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/api"
- windowtitle="AspectJ(tm) runtime API"
- link=""
- classpath="${aspectj.modules.dir}/asm/bin;${aspectj.modules.dir}/bridge/bin;${aspectj.modules.dir}/util/bin;${aspectj.modules.dir}/lib/bcel/bcel.jar"
- packagenames="org.aspectj.lang,org.aspectj.lang.reflect," />
- <!-- note: link ineffective at avoiding see tag warning -->
+ destdir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/api"
+ windowtitle="AspectJ(tm) runtime API"
+ link=""
+ classpath="${aspectj.modules.dir}/asm/bin;${aspectj.modules.dir}/bridge/bin;${aspectj.modules.dir}/util/bin;${aspectj.modules.dir}/lib/bcel/bcel.jar"
+ packagenames="org.aspectj.lang,org.aspectj.lang.reflect,"
+ />
+ <!-- note: link ineffective at avoiding see tag warning -->
<target name="faq" depends="init">
<antcall target="xml-html">
- <param name="xml-source-dir"
- value="${docs.src.dir}/faq"/>
- <param name="xml-source-root"
- value="faq.xml"/>
- <param name="xsl-source-file"
- value="${nochunk.xsl.source}"/>
- <param name="xml-target-dir"
- value="${docs.dist.dir}"/>
- <param name="xml-target-file"
- value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/faq.html"/>
+ <param name="xml-source-dir"
+ value="${docs.src.dir}/faq"
+ />
+ <param name="xml-source-root" value="faq.xml" />
+ <param name="xsl-source-file"
+ value="${nochunk.xsl.source}"
+ />
+ <param name="xml-target-dir" value="${docs.dist.dir}" />
+ <param name="xml-target-file"
+ value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/faq.html"
+ />
- <!-- experimental targets collapse guide-making (lose individual targets) -->
<target name="progguide" depends="init">
- <antcall target="build-guide">
- <param name="guide.dir" value="progGuideDB"/>
- <param name="" value="progguide"/>
- </antcall>
+ <antcall target="build-guide">
+ <param name="guide.dir" value="progGuideDB" />
+ <param name="" value="progguide" />
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
+ <target name="adk15guide" depends="init">
+ <antcall target="build-guide">
+ <param name="guide.dir" value="adk15ProgGuideDB" />
+ <param name="" value="adk15notebook" />
+ </antcall>
- <target name="adk15guide" depends="init">
- <antcall target="build-guide">
- <param name="guide.dir" value="adk15ProgGuideDB"/>
- <param name="" value="adk15notebook"/>
- </antcall>
- </target>
<target name="devguide" depends="init">
-<!-- GCH -->
-<echo message="**** docs: just inside devguide target"/>
- <copy todir="${docs.src.dir}/devGuideDB" filtering="off" >
- <fileset dir="${devguide.icons.dir}"
- includes="${include.devguide.icons}" />
+ <echo level="info"
+ message="**** docs: just inside devguide target"
+ />
+ <copy todir="${docs.src.dir}/devGuideDB" filtering="off">
+ <fileset dir="${devguide.icons.dir}"
+ includes="${include.devguide.icons}"
+ />
-<!-- GCH -->
-<echo message="**** docs: about to make call to build-guide target"/>
- <antcall target="build-guide">
- <param name="xml-html-copy" value="ajbrowser-building.gif,ajbrowser-options.gif,${include.devguide.icons}" />
- <param name="guide.dir" value="devGuideDB"/>
- <param name="" value="devguide"/>
- </antcall>
- <delete quiet="on"> <!-- clean icons for build-in-place -->
- <fileset dir="${docs.src.dir}/devGuideDB"
- includes="${include.devguide.icons}" />
- </delete>
+ <echo level="info"
+ message="**** docs: about to make call to build-guide target"
+ />
+ <antcall target="build-guide">
+ <param name="xml-html-copy"
+ value="ajbrowser-building.gif,ajbrowser-options.gif,${include.devguide.icons}"
+ />
+ <param name="guide.dir" value="devGuideDB" />
+ <param name="" value="devguide" />
+ </antcall>
+ <delete quiet="on">
+ <fileset dir="${docs.src.dir}/devGuideDB"
+ includes="${include.devguide.icons}"
+ />
+ </delete>
- <target name="build-guide" depends="init"
- description="build prog or dev guide, using guide.dir and">
+ <target name="build-guide"
+ depends="init"
+ description="build prog or dev guide, using guide.dir and"
+ >
<!-- chunked -->
<antcall target="xml-html">
- <param name="xml-source-dir"
- value="${docs.src.dir}/${guide.dir}"/>
- <param name="xml-source-root"
- value="${}.xml"/>
- <param name="xsl-source-file"
- value="${chunk.xsl.source}"/>
- <param name="xml-target-dir"
- value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/${}"/>
+ <param name="xml-source-dir"
+ value="${docs.src.dir}/${guide.dir}"
+ />
+ <param name="xml-source-root" value="${}.xml" />
+ <param name="xsl-source-file"
+ value="${chunk.xsl.source}"
+ />
+ <param name="xml-target-dir"
+ value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/${}"
+ />
<!-- single -->
<antcall target="xml-html">
- <param name="xml-source-dir"
+ <param name="xml-source-dir"
+ value="${docs.src.dir}/${guide.dir}"
+ />
+ <param name="xml-source-root" value="${}.xml" />
+ <param name="xsl-source-file"
+ value="${nochunk.xsl.source}"
+ />
+ <param name="xml-target-dir"
+ value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/${}"
+ />
+ <param name="xml-target-file"
+ value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/${}/printable.html"
+ />
+ </antcall>
+ <!-- pdf TODO pdf rendering completes, result is awful
+ <antcall target="xml-pdf">
+ <param name="xml-source-dir"
- <param name="xml-source-root"
- value="${}.xml"/>
- <param name="xsl-source-file"
- value="${nochunk.xsl.source}"/>
- <param name="xml-target-dir"
- value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/${}"/>
- <param name="xml-target-file"
- value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/${}/printable.html"/>
+ <param name="xml-source-root" value="${}.xml"/>
+ <param name="pdf-target-file"
+ value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/${}.pdf"/>
+ </antcall>
+ -->
+ </target>
+ <target name="test-pdf"
+ depends="init"
+ description="test pdf build of [prog|dev|adk]guide"
+ >
+ <!-- NPE in fop task when building programming guide.
+ see patch at
+ <antcall target="build-pdf">
+ <param name="guide.dir" value="progGuideDB" />
+ <param name="" value="progguide" />
+ </antcall>
+ -->
+ <antcall target="build-pdf">
+ <param name="guide.dir" value="adk15ProgGuideDB" />
+ <param name="" value="adk15notebook" />
+ </antcall>
+ <copy todir="${docs.src.dir}/devGuideDB" filtering="off">
+ <fileset dir="${devguide.icons.dir}"
+ includes="${include.devguide.icons}"
+ />
+ </copy>
+ <antcall target="build-pdf">
+ <param name="xml-html-copy"
+ value="ajbrowser-building.gif,ajbrowser-options.gif,${include.devguide.icons}"
+ />
+ <param name="guide.dir" value="devGuideDB" />
+ <param name="" value="devguide" />
- <!-- pdf - enable when it works
+ </target>
+ <target name="build-pdf"
+ depends="init"
+ description="build prog or dev guide, using guide.dir and"
+ >
<antcall target="xml-pdf">
- <param name="xml-source-dir"
- value="${docs.src.dir}/doc/${guide.dir}"/>
- <param name="xml-source-root" value="${}.xml"/>
- <param name="xml-target-file"
- value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/${}.pdf"/>
+ <param name="xml-source-dir"
+ value="${docs.src.dir}/${guide.dir}"
+ />
+ <param name="xml-source-root" value="${}.xml" />
+ <param name="pdf-target-file"
+ value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/${}.pdf"
+ />
- -->
- <!-- end of experimental targets -->
- <!-- XML conversion stuff -->
+ <!-- XML conversion stuff -->
- <!-- todo xml-pdf broken; when fixed, see xml-html for example -->
+ <!-- xml-pdf -->
<target name="xml-pdf">
- <delete file="${xml-target-file}"/>
- <touch file="${xml-target-file}"/>
- <java classname="com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet"
- fork="yes">
+ <delete file="${pdf-target-file}" />
+ <touch file="${pdf-target-file}" />
+ <delete file="${xml-source-dir}/" />
+ <!-- produce from docbook sources -->
+ <java classname="com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet" fork="yes">
+ <classpath>
+ <pathelement location="${aspectj.modules.lib.dir}/saxon/saxon.jar"
+ />
+ </classpath>
+ <arg value="-o" />
+ <arg value="${xml-source-dir}/" />
+ <arg value="${xml-source-dir}/${xml-source-root}" />
+ <arg value="${aspectj.modules.lib.dir}/docbook/docbook-xsl/fo/docbook.xsl"
+ />
+ </java>
+ <!-- to pdf (TODO if formatting fixed, to init-taskdefs) -->
+ <taskdef name="fop"
+ classname=""
+ >
- <pathelement location="${saxon.dir}/saxon.jar"/>
+ <fileset dir="${aspectj.modules.lib.dir}/docbook/fop">
+ <include name="fop.jar" />
+ <include name="batik.jar" />
+ <include name="avalon.jar" />
+ </fileset>
+ <fileset dir="${aspectj.modules.lib.dir}/ant">
+ <include name="xalan.jar" />
+ <include name="xercesImpl.jar" />
+ <include name="xml-apis.jar" />
+ </fileset>
- <arg value="-o"/>
- <arg value="${xml-source-dir}/"/>
- <arg value="${xml-source-dir}/${xml-source-root}"/>
- <arg value="${docbook.dir}/docbook-xsl/fo/docbook.xsl"/>
- </java>
+ </taskdef>
+ <!-- TODO messagelevel="info" -->
+ <fop format="application/pdf"
+ messagelevel="verbose"
+ basedir="${guide.dir}"
+ fofile="${guide.dir}/"
+ outfile="${pdf-target-file}"
+ >
+ </fop>
+ <delete quiet="on" file="${guide.dir}/" />
- <target name="xml-html"
- description="antcall(xml-source-dir, xml-source-root, xml-target-dir, xml-target-file)
+ <target name="xml-html"
+ description="antcall(xml-source-dir, xml-source-root, xml-target-dir, xml-target-file)
convert xml to html using docbook. parameters:
xml-source-dir # base directory of source
xml-source-root # base file of source (relative to xml-source-dir)
xsl-source-file # xsl transform to apply (use chunk.xsl.source by default)
xml-target-dir # target directory for output (used as xsl param base.dir)
xml-target-file # full path to output file in xml-source-dir, ignored when chunking
- xml-html-copy # copy files to target (defaults to *.gif,*.png">
+ xml-html-copy # copy files to target (defaults to *.gif,*.png"
+ >
- <mkdir dir="${xml-target-dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${xml-target-dir}" />
<copy todir="${xml-target-dir}">
- <fileset dir="${xml-source-dir}"
- includes="${xml-html-copy}"/>
+ <fileset dir="${xml-source-dir}"
+ includes="${xml-html-copy}"
+ />
<java classname="com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet"
- fork="yes"
- failonerror="yes"> <!-- todo: establish failure policy -->
- <arg value="-o"/>
- <arg value="${xml-target-file}"/>
- <arg value="${xml-source-dir}/${xml-source-root}"/>
- <arg value="${xsl-source-file}"/>
- <arg value="base.dir=${xml-target-dir}/"/>
- <arg value=""/>
- </java>
+ fork="yes"
+ failonerror="yes"
+ >
+ <!-- todo: establish failure policy -->
+ <arg value="-o" />
+ <arg value="${xml-target-file}" />
+ <arg value="${xml-source-dir}/${xml-source-root}" />
+ <arg value="${xsl-source-file}" />
+ <arg value="base.dir=${xml-target-dir}/" />
+ <arg value="" />
+ </java>
- <target name="info"
- description="misc info for writing and building docbook">
----- misc info for writing and building docbook
-- link tag linkend attribute takes an id
- - xsl converts as needed during output
- - do NOT use ulink; this will be converted to ""
- (but see param citerefentry-link: might enable this)
-- to use sensible names for the files produced,
- - use an xsl wrapper to add/modify features
- - set flag to use the id of the top-level element in the output
- file as the filename.
- xsl:param name="" select="1"
- - fyi, other related parameters: html-ext, root-filename
- - In this example, the top-level element in the output file
- is the refentry, so set ids which become the basename of the file:
- refentry id="aspectj-mode" # in aspectj-mode.xml, produces aspecj-mode.html
- refentry id="ajdee" # in ajdee.xml, produces ajdee.html
--- fyi
-- related parameters:
- html-ext, root-filename
-- these tags did not work for me:
- dbhtml filename="foo.htm"
- dbhtml prefix="foo-"
-- resources
- - the dtd reference for docbook
- - the stylesheet reference for docbook xsl
-- todo
- - fyi, generate.reference.titlepage appears not to be respected.
- tried to add if statement to html/refentry.xsl, but file still gen'd
- </target>