path: root/docs/build.xml
diff options
authorAlexander Kriegisch <Alexander@Kriegisch.name>2024-01-06 13:19:49 +0700
committerAlexander Kriegisch <Alexander@Kriegisch.name>2024-01-06 10:09:11 +0100
commit610d0ccf29f72757ec516f11f720405a8d2b695c (patch)
treebba1467283ee6da1a751510d1b0f1c1c44d7af92 /docs/build.xml
parent4d884aac75b99f92c201b14fd4b4879a0fabc597 (diff)
Remove obsolete DocBook build config in favour of Asciidoctor
Along with the Ant and Maven build configs, downloads of - DocBook DTD, - DocBook XSL, - FOP, - Batik, - Saxon also become obsolete. Signed-off-by: Alexander Kriegisch <Alexander@Kriegisch.name>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/build.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 517 deletions
diff --git a/docs/build.xml b/docs/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e0083ec38..000000000
--- a/docs/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-<!-- -*- Mode: SGML; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- -->
-<!-- ========================================================================= -->
-<!-- Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC), -->
-<!-- 2004-2005 Contributors. -->
-<!-- All rights reserved. -->
-<!-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available -->
-<!-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v 2.0 -->
-<!-- which accompanies this distribution and is available at -->
-<!-- https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.txt -->
-<!-- -->
-<!-- Contributors: -->
-<!-- Xerox/PARC initial implementation -->
-<!-- ========================================================================= -->
-<project name="docs" default="dist" basedir=".">
- <property name="project.name" value="build-docs" />
- <target name="product" depends="local-dist" />
- <target name="clean"
- depends="clean-doc-directories"
- />
- <!-- ===================================================================== -->
- <!-- Init -->
- <!-- ===================================================================== -->
- <import file="${basedir}/../build/build-properties.xml"/>
- <target name="init" depends="init-properties,init-directories">
- <property name="docs.src.pattern"
- value="**/*.xml,**/*.html,**/*.doc,**/*.gif,**/*.java,**/*.lst,**/*.pdf"
- />
- <property name="docs.src.dir"
- location="${aspectj.modules.docs.dir}"
- />
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- location="${aj.dist.dir}/docs"
- />
- <property name="docs.temp.dir"
- location="${aj.temp.dir}/doc"
- />
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- location="${aj.webDeploy.dir}/documentation/dist"
- />
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- value="aspectj-docs-${build.version}"
- />
- <property name="docs.product.zip"
- location="${aj.dist.dir}/${docs.product.name}.zip"
- />
- <!-- must specify (not *.gif) to not delete other gifs during build-in-place -->
- <!-- to find refs: gp ax imagedata | sed -n 's|.*\=\"\(..*\)\".*|\1|p' -->
- <property name="devguide.icons.dir"
- location="${aspectj.modules.dir}/ajde/src/main/resources/org/aspectj/ajde/resources/actions"
- />
- <property name="include.devguide.icons"
- value="build.png,openConfig.png,browseroptions.png"
- />
- <!-- callers of xml-html use these by default -->
- <property name="chunk.xsl.source"
- location="${aspectj.modules.lib.dir}/docbook/docbook-xsl/html/chunk.xsl"
- />
- <property name="nochunk.xsl.source"
- location="${aspectj.modules.lib.dir}/docbook/docbook-xsl/html/docbook.xsl"
- />
- <!-- default xml-html nochunking file (0-length dummy created when chunking) -->
- <property name="xml-target-file"
- location="${docs.temp.dir}/xml-target-file.dummy"
- />
- <!-- default value for xml-html copying (copy all graphics) -->
- <property name="xml-html-copy" value="*.gif,*.png" />
- <property name="xml-html-stylesheet" value="aspectj-docs.css" />
- <property name="binary.pattern"
- value="**/*.gif,**/*.png,**/*.doc,**/*.pdf,**/*.jpg,**/*.JPG,**/*.css"
- />
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- targetfile="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/faq.html"
- >
- <!-- use faq as tag file -->
- <srcfiles dir="${docs.src.dir}"
- includes="${docs.src.pattern}"
- />
- </uptodate>
- <uptodate property="dist.uptodate"
- targetfile="${docs.product.zip}"
- >
- <!-- use zip as tag file -->
- <srcfiles dir="${docs.src.dir}"
- includes="${docs.src.pattern}"
- />
- <srcfiles dir="${docs.dist.dir}"
- includes="${docs.src.pattern}"
- />
- </uptodate>
- </target>
- <target name="clean-doc-directories"
- depends="init"
- description="clean build dirs (including local deploy dir)"
- >
- <delete quiet="on">
- <fileset dir="${docs.dist.dir}" />
- <fileset dir="${docs.jar.dir}" />
- <fileset dir="${docs.temp.dir}" />
- </delete>
- </target>
- <target name="dist"
- depends="init,local-dist"
- description="create unused doc zip - see ../build/build.xml for installer"
- unless="dist.uptodate"
- >
- <delete file="${docs.product.zip}" />
- <zip zipfile="${docs.product.zip}"
- basedir="${docs.dist.dir}"
- />
- <echo message="find doc zip in ${docs.product.zip}" />
- </target>
- <target name="web.deploy.faqonly"
- depends="init,faq"
- description="deploy docs.dist.dir faq to web.doc.dir"
- >
- <copy todir="${web.doc.dir}" filtering="on">
- <fileset dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc" includes="faq.html" />
- </copy>
- <stripnonbodyhtml srcdir="${web.doc.dir}"
- includes="faq.html"
- />
- <echo message="do link check on index and faq before release"
- />
- </target>
- <target name="web.deploy.faqindex"
- depends="init,dist"
- description="deploy built faq and index to web.doc.dir"
- >
- <copy todir="${web.doc.dir}" filtering="on">
- <fileset dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc"
- includes="faq.html,index.html"
- />
- </copy>
- <stripnonbodyhtml srcdir="${web.doc.dir}"
- includes="faq.html,index.html"
- />
- <echo message="do link check on index and faq before release"
- />
- </target>
- <target name="web.deploy" depends="web.deploy.README-1.1" />
- <target name="web.deploy.README-1.1"
- depends="init"
- description="deploy README-1.1.html to the web site"
- >
- <property name="readme11.dir"
- location="${web.doc.dir}/documentation/readme11"
- />
- <mkdir dir="${readme11.dir}" />
- <delete file="${readme11.dir}/index.html" />
- <mkdir dir="${readme11.dir}" />
- <copy tofile="${readme11.dir}/index.html"
- file="${aspectj.products.dir}/tools/dist/README-1.1.html"
- filtering="on"
- />
- <stripnonbodyhtml srcdir="${readme11.dir}"
- includes="index.html"
- />
- </target>
- <target name="web.deploy.old"
- depends="init"
- description="deploy built docs to the web site"
- >
- <mkdir dir="${web.doc.dir}" />
- <delete dir="${web.doc.dir}" />
- <mkdir dir="${web.doc.dir}" />
- <copy todir="${web.doc.dir}">
- <fileset dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc" />
- </copy>
- <stripnonbodyhtml srcdir="${web.doc.dir}"
- includes="**/*.html"
- />
- </target>
- <!-- ============================================================ -->
- <!-- build all doc products -->
- <!-- ============================================================ -->
- <target name="local-dist"
- depends="init"
- unless="local.dist.uptodate"
- description="avoid local-dist antecedants if uptodate"
- >
- <antcall target="do-local-dist" />
- </target>
- <target name="do-local-dist"
- depends="init,init-filters,faq,devguide,progguide, adk15guide, pdguide"
- description="finish products by copying dist files and library sources"
- >
- depends="init,init-filters,api,faq,devguide,progguide, adk15guide, pdguide"
- <copy todir="${docs.dist.dir}" filtering="on">
- <fileset dir="${docs.src.dir}/dist"
- excludes="${binary.pattern}"
- />
- </copy>
- <copy todir="${docs.dist.dir}" filtering="off">
- <fileset dir="${docs.src.dir}/dist"
- includes="${binary.pattern}"
- />
- </copy>
- <available file="${docs.src.dir}/../org.aspectj.lib/build-aspectjlib.xml"
- property="org.aspectj.lib.available"
- />
- <!--fail unless="org.aspectj.lib.available"
- message="unable to find org.aspectj.lib"
- />
- <mkdir dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/aspectjlib" />
- <copy todir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/aspectjlib" filtering="off">
- <fileset dir="${docs.src.dir}/../org.aspectj.lib"
- includes="build-aspectjlib.xml,src/**"
- excludes="CVS"
- />
- </copy>
- -->
- </target>
- <target name="api"
- depends="init"
- description="javadoc for AspectJ runtime and weaver"
- >
- <property file="${docs.src.dir}/docs.build.properties" />
- <delete quiet="on">
- <fileset dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc" includes="*api/*" />
- </delete>
- <aspectj-javadoc module="runtime" />
- <aspectj-javadoc module="aspectj5rt"/>
- <aspectj-javadoc module="weaver" />
- </target>
- <macrodef name="aspectj-javadoc">
- <attribute name="module" />
- <sequential>
- <mkdir dir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/@{module}-api" />
- <javadoc sourcepath="${@{module}.sourcepath}"
- destdir="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/@{module}-api"
- windowtitle="AspectJ(tm) @{module} API"
- classpath="${@{module}.classpath}"
- packagenames="${@{module}.packagenames}"
- >
- <link offline="true"
- href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5/docs/api"
- packagelistLoc="${docs.src.dir}/jdk15-packages.txt"
- />
- </javadoc>
- </sequential>
- </macrodef>
- <target name="faq" depends="init">
- <antcall target="xml-html">
- <param name="xml-source-dir"
- value="${docs.src.dir}/faq"
- />
- <param name="xml-source-root" value="faq.xml" />
- <param name="xsl-source-file"
- value="${nochunk.xsl.source}"
- />
- <param name="xml-target-dir" value="${docs.dist.dir}" />
- <param name="xml-target-file"
- value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/faq.html"
- />
- <param name="xml-html-stylesheet" value="aspectj-faq.css" />
- </antcall>
- </target>
- <target name="progguide" depends="init">
- <antcall target="build-guide">
- <param name="guide.dir" value="progguide" />
- <param name="guide.name" value="progguide" />
- <param name="xml-html-copy"
- value="dd_arrow.png,aspects.png,figureUML.png,overview.png,telecom.png,aspectj-docs.css"/>
- </antcall>
- </target>
- <target name="adk15guide" depends="init">
- <antcall target="build-guide">
- <param name="guide.dir" value="adk15notebook" />
- <param name="guide.name" value="adk15notebook" />
- <param name="xml-html-copy"
- value="dd_arrow.png,aspectj-docs.css"/>
- </antcall>
- </target>
- <target name="devguide" depends="init">
- <copy todir="${docs.src.dir}/devguide" filtering="off">
- <fileset dir="${devguide.icons.dir}"
- includes="${include.devguide.icons}"
- />
- </copy>
- <antcall target="build-guide">
- <param name="xml-html-copy"
- value="dd_arrow.png,aspectj-docs.css,ajbrowser-building.png,ajbrowser-options.png,${include.devguide.icons}"
- />
- <param name="guide.dir" value="devguide" />
- <param name="guide.name" value="devguide" />
- </antcall>
- <delete quiet="on">
- <fileset dir="${docs.src.dir}/devguide"
- includes="${include.devguide.icons}"
- />
- </delete>
- </target>
- <target name="pdguide" depends="init">
- <copy todir="${docs.src.dir}/pdguide" filtering="off">
- <fileset dir="${devguide.icons.dir}"
- includes="${include.pdguide.icons}"
- />
- </copy>
- <antcall target="build-guide">
- <param name="xml-html-copy"
- value="dd_arrow.png,aspectj-docs.css,ajbrowser-building.png,ajbrowser-options.png,${include.pdguide.icons}"
- />
- <param name="guide.dir" value="pdguide" />
- <param name="guide.name" value="pdguide" />
- </antcall>
- <delete quiet="on">
- <fileset dir="${docs.src.dir}/pdguide"
- includes="${include.pdguide.icons}"
- />
- </delete>
- </target>
- <target name="build-guide"
- depends="init"
- description="build prog or dev guide, using guide.dir and guide.name"
- >
- <!-- chunked -->
- <antcall target="xml-html">
- <param name="xml-source-dir"
- value="${docs.src.dir}/${guide.dir}"
- />
- <param name="xml-source-root" value="${guide.name}.xml" />
- <param name="xsl-source-file"
- value="${chunk.xsl.source}"
- />
- <param name="xml-target-dir"
- value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/${guide.name}"
- />
- </antcall>
- <!-- single -->
- <antcall target="xml-html">
- <param name="xml-source-dir"
- value="${docs.src.dir}/${guide.dir}"
- />
- <param name="xml-source-root" value="${guide.name}.xml" />
- <param name="xsl-source-file"
- value="${nochunk.xsl.source}"
- />
- <param name="xml-target-dir"
- value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/${guide.name}"
- />
- <param name="xml-target-file"
- value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/${guide.name}/printable.html"
- />
- </antcall>
- <!-- pdf TODO pdf rendering completes, result is awful
- <antcall target="xml-pdf">
- <param name="xml-source-dir"
- value="${docs.src.dir}/${guide.dir}"/>
- <param name="xml-source-root" value="${guide.name}.xml"/>
- <param name="pdf-target-file"
- value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/${guide.name}.pdf"/>
- </antcall>
- -->
- </target>
- <target name="test-pdf"
- depends="init"
- description="test pdf build of [prog|dev|adk]guide"
- >
- <!-- NPE in fop task when building programming guide.
- see patch at https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=81654
- <antcall target="build-pdf">
- <param name="guide.dir" value="progguide" />
- <param name="guide.name" value="progguide" />
- </antcall>
- -->
- <antcall target="build-pdf">
- <param name="guide.dir" value="adk15notebook" />
- <param name="guide.name" value="adk15notebook" />
- </antcall>
- <copy todir="${docs.src.dir}/devguide" filtering="off">
- <fileset dir="${devguide.icons.dir}"
- includes="${include.devguide.icons}"
- />
- </copy>
- <antcall target="build-pdf">
- <param name="xml-html-copy"
- value="ajbrowser-building.png,ajbrowser-options.png,${include.devguide.icons}"
- />
- <param name="guide.dir" value="devguide" />
- <param name="guide.name" value="devguide" />
- </antcall>
- </target>
- <target name="build-pdf"
- depends="init"
- description="build prog or dev guide, using guide.dir and guide.name"
- >
- <antcall target="xml-pdf">
- <param name="xml-source-dir"
- value="${docs.src.dir}/${guide.dir}"
- />
- <param name="xml-source-root" value="${guide.name}.xml" />
- <param name="pdf-target-file"
- value="${docs.dist.dir}/doc/${guide.name}.pdf"
- />
- </antcall>
- </target>
- <!-- XML conversion stuff -->
- <!-- xml-pdf -->
- <target name="xml-pdf">
- <delete file="${pdf-target-file}" />
- <touch file="${pdf-target-file}" />
- <delete file="${xml-source-dir}/index.fo" />
- <!-- produce index.fo from docbook sources -->
- <java classname="com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet" fork="yes">
- <classpath>
- <pathelement location="${aspectj.modules.lib.dir}/saxon/saxon.jar"
- />
- </classpath>
- <arg value="-o" />
- <arg value="${xml-source-dir}/index.fo" />
- <arg value="${xml-source-dir}/${xml-source-root}" />
- <arg value="${aspectj.modules.lib.dir}/docbook/docbook-xsl/fo/docbook.xsl"
- />
- </java>
- <!-- index.fo to pdf (TODO if formatting fixed, to init-taskdefs) -->
- <taskdef name="fop"
- classname="org.apache.fop.tools.anttasks.Fop"
- >
- <classpath>
- <fileset dir="${aspectj.modules.lib.dir}/docbook">
- <include name="fop.jar" />
- <include name="batik.jar" />
- </fileset>
- </classpath>
- </taskdef>
- <!-- TODO messagelevel="info" -->
- <fop format="application/pdf"
- messagelevel="verbose"
- basedir="${guide.dir}"
- fofile="${guide.dir}/index.fo"
- outfile="${pdf-target-file}"
- >
- </fop>
- <delete quiet="on" file="${guide.dir}/index.fo" />
- </target>
- <target name="xml-html"
- description="antcall(xml-source-dir, xml-source-root, xml-target-dir, xml-target-file)
- convert xml to html using docbook. parameters:
- xml-source-dir # base directory of source
- xml-source-root # base file of source (relative to xml-source-dir)
- xsl-source-file # xsl transform to apply (use chunk.xsl.source by default)
- xml-target-dir # target directory for output (used as xsl param base.dir)
- xml-target-file # full path to output file in xml-source-dir, ignored when chunking
- xml-html-copy # copy files to target (defaults to *.gif,*.png)
- xml-html-stylesheet # style sheet to use (defaults to ${xml-html-stylesheet})"
- >
- <mkdir dir="${xml-target-dir}" />
- <copy todir="${xml-target-dir}">
- <fileset dir="${xml-source-dir}"
- includes="${xml-html-copy}"
- />
- </copy>
- <java classname="com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet"
- classpath="${aspectj.modules.lib.dir}/saxon/saxon.jar"
- fork="yes"
- failonerror="yes"
- >
- <!-- todo: establish failure policy -->
- <arg value="-o" />
- <arg value="${xml-target-file}" />
- <arg value="${xml-source-dir}/${xml-source-root}" />
- <arg value="${xsl-source-file}" />
- <arg value="base.dir=${xml-target-dir}/" />
- <arg value="use.id.as.filename=1" />
- <arg value="html.stylesheet=${xml-html-stylesheet}" />
- </java>
- </target>