path: root/docs/devGuideDB/ltw.xml
diff options
authoravasseur <avasseur>2005-10-25 10:00:58 +0000
committeravasseur <avasseur>2005-10-25 10:00:58 +0000
commit76ebbc76add2abd815b3a8b5ea0beb11c94c8c49 (patch)
tree08ac38010d43c13554209b03653af744edec4722 /docs/devGuideDB/ltw.xml
parentbd951ed3eaf19b17ac1b1541d6072246a21a2ca8 (diff)
concrete-aspect impl and doc for LTW - see #95529
pbly some issue on abstract @Pointcut() in ajdt core - fix coming
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/devGuideDB/ltw.xml')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/docs/devGuideDB/ltw.xml b/docs/devGuideDB/ltw.xml
index b0abbf37a..09ac6520c 100644
--- a/docs/devGuideDB/ltw.xml
+++ b/docs/devGuideDB/ltw.xml
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
need to specify the <literal>-Xreweavable</literal> compiler option when building
them. This causes AspectJ to save additional state in the class files that is used
to support subsequent reweaving. </para>
- <para><!-- FIXME AV -->As per AspectJ 1.5.0 M3 aspects (code style or annotation style) are
- reweavable by default, and weaved classes may be as well in 1.5.0 final.</para>
+ <para>As per AspectJ 1.5.0 M3 aspects (code style or annotation style) are
+ reweavable by default, and weaved classes are reweavable by default as well as per AspectJ 1.5.0 M4.</para>
@@ -206,12 +206,7 @@
useful way of externalizing configuration for infrastructure and
auxiliary aspects where the pointcut definitions themselves can be
considered part of the configuration of the service.
- </para>
- <para>
- <emphasis>
- Note: concrete-aspect is not available in AspectJ 1.5 M3.
- </emphasis>
+ Refer to the next section for more details.
@@ -272,6 +267,91 @@
each concrete aspect included in the JAR. </para>
+ <sect2 id="concrete-aspect" xreflabel="concrete-aspect">
+ <title>Using Concrete Aspects</title>
+ <para>
+ It is possible to concretize an abstract aspect by the mean of the <literal>META-INF/aop.xml</literal>
+ file. This is usefull to define abstract pointcuts at deployment time.
+ Consider the following:
+ </para>
+ <programlisting><![CDATA[
+ package mypack;
+ @Aspect
+ public abstract class AbstractAspect {
+ // abstract pointcut: no expression is defined
+ @Pointcut
+ abstract void scope();
+ @Before("scope() && execution(* *..doSome(..))")
+ public void before(JoinPoint jp) {
+ ....
+ }
+ }
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <para>
+ This aspect is equivalent to the following in code style:
+ </para>
+ <programlisting><![CDATA[
+ package mypack;
+ public abstract aspect AbstractAspect {
+ // abstract pointcut: no expression is defined
+ abstract pointcut scope();
+ before() : scope() && execution(* *..doSome(..)) {
+ ....
+ }
+ }
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <para>
+ This aspect (in either of its style) is a good candidate for concretization through <literal>META-INF/aop.xml</literal>.
+ It defines the abstract pointcut <literal>within()</literal>. It is important to remember that
+ concretization in this case must obey to the following rules:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>The parent aspect must be abstract. It can be an @AspectJ or a
+ regular code style aspect.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Only simple abstract pointcut can be concretized ie pointcut that don't expose
+ state (through <literal>args(), this(), target(), if()</literal>). In @AspectJ syntax
+ as illustrated in this sample, this means the method that hosts the pointcut is abstract,
+ has no arguments, and returns void.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Concretization must defines all such abstract pointcuts ie it is not possible
+ to have <literal>concrete-aspect</literal> inter dependancies.</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Concretization can only concretize pointcuts ie there cannot be abstract method
+ left in the aspect.</para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ If you have requirements for more complex aspect inheritance, you should consider regular aspect
+ inheritance instead of concretization through XML.
+ Given that the following XML is valid:
+ </para>
+ <programlisting><![CDATA[
+ <aspectj>
+ <conrete-aspect name="mypack.__My__AbstractAspect" extends="mypack.AbstractAspect">
+ <pointcut name="scope" expression="within(yourpackage..*)"/>
+ </concrete-aspect>
+ </aspectj>
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <para>
+ It is important to remember that the <literal>name</literal> attribute in the XML directive
+ <literal>concrete-aspect</literal> defines the fully qualified name that will be given to the
+ concrete aspect. It must then be a valid class name. This one will indeed be generated on the fly by the weaver internals. You must
+ then ensure that there won't be name collision. Also note that the concrete aspect will be
+ defined at the classloader level for which the aop.xml is visible. This implies that if you need
+ to use the <literal>aspectof</literal> methods to access the aspect instance(s) (depending on the perclause
+ of the aspect it extends) you have to use the helper API <literal>org.aspectj.lang.Aspects.aspectOf(..)</literal>
+ as in:
+ </para>
+ <programlisting><![CDATA[
+ // exception handling omitted
+ Class myConcreteAspectClass = Class.forName("mypack.__My__AbstractAspect");
+ // here we are using a singleton aspect
+ AbstractAspect concreteInstance = Aspects.aspectOf(myConcreteAspectClass);
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ </sect2>
<!-- TODO someone implement that -->
<sect2 id="configuring-load-time-weaving-with-properties-files" xreflabel="configuring-load-time-weaving-with-properties-files">