path: root/docs/dist
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authoracolyer <acolyer>2004-04-02 10:30:16 +0000
committeracolyer <acolyer>2004-04-02 10:30:16 +0000
commit5c519477cbd4825b9b5683a0f24c244a5f65f86a (patch)
tree353e5644c84bcef829ac08a869d3fab5ec85087f /docs/dist
parent5c918095867e7f39d7a947d664fe30bd20d1d6bf (diff)
first completed draft of 1.2 readme
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/dist')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/docs/dist/doc/README-12.html b/docs/dist/doc/README-12.html
index 473c8a5a7..a50c79c18 100644
--- a/docs/dist/doc/README-12.html
+++ b/docs/dist/doc/README-12.html
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ programs from 1.1 to 1.2.
<li><a href="#SOFTEX"><code>SoftException</code></a> now supports <code>getCause()</code>.</li>
<li>Although not part of <code>aspectjrt.jar</code> this release also provides a new set of
- tools APIs in the <a href="#LTW"><code></code></a> that provide a weaving class loader
+ tools APIs in the <a href="#LTW2"><code></code></a> that provide a weaving class loader
and an adapter that can be used to integrate load-time weaving into an existing class loader
@@ -137,6 +137,10 @@ programs from 1.1 to 1.2.
as in AspectJ 1.1.1, so when this is combined with the weave time improvements you
should see speed-ups of up to 4x for incremental compilation.</p>
+ <p>In addition, AspectJ 1.2 maintains only weak references to some of its recoverable data structures,
+ allowing the JVM to optimise between performance and memory usage. Experiments forcing GC
+ showed that we can achieve about a 20% memory usage reduction in this manner if needed.</p>
<h3><a name="LAZY_TJP">The -XlazyTjp option.</a></h3>
<p>Under AspectJ 1.1.1, if the body of an advice contained a reference to a
@@ -430,7 +434,99 @@ programs from 1.1 to 1.2.
<p><code>ajdoc</code> sample output for advised methods:</p>
<p><img src="images/ajdoc2.JPG"/></p>
+ <h3><a name="LTW">A sample script is supplied that supports load-time weaving from the command-line</a></h3>
+ <p>The AspectJ 1.2 distribution ships with sample scripts for Windows and Unix platforms that exploit AspectJ's
+ binary weaving capabilities at application load time. You will find these scripts in the
+ <code>doc/examples/ltw</code> directory of your AspectJ installation. </p>
+ <p>The scripts allow you to set an environment variable, <code>ASPECTPATH</code>, containing a path-separator
+ delimited list of aspect-library jar files. A Java application can then be launched using the "<code>aj</code>"
+ script ("<code>aj</code>" is to "<code>ajc</code>" as "<code>java</code>" is to "<code>javac</code>"). If the
+ <code>ASPECTPATH</code> is unset or empty, "<code>aj</code>" behaves exactly the same as "<code>java</code>",
+ but if the <code>ASPECTPATH</code> contains one or more aspect libraries, the aspects in the library will be
+ linked (woven) with the application code as it is loaded.<p>
+ <p>The <code>doc/examples/ltw</code> directory of your AspectJ installation contains a sample application that
+ demonstrates these capabilities. Following the instructions in the <code>README</code> file in that directory,
+ running "<code>aj tracing.ExampleMain</code>" with <code>ASPECTPATH</code> unset produces the output:</p>
+ <font color="blue">
+ <pre>
+ c1.perimeter() = 12.566370614359172
+ c1.area() = 12.566370614359172
+ s1.perimeter() = 4.0
+ s1.area() = 1.0
+ c2.distance(c1) = 4.242640687119285
+ s1.distance(c1) = 2.23606797749979
+ s1.toString(): Square side = 1.0 @ (1.0, 2.0)
+ </pre>
+ </font>
+ <p>If you set <code>ASPECTPATH</code> to include <code>../jars/tracingLib.jar</code>, and run
+ "<code>aj tracing.ExampleMain</code>" again, the output will be:</p>
+ <font color="blue">
+ <pre>
+ --> tracing.TwoDShape(double, double)
+ <-- tracing.TwoDShape(double, double)
+ --> tracing.Circle(double, double, double)
+ <-- tracing.Circle(double, double, double)
+ --> tracing.TwoDShape(double, double)
+ <-- tracing.TwoDShape(double, double)
+ --> tracing.Circle(double, double, double)
+ <-- tracing.Circle(double, double, double)
+ --> tracing.Circle(double)
+ <-- tracing.Circle(double)
+ --> tracing.TwoDShape(double, double)
+ <-- tracing.TwoDShape(double, double)
+ --> tracing.Square(double, double, double)
+ <-- tracing.Square(double, double, double)
+ --> tracing.Square(double, double)
+ <-- tracing.Square(double, double)
+ --> double tracing.Circle.perimeter()
+ <-- double tracing.Circle.perimeter()
+c1.perimeter() = 12.566370614359172
+ --> double tracing.Circle.area()
+ <-- double tracing.Circle.area()
+c1.area() = 12.566370614359172
+ --> double tracing.Square.perimeter()
+ <-- double tracing.Square.perimeter()
+s1.perimeter() = 4.0
+ --> double tracing.Square.area()
+ <-- double tracing.Square.area()
+s1.area() = 1.0
+ --> double tracing.TwoDShape.distance(TwoDShape)
+ --> double tracing.TwoDShape.getX()
+ <-- double tracing.TwoDShape.getX()
+ --> double tracing.TwoDShape.getY()
+ <-- double tracing.TwoDShape.getY()
+ <-- double tracing.TwoDShape.distance(TwoDShape)
+ etc...
+ </pre>
+ </font>
+ <p>The scripts only support JDK 1.4 and above - attempting to use them with a 1.3 or lower JDK will most
+ likely produce <code>NoClassDefFound</code> errors. We welcome contributions from users to improve these
+ scripts.</p>
+<!-- ============================== -->
+ <h3><a name="SOFTEX">SoftException now supports getCause()</a></h3>
+ <p><code>org.aspectj.lang.SoftException</code> now supports the <code>getCause()</code> method, which returns the
+ original exception wrapped by the <code>SoftException</code>. This means that exception chains will print correctly
+ on 1.4 and later JREs.
+ <h3><a name="LTW2"> package added</a></h3>
+ <p>A new set of public APIs are exported by the
+ <a href="api/index.html"><code></code></a> package that can be used
+ to integrate load-time weaving into an existing class loader hierachy. The package implementation
+ is included in <code>aspectjtools.jar</code>. For an example of how to use these APIs, see the
+ <code>org.aspectj.weaver.WeavingURLClassLoader</code> implementation.
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