path: root/taskdefs/testsrc/org
diff options
authorwisberg <wisberg>2004-01-15 20:35:47 +0000
committerwisberg <wisberg>2004-01-15 20:35:47 +0000
commit81adb9fef97b229a18e7eb6fa28140df00409b01 (patch)
treec7be0558600b78f158b59fc4faf1aaa7160bfdd1 /taskdefs/testsrc/org
parent84054bafe51c1c667d427b28cc99a64fbd9a66a6 (diff)
supporting -target 1.3 and 1.4
Diffstat (limited to 'taskdefs/testsrc/org')
1 files changed, 662 insertions, 583 deletions
diff --git a/taskdefs/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/ b/taskdefs/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/
index 194ba64bd..42feeb5a7 100644
--- a/taskdefs/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/
+++ b/taskdefs/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/
@@ -15,16 +15,10 @@
-import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessage;
-import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessageHolder;
-import org.aspectj.bridge.MessageHandler;
-import org.aspectj.bridge.MessageUtil;
-import org.aspectj.util.FileUtil;
-import org.aspectj.util.LangUtil;
+import org.aspectj.bridge.*;
+import org.aspectj.util.*;
@@ -41,610 +35,695 @@ import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class AjcTaskTest extends TestCase {
- private static final Class NO_EXCEPTION = null;
+ private static final Class NO_EXCEPTION = null;
private static final String NOFILE = "NOFILE";
- private static final File tempDir;
- private static final String aspectjtoolsJar;
- private static final String testdataDir;
- private static final StringBuffer MESSAGES = new StringBuffer();
- /** accept writable .class files */
- private static FileFilter PICK_CLASS_FILES;
- static {
- tempDir = new File("IncrementalAjcTaskTest-temp");
- String toolsPath = "../aj-build/dist/tools/lib/aspectjtools.jar";
- File toolsjar = new File(toolsPath);
- if (toolsjar.canRead()) {
- aspectjtoolsJar = toolsjar.getAbsolutePath();
- } else {
- aspectjtoolsJar = null;
- String s =
- "AjcTaskTest not forking - build aspectjtools-dist to get "
- + toolsPath;
- System.out.println(s);
- }
- File dir = new File("../taskdefs/testdata");
- if (dir.canRead() && dir.isDirectory()) {
- testdataDir = dir.getAbsolutePath();
- } else {
- testdataDir = null;
- }
- PICK_CLASS_FILES = new FileFilter() {
- public boolean accept(File file) {
- return ((null != file)
- && file.isFile()
- && file.canWrite()
- && file.getPath().endsWith(".class"));
- }
- };
- }
- /**
- * Check that aspectjtools are found on the classpath,
- * reporting any errors to System.err.
- *
- * Run multiple times with different classpaths.
- * This should find variants
- * aspectjtools.jar,
- * aspectj-tools.jar,
- * aspectj-tools-1.1.jar, and
- * aspectjtools-1.0.6.jar
- * but not
- * aspectjrt.jar or
- * aspectj/tools.jar.
- * XXX use testing aspect to stub out
- * <code>System.getProperty("java.class.path")</code>
- * @param args a String[], first is expected path, if any
- */
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- toolsjar = AjcTask.findAspectjtoolsJar();
- if ((null == args) || (0 == args.length)) {
- if (null != toolsjar) {
- System.err.println("FAIL - not expected: " + toolsjar);
- }
- } else if ("-help".equals(args[0])) {
- System.out.println("java " + AjcTaskTest.class.getName()
- + " <expectedPathToAspectjtoolsJar>");
- } else if (null == toolsjar) {
- System.err.println("FAIL - expected: " + args[0]);
- } else {
- String path = toolsjar.getAbsolutePath();
- if (!path.equals(args[0])) {
- System.err.println("FAIL - expected: "
- + args[0]
- + " actual: "
- + path
- );
- }
- }
- }
- public static void collectMessage(String s) {
- MESSAGES.append(s);
- }
- private static void deleteTempDir() {
- if ((null != tempDir) && tempDir.exists()) {
- FileUtil.deleteContents(tempDir);
- tempDir.delete();
- // when tempDir not used...
- if (null != testdataDir) {
- File dataDir = new File(testdataDir);
- if (dataDir.canRead()) {
- FileUtil.deleteContents(dataDir, PICK_CLASS_FILES, false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private static final File getTempDir() {
- return tempDir;
- }
- public AjcTaskTest(String name) {
+ private static final File tempDir;
+ private static final String aspectjtoolsJar;
+ private static final String testdataDir;
+ private static final StringBuffer MESSAGES = new StringBuffer();
+ /** accept writable .class files */
+ private static FileFilter PICK_CLASS_FILES;
+ static {
+ tempDir = new File("IncrementalAjcTaskTest-temp");
+ String toolsPath = "../aj-build/dist/tools/lib/aspectjtools.jar";
+ File toolsjar = new File(toolsPath);
+ if (toolsjar.canRead()) {
+ aspectjtoolsJar = toolsjar.getAbsolutePath();
+ } else {
+ aspectjtoolsJar = null;
+ String s =
+ "AjcTaskTest not forking - build aspectjtools-dist to get "
+ + toolsPath;
+ System.out.println(s);
+ }
+ File dir = new File("../taskdefs/testdata");
+ if (dir.canRead() && dir.isDirectory()) {
+ testdataDir = dir.getAbsolutePath();
+ } else {
+ testdataDir = null;
+ }
+ PICK_CLASS_FILES = new FileFilter() {
+ public boolean accept(File file) {
+ return (
+ (null != file)
+ && file.isFile()
+ && file.canWrite()
+ && file.getPath().endsWith(".class"));
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check that aspectjtools are found on the classpath,
+ * reporting any errors to System.err.
+ *
+ * Run multiple times with different classpaths.
+ * This should find variants
+ * aspectjtools.jar,
+ * aspectj-tools.jar,
+ * aspectj-tools-1.1.jar, and
+ * aspectjtools-1.0.6.jar
+ * but not
+ * aspectjrt.jar or
+ * aspectj/tools.jar.
+ * XXX use testing aspect to stub out
+ * <code>System.getProperty("java.class.path")</code>
+ * @param args a String[], first is expected path, if any
+ */
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ toolsjar = AjcTask.findAspectjtoolsJar();
+ if ((null == args) || (0 == args.length)) {
+ if (null != toolsjar) {
+ System.err.println("FAIL - not expected: " + toolsjar);
+ }
+ } else if ("-help".equals(args[0])) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "java "
+ + AjcTaskTest.class.getName()
+ + " <expectedPathToAspectjtoolsJar>");
+ } else if (null == toolsjar) {
+ System.err.println("FAIL - expected: " + args[0]);
+ } else {
+ String path = toolsjar.getAbsolutePath();
+ if (!path.equals(args[0])) {
+ System.err.println(
+ "FAIL - expected: " + args[0] + " actual: " + path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void collectMessage(String s) {
+ MESSAGES.append(s);
+ }
+ private static void deleteTempDir() {
+ if ((null != tempDir) && tempDir.exists()) {
+ FileUtil.deleteContents(tempDir);
+ tempDir.delete();
+ // when tempDir not used...
+ if (null != testdataDir) {
+ File dataDir = new File(testdataDir);
+ if (dataDir.canRead()) {
+ FileUtil.deleteContents(dataDir, PICK_CLASS_FILES, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static final File getTempDir() {
+ return tempDir;
+ }
+ public AjcTaskTest(String name) {
- public void tearDown() {
- deleteTempDir();
- MESSAGES.setLength(0);
- }
- public void testNullDestDir() {
- AjcTask task = getTask(NOFILE, null);
- String[] cmd = task.makeCommand();
+ public void tearDown() {
+ deleteTempDir();
+ MESSAGES.setLength(0);
+ }
+ public void testNullDestDir() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask(NOFILE, null);
+ String[] cmd = task.makeCommand();
+ for (int i = 0; i < cmd.length; i++) {
+ assertTrue(!"-d".equals(cmd[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ public void testOutputRequirement() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask("default.lst");
+ checkRun(task, null);
+ // copyInJars now just emits warning b/c unused
+ task = getTask("default.lst", null);
+ task.setCopyInjars(true);
+ checkRun(task, null);
+ // sourceRootCopyFilter requires destDir
+ task = getTask("default.lst", null);
+ task.setSourceRootCopyFilter("**/*.java");
+ checkRun(task, "sourceRoot");
+ }
+ public void testSourceRootCopyFilter() {
+ // sourceRootCopyFilter works..
+ File destDir = getTempDir();
+ assertTrue(
+ "unable to create " + destDir,
+ destDir.canRead() || destDir.mkdirs());
+ AjcTask task = getTask("sourceroot", destDir);
+ task.setSourceRootCopyFilter("doNotCopy,**/*.txt");
+ File file = new File(destDir, "").getAbsoluteFile();
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() prematurely", !file.canRead());
+ checkRun(task, null);
+ // got expected resources
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() failed", file.canRead());
+ File pack = new File(destDir, "pack");
+ file = new File(pack, "").getAbsoluteFile();
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() failed", file.canRead());
+ file = new File(pack, "includeme").getAbsoluteFile();
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() failed", file.canRead());
+ // didn't get unexpected resources
+ file = new File(pack, "something.txt");
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() passed", !file.canRead());
+ file = new File(destDir, "doNotCopy");
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() passed", !file.canRead());
+ file = new File(destDir, "skipTxtFiles.txt");
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() passed", !file.canRead());
+ }
+ private void checkRun(AjcTask task, String exceptionString) {
+ try {
+ task.execute();
+ assertTrue(null == exceptionString);
+ } catch (BuildException e) {
+ if (null == exceptionString) {
+ assertTrue("unexpected " + e.getMessage(), false);
+ } else {
+ String m = e.getMessage();
+ if (null == m) {
+ assertTrue("not " + exceptionString, false);
+ } else if (-1 == m.indexOf(exceptionString)) {
+ assertEquals(exceptionString, e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testCommandEditor() {
+ String className = VerboseCommandEditor.class.getName();
+ System.setProperty(AjcTask.COMMAND_EDITOR_NAME, className);
+ assertEquals(
+ className,
+ System.getProperty(AjcTask.COMMAND_EDITOR_NAME));
+ AjcTask task = getTask(NOFILE);
+ task.setCommandEditor(new VerboseCommandEditor());
+ String[] cmd = task.makeCommand();
+ assertEquals(VerboseCommandEditor.VERBOSE, cmd[0]);
+ task = getTask(NOFILE);
+ task.setCommandEditorClass(VerboseCommandEditor.class.getName());
+ cmd = task.makeCommand();
+ assertEquals(VerboseCommandEditor.VERBOSE, cmd[0]);
+ }
+ // public void testStaticCommandEditor() {
+ // // XXX need to test COMMAND_EDITOR, but can't require property when run
+ // }
+ public void testLimitTo() {
+ int numArgs = 100;
+ String arg = "123456789";
+ String[] args = new String[numArgs];
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
+ args[i] = arg;
+ }
+ // no limit
+ int max = numArgs * (arg.length() + 1);
+ Location location = new Location("");
+ String[] newArgs = AjcTask.GuardedCommand.limitTo(args, max, location);
+ assertTrue("same", args == newArgs);
+ // limited - read file and verify arguments
+ max--;
+ newArgs = AjcTask.GuardedCommand.limitTo(args, max, location);
+ assertTrue("not same", args != newArgs);
+ assertTrue("not null", null != newArgs);
+ String label = "newArgs " + Arrays.asList(newArgs);
+ assertTrue("size 2" + label, 2 == newArgs.length);
+ assertEquals("-argfile", newArgs[0]);
+ File file = new File(newArgs[1]);
+ assertTrue("readable newArgs[1]" + label, file.canRead());
+ FileReader fin = null;
+ try {
+ fin = new FileReader(file);
+ BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(fin);
+ String line;
+ int i = 0;
+ while (null != (line = reader.readLine())) {
+ assertEquals(i + ": ", args[i++], line);
+ }
+ assertEquals("num entries", i, args.length);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ assertTrue("IOException " + e.getMessage(), false);
+ } finally {
+ if (null != fin) {
+ try {
+ fin.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ // ignore
+ }
+ }
+ file.delete();
+ }
+ }
+ public void testFindAspectjtoolsJar() {
+ File toolsJar = AjcTask.findAspectjtoolsJar();
+ if (null != toolsJar) {
+ assertNull("tools jar found?: " + toolsJar, toolsJar);
+ }
+ // not found when unit testing b/c not on system classpath
+ // so just checking for exceptions.
+ // XXX need aspect to stub out System.getProperty(..)
+ }
+ private void checkContains(String[] cmd, String option, boolean contains) {
for (int i = 0; i < cmd.length; i++) {
- assertTrue(!"-d".equals(cmd[i]));
- }
- }
- public void testOutputRequirement() {
- AjcTask task = getTask("default.lst");
- checkRun(task, null);
- // copyInJars now just emits warning b/c unused
- task = getTask("default.lst", null);
- task.setCopyInjars(true);
- checkRun(task, null);
- // sourceRootCopyFilter requires destDir
- task = getTask("default.lst", null);
- task.setSourceRootCopyFilter("**/*.java");
- checkRun(task, "sourceRoot");
- }
- public void testSourceRootCopyFilter () {
- // sourceRootCopyFilter works..
- File destDir = getTempDir();
- assertTrue("unable to create " + destDir,
- destDir.canRead() || destDir.mkdirs());
- AjcTask task = getTask("sourceroot", destDir);
- task.setSourceRootCopyFilter("doNotCopy,**/*.txt");
- File file = new File(destDir, "").getAbsoluteFile();
- assertTrue(file + ".canRead() prematurely", !file.canRead());
- checkRun(task, null);
- // got expected resources
- assertTrue(file + ".canRead() failed", file.canRead());
- File pack = new File(destDir, "pack");
- file = new File(pack, "").getAbsoluteFile();
- assertTrue(file + ".canRead() failed", file.canRead());
- file = new File(pack, "includeme").getAbsoluteFile();
- assertTrue(file + ".canRead() failed", file.canRead());
- // didn't get unexpected resources
- file = new File(pack, "something.txt");
- assertTrue(file + ".canRead() passed", !file.canRead());
- file = new File(destDir, "doNotCopy");
- assertTrue(file + ".canRead() passed", !file.canRead());
- file = new File(destDir, "skipTxtFiles.txt");
- assertTrue(file + ".canRead() passed", !file.canRead());
- }
- private void checkRun(AjcTask task, String exceptionString) {
- try {
- task.execute();
- assertTrue(null == exceptionString);
- } catch (BuildException e) {
- if (null == exceptionString) {
- assertTrue("unexpected " + e.getMessage(), false);
- } else {
- String m = e.getMessage();
- if (null == m) {
- assertTrue("not " + exceptionString, false);
- } else if (-1 == m.indexOf(exceptionString)) {
- assertEquals(exceptionString, e.getMessage());
+ if (option.equals(cmd[i])) {
+ if (contains) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ assertTrue(
+ "not expecting " + option + " in " + Arrays.asList(cmd),
+ false);
- }
- public void testCommandEditor() {
- String className = VerboseCommandEditor.class.getName();
- System.setProperty(AjcTask.COMMAND_EDITOR_NAME, className);
- assertEquals(className,
- System.getProperty(AjcTask.COMMAND_EDITOR_NAME));
- AjcTask task = getTask(NOFILE);
- task.setCommandEditor(new VerboseCommandEditor());
- String[] cmd = task.makeCommand();
- assertEquals(VerboseCommandEditor.VERBOSE, cmd[0]);
- task = getTask(NOFILE);
- task.setCommandEditorClass(VerboseCommandEditor.class.getName());
- cmd = task.makeCommand();
- assertEquals(VerboseCommandEditor.VERBOSE, cmd[0]);
- }
-// public void testStaticCommandEditor() {
-// // XXX need to test COMMAND_EDITOR, but can't require property when run
-// }
- public void testLimitTo() {
- int numArgs = 100;
- String arg = "123456789";
- String[] args = new String[numArgs];
- for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
- args[i] = arg;
- }
- // no limit
- int max = numArgs*(arg.length() + 1);
- Location location = new Location("");
- String[] newArgs = AjcTask.GuardedCommand.limitTo(args, max, location);
- assertTrue("same", args == newArgs);
- // limited - read file and verify arguments
- max--;
- newArgs = AjcTask.GuardedCommand.limitTo(args, max, location);
- assertTrue("not same", args != newArgs);
- assertTrue("not null", null != newArgs);
- String label = "newArgs " + Arrays.asList(newArgs);
- assertTrue("size 2" + label, 2 == newArgs.length);
- assertEquals("-argfile", newArgs[0]);
- File file = new File(newArgs[1]);
- assertTrue("readable newArgs[1]" + label, file.canRead());
- FileReader fin = null;
- try {
- fin = new FileReader(file);
- BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(fin);
- String line;
- int i = 0;
- while (null != (line = reader.readLine())) {
- assertEquals(i + ": ", args[i++], line);
- }
- assertEquals("num entries", i, args.length);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- assertTrue("IOException " + e.getMessage(), false);
- } finally {
- if (null != fin) {
- try {
- fin.close();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- // ignore
- }
- }
- file.delete();
+ if (contains) {
+ assertTrue(
+ "expecting " + option + " in " + Arrays.asList(cmd),
+ false);
+ protected AjcTask getTask(String input) {
+ return getTask(input, getTempDir());
+ }
- public void testFindAspectjtoolsJar() {
- File toolsJar = AjcTask.findAspectjtoolsJar();
- if (null != toolsJar) {
- assertNull("tools jar found?: " + toolsJar, toolsJar);
- }
- // not found when unit testing b/c not on system classpath
- // so just checking for exceptions.
- // XXX need aspect to stub out System.getProperty(..)
- }
- protected AjcTask getTask(String input) {
- return getTask(input, getTempDir());
- }
- protected AjcTask getTask(String input, File destDir) {
- AjcTask task = new AjcTask();
- Project p = new Project();
- task.setProject(p);
- if (null != destDir) {
- task.setDestdir(destDir);
- }
- if (NOFILE.equals(input)) {
- // add nothing
- } else if (input.endsWith(".lst")) {
- if (-1 != input.indexOf(",")) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("lists not supported: " + input);
- } else if (null == testdataDir) {
- throw new Error("testdata not found - run in ../taskdefs");
- } else {
- String path = testdataDir + File.separator + input;
- task.setArgfiles(new Path(task.getProject(), path));
- }
- } else if ((input.endsWith(".java") || input.endsWith(".aj"))) {
- FilenameSelector fns = new FilenameSelector();
- fns.setName(input);
- task.addFilename(fns);
- } else {
- String path = testdataDir + File.separator + input;
- task.setSourceRoots(new Path(task.getProject(), path));
- }
- task.setClasspath(new Path(p, "../lib/test/aspectjrt.jar"));
- return task;
- }
- /** used in testMessageHolderClassName */
- public static class Holder extends MessageHandler {
- public Holder() {}
- public boolean handleMessage(IMessage message) {
- IMessage.Kind kind = message.getKind();
- if (IMessage.ERROR.isSameOrLessThan(kind)) {
- String m = kind.toString();
- AjcTaskTest.collectMessage(m.substring(0,1));
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- public void testMessageHolderClassName() {
- AjcTask task = getTask("compileError.lst");
- task.setFailonerror(false);
- MESSAGES.setLength(0);
- runTest(task, null, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_ERROR,
- Holder.class.getName());
- String result = MESSAGES.toString();
- MESSAGES.setLength(0);
- assertEquals("messages", "e", result);
- }
+ protected AjcTask getTask(String input, File destDir) {
+ AjcTask task = new AjcTask();
+ Project p = new Project();
+ task.setProject(p);
+ if (null != destDir) {
+ task.setDestdir(destDir);
+ }
+ if (NOFILE.equals(input)) {
+ // add nothing
+ } else if (input.endsWith(".lst")) {
+ if (-1 != input.indexOf(",")) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ "lists not supported: " + input);
+ } else if (null == testdataDir) {
+ throw new Error("testdata not found - run in ../taskdefs");
+ } else {
+ String path = testdataDir + File.separator + input;
+ task.setArgfiles(new Path(task.getProject(), path));
+ }
+ } else if ((input.endsWith(".java") || input.endsWith(".aj"))) {
+ FilenameSelector fns = new FilenameSelector();
+ fns.setName(input);
+ task.addFilename(fns);
+ } else {
+ String path = testdataDir + File.separator + input;
+ task.setSourceRoots(new Path(task.getProject(), path));
+ }
+ task.setClasspath(new Path(p, "../lib/test/aspectjrt.jar"));
+ return task;
+ }
- public void testDefaultListForkedNoTools() {
- AjcTask task = getTask("default.lst");
- task.setFork(true);
- boolean passed = false;
- try {
- runTest(task, BuildException.class, MessageHolderChecker.NONE);
- passed = true;
- } finally {
- if (!passed) {
- String m = "AjcTaskTest.testDefaultListForkedNoTools()"
- + " fails if aspectjtools.jar is on the classpath";
- System.err.println(m);
- }
- }
- }
+ /** used in testMessageHolderClassName */
+ public static class Holder extends MessageHandler {
+ public Holder() {
+ }
+ public boolean handleMessage(IMessage message) {
+ IMessage.Kind kind = message.getKind();
+ if (IMessage.ERROR.isSameOrLessThan(kind)) {
+ String m = kind.toString();
+ AjcTaskTest.collectMessage(m.substring(0, 1));
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
- public void testDefaultListForkedIncremental() {
- AjcTask task = getTask("default.lst");
- task.setFork(true);
- task.setIncremental(true);
- runTest(task, BuildException.class, MessageHolderChecker.NONE);
- }
+ public void testMessageHolderClassName() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask("compileError.lst");
+ task.setFailonerror(false);
+ MESSAGES.setLength(0);
+ runTest(
+ task,
+ null,
+ MessageHolderChecker.ONE_ERROR,
+ Holder.class.getName());
+ String result = MESSAGES.toString();
+ MESSAGES.setLength(0);
+ assertEquals("messages", "e", result);
+ }
- /** failonerror should default to true, unlike other booleans */
- public void testCompileErrorFailOnErrorDefault() {
- AjcTask task = getTask("compileError.lst");
- runTest(task, BuildException.class, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_ERROR);
- }
- public void testDefaultList() {
- AjcTask task = getTask("default.lst");
- runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.INFOS);
- }
+ public void testDefaultListForkedNoTools() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask("default.lst");
+ task.setFork(true);
+ boolean passed = false;
+ try {
+ runTest(task, BuildException.class, MessageHolderChecker.NONE);
+ passed = true;
+ } finally {
+ if (!passed) {
+ String m =
+ "AjcTaskTest.testDefaultListForkedNoTools()"
+ + " fails if aspectjtools.jar is on the classpath";
+ System.err.println(m);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- public void testCompileErrorList() {
- AjcTask task = getTask("compileError.lst");
- task.setFailonerror(false);
- runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_ERROR);
- }
+ public void testDefaultListForkedIncremental() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask("default.lst");
+ task.setFork(true);
+ task.setIncremental(true);
+ runTest(task, BuildException.class, MessageHolderChecker.NONE);
+ }
- public void testCompileWarningList() {
- AjcTask task = getTask("compileWarning.lst");
- runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_WARNING);
- }
+ /** failonerror should default to true, unlike other booleans */
+ public void testCompileErrorFailOnErrorDefault() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask("compileError.lst");
+ runTest(task, BuildException.class, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_ERROR);
+ }
- public void testNoSuchFileList() {
- AjcTask task = getTask("NoSuchFile.lst");
- task.setFailonerror(false);
- runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_ERROR_ONE_ABORT);
- }
+ public void testDefaultList() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask("default.lst");
+ runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.INFOS);
+ }
- public void testClasspath() {
- AjcTask task = getTask(NOFILE);
- String[] cmd = task.makeCommand();
- String classpath = null;
- String bootclasspath = null;
- for (int i = 0; i < cmd.length; i++) {
- if ("-classpath".equals(cmd[i])) {
- classpath = cmd[i+1];
- } else if ("-bootclasspath".equals(cmd[i])) {
- bootclasspath = cmd[i+1];
- }
- }
- assertTrue("not expecting bootclasspath",
- null == bootclasspath);
- assertTrue("expecting aspectj in classpath",
- (-1 != classpath.indexOf("aspectjrt.jar")));
- }
- // ---------------------------------------- sourcefile
- // XXX need to figure out how to specify files directly programmatically
-// public void testDefaultFile() {
-// AjcTask task = getTask("testdata/");
-// runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.INFOS);
-// }
- public void testNoFile() {
- AjcTask task = getTask(NOFILE);
- task.setFailonerror(false);
- runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_ERROR_ONE_ABORT);
- }
- public void testCompileErrorFile() {
- AjcTask task = getTask("compileError.lst");
- task.setFailonerror(false);
- runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_ERROR);
- }
+ public void testCompileErrorList() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask("compileError.lst");
+ task.setFailonerror(false);
+ runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_ERROR);
+ }
- public void testCompileWarningFile() {
- AjcTask task = getTask("compileWarning.lst");
- task.setFailonerror(false);
- runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_WARNING);
- }
+ public void testCompileWarningList() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask("compileWarning.lst");
+ runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_WARNING);
+ }
- public void testNoSuchFile() {
- AjcTask task = getTask("NoSuchFile.lst");
- task.setFailonerror(false);
- runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_ERROR_ONE_ABORT);
- }
+ public void testNoSuchFileList() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask("NoSuchFile.lst");
+ task.setFailonerror(false);
+ runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_ERROR_ONE_ABORT);
+ }
- public void testDefaultFileComplete() {
- AjcTask task = getTask("default.lst");
- task.setDebugLevel("none");
- task.setDeprecation(true);
- task.setFailonerror(false);
- task.setNoExit(true); // ok to override Ant?
- task.setNoImportError(true);
- task.setNowarn(true);
- task.setXNoweave(true);
- task.setPreserveAllLocals(true);
- task.setProceedOnError(true);
- task.setReferenceInfo(true);
- task.setSource("1.3");
- task.setTarget("1.1");
- task.setTime(true);
- task.setVerbose(true);
- task.setXlint("info");
- runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.INFOS);
- }
+ public void testVersions() {
+ String[] inputs = AjcTask.TARGET_INPUTS;
+ for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
+ AjcTask task = getTask(NOFILE);
+ task.setTarget(inputs[i]);
+ String[] cmd = task.makeCommand();
+ checkContains(cmd, "-target", true);
+ checkContains(cmd, inputs[i], true);
+ }
+ inputs = AjcTask.SOURCE_INPUTS;
+ for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
+ AjcTask task = getTask(NOFILE);
+ task.setSource(inputs[i]);
+ String[] cmd = task.makeCommand();
+ checkContains(cmd, "-source", true);
+ checkContains(cmd, inputs[i], true);
+ }
- protected void runTest(
- AjcTask task,
- Class exceptionType,
- MessageHolderChecker checker,
- String messageHolderClass) {
- task.setMessageHolderClass(messageHolderClass);
- runTest(task, exceptionType, checker, (MessageHandler) null);
- }
- protected void runTest(
- AjcTask task,
- Class exceptionType,
- MessageHolderChecker checker) {
- MessageHandler holder = new MessageHandler();
- task.setMessageHolder(holder);
- runTest(task, exceptionType, checker, holder);
- }
- protected void runTest(
- AjcTask task,
- Class exceptionType,
- MessageHolderChecker checker,
- MessageHandler holder) {
- Throwable thrown = null;
- // re-run forked iff tools.jar and expect to pass
- boolean rerunForked
- = ((null != aspectjtoolsJar)
- && (null == exceptionType)
- && ((null == checker) || !checker.expectFail()));
- String label = "same-vm ";
- while (true) { // same vm, then perhaps forked
- try {
- task.execute();
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- thrown = t;
- } finally {
- deleteTempDir();
- }
- if (null == exceptionType) {
- if (null != thrown) {
- assertTrue(label + "thrown: " + render(thrown), false);
- }
- } else if (null == thrown) {
- assertTrue(label + "expected " + exceptionType.getName(), false);
- } else if (!(exceptionType.isAssignableFrom(thrown.getClass()))) {
- assertTrue(label + "expected " + exceptionType.getName()
- + " got " + render(thrown), false);
- }
- if (null != holder) {
- if (null == checker) {
- checker = MessageHolderChecker.NONE;
- }
- checker.check(holder, label);
- }
- if (!rerunForked) {
- break;
- } else {
- label = "other-vm ";
- rerunForked = false;
- // can't reset without losing values...
- task.setFork(true);
- task.setFailonerror(true);
- task.setForkclasspath(new Path(task.getProject(),
- aspectjtoolsJar));
- }
+ inputs = AjcTask.COMPLIANCE_INPUTS;
+ for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
+ AjcTask task = getTask(NOFILE);
+ task.setCompliance(inputs[i]);
+ String[] cmd = task.makeCommand();
+ checkContains(cmd, inputs[i], true);
- }
- protected String render(Throwable thrown) {
- return LangUtil.renderException(thrown);
- }
+ }
- static class MessageHolderChecker { // XXX export to testing-utils
- /** use as value to ignore results */
- static int IGNORE = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
- static MessageHolderChecker NONE =
- new MessageHolderChecker(0,0,0,0,0);
- /** any number (0+) of info messages */
- static MessageHolderChecker INFOS =
- new MessageHolderChecker(0,0,0,0,IGNORE);
- /** one error, any number of info messages */
- static MessageHolderChecker ONE_ERROR=
- new MessageHolderChecker(0,0,1,0,IGNORE);
- static MessageHolderChecker ONE_ERROR_ONE_ABORT =
- new MessageHolderChecker(1,0,1,0,IGNORE);
- /** one warning, any number of info messages */
- static MessageHolderChecker ONE_WARNING =
- new MessageHolderChecker(0,0,0,1,IGNORE);
- int aborts, fails, errors, warnings, infos;
- public MessageHolderChecker(int aborts, int fails, int errors, int warnings, int infos) {
- this.aborts = aborts;
- this.fails = fails;
- this.errors = errors;
- this.warnings = warnings;
- this.infos = infos;
- }
- public boolean expectFail() {
- return (0 < (aborts + fails + errors));
- }
- public void check(IMessageHolder holder, String label) {
- boolean failed = true;
- try {
- check(holder, aborts, IMessage.ABORT);
- check(holder, fails, IMessage.FAIL);
- check(holder, errors, IMessage.ERROR);
- check(holder, warnings,IMessage.WARNING);
- check(holder, infos, IMessage.INFO);
- failed = false;
- } finally {
- if (failed) {
- MessageUtil.print(System.err, holder, label + "failed?");
- }
- }
- }
- private void check(IMessageHolder holder, int num, IMessage.Kind kind) {
- if (num != IGNORE) {
- int actual = holder.numMessages(kind, false);
- if (num != actual) {
- if (actual > 0) {
- MessageUtil.print(System.err, holder, kind + " expected " + num + " got " + actual);
- }
- assertEquals(kind.toString(), num, actual);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ public void testClasspath() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask(NOFILE);
+ String[] cmd = task.makeCommand();
+ checkContains(cmd, "-bootclasspath", false);
+ String classpath = null;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cmd.length; i++) {
+ if ("-classpath".equals(cmd[i])) {
+ classpath = cmd[i + 1];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assertTrue(
+ "expecting aspectj in classpath",
+ (-1 != classpath.indexOf("aspectjrt.jar")));
+ }
+ // ---------------------------------------- sourcefile
+ // XXX need to figure out how to specify files directly programmatically
+ // public void testDefaultFile() {
+ // AjcTask task = getTask("testdata/");
+ // runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.INFOS);
+ // }
+ public void testNoFile() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask(NOFILE);
+ task.setFailonerror(false);
+ runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_ERROR_ONE_ABORT);
+ }
+ public void testCompileErrorFile() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask("compileError.lst");
+ task.setFailonerror(false);
+ runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_ERROR);
+ }
+ public void testCompileWarningFile() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask("compileWarning.lst");
+ task.setFailonerror(false);
+ runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_WARNING);
+ }
+ public void testNoSuchFile() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask("NoSuchFile.lst");
+ task.setFailonerror(false);
+ runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.ONE_ERROR_ONE_ABORT);
+ }
+ public void testDefaultFileComplete() {
+ AjcTask task = getTask("default.lst");
+ task.setDebugLevel("none");
+ task.setDeprecation(true);
+ task.setFailonerror(false);
+ task.setNoExit(true); // ok to override Ant?
+ task.setNoImportError(true);
+ task.setNowarn(true);
+ task.setXNoweave(true);
+ task.setPreserveAllLocals(true);
+ task.setProceedOnError(true);
+ task.setReferenceInfo(true);
+ task.setSource("1.3");
+ task.setTarget("1.1");
+ task.setTime(true);
+ task.setVerbose(true);
+ task.setXlint("info");
+ runTest(task, NO_EXCEPTION, MessageHolderChecker.INFOS);
+ }
+ protected void runTest(
+ AjcTask task,
+ Class exceptionType,
+ MessageHolderChecker checker,
+ String messageHolderClass) {
+ task.setMessageHolderClass(messageHolderClass);
+ runTest(task, exceptionType, checker, (MessageHandler) null);
+ }
+ protected void runTest(
+ AjcTask task,
+ Class exceptionType,
+ MessageHolderChecker checker) {
+ MessageHandler holder = new MessageHandler();
+ task.setMessageHolder(holder);
+ runTest(task, exceptionType, checker, holder);
+ }
+ protected void runTest(
+ AjcTask task,
+ Class exceptionType,
+ MessageHolderChecker checker,
+ MessageHandler holder) {
+ Throwable thrown = null;
+ // re-run forked iff tools.jar and expect to pass
+ boolean rerunForked =
+ ((null != aspectjtoolsJar)
+ && (null == exceptionType)
+ && ((null == checker) || !checker.expectFail()));
+ String label = "same-vm ";
+ while (true) { // same vm, then perhaps forked
+ try {
+ task.execute();
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ thrown = t;
+ } finally {
+ deleteTempDir();
+ }
+ if (null == exceptionType) {
+ if (null != thrown) {
+ assertTrue(label + "thrown: " + render(thrown), false);
+ }
+ } else if (null == thrown) {
+ assertTrue(
+ label + "expected " + exceptionType.getName(),
+ false);
+ } else if (!(exceptionType.isAssignableFrom(thrown.getClass()))) {
+ assertTrue(
+ label
+ + "expected "
+ + exceptionType.getName()
+ + " got "
+ + render(thrown),
+ false);
+ }
+ if (null != holder) {
+ if (null == checker) {
+ checker = MessageHolderChecker.NONE;
+ }
+ checker.check(holder, label);
+ }
+ if (!rerunForked) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ label = "other-vm ";
+ rerunForked = false;
+ // can't reset without losing values...
+ task.setFork(true);
+ task.setFailonerror(true);
+ task.setForkclasspath(
+ new Path(task.getProject(), aspectjtoolsJar));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected String render(Throwable thrown) {
+ return LangUtil.renderException(thrown);
+ }
+ static class MessageHolderChecker { // XXX export to testing-utils
+ /** use as value to ignore results */
+ static int IGNORE = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+ static MessageHolderChecker NONE =
+ new MessageHolderChecker(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ /** any number (0+) of info messages */
+ static MessageHolderChecker INFOS =
+ new MessageHolderChecker(0, 0, 0, 0, IGNORE);
+ /** one error, any number of info messages */
+ static MessageHolderChecker ONE_ERROR =
+ new MessageHolderChecker(0, 0, 1, 0, IGNORE);
+ static MessageHolderChecker ONE_ERROR_ONE_ABORT =
+ new MessageHolderChecker(1, 0, 1, 0, IGNORE);
+ /** one warning, any number of info messages */
+ static MessageHolderChecker ONE_WARNING =
+ new MessageHolderChecker(0, 0, 0, 1, IGNORE);
+ int aborts, fails, errors, warnings, infos;
+ public MessageHolderChecker(
+ int aborts,
+ int fails,
+ int errors,
+ int warnings,
+ int infos) {
+ this.aborts = aborts;
+ this.fails = fails;
+ this.errors = errors;
+ this.warnings = warnings;
+ this.infos = infos;
+ }
+ public boolean expectFail() {
+ return (0 < (aborts + fails + errors));
+ }
+ public void check(IMessageHolder holder, String label) {
+ boolean failed = true;
+ try {
+ check(holder, aborts, IMessage.ABORT);
+ check(holder, fails, IMessage.FAIL);
+ check(holder, errors, IMessage.ERROR);
+ check(holder, warnings, IMessage.WARNING);
+ check(holder, infos, IMessage.INFO);
+ failed = false;
+ } finally {
+ if (failed) {
+ MessageUtil.print(System.err, holder, label + "failed?");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void check(
+ IMessageHolder holder,
+ int num,
+ IMessage.Kind kind) {
+ if (num != IGNORE) {
+ int actual = holder.numMessages(kind, false);
+ if (num != actual) {
+ if (actual > 0) {
+ MessageUtil.print(
+ System.err,
+ holder,
+ kind + " expected " + num + " got " + actual);
+ }
+ assertEquals(kind.toString(), num, actual);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class SnoopingCommandEditor implements ICommandEditor {
+ private static final String[] NONE = new String[0];
+ String[] lastCommand;
+ public String[] editCommand(String[] command) {
+ lastCommand = (String[]) LangUtil.safeCopy(command, NONE);
+ return command;
+ }
+ public String[] lastCommand() {
+ return (String[]) LangUtil.safeCopy(lastCommand, NONE);
+ }
class VerboseCommandEditor implements ICommandEditor {
- public static final String VERBOSE = "-verbose";
- public String[] editCommand(String[] command) {
- for (int i = 0; i < command.length; i++) {
- if (VERBOSE.equals(command[i])) {
- return command;
- }
- }
- String[] result = new String[1+command.length];
- result[0] = VERBOSE;
- System.arraycopy(result, 1, command, 0, command.length);
- return result;
- }
+ public static final String VERBOSE = "-verbose";
+ public String[] editCommand(String[] command) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < command.length; i++) {
+ if (VERBOSE.equals(command[i])) {
+ return command;
+ }
+ }
+ String[] result = new String[1 + command.length];
+ result[0] = VERBOSE;
+ System.arraycopy(result, 1, command, 0, command.length);
+ return result;
+ }
class AppendingCommandEditor implements ICommandEditor {
- private static String[] NONE = new String[0];
- public static ICommandEditor VERBOSE =
- new AppendingCommandEditor(new String[] {"-verbose"}, NONE);
- public static ICommandEditor INVALID =
- new AppendingCommandEditor(NONE, new String[] {"-invalidOption"});
- final String[] prefix;
- final String[] suffix;
- public AppendingCommandEditor(String[] prefix, String[] suffix) {
- this.prefix = prefix;
- this.suffix = suffix;
- }
+ private static String[] NONE = new String[0];
+ public static ICommandEditor VERBOSE =
+ new AppendingCommandEditor(new String[] { "-verbose" }, NONE);
+ public static ICommandEditor INVALID =
+ new AppendingCommandEditor(NONE, new String[] { "-invalidOption" });
+ final String[] prefix;
+ final String[] suffix;
+ public AppendingCommandEditor(String[] prefix, String[] suffix) {
+ this.prefix = prefix;
+ this.suffix = suffix;
+ }
- public String[] editCommand(String[] command) {
- int len = command.length + prefix.length + suffix.length;
- String[] result = new String[len];
- System.arraycopy(result, 0, prefix, 0, prefix.length);
- System.arraycopy(result, prefix.length, command, 0, command.length);
- System.arraycopy(result, prefix.length + command.length, suffix, 0, suffix.length);
- return result;
- }
+ public String[] editCommand(String[] command) {
+ int len = command.length + prefix.length + suffix.length;
+ String[] result = new String[len];
+ System.arraycopy(result, 0, prefix, 0, prefix.length);
+ System.arraycopy(result, prefix.length, command, 0, command.length);
+ System.arraycopy(
+ result,
+ prefix.length + command.length,
+ suffix,
+ 0,
+ suffix.length);
+ return result;
+ }