path: root/tests/build.xml
diff options
authorwisberg <wisberg>2005-06-08 23:48:58 +0000
committerwisberg <wisberg>2005-06-08 23:48:58 +0000
commita0c7aac5d11b34fa401456aa8b09bc83ed221932 (patch)
tree00dad8525f020d5ef6f8bdeea1e76aeb16c42bfb /tests/build.xml
parentab64b605f3bb81f3852a81440969d54e20a10308 (diff)
To run compiler tests, just `cd tests; ant test`
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/build.xml')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/tests/build.xml b/tests/build.xml
index aed5613f7..3029b7a6f 100644
--- a/tests/build.xml
+++ b/tests/build.xml
@@ -1,97 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="tests" default="all" basedir=".">
- <import file="../build/build-common.xml"/>
- <import file="../ajde/build.xml"/>
- <import file="../asm/build.xml"/>
- <import file="../bridge/build.xml"/>
- <import file="../testing/build.xml"/>
- <import file="../testing-drivers/build.xml"/>
- <import file="../org.aspectj.ajdt.core/build.xml"/>
- <path id="tests.test.src.path">
- <!-- all are for test run -->
- <path refid="tests.src.path"/>
- <pathelement path="../runtime/bin"/>
- <pathelement path="../weaver/bin"/>
- <fileset dir="${basedir}/../lib">
- <include name="junit/*.jar"/>
- <include name="commons/*.jar"/>
- </fileset>
- <fileset dir="${basedir}/../org.eclipse.jdt.core">
- <include name="*.jar"/>
- </fileset>
- </path>
- <path id="tests.src.path">
- <pathelement path="../ajde/bin"/>
- <pathelement path="../asm/bin"/>
- <pathelement path="../bridge/bin"/>
- <pathelement path="../org.aspectj.ajdt.core/bin"/>
- <pathelement path="../org.aspectj.ajdt.core/bintest"/>
- <pathelement path="../testing/bin"/>
- <pathelement path="../testing-drivers/bin"/>
- <pathelement path="../util/bin"/>
- <fileset dir="${basedir}/../lib">
- <include name="bcel/*.jar"/>
- </fileset>
- </path>
- <target name="compile" depends="init,
- ajde.compile,
- asm.compile,
- bridge.compile,
- org.aspectj.ajdt.core.compile,
- testing.compile,
- testing-drivers.compile,
- testing-util.compile,
- weaver.compile">
- <!-- we cannot use dependancies on any xxx.test:compile since it refers back xxx.compile that Ants
- interprets as this.compile due to <import directives, thus circular -->
- <testcompile project="weaver" path="weaver.test.src.path"/>
- <testcompile project="org.aspectj.ajdt.core" path="org.aspectj.ajdt.core.test.src.path"/>
- <srccompile project="tests" path="tests.src.path"/>
- </target>
- <target name="test:compile" depends="compile">
- <!-- no testsrc here (all should actually be a testsrc to ease Ant import things..) -->
- </target>
- <target name="test" depends="test:compile,
- runtime.compile,
- weaver.compile,
- tests.test.jdk13,
- tests.test.jdk14,
- tests.test.jdk15">
- <!-- Note: AllTests15 does run Java 1.3 and 1.4 test and so on -->
- </target>
- <!-- local target since macro does not support "if" -->
- <!-- FIXME remove macro usage here to use vmarg for -Dorg.aspectj.tools.ajc.Ajc.verbose=true support
- since it helps when test fails -->
- <target name="tests.test.jdk15" if="jdk15">
- <testrun project="tests" path="tests.test.src.path" suite="org.aspectj.systemtest.AllTests15"/>
- </target>
- <target name="tests.test.jdk14" if="jdk14">
- <testrun project="tests" path="tests.test.src.path" suite="org.aspectj.systemtest.AllTests14"/>
- </target>
- <target name="tests.test.jdk13" if="jdk13">
- <testrun project="tests" path="tests.test.src.path" suite="org.aspectj.systemtest.AllTests"/>
- </target>
- <!-- run a single test with "ant -Dtest=org.aspectj.systemtest.AllTests15 atest" -->
- <target name="atest" depends="test:compile,
- runtime.compile,
- weaver.compile">
- <junit showoutput="on" fork="on" haltonfailure="on" haltonerror="on" printsummary="on">
- <classpath>
- <pathelement path="../tests/bin"/>
- <pathelement path="../tests/bintest"/>
- <path refid="tests.test.src.path"/>
- </classpath>
- <test name="${test}"/>
- </junit>
- </target>
+<!-- see ../build/*.html for explanation -->
+<project name="tests" default="test" basedir=".">
+ <import file="${basedir}/../build/build.xml"/>