path: root/tests/java5/ataspectj
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authoracolyer <acolyer>2005-10-04 13:56:38 +0000
committeracolyer <acolyer>2005-10-04 13:56:38 +0000
commitb305f9ee512015657cad0ea722b8180d884b1f72 (patch)
tree1b9c2696672575838f39cc58bd86ba61eecaba79 /tests/java5/ataspectj
parent32a02ec2a3e15651249d5d7cc5f63fa409468b2a (diff)
itd support in the MAP
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/java5/ataspectj')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/java5/ataspectj/annotationGen/ITDTest.aj b/tests/java5/ataspectj/annotationGen/ITDTest.aj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..841af326b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/java5/ataspectj/annotationGen/ITDTest.aj
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+package a.b.c;
+import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.*;
+import java.lang.reflect.*;
+import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.*;
+public aspect ITDTest {
+ public void A.a(String s) {}
+ private void A.b(String s) {}
+ int A.c(String s) { return 1; }
+ public A.new(String s) {}
+ private A.new(String s,String s2) {}
+ A.new(String s, Object o) {}
+ public int A.f ;
+ private int A.g;
+ int A.h;
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException {
+ AjType<ITDTest> myType = AjTypeSystem.getAjType(ITDTest.class);
+ checkITDMs(myType);
+ checkITDFs(myType);
+ checkITDCs(myType);
+ checkAnnStyle();
+ }
+ private static void checkITDMs(AjType<?> itdTest) throws ClassNotFoundException {
+ InterTypeMethodDeclaration[] itdms = itdTest.getDeclaredITDMethods();
+ assertEquals("expecting 3 declared methods, got: ",3,itdms.length);
+ assertEquals("expecting method name a, got: ","a",itdms[0].getName());
+ assertEquals("expecting method name b, got: ","b",itdms[1].getName());
+ assertEquals("expecting method name c, got: ","c",itdms[2].getName());
+ assertEquals("expecting AjType<a.b.c.A>",AjTypeSystem.getAjType(A.class),itdms[0].getTargetType());
+ assertEquals("expecting public method, got:",true,Modifier.isPublic(itdms[0].getModifiers()));
+ assertEquals("expecting private method, got:",true,Modifier.isPrivate(itdms[1].getModifiers()));
+ assertEquals("expecting non-public method, got:",false,Modifier.isPublic(itdms[2].getModifiers()));
+ assertEquals("one param, got: ",1,itdms[0].getParameterTypes().length);
+ assertEquals("expecting String, got: ",String.class,itdms[0].getParameterTypes()[0].getJavaClass());
+ assertEquals("nothing thrown, but: ",0,itdms[1].getExceptionTypes().length);
+ assertEquals("expecting int, got: ",int.class,itdms[2].getReturnType().getJavaClass());
+ itdms = itdTest.getITDMethods();
+ assertEquals("expecting 1 method, got: ",1,itdms.length);
+ assertEquals("expecting method name a, got: ","a",itdms[0].getName());
+ try {
+ InterTypeMethodDeclaration m = itdTest.getDeclaredITDMethod("b",AjTypeSystem.getAjType(A.class),AjTypeSystem.getAjType(String.class));
+ assertEquals("expecting b, got: ","b",m.getName());
+ } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("didn't find expected itdm"); }
+ try {
+ InterTypeMethodDeclaration m = itdTest.getITDMethod("d",AjTypeSystem.getAjType(A.class),AjTypeSystem.getAjType(String.class));
+ throw new RuntimeException("Expected NoSuchMethodException not thrown");
+ } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { }
+ }
+ private static void checkITDFs(AjType<?> itdTest) throws ClassNotFoundException {
+ InterTypeFieldDeclaration[] itdfs = itdTest.getDeclaredITDFields();
+ assertEquals("expecting 3 declared fields, got: ",3, itdfs.length);
+ assertEquals("expecting field name f, got: ","f",itdfs[0].getName());
+ assertEquals("expecting field name g, got: ","g",itdfs[1].getName());
+ assertEquals("expecting field name h, got: ","h",itdfs[2].getName());
+ assertEquals("expecting AjType<a.b.c.A>",AjTypeSystem.getAjType(A.class),itdfs[0].getTargetType());
+ assertEquals("expecting public field, got:",true,Modifier.isPublic(itdfs[0].getModifiers()));
+ assertEquals("expecting private field, got:",true,Modifier.isPrivate(itdfs[1].getModifiers()));
+ assertEquals("expecting non-public field, got:",false,Modifier.isPublic(itdfs[2].getModifiers()));
+ assertEquals("expecting int, got: ",int.class,itdfs[2].getType().getJavaClass());
+ itdfs = itdTest.getITDFields();
+ assertEquals("expecting 1 field, got: ",1, itdfs.length);
+ assertEquals("expecting field name f, got: ","f",itdfs[0].getName());
+ try {
+ InterTypeFieldDeclaration f = itdTest.getDeclaredITDField("f",AjTypeSystem.getAjType(A.class));
+ assertEquals("expecting f, got: ","f",f.getName());
+ } catch(NoSuchFieldException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("didn't find expected itdf"); }
+ try {
+ InterTypeFieldDeclaration g = itdTest.getITDField("g",AjTypeSystem.getAjType(A.class));
+ throw new RuntimeException("Expected NoSuchFieldException not thrown");
+ } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) { }
+ }
+ private static void checkITDCs(AjType<?> itdTest) throws ClassNotFoundException {
+ InterTypeConstructorDeclaration[] itdcs = itdTest.getDeclaredITDConstructors();
+ assertEquals("expecting 3 declared constructors, got: ",3, itdcs.length);
+ InterTypeConstructorDeclaration pubDec = findPublicCons(itdcs);
+ InterTypeConstructorDeclaration privDec = findPrivateCons(itdcs);
+ InterTypeConstructorDeclaration defDec = findDefaultCons(itdcs);
+ if (pubDec == null || privDec == null || defDec == null) throw new RuntimeException("failed to find expected constructors");
+ assertEquals("two params, got: ",2,defDec.getParameterTypes().length);
+ assertEquals("expecting String, got: ",String.class,defDec.getParameterTypes()[0].getJavaClass());
+ assertEquals("expecting Object, got: ",Object.class,defDec.getParameterTypes()[1].getJavaClass());
+ assertEquals("nothing thrown, but: ",0,privDec.getExceptionTypes().length);
+ itdcs = itdTest.getITDConstructors();
+ assertEquals("expecting 1 cons, got: ",1,itdcs.length);
+ try {
+ InterTypeConstructorDeclaration c = itdTest.getDeclaredITDConstructor(AjTypeSystem.getAjType(A.class),AjTypeSystem.getAjType(String.class));
+ } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("didn't find expected itdm"); }
+ try {
+ InterTypeConstructorDeclaration c = itdTest.getITDConstructor(AjTypeSystem.getAjType(A.class),AjTypeSystem.getAjType(String.class),AjTypeSystem.getAjType(Object.class));
+ throw new RuntimeException("Expected NoSuchMethodException not thrown");
+ } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { }
+ }
+ private static InterTypeConstructorDeclaration findPublicCons(InterTypeConstructorDeclaration[] itcds) {
+ for( InterTypeConstructorDeclaration i : itcds) {
+ if (Modifier.isPublic(i.getModifiers())) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private static InterTypeConstructorDeclaration findPrivateCons(InterTypeConstructorDeclaration[] itcds) {
+ for( InterTypeConstructorDeclaration i : itcds) {
+ if (Modifier.isPrivate(i.getModifiers())) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private static InterTypeConstructorDeclaration findDefaultCons(InterTypeConstructorDeclaration[] itcds) {
+ for( InterTypeConstructorDeclaration i : itcds) {
+ if (!Modifier.isPublic(i.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isPrivate(i.getModifiers())) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private static void checkAnnStyle() {
+ AjType<X> x = AjTypeSystem.getAjType(X.class);
+ org.aspectj.lang.reflect.DeclareParents[] decps = x.getDeclareParents();
+ assertEquals("1 declare parents",1,decps.length);
+ assertEquals("implements",true,decps[0].isImplements());
+ assertEquals("X",x,decps[0].getDeclaringType());
+ assertEquals("org.xyz..*, got: ","org.xyz..*",decps[0].getTargetTypesPattern().asString());
+ try {
+ assertEquals("1: ",1,decps[0].getParentTypes().length);
+ assertEquals("I: ",I.class,((AjType<?>)decps[0].getParentTypes()[0]).getJavaClass());
+ } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(cnf);
+ }
+ assertEquals("1: ",1,x.getDeclaredITDFields().length);
+ assertEquals("i: ","i",x.getDeclaredITDFields()[0].getName());
+ assertEquals("1: ",1,x.getITDMethods().length);
+ assertEquals("getNumber: ","getNumber",x.getITDMethods()[0].getName());
+ }
+ private static void assertEquals(String msg, Object expected, Object actual) {
+ if (!expected.equals(actual)) throw new RuntimeException(msg + " " + actual.toString());
+ }
+class A {}
+class X {
+ @org.aspectj.lang.annotation.DeclareParents("org.xyz..*")
+ public static class Mixin implements I {
+ private int i = 0;
+ public int getNumber() { return i; }
+ }
+interface I {
+ int getNumber();