path: root/tests/src/org
diff options
authoraclement <aclement>2006-05-11 07:31:03 +0000
committeraclement <aclement>2006-05-11 07:31:03 +0000
commitcf19fbaa4da5a09e7325e612eb038b8220d34368 (patch)
treeab59170b5fcea4dc63bfdc41e73aa505284f371d /tests/src/org
parentac4db735b6f4d5b7d17f0b8d093b63b910c704bd (diff)
134471 - incremental structure model repair code overhaul - some new tests for incremental structure model repairs.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/src/org')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/incremental/tools/ b/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/incremental/tools/
index b2d329713..7d149f91f 100644
--- a/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/incremental/tools/
+++ b/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/incremental/tools/
@@ -24,13 +24,16 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder.AjState;
+import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder.AsmHierarchyBuilder;
import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder.IncrementalStateManager;
import org.aspectj.asm.AsmManager;
import org.aspectj.asm.IProgramElement;
import org.aspectj.asm.IRelationship;
import org.aspectj.asm.IRelationshipMap;
+import org.aspectj.asm.internal.Relationship;
import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessage;
import org.aspectj.testing.util.FileUtil;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.World;
* The superclass knows all about talking through Ajde to the compiler.
@@ -64,6 +67,103 @@ public class MultiProjectIncrementalTests extends AjdeInteractionTestbed {
+ /*
+ A.aj
+ package pack;
+ public aspect A {
+ pointcut p() : call(* C.method
+ before() : p() { // line 7
+ }
+ }
+ package pack;
+ public class C {
+ public void method1() {
+ method2(); // line 6
+ }
+ public void method2() { }
+ public void method3() {
+ method2(); // line 13
+ }
+ }*/
+ public void testDontLoseAdviceMarkers_pr134471() {
+ try {
+ AsmHierarchyBuilder.shouldAddUsesPointcut=false;
+ configureBuildStructureModel(true);
+ initialiseProject("P4");
+ build("P4");
+ dumpAJDEStructureModel("after full build where advice is applying");
+ // should be 4 relationship entries
+ // In inc1 the first advised line is 'commented out'
+ alter("P4","inc1");
+ build("P4");
+ checkWasntFullBuild();
+ dumpAJDEStructureModel("after inc build where first advised line is gone");
+ // should now be 2 relationship entries
+ // This will be the line 6 entry in
+ IProgramElement codeElement = findCode(checkForNode("pack","C",true));
+ // This will be the line 7 entry in
+ IProgramElement advice = findAdvice(checkForNode("pack","A",true));
+ IRelationshipMap asmRelMap = AsmManager.getDefault().getRelationshipMap();
+ assertEquals("There should be two relationships in the relationship map",
+ 2,asmRelMap.getEntries().size());
+ for (Iterator iter = asmRelMap.getEntries().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ String sourceOfRelationship = (String);
+ IProgramElement ipe = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy()
+ .findElementForHandle(sourceOfRelationship);
+ assertNotNull("expected to find IProgramElement with handle "
+ + sourceOfRelationship + " but didn't",ipe);
+ if (ipe.getKind().equals(IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE)) {
+ assertEquals("expected source of relationship to be " +
+ advice.toString() + " but found " +
+ ipe.toString(),advice,ipe);
+ } else if (ipe.getKind().equals(IProgramElement.Kind.CODE)) {
+ assertEquals("expected source of relationship to be " +
+ codeElement.toString() + " but found " +
+ ipe.toString(),codeElement,ipe);
+ } else {
+ fail("found unexpected relationship source " + ipe
+ + " with kind " + ipe.getKind()+" when looking up handle: "+sourceOfRelationship);
+ }
+ List relationships = asmRelMap.get(ipe);
+ assertNotNull("expected " + ipe.getName() +" to have some " +
+ "relationships",relationships);
+ for (Iterator iterator = relationships.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ Relationship rel = (Relationship);
+ List targets = rel.getTargets();
+ for (Iterator iterator2 = targets.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
+ String t = (String);
+ IProgramElement link = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy().findElementForHandle(t);
+ if (ipe.getKind().equals(IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE)) {
+ assertEquals("expected target of relationship to be " +
+ codeElement.toString() + " but found " +
+ link.toString(),codeElement,link);
+ } else if (ipe.getKind().equals(IProgramElement.Kind.CODE)) {
+ assertEquals("expected target of relationship to be " +
+ advice.toString() + " but found " +
+ link.toString(),advice,link);
+ } else {
+ fail("found unexpected relationship source " + ipe.getName()
+ + " with kind " + ipe.getKind());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ AsmHierarchyBuilder.shouldAddUsesPointcut=true;
+ configureBuildStructureModel(false);
+ }
+ }
// Compile a single simple project
public void testTheBasics() {
@@ -640,7 +740,6 @@ public class MultiProjectIncrementalTests extends AjdeInteractionTestbed {
public void testPr112736() {
- // AjdeInteractionTestbed.VERBOSE = true;
@@ -741,7 +840,7 @@ public class MultiProjectIncrementalTests extends AjdeInteractionTestbed {
// The logic within CrosscuttingMembers should then work out correctly
// that there haven't really been any changes within the aspect and so
// we shouldn't go back to source.
- public void testPr129163_2() {
+ public void testPr129163_2() {
// want to behave like AJDT
@@ -764,7 +863,7 @@ public class MultiProjectIncrementalTests extends AjdeInteractionTestbed {
// AjState to think that the aspect has changed. Together its then up to
// logic within CrosscuttingMembers and various equals methods to decide
// correctly that we don't have to go back to source.
- public void testPr129163_3() {
+ public void testPr129163_3() {
@@ -786,7 +885,7 @@ public class MultiProjectIncrementalTests extends AjdeInteractionTestbed {
- public void testPr131505() {
+ public void testPr131505() {
@@ -866,145 +965,272 @@ public class MultiProjectIncrementalTests extends AjdeInteractionTestbed {
- public void testPr134541() {
+ public void testPr134541() {
assertEquals("[Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] should be associated with line 5",5,
- checkWasntFullBuild(); // we've only added a white space therefore we
- // shouldn't be doing a full build
+ if (World.compareLocations)
+ checkWasFullBuild(); // the line number has changed... but nothing structural about the code
+ else
+ checkWasntFullBuild(); // the line number has changed... but nothing structural about the code
assertEquals("[Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] should now be associated with line 7",7,
- public void xtestPr134471() {
-// super.VERBOSE=true;
+ // 134471 related tests perform incremental compilation and verify features of the structure model post compile
+ public void testPr134471_IncrementalCompilationAndModelUpdates() {
+ try {
+ AsmHierarchyBuilder.shouldAddUsesPointcut=false;
- AsmManager.setReporting("c:/foo.txt",true,true,true,true);
configureNonStandardCompileOptions("-showWeaveInfo -emacssym");
+ // Step1. Build the code, simple advice from aspect A onto class C
- IProgramElement ipe = checkForNode("pkg","A",true);
- IProgramElement adviceNode = findAdvice(ipe);
- List relatedElements = getRelatedElements(adviceNode);
- StringBuffer debugString = new StringBuffer();
- if (relatedElements!=null) {
- for (Iterator iter = relatedElements.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
- String element = (String);
- debugString.append(AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy().findElementForHandle(element).toLabelString()).append("\n");
- }
- }
- // debug should be: 'p()' and 'method-call(void pkg.C.method2())' - first is 'uses pointcut' relation, second is 'advises'
- assertTrue("Should be 2 elements on the first build, but there are not:\n "+debugString,relatedElements!=null && relatedElements.size()==2);
- try {
- IProgramElement cNode = checkForNode("pkg","C",true);
- IProgramElement mNode = findCode(cNode);
- IRelationshipMap irm = AsmManager.getDefault().getRelationshipMap();
- List rels = (List)irm.get(mNode);
- IRelationship ir = (IRelationship)rels.get(0);
- List targs = ir.getTargets();
- String t1 = (String)targs.get(0);
- int ii = AsmManager.getDefault().getHandleProvider().getLineNumberForHandle(t1);
- assertTrue("Advice should be on line 7?? but is on line "+ii,ii==7);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- fail("Couldn't determine if the line number for the advice was right?!?");
- }
- // No change to the aspect at all !
+ // Step2. Quick check that the advice points to something...
+ IProgramElement nodeForTypeA = checkForNode("pkg","A",true);
+ IProgramElement nodeForAdvice = findAdvice(nodeForTypeA);
+ List relatedElements = getRelatedElements(nodeForAdvice,1);
+ // Step3. Check the advice applying at the first 'code' join point in pkg.C is from aspect pkg.A, line 7
+ IProgramElement programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true)));
+ int line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("advice should be at line 7 - but is at line "+line,line==7);
+ // Step4. Simulate the aspect being saved but with no change at all in it
- ipe = checkForNode("pkg","A",true);
- adviceNode = findAdvice(ipe);
- relatedElements = getRelatedElements(adviceNode);
- debugString = new StringBuffer();
- if (relatedElements!=null) {
- for (Iterator iter = relatedElements.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
- String element = (String);
- debugString.append(AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy().findElementForHandle(element).toLabelString()).append("\n");
- }
+ // Step5. Quick check that the advice points to something...
+ nodeForTypeA = checkForNode("pkg","A",true);
+ nodeForAdvice = findAdvice(nodeForTypeA);
+ relatedElements = getRelatedElements(nodeForAdvice,1);
+ // Step6. Check the advice applying at the first 'code' join point in pkg.C is from aspect pkg.A, line 7
+ programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true)));
+ line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("advice should be at line 7 - but is at line "+line,line==7);
+ } finally {
+ AsmHierarchyBuilder.shouldAddUsesPointcut=true;
- // debug should be: 'p()' and 'method-call(void pkg.C.method2())' - first is 'uses pointcut' relation, second is 'advises'
- assertTrue("Should be 2 elements on the second build, but there are not:\n "+debugString,relatedElements!=null && relatedElements.size()==2);
- public void xtestPr134471_2() {
- AsmManager.setReporting("c:/foo.txt",true,true,true,true);
+ // now the advice moves down a few lines - hopefully the model will notice... see discussion in 134471
+ public void testPr134471_MovingAdvice() {
configureNonStandardCompileOptions("-showWeaveInfo -emacssym");
+ // Step1. build the project
- IProgramElement ipe = checkForNode("pkg","A",true);
- IProgramElement adviceNode = findAdvice(ipe);
- List relatedElements = getRelatedElements(adviceNode);
- StringBuffer debugString = new StringBuffer();
- if (relatedElements!=null) {
- for (Iterator iter = relatedElements.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
- String element = (String);
- debugString.append(AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy().findElementForHandle(element).toLabelString()).append("\n");
- }
- }
- // debug should be: 'p()' and 'method-call(void pkg.C.method2())' - first is 'uses pointcut' relation, second is 'advises'
- assertTrue("Should be 2 elements on the first build, but there are not:\n "+debugString,relatedElements!=null && relatedElements.size()==2);
+ // Step2. confirm advice is from correct location
+ IProgramElement programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true)));
+ int line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("advice should be at line 7 - but is at line "+line,line==7);
+ // Step3. No structural change to the aspect but the advice has moved down a few lines... (change in source location)
+ alter("PR134471_2","inc1");
+ build("PR134471_2");
+ checkWasFullBuild(); // this is true whilst we consider sourcelocation in the type/shadow munger equals() method - have to until the handles are independent of location
+ // Step4. Check we have correctly realised the advice moved to line 11
+ programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true)));
+ line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("advice should be at line 11 - but is at line "+line,line==11);
+ }
+ public void testAddingAndRemovingDecwWithStructureModel() {
+ configureBuildStructureModel(true);
+ initialiseProject("P3");
+ build("P3");
+ alter("P3","inc1");
+ build("P3");
+ assertTrue("There should be no exceptions handled:\n"+MyErrorHandler.getErrorMessages(),
+ MyErrorHandler.getErrorMessages().isEmpty());
+ alter("P3","inc2");
+ build("P3");
+ assertTrue("There should be no exceptions handled:\n"+MyErrorHandler.getErrorMessages(),
+ MyErrorHandler.getErrorMessages().isEmpty());
+ configureBuildStructureModel(false);
+ }
+ // same as first test with an extra stage that asks for C to be recompiled, it should still be advised...
+ public void testPr134471_IncrementallyRecompilingTheAffectedClass() {
try {
- IProgramElement cNode = checkForNode("pkg","C",true);
- IProgramElement mNode = findCode(cNode);
- IRelationshipMap irm = AsmManager.getDefault().getRelationshipMap();
- List rels = (List)irm.get(mNode);
- IRelationship ir = (IRelationship)rels.get(0);
- List targs = ir.getTargets();
- String t1 = (String)targs.get(0);
- int ii = AsmManager.getDefault().getHandleProvider().getLineNumberForHandle(t1);
- assertTrue("After first build, advice should be on line 7?? but is on line "+ii,ii==7);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- fail("Couldn't determine if the line number for the advice was right?!?");
+ AsmHierarchyBuilder.shouldAddUsesPointcut=false;
+ configureBuildStructureModel(true);
+ configureNonStandardCompileOptions("-showWeaveInfo -emacssym");
+ // Step1. build the project
+ initialiseProject("PR134471");
+ build("PR134471");
+ // Step2. confirm advice is from correct location
+ IProgramElement programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true)));
+ int line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("advice should be at line 7 - but is at line "+line,line==7);
+ // Step3. No change to the aspect at all
+ alter("PR134471","inc1");
+ build("PR134471");
+ // Step4. Quick check that the advice points to something...
+ IProgramElement nodeForTypeA = checkForNode("pkg","A",true);
+ IProgramElement nodeForAdvice = findAdvice(nodeForTypeA);
+ List relatedElements = getRelatedElements(nodeForAdvice,1);
+ // Step5. No change to the file C but it should still be advised afterwards
+ alter("PR134471","inc2");
+ build("PR134471");
+ checkWasntFullBuild();
+ // Step6. confirm advice is from correct location
+ programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true)));
+ line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("advice should be at line 7 - but is at line "+line,line==7);
+ } finally {
+ AsmHierarchyBuilder.shouldAddUsesPointcut=true;
+ }
+ // similar to previous test but with 'declare warning' as well as advice
+ public void testPr134471_IncrementallyRecompilingAspectContainingDeclare() {
+ configureBuildStructureModel(true);
+ configureNonStandardCompileOptions("-showWeaveInfo -emacssym");
- //IProgramElement advisedNode = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy().findElementForHandle((String)relatedElements.get(1));
- // No structural change but the advice has moved down a few lines.
- alter("PR134471_2","inc1");
- build("PR134471_2");
- ipe = checkForNode("pkg","A",true);
- adviceNode = findAdvice(ipe);
- relatedElements = getRelatedElements(adviceNode);
- debugString = new StringBuffer();
+ // Step1. build the project
+ initialiseProject("PR134471_3");
+ build("PR134471_3");
+ checkWasFullBuild();
+ // Step2. confirm declare warning is from correct location, decw matches line 7 in pkg.C
+ IProgramElement programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true),7));
+ int line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("declare warning should be at line 10 - but is at line "+line,line==10);
+ // Step3. confirm advice is from correct location, advice matches line 6 in pkg.C
+ programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true),6));
+ line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("advice should be at line 7 - but is at line "+line,line==7);
+ // Step4. Move declare warning in the aspect
+ alter("PR134471_3","inc1");
+ build("PR134471_3");
+ checkWasFullBuild();
+ // Step5. confirm declare warning is from correct location, decw (now at line 12) in pkg.A matches line 7 in pkg.C
+ programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true),7));
+ line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("declare warning should be at line 12 - but is at line "+line,line==12);
+ // Step6. Now just simulate 'resave' of the aspect, nothing has changed
+ alter("PR134471_3","inc2");
+ build("PR134471_3");
+ checkWasntFullBuild();
+ // Step7. confirm declare warning is from correct location, decw (now at line 12) in pkg.A matches line 7 in pkg.C
+ programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true),7));
+ line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("declare warning should be at line 12 - but is at line "+line,line==12);
+ }
+ // similar to previous test but with 'declare warning' as well as advice
+ public void testPr134471_IncrementallyRecompilingTheClassAffectedByDeclare() {
+ configureBuildStructureModel(true);
+ configureNonStandardCompileOptions("-showWeaveInfo -emacssym");
+ // Step1. build the project
+ initialiseProject("PR134471_3");
+ build("PR134471_3");
+ checkWasFullBuild();
+ // Step2. confirm declare warning is from correct location, decw matches line 7 in pkg.C
+ IProgramElement programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true),7));
+ int line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("declare warning should be at line 10 - but is at line "+line,line==10);
+ // Step3. confirm advice is from correct location, advice matches line 6 in pkg.C
+ programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true),6));
+ line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("advice should be at line 7 - but is at line "+line,line==7);
+ // Step4. Move declare warning in the aspect
+ alter("PR134471_3","inc1");
+ build("PR134471_3");
+ checkWasFullBuild();
+ // Step5. confirm declare warning is from correct location, decw (now at line 12) in pkg.A matches line 7 in pkg.C
+ programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true),7));
+ line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("declare warning should be at line 12 - but is at line "+line,line==12);
+ // Step6. Now just simulate 'resave' of the aspect, nothing has changed
+ alter("PR134471_3","inc2");
+ build("PR134471_3");
+ checkWasntFullBuild();
+ // Step7. confirm declare warning is from correct location, decw (now at line 12) in pkg.A matches line 7 in pkg.C
+ programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true),7));
+ line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("declare warning should be at line 12 - but is at line "+line,line==12);
+ // Step8. Now just simulate resave of the pkg.C type - no change at all... are relationships gonna be repaired OK?
+ alter("PR134471_3","inc3");
+ build("PR134471_3");
+ checkWasntFullBuild();
+ // Step9. confirm declare warning is from correct location, decw (now at line 12) in pkg.A matches line 7 in pkg.C
+ programElement = getFirstRelatedElement(findCode(checkForNode("pkg","C",true),7));
+ line = programElement.getSourceLocation().getLine();
+ assertTrue("declare warning should be at line 12 - but is at line "+line,line==12);
+ }
+ // --- helper code ---
+ /**
+ * Retrieve program elements related to this one regardless of the relationship. A JUnit assertion is
+ * made that the number that the 'expected' number are found.
+ *
+ * @param programElement Program element whose related elements are to be found
+ * @param expected the number of expected related elements
+ */
+ private List/*IProgramElement*/ getRelatedElements(IProgramElement programElement,int expected) {
+ List relatedElements = getRelatedElements(programElement);
+ StringBuffer debugString = new StringBuffer();
if (relatedElements!=null) {
for (Iterator iter = relatedElements.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
String element = (String);
- // debug should be: 'p()' and 'method-call(void pkg.C.method2())' - first is 'uses pointcut' relation, second is 'advises'
- assertTrue("Should be 2 elements on the second build, but there are not:\n "+debugString,relatedElements!=null && relatedElements.size()==2);
- try {
- IProgramElement cNode = checkForNode("pkg","C",true);
- IProgramElement mNode = findCode(cNode);
- IRelationshipMap irm = AsmManager.getDefault().getRelationshipMap();
- List rels = (List)irm.get(mNode);
- IRelationship ir = (IRelationship)rels.get(0);
- List targs = ir.getTargets();
- String t1 = (String)targs.get(0);
- int ii = AsmManager.getDefault().getHandleProvider().getLineNumberForHandle(t1);
- assertTrue("After second build, advice should be on line 11?? but is on line "+ii,ii==11);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- fail("Couldn't determine if the line number for the advice was right?!?");
- }
+ assertTrue("Should be "+expected+" element"+(expected>1?"s":"")+" related to this one '"+programElement+
+ "' but found :\n "+debugString,relatedElements!=null && relatedElements.size()==1);
+ return relatedElements;
- // ---
+ private IProgramElement getFirstRelatedElement(IProgramElement programElement) {
+ List rels = getRelatedElements(programElement,1);
+ return AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy().findElementForHandle((String)rels.get(0));
+ }
private List/*IProgramElement*/ getRelatedElements(IProgramElement advice) {
List output = null;
IRelationshipMap map = AsmManager.getDefault().getRelationshipMap();
List/*IRelationship*/ rels = (List)map.get(advice);
+ if (rels==null) fail("Did not find any related elements!");
for (Iterator iter = rels.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
IRelationship element = (IRelationship);
List/*String*/ targets = element.getTargets();
@@ -1032,19 +1258,25 @@ public class MultiProjectIncrementalTests extends AjdeInteractionTestbed {
return null;
+ /**
+ * Finds the first 'code' program element below the element supplied - will return null if there aren't any
+ */
private IProgramElement findCode(IProgramElement ipe) {
- return findCode(ipe,1);
+ return findCode(ipe,-1);
- private IProgramElement findCode(IProgramElement ipe,int whichOne) {
+ /**
+ * Searches a hierarchy of program elements for a 'code' element at the specified line number, a line number
+ * of -1 means just return the first one you find
+ */
+ private IProgramElement findCode(IProgramElement ipe,int linenumber) {
if (ipe.getKind()==IProgramElement.Kind.CODE) {
- whichOne=whichOne-1;
- if (whichOne==0) return ipe;
+ if (linenumber==-1 || ipe.getSourceLocation().getLine()==linenumber) return ipe;
List kids = ipe.getChildren();
for (Iterator iter = kids.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
IProgramElement kid = (IProgramElement);
- IProgramElement found = findCode(kid,whichOne);
+ IProgramElement found = findCode(kid,linenumber);
if (found!=null) return found;
return null;
@@ -1252,4 +1484,36 @@ public class MultiProjectIncrementalTests extends AjdeInteractionTestbed {
+ private void dumpAJDEStructureModel(String prefix) {
+ System.out.println("======================================");//$NON-NLS-1$
+ System.out.println("start of AJDE structure model:"+prefix); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ IRelationshipMap asmRelMap = AsmManager.getDefault().getRelationshipMap();
+ for (Iterator iter = asmRelMap.getEntries().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ String sourceOfRelationship = (String);
+ IProgramElement ipe = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy()
+ .findElementForHandle(sourceOfRelationship);
+ System.err.println("Examining source relationship handle: "+sourceOfRelationship);
+ List relationships = asmRelMap.get(ipe);
+ if (relationships != null) {
+ for (Iterator iterator = relationships.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ Relationship rel = (Relationship);
+ List targets = rel.getTargets();
+ for (Iterator iterator2 = targets.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
+ String t = (String);
+ IProgramElement link = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy().findElementForHandle(t);
+ System.out.println(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ System.out.println(" sourceOfRelationship " + sourceOfRelationship); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ System.out.println(" relationship " + rel.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ System.out.println(" target " + link.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ System.out.println("End of AJDE structure model"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ System.out.println("======================================");//$NON-NLS-1$
+ }