path: root/util/src/org
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authoraclement <aclement>2006-07-03 14:37:24 +0000
committeraclement <aclement>2006-07-03 14:37:24 +0000
commitdac2ff628bffa7a34c362ec65cd963df5f0e7b77 (patch)
treecef3aef33551743403771c3c3d56e5ceb0fd5a78 /util/src/org
parent57120150bfebf93ba8347465cd88a29cff15e1e6 (diff)
new handle provider (pr141730): helper method
Diffstat (limited to 'util/src/org')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/src/org/aspectj/util/NameConvertor.java b/util/src/org/aspectj/util/NameConvertor.java
index df1292581..28809378d 100644
--- a/util/src/org/aspectj/util/NameConvertor.java
+++ b/util/src/org/aspectj/util/NameConvertor.java
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ public class NameConvertor {
private static final char LONG = 'J';
private static final char SHORT = 'S';
private static final char ARRAY = '[';
+ private static final char RESOLVED = 'L';
+ private static final char UNRESOLVED = 'Q';
+ public static final char PARAMETERIZED = 'P';
private static final char[] BOOLEAN_NAME = new char[]{'b','o','o','l','e','a','n'};
private static final char[] BYTE_NAME = new char[]{'b','y','t','e'};
@@ -35,6 +39,8 @@ public class NameConvertor {
private static final char[] GREATER_THAN = new char[]{'>'};
private static final char[] LESS_THAN = new char[]{'<'};
private static final char[] COMMA = new char[]{','};
+ private static final char[] BACKSLASH_LESSTHAN = new char[]{'\\','<'};
+ private static final char[] SEMICOLON = new char[]{';'};
@@ -135,5 +141,73 @@ public class NameConvertor {
+ /**
+ * Given 'Ppkg/MyGenericClass<Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;>;'
+ * will return 'QMyGenericClass<QString;QInteger;>;'
+ */
+ public static char[] createShortName(char[] c) {
+ int lt = CharOperation.indexOf('<',c);
+ int sc = CharOperation.indexOf(';',c);
+ int gt = CharOperation.indexOf('>',c);
+ int smallest = 0;
+ if (lt == -1 && sc == -1 && gt == -1) {
+ // we have something like 'Ljava/lang/String' or 'I'
+ return getTypeName(c);
+ } else if (lt != -1 && (sc == -1 || lt <= sc) && (gt == -1 || lt <= gt)) {
+ // we have something like 'Ljava/lang/String<I'
+ smallest = lt;
+ } else if (sc != -1 && (lt == -1 || sc <= lt) && (gt == -1 || sc <= gt)) {
+ // we have something like 'Ljava/lang/String;I'
+ smallest = sc;
+ } else {
+ // we have something like '>;'
+ smallest = gt;
+ }
+ char[] first = CharOperation.subarray(c,0,smallest);
+ char[] second = CharOperation.subarray(c,smallest+1,c.length);
+ if (smallest == 0 && first.length == 0 && c[0] == '>') {
+ // c = {'>',';'} therefore we just want to return c to
+ // close the generic signature
+ return c;
+ } else if (first.length == 1 && second.length == 0) {
+ return first;
+ } else if (second.length == 0 || (second.length == 1 && second[0] == ';')){
+ // we've reached the end of the array, therefore only care about
+ // the first part
+ return createShortName(first);
+ } else if (smallest == lt) {
+ // if c = 'Ljava/lang/String;<I' then first = 'Ljava/Lang/String;' and
+ // second = 'I'. Want to end up with 'LString<I' and so add
+ // the '<' back.
+ char[] inclLT = CharOperation.concat(createShortName(first),BACKSLASH_LESSTHAN);
+ return CharOperation.concat(inclLT,createShortName(second));
+ } else if (smallest == gt) {
+ char[] inclLT = CharOperation.concat(createShortName(first),GREATER_THAN);
+ return CharOperation.concat(inclLT,createShortName(second));
+ } else {
+ // if c = 'Ljava/lang/Sting;LMyClass;' then first = 'Ljava/lang/String'
+ // and second = 'LMyClass;'. Want to end up with 'QString;QMyClass;
+ // so add the ';' back
+ char[] firstTypeParam = CharOperation.concat(createShortName(first),SEMICOLON);
+ return CharOperation.concat(firstTypeParam,createShortName(second));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given 'Qjava/lang/String;' returns 'QString;'
+ */
+ public static char[] getTypeName(char[] name) {
+ int i = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('/',name);
+ if (i != -1) {
+ if (name[0] == RESOLVED || name[0] == PARAMETERIZED) {
+ return CharOperation.concat(new char[]{UNRESOLVED},
+ CharOperation.subarray(name,i+1,name.length));
+ } else {
+ return CharOperation.concat(new char[]{name[0]},
+ CharOperation.subarray(name,i+1,name.length));
+ }
+ }
+ return name;
+ }