path: root/weaver/features.txt
diff options
authorwisberg <wisberg>2002-12-16 17:58:19 +0000
committerwisberg <wisberg>2002-12-16 17:58:19 +0000
commitd842c4f1139629c1f062b74ba818d233b2c31043 (patch)
tree842d3871620bc0eb60edcd95e55804d67e0f61fa /weaver/features.txt
parent3ce247199704eae6b2c92c6e38c69584e3250c52 (diff)
initial version
Diffstat (limited to 'weaver/features.txt')
1 files changed, 305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/weaver/features.txt b/weaver/features.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c62391eb
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+AspectJ 1.1 Features
+About this document
+This document contains information about the proposed features of
+AspectJ 1.1. It assumes as a baseline that AspectJ 1.1 includes all
+the features of AspectJ 1.0.6. Any feature difference, especially
+incompatible changes, should be noted. It is organized by DOWNLOAD.
+Inside the tools download there are sections per feature.
+Feel free to just stick shorthand notes at the end of this file, and
+move them up to the New Features (or other) section as we want.
+* -sourceroots/-injars matrix completeness
+* do we release ant tasks in beta?
+* do we call beta alpha or alpha beta?
+General deliverables: Two licence files. A readme. Possibly a changes.
+---- runtime
+Deliverable: aspectjrt.jar
+* RUNTIME_LICENCE: AspectjRT.jar now has a BSD-style licence [NOT BETA]
+* JOINPOINT_NAMES: Added constant fields holding constant names for
+ the join points.
+* NO_COLUMN_NUMBER: thisJoinPoint.getSourceLocation().getColumn()
+ is incompatible with bytecode weaving and can not be supported.
+ Do we want to remove the method or make it return -1?
+* NOT_10_BINARY_COMPATIBLE: Some modifications to classes in internal
+ packages means that code built with 1.1 won't run on the 1.0 version
+ of aspectjrt.jar.
+ [XXX this has always been true and sounds more scary than it is.
+ The readme/docs do/should always say that you need to compile and
+ run with at least the same version of the runtime classes as
+ the compiler]
+---- tools
+Deliverable: aspectjtools.jar
+* Single jar containing .class files for all components listed below.
+ This will contain code under both the CPL and the MPL.
+---- ajc
+Deliverable: ajc, ajc.bat
+-- new features
+* NO_SOURCE: -source/-usejavac options are not supported [INCOMPATIBLE]
+* SOURCEROOT: -sourceroots option indicates that all source files in
+ a particular directory tree should be compiled [NEW]
+ This option is the only way that sourcefiles can currently be
+ specified for incremental compilation on the command-line.
+* BYTECODE_WEAVING: supporting bytecode-containing jar files as input
+ for the compiler. [NEW]
+ * Command-line: -injars option
+ Not supported in incremental mode.
+ * Eclipse: not supported [BETA]
+ This has a ripple effect on "code the compiler controls" issues.
+ There are obfustication issues that should be discussed in the readme
+* OUTJAR: supports generating a single .jar file with the results of a
+ compilation, rather than separate .class files. This should be
+ most useful when weaving into existing .jar files. The resulting jar
+ file has no meta-information, just classes. [question: compression level?]
+ [NEW]
+* BINARY_ASPECTS: Aspects may be compiled to a standalone bytecode
+ form, and later be used in a linking/compiling phase to affect join
+ points. [NEW]
+ This will only be partially working in beta1: The front-end is not
+ reading the binary aspects. [BETA]
+* INCREMENTAL: incremental compilation [NEW]
+ * Command-line: interface is using -sourceroots and typing <enter>
+ for an incremental recompile. Better interfaces are possible
+ in the future.
+ * Eclipse: invisible
+ * JBuilder/Netbeans: ??
+ * Emacs: possibly using new command-line interface?
+ * Ant: unsupported in BETA
+* NORMAL_OPTIONS: now supporting many javac options ajc failed to in 1.0:
+ essentially those supported in the ECLIPSE_OPTIONS [NEW]
+* ECLIPSE_OPTIONS: The eclipse compiler provides a large number of
+ options for controlling its behavior, i.e. -warn:unusedLocals. All
+ of these options may be passed to the command-line ajc compiler. Mik should
+ be bugged to get full list and description of the options [NEW]
+-- features not supported yet
+* NO_WEAVE: An option with unknown name that generates code but does
+ no back-end weaving [NO BETA]
+* SOURCE_INFORMATION: Source file information in error messages may be
+ either better or worse (depending on how well we do our eclipse
+ integration, this may not happen). [INCOMPATIBLE, MINIMAL]
+ JSR 45 information is not created/maintained. [BETA]
+* NO_AROUND_OPTIMIZATION: -XinlineAroundClosure not implemented.
+ [INCOMPATIBLE] No inlining at all [BETA].
+* NO_CALLEE_SIDE_CALL: Not implemented [BETA]
+* OTHER_X_OPTIONS: XaddSafePrefix (not used anymore, but we make some
+ weak guarantees about this), XserializableAspects [see below]
+ XTargetNearSource [see below]
+-- features no longer supported
+* NO_SOURCE: -preprocess/-usejavac/-nocomment/-workingdir options are
+ not supported [INCOMPATIBLE]
+* NO_STRICT_LENIENT: The -strict/-lenient flags are no longer
+ supported, since we no longer own the compiler [INCOMPATIBLE, MINIMAL]
+* NO_PORTING: The -porting flag is no longer supported.
+---- Ajdb
+* NO_AJDB: Ajdb is no longer supported, shipped, talked about,
+ seen, or believed to exist. We write a nice couple of paragraphs
+ about JSR 45. [INCOMPATIBLE]
+---- Ajdoc
+* NO_AJDOC: Ajdoc is not provided [BETA, possibly but not certainly
+ FINAL as well]
+---- ajbrowser
+* NO_CROSSCUTTING_STRUCTURE: Crosscutting structure is not shown
+DOWNLOADS: AJDE for Jbuilder, AJDE for Netbeans, AJDE for Emacs
+Deliverables: 3 downloads, same as 1.0.6 (Mik, expand?)
+* NO_AJDE_INCREMENTAL_COMPILATION: the 1.1 compiler will only
+ work in batch mode [BETA_ONLY]
+* NO_TARGET_NEAR_SOURCE: -XTargetNearSource option is not supported in
+ the 1.1 command-line compiler. [INCOMPATIBLE]
+DOWNLOAD: ajc ant tasks
+Deliverables: 1 download, same as 1.0.6
+ - adding experimental taskdef based on DefaultCompilerAdapter
+ - updated taskdef to use new compiler interface
+ - neither support incremental mode [XXX leave ant running, touch tag file?]
+DOWNLOAD: Source distributions
+Tools Source: completely revamped, includes license for org.eclipse package
+AJDE-JBuilder Source: basically the same, if aspectjtools.jar is one jar
+AJDE-Netbeans Source: basically the same, if aspectjtools.jar is one jar
+DOWNLOAD: Documentation
+Deliverable: 1 or 0 downloads. Main deliverable is fleshed-out
+version of this document with outgoing links to bare or updated 1.0.6
+Changes (language changes):
+* THROWS_PATTERN: Typename patterns are allowed in place of typenames
+ in throws clauses. This is
+ [NEW]
+* CALLEE_SIDE_CALLS: 1.1 may pick out different callee-side call join
+ points than 1.0.6 on the same code. [INCOMPATIBLE]
+* SINGLE_INTERCLASS_TARGET: 1.1 does not allow inter-class
+ declarations to be made with a TypePattern as target. (workaround
+ available, defense can be presented if asked). [INCOMPATIBLE]
+* SINGLE_TYPENAME_PATTERN_TARGET: A simple type-name pattern with no
+ wildcard can match no more than one type. The type that it matches
+ is determined at compile-time. [INCOMPATIBLE]
+* ASPECT_PRECEDENCE: Dominates is replaced/mirrored with alternate
+ declare-space specification, or it's not. (??) [INCOMPATIBLE, or
+ * Initializer Execution join points no longer exist. The
+ information needed to pick them out doesn't exist in bytecode.
+ there was not kinded pcd for it, and we're not sure anyone will
+ actually notice the difference.
+ * Others? (??)
+* CONSTRUCTOR_EXECUTION_IS_BIGGER: constructor execution join points
+ (of constructors which call super) include the code for instance
+ initialization (the code inside the old initializer execution join
+ point). Again, the information needed to NOT include this code
+ isn't available in bytecode. This could be a big deal... before
+ advice on many constructor execution join points will run before the
+ dynamic initializers run. [INCOMPATIBLE]
+* NEW_PCDS: Kinded PCDs are available for every kind of join
+ point. This is
+ [NEW]
+ * adviceExecution (spelling?)
+ * preInitialization (spelling?)
+* WITHIN_MEMBER_TYPES: Within of a member type (NOT a package-level
+ type) such as within(pkg.Type.MemberType) is not guaranteed to pick
+ out code inside anonymous and local types. (JLS 13.1). If anyone
+ cares, we can do tests on jikes/javac/eclipse to see if we actually
+ do, but this is hopefully a completely minimal issue [INCOMPATIBLE,
+ MINIMAL]. It is unclear if this is a fundamental limitation of
+ bytecode weaving or if it can be fixed with further work.
+Documentation caveats:
+- example code not updated [XXX?]
+- quick ref
+Future work
+There are a number of changes that clearly would be either useful or
+easy (hopefully things that are both useful and easy are already
+done), but we don't plan to actually ship them in 1.1.
+Shorthand notes
+- no optimizations for per* aspects
+- declare soft unimplemented [this is on the table for not doing for beta]
+- privileged unimplemented [this is on the table for not doing for beta]
+- declare dominates (?) [decided before beta]
+- declare error/warning source locations are weaker than just missing column [BETA]
+- a note for the dangerous bends section of the programming guide
+ Base.m() throws IOException
+ Derived.m() [no throws]
+ call(void Base.m() throws IOException)
+ --> this doesn't match new Derived().m(), but will without the throws
+- The status of the -XserializableAspects flag is iceberg-like.
+- Don't implement intra-type static members onto interfaces
+- Don't handle introduced fields with constant values
+- no crosscuting structure means no inline annotations w/ -emacssym, but speedbar still
+ shows declaration tree