path: root/weaver/src
diff options
authoracolyer <acolyer>2006-06-22 06:29:11 +0000
committeracolyer <acolyer>2006-06-22 06:29:11 +0000
commit685d347782772e00d14b078c065162b44e79d40d (patch)
treecec40fb3b6bd14e95c80cd9fdfeb8bd415abcaed /weaver/src
parent426cbdccfdf8fcfcda07b86d8e524d1034b2d0b7 (diff)
refactored implementation of weaveAfterReturning - this is now much clearer and easier to follow.
Diffstat (limited to 'weaver/src')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/
index 30d6f6040..a6523a392 100644
--- a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/
+++ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/
@@ -1725,105 +1725,175 @@ public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
- * We guarantee that the return value is on the top of the stack when
- * munger.getAdviceInstructions() will be run
- * (Unless we have a void return type in which case there's nothing)
+ * The basic strategy here is to add a set of instructions at the end of
+ * the shadow range that dispatch the advice, and then return whatever the
+ * shadow was going to return anyway.
+ *
+ * To achieve this, we note all the return statements in the advice, and
+ * replace them with code that:
+ * 1) stores the return value on top of the stack in a temp var
+ * 2) jumps to the start of our advice block
+ * 3) restores the return value at the end of the advice block before
+ * ultimately returning
+ *
+ * We also need to bind the return value into a returning parameter, if the
+ * advice specified one.
public void weaveAfterReturning(BcelAdvice munger) {
- // InstructionFactory fact = getFactory();
- List returns = new ArrayList();
- Instruction ret = null;
- for (InstructionHandle ih = range.getStart(); ih != range.getEnd(); ih = ih.getNext()) {
- if (ih.getInstruction() instanceof ReturnInstruction) {
- returns.add(ih);
- ret = Utility.copyInstruction(ih.getInstruction());
- }
- }
- InstructionList retList;
- InstructionHandle afterAdvice;
+ List returns = findReturnInstructions();
+ boolean hasReturnInstructions = !returns.isEmpty();
+ // list of instructions that handle the actual return from the join point
+ InstructionList retList = new InstructionList();
+ // variable that holds the return value
BcelVar returnValueVar = null;
- if (ret != null) {
- if (this.getReturnType() != ResolvedType.VOID) {
- returnValueVar = genTempVar(this.getReturnType());
- retList = new InstructionList();
- returnValueVar.appendLoad(retList,getFactory());
- } else {
- retList = new InstructionList(ret);
- }
- retList.append(ret);
- afterAdvice = retList.getStart();
- } else /* if (munger.hasDynamicTests()) */ {
- /*
- *
- 27: getstatic #72; //Field ajc$cflowCounter$0:Lorg/aspectj/runtime/internal/CFlowCounter;
- 30: invokevirtual #87; //Method org/aspectj/runtime/internal/CFlowCounter.dec:()V
- 33: aload 6
- 35: athrow
- 36: nop
- 37: getstatic #72; //Field ajc$cflowCounter$0:Lorg/aspectj/runtime/internal/CFlowCounter;
- 40: invokevirtual #87; //Method org/aspectj/runtime/internal/CFlowCounter.dec:()V
- 43: d2i
- 44: invokespecial #23; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
- */
- retList = new InstructionList(InstructionConstants.NOP);
- afterAdvice = retList.getStart();
-// } else {
-// retList = new InstructionList();
-// afterAdvice = null;
+ if (hasReturnInstructions) {
+ returnValueVar = generateReturnInstructions(returns,retList);
+ } else {
+ // we need at least one instruction, as the target for jumps
+ retList.append(InstructionConstants.NOP);
- InstructionList advice = new InstructionList();
- BcelVar tempVar = null;
- if (munger.hasExtraParameter()) {
- UnresolvedType tempVarType = getReturnType();
- if (tempVarType.equals(ResolvedType.VOID)) {
- tempVar = genTempVar(UnresolvedType.OBJECT);
- advice.append(InstructionConstants.ACONST_NULL);
- tempVar.appendStore(advice, getFactory());
- } else {
- tempVar = genTempVar(tempVarType);
- advice.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(tempVarType.getSize()));
- tempVar.appendStore(advice, getFactory());
- }
- }
- advice.append(munger.getAdviceInstructions(this, tempVar, afterAdvice));
+ // list of instructions for dispatching to the advice itself
+ InstructionList advice = getAfterReturningAdviceDispatchInstructions(
+ munger, retList.getStart());
- if (ret != null) {
+ if (hasReturnInstructions) {
InstructionHandle gotoTarget = advice.getStart();
for (Iterator i = returns.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
InstructionHandle ih = (InstructionHandle);
- // pr148007, work around JRockit bug
- // replace ret with store into returnValueVar, followed by goto if not
- // at the end of the instruction list...
- InstructionList newInstructions = new InstructionList();
- if (returnValueVar != null) {
- if (munger.hasExtraParameter()) {
- // we have to dup the return val before consuming it...
- newInstructions.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(this.getReturnType().getSize()));
- }
- // store the return value into this var
- returnValueVar.appendStore(newInstructions,getFactory());
- }
- if (!isLastInstructionInRange(ih,range)) {
- newInstructions.append(InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(
- Constants.GOTO,
- gotoTarget));
- }
- if (newInstructions.isEmpty()) {
- newInstructions.append(InstructionConstants.NOP);
- }
- Utility.replaceInstruction(ih,newInstructions,enclosingMethod);
+ retargetReturnInstruction(munger.hasExtraParameter(), returnValueVar, gotoTarget, ih);
- range.append(advice);
- range.append(retList);
- } else {
- range.append(advice);
- range.append(retList);
- }
+ }
+ range.append(advice);
+ range.append(retList);
+ /**
+ * @return a list of all the return instructions in the range of this shadow
+ */
+ private List findReturnInstructions() {
+ List returns = new ArrayList();
+ for (InstructionHandle ih = range.getStart(); ih != range.getEnd(); ih = ih.getNext()) {
+ if (ih.getInstruction() instanceof ReturnInstruction) {
+ returns.add(ih);
+ }
+ }
+ return returns;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given a list containing all the return instruction handles for this shadow,
+ * finds the last return instruction and copies it, making this the ultimate
+ * return. If the shadow has a non-void return type, we also create a temporary
+ * variable to hold the return value, and load the value from this var before
+ * returning (see pr148007 for why we do this - it works around a JRockit bug,
+ * and is also closer to what javac generates)
+ * @param returns list of all the return instructions in the shadow
+ * @param returnInstructions instruction list into which the return instructions should
+ * be generated
+ * @return the variable holding the return value, if needed
+ */
+ private BcelVar generateReturnInstructions(List returns, InstructionList returnInstructions) {
+ BcelVar returnValueVar = null;
+ InstructionHandle lastReturnHandle = (InstructionHandle)returns.get(returns.size() - 1);
+ Instruction newReturnInstruction = Utility.copyInstruction(lastReturnHandle.getInstruction());
+ if (this.hasANonVoidReturnType()) {
+ returnValueVar = genTempVar(this.getReturnType());
+ returnValueVar.appendLoad(returnInstructions,getFactory());
+ } else {
+ returnInstructions.append(newReturnInstruction);
+ }
+ returnInstructions.append(newReturnInstruction);
+ return returnValueVar;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return true, iff this shadow returns a value
+ */
+ private boolean hasANonVoidReturnType() {
+ return this.getReturnType() != ResolvedType.VOID;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the list of instructions used to dispatch to the after advice
+ * @param munger
+ * @param firstInstructionInReturnSequence
+ * @return
+ */
+ private InstructionList getAfterReturningAdviceDispatchInstructions(BcelAdvice munger, InstructionHandle firstInstructionInReturnSequence) {
+ InstructionList advice = new InstructionList();
+ BcelVar tempVar = null;
+ if (munger.hasExtraParameter()) {
+ tempVar = insertAdviceInstructionsForBindingReturningParameter(advice);
+ }
+ advice.append(munger.getAdviceInstructions(this, tempVar, firstInstructionInReturnSequence));
+ return advice;
+ }
+ /**
+ * If the after() returning(Foo f) form is used, bind the return value to the parameter.
+ * If the shadow returns void, bind null.
+ * @param advice
+ * @return
+ */
+ private BcelVar insertAdviceInstructionsForBindingReturningParameter(InstructionList advice) {
+ BcelVar tempVar;
+ UnresolvedType tempVarType = getReturnType();
+ if (tempVarType.equals(ResolvedType.VOID)) {
+ tempVar = genTempVar(UnresolvedType.OBJECT);
+ advice.append(InstructionConstants.ACONST_NULL);
+ tempVar.appendStore(advice, getFactory());
+ } else {
+ tempVar = genTempVar(tempVarType);
+ advice.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(tempVarType.getSize()));
+ tempVar.appendStore(advice, getFactory());
+ }
+ return tempVar;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper method for weaveAfterReturning
+ *
+ * Each return instruction in the method body is retargeted by calling this method.
+ * The return instruction is replaced by up to three instructions:
+ * 1) if the shadow returns a value, and that value is bound to an after returning
+ * parameter, then we DUP the return value on the top of the stack
+ * 2) if the shadow returns a value, we store it in the returnValueVar (it will
+ * be retrieved from here when we ultimately return after the advice dispatch)
+ * 3) if the return was the last instruction, we add a NOP (it will fall through
+ * to the advice dispatch), otherwise we add a GOTO that branches to the
+ * supplied gotoTarget (start of the advice dispatch)
+ */
+ private void retargetReturnInstruction(boolean hasReturningParameter, BcelVar returnValueVar, InstructionHandle gotoTarget, InstructionHandle returnHandle) {
+ // pr148007, work around JRockit bug
+ // replace ret with store into returnValueVar, followed by goto if not
+ // at the end of the instruction list...
+ InstructionList newInstructions = new InstructionList();
+ if (returnValueVar != null) {
+ if (hasReturningParameter) {
+ // we have to dup the return val before consuming it...
+ newInstructions.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(this.getReturnType().getSize()));
+ }
+ // store the return value into this var
+ returnValueVar.appendStore(newInstructions,getFactory());
+ }
+ if (!isLastInstructionInRange(returnHandle,range)) {
+ newInstructions.append(InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(
+ Constants.GOTO,
+ gotoTarget));
+ }
+ if (newInstructions.isEmpty()) {
+ newInstructions.append(InstructionConstants.NOP);
+ }
+ Utility.replaceInstruction(returnHandle,newInstructions,enclosingMethod);
+ }
private boolean isLastInstructionInRange(InstructionHandle ih, ShadowRange aRange) {
return ih.getNext() == aRange.getEnd();